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Game of Thrones: Season 2Follow

#27 Apr 09 2012 at 9:24 AM Rating: Excellent
6,471 posts
Sir Spoonless wrote:
Demea wrote:
They also changed the name of Theon's sister (in the book, her name is Asha), which completely perplexes me.
I believe it was to help alleviate confusion with other characters with similar names, primarily Osha. She's one of my favorite characters in the books. I'm hoping she has a more central role going forward.

Hey. Hey you. Spoon guy. Yeah, you.

Stop it with yer answers for questions I already answered. You're cutting in on my rate up potential. Smiley: mad

Edited, Apr 9th 2012 11:24am by Eske
#28 Apr 09 2012 at 9:26 AM Rating: Good
13,251 posts
Yeah, I didn't reload the page before posting. Oh well.
#29 Apr 09 2012 at 6:17 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
As someone who has not read the books, it's not hard to follow (I decided early in the WoT series that I would wait until any long series was done before reading anything, which has frankly served me well IMO).

Aripyanfar wrote:
A sharp viewer who has never read the books will have picked up:

Melisandre is a pastor/preistess of a cult religion that is in opposition to the mainstream religion of the old gods. It's actively trying to convert new members and depose the old religion. It converts and dominates through fear (the night is dark and full of terrors) and promises light (and salvation) through fire.

Yeah. There have been enough hints and visuals through the first season to get what was going on here. It was slightly jarring to have a shift to characters we'd yet to see, but Stannis was mentioned in the first season, so it was enough to follow. The one part not really explained is *why*. Assuming that the difference in religious has to play some part later, else you could just show Stannis preparing to throw his hat in the ring and leave her out of it.

Melisandre has something going up with her, because she knowingly took a poisoned cup and drank it, surviving it while an educated Maestor who defends the old religion does not survive the poison. Good propaganda! And how did she manage that?

Yup. Assuming that's the "why" part from earlier. One bit I do like about the series is that magic is kinda hinted at most of the time, but usually in a mythological sense. Then, every once in awhile something overtly magical happens. It makes you constantly wonder which stuff is faked and which is actually some form of magic going on. It's a good thing.

Hopefully caught that Stannis is the middle child after Robert Baratheon, and after the death of Robert, if Robert has no legitimate children and did not will otherwise, Stannis should automatically legally be the new King, not Renly his youngest brother. Even if more people like Renly over Stannis.

This should have been clear in the first season since it's the core bit that leads to Ned's death, and there's a couple whole dialog sections with Renly being talked into taking power for himself by ****-boy-rose-knight instead of letting his older brother take it.

To be fair though, I picked up a hell of a lot of the side details the second time I watched the first season though. I completely did not get the significance or relationship between the Hound and the Mountain, for example, the first time through. And also didn't get Renly and his boyfriend (but did get who Renly was!). Also didn't understand who Theon was at all the first time through. I kept thinking he was one of Stark's sons, or some trainer for his kids or something (though he seemed more of a peer age wise, which is why he didn't make any sense). There are a lot of characters, and you're often not sure which ones are going to be significant later until after they become significant. Then you can't remember what dialog was going on about them earlier.

Should have caught that Stannis has lots of ships, which are needed to attack King's Landing. Might not have caught that Stannis's fortress is on an island.

I kinda saw it the other way. He was trying to get ships to attack King's Landing. The fact that he's on an island could only be missed if you don't pay attention to the opening sequence. One of the things I figured out early in the first season is that the sequence changes each episode to match whatever geographical areas are involved. So if you watch it, you'll know where the various actions occurring in that episode are (more or less). Also, you'll know where some new place is on the map (cause you'll see something you haven't seen before), so when something happens somewhere you haven't seen before you know where it is.

The first episode showed Dragonstone? (can't remember the name off hand since they haven't mentioned it, but it's written on the map but cuts away pretty quick), which was the only place in the sequence I hadn't seen before. So I knew that's where Stannis must be. Episode two added Theron's family home (also can't recall the name right now), so same deal.

Caught that Davros has an influential relationship with Stannis, which gives him some power in his community. But that Davros doesn't dare to directly challenge Melisandre, so she obviously has MORE influence with Stannis.


Melisandre said something about a prophecy about drawing a sword from flame. She duly had Stannis perform said prophecy. This reminded me of when John burnt his hand. did he burn his hand while going for a weapon, or am I misremembering?

Figured that was just theater for the crowd, but you never know.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#30 Apr 09 2012 at 8:42 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
As someone who hasn't read the books, I found Theon's behavior a little unexpected. I guess since he wasn't very active in the last season I didn't get a good feel for him as a character. I laughed as he felt up (and down) his sister.

I also found the captain's ugly daughter strangely attractive. Maybe it was because she was naked, but I couldn't help but think "I'd hit that."
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#31 Apr 09 2012 at 9:20 PM Rating: Excellent
6,471 posts
TirithRR wrote:
As someone who hasn't read the books, I found Theon's behavior a little unexpected. I guess since he wasn't very active in the last season I didn't get a good feel for him as a character. I laughed as he felt up (and down) his sister.

I also found the captain's ugly daughter strangely attractive. Maybe it was because she was naked, but I couldn't help but think "I'd hit that."

Yeesh. I sure wouldn't. That smile could shatter mirrors.

Regarding Theon: there are a couple scenes in the first season that were intended to clue you on to his negative qualities. There's the bit where he postures and threatens Osha, and I believe that there was also a bit with him and Ros as well.

He changes his behavior to suit who he's around a bit, which isn't surprising when you think about how he's torn between two different (and historically opposed) houses. He feels kinship with the Starks, but the greyjoys shame him for it, so he denies it. He wants respect, more than anything. How he tries to get it depends on who he's around and what he can get away with.
#32 Apr 09 2012 at 10:29 PM Rating: Decent
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
I could handle some of the changes from the books, but some are completely unnecessary. Bronn becoming captain of the guards doesn't bother me. The character in the book that gets promoted to captain pretty much exists only to be the captain, so changing it to Bronn eliminates adding another new character that really doesn't need to be there. At this point in the book, nothing happens with Dany and company. The blood riders are out scouting while the rest of them just hang out. Killing one of them, while not a necessary change, at least gave them a reason to have Dany in this episode. It's not a change I would have made, but I can accept it.

What really bothered me though was the confirmation that it was Joffrey that had Robert's bastards killed. In the books, both Joff and Cersei are pretty despicable people, in the show you could almost sympathize with Cersei. Having read all of the books, I can see setting her up as a softer character is going cause some significant problems later on.

As a side note, the scene with Littlefinger was a complete waste of screen time. His character has already been well established, they don't need to pound us over the head with it.

Edited, Apr 10th 2012 12:35am by Turin
#33 Apr 10 2012 at 12:31 AM Rating: Good
Drunken English Bastard
15,268 posts
As far as the bloodrider thing goes, I'm fairly sure one of Dany's handmaids makes reference to her brother dying in the latest book. Irri or Jhiqui I think? Probably Irri, as she was the one who broke down in the scene I think?

Any way, I liked the episode, but does anyone else think it's advancing much faster than the books do/did?
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Solrain wrote:
WARs can use semi-colons however we want. I once killed a guy with a semi-colon.

LordFaramir wrote:
#34 Apr 10 2012 at 8:41 AM Rating: Excellent
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Nilatai wrote:
As far as the bloodrider thing goes, I'm fairly sure one of Dany's handmaids makes reference to her brother dying in the latest book. Irri or Jhiqui I think? Probably Irri, as she was the one who broke down in the scene I think?

You may be thinking of Missandei, the slave girl she picks up after sacking one of those eastern slaver cities.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#35 Apr 10 2012 at 11:04 AM Rating: Decent
Drunken English Bastard
15,268 posts
Demea wrote:
Nilatai wrote:
As far as the bloodrider thing goes, I'm fairly sure one of Dany's handmaids makes reference to her brother dying in the latest book. Irri or Jhiqui I think? Probably Irri, as she was the one who broke down in the scene I think?

You may be thinking of Missandei, the slave girl she picks up after sacking one of those eastern slaver cities.

That I am! My mistake. In which case they're really taking liberties with the story. They're making small changes all over the place. Kinda annoying, imo.
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Solrain wrote:
WARs can use semi-colons however we want. I once killed a guy with a semi-colon.

LordFaramir wrote:
#36 Apr 10 2012 at 11:16 AM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
Nilatai wrote:
In which case they're really taking liberties with the story. They're making small changes all over the place. Kinda annoying, imo.

I kinda like it, actually. Keeps things fresh, y'know? The changes have typically made sense (they've largely been related to the difference between the two mediums), and it's nice to have a bit of unpredictability to the show.
#37 Apr 10 2012 at 11:22 AM Rating: Good
Drunken English Bastard
15,268 posts
Eske Esquire wrote:
Nilatai wrote:
In which case they're really taking liberties with the story. They're making small changes all over the place. Kinda annoying, imo.

I kinda like it, actually. Keeps things fresh, y'know? The changes have typically made sense (they've largely been related to the difference between the two mediums), and it's nice to have a bit of unpredictability to the show.

Eeh, I suppose. Most of the changes don't really make sense to me is all. Changing Asha's name makes sense I suppose. I'm fairly sure I've heard Davos referred to as "Davros" a few times, which makes me chuckle.

Still, Dany is supposed to have three bloodriders. The number three is pretty important to her story, far as I can tell. Everything important about her seems to come in threes.
My Movember page
Solrain wrote:
WARs can use semi-colons however we want. I once killed a guy with a semi-colon.

LordFaramir wrote:
#38 Apr 10 2012 at 11:25 AM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
Nilatai wrote:
Eske Esquire wrote:
Nilatai wrote:
In which case they're really taking liberties with the story. They're making small changes all over the place. Kinda annoying, imo.

I kinda like it, actually. Keeps things fresh, y'know? The changes have typically made sense (they've largely been related to the difference between the two mediums), and it's nice to have a bit of unpredictability to the show.

Eeh, I suppose. Most of the changes don't really make sense to me is all. Changing Asha's name makes sense I suppose. I'm fairly sure I've heard Davos referred to as "Davros" a few times, which makes me chuckle.

Still, Dany is supposed to have three bloodriders. The number three is pretty important to her story, far as I can tell. Everything important about her seems to come in threes.

I don't remember the bloodriders doing a whole lot from this point on, myself. Certainly nothing that couldn't be sensibly passed on to another character. As far as the "three-ness", meh. If that isn't a theme in the HBO series, would anything really change?
#39 Apr 10 2012 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
Drunken English Bastard
15,268 posts
Meh, I suppose. Still pointless changes though, adds nothing to the story, regardless of the fact it doesn't exactly take a whole lot away either.

Besides, the three-ness kind of has to be a theme, doesn't it? At least, once they get to Qarth it starts to come up a lot. Three betrayals, three blood riders, three handmaidens, three dragons. You get the idea.
My Movember page
Solrain wrote:
WARs can use semi-colons however we want. I once killed a guy with a semi-colon.

LordFaramir wrote:
#40 Apr 10 2012 at 11:37 AM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
Nilatai wrote:
Meh, I suppose. Still pointless changes though, adds nothing to the story, regardless of the fact it doesn't exactly take a whole lot away either

I'm sure there's a point to it. We might be able to surmise it, or it might be for some less obvious reason, but it's there either way. My guess is they figured it was a good way to give the audience a visceral feel for how nasty and violent the other Kals are, or to lump more hardship on Dany and her folk, or something of the like. Or maybe the actor was looking for more cash, so they offed him. Dunno. Smiley: tongue

Besides, the three-ness kind of has to be a theme, doesn't it? At least, once they get to Qarth it starts to come up a lot. Three betrayals, three blood riders, three handmaidens, three dragons. You get the idea.


To me, that could just as easily be 3 betrayals, 3 dragons and nothing of value would be lost. Truth be told, I didn't even notice a "3" theme in the books. It just doesn't strike me as significant in any meaningful way.

#41 Apr 10 2012 at 11:44 AM Rating: Good
Drunken English Bastard
15,268 posts
Maybe I'm just reading too much into it. Smiley: laugh
My Movember page
Solrain wrote:
WARs can use semi-colons however we want. I once killed a guy with a semi-colon.

LordFaramir wrote:
#42 Apr 10 2012 at 11:52 AM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
Nilatai wrote:
Maybe I'm just reading too much into it. Smiley: laugh

Perhaps so. Though it's just as likely something's flying over my head. I tend to be oblivious when things are hinting at something larger.

This exchange occurs a lot when the fiance and I talk about books or movies:

Me: "Y'know, I totally didn't realize that X was Y until just now."
Her: "Wait, you didn't get that? They were hinting at it the whole time!"
Me: "Durr...."
#43 Apr 10 2012 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
2,496 posts
Or, the actor had to be let out of his contract for whatever reason and it's less jarring to the viewer to kill a relatively insignificant character than it is to bring in a different actor.
#44 Apr 10 2012 at 1:09 PM Rating: Excellent
16,299 posts
Well, whatever... 3 is significant, it's not... name changes, people dying that shouldn't have... I didn't read the books and I'm enjoying the series. Anything that I've not understood has usually been due to my son and his herd of buddies running through the living room during some monologue and I'm too lazy to rewind it.
#45 Apr 10 2012 at 1:38 PM Rating: Good
Drunken English Bastard
15,268 posts
Am I hearing things though? Have they changed his name to "Davros"?
My Movember page
Solrain wrote:
WARs can use semi-colons however we want. I once killed a guy with a semi-colon.

LordFaramir wrote:
#46 Apr 10 2012 at 2:30 PM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Nilatai wrote:
Am I hearing things though? Have they changed his name to "Davros"?

Must be all those goofy English accents. Smiley: wink2
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#47 Apr 10 2012 at 2:45 PM Rating: Good
Drunken English Bastard
15,268 posts
Demea wrote:
Nilatai wrote:
Am I hearing things though? Have they changed his name to "Davros"?

Must be all those goofy English accents. Smiley: wink2

What you did there, I see it. Smiley: sly
My Movember page
Solrain wrote:
WARs can use semi-colons however we want. I once killed a guy with a semi-colon.

LordFaramir wrote:
#48 Apr 16 2012 at 1:21 AM Rating: Good
This episode was all about Margery's cleavage.

Maybe it wasn't, but that's about all I got out of it.
"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

#49 Apr 16 2012 at 4:24 AM Rating: Good
Drunken English Bastard
15,268 posts
Omegavegeta wrote:
This episode was all about Margery's cleavage.

Maybe it wasn't, but that's about all I got out of it.

Natalie Dormer, omnomnomnom.
My Movember page
Solrain wrote:
WARs can use semi-colons however we want. I once killed a guy with a semi-colon.

LordFaramir wrote:
#50 Apr 16 2012 at 5:55 AM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
Nilatai wrote:
Omegavegeta wrote:
This episode was all about Margery's cleavage.

Maybe it wasn't, but that's about all I got out of it.

Natalie Dormer, omnomnomnom.

Well, i'd say it was all about her boobs, since you got the main course not 5 minutes later. Smiley: tongue

There was a raging debate going on in my apartment over whether she was attractive or not. I said she was good looking, and would be great 'cept her eyes are pretty far apart. The fiance staunchly said she was just average looking.

We have a similar debate going about Gilly, who I think just might be the best looking girl on the show. I need a look at her without all the furs and dirt, though, to confirm. Her and Dany are 1a and 1b for me, methinks.


Edited, Apr 16th 2012 7:57am by Eske
#51 Apr 16 2012 at 7:35 AM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
What about Shae. I think I'd put her above Gilly and Blonde-haired Dany (though, she is much better looking as a brunette).
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
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