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#202 Apr 20 2010 at 8:49 AM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
Soundtrack for tonight's episode (it's its own LP) is up on Itunes, the whole album for $6.99.
#203 Apr 20 2010 at 8:37 PM Rating: Good
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#204 Apr 20 2010 at 9:14 PM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
It will be up on probably by tomorrow. Otherwise, there's Hulu or even BitTorrent.
#205 Apr 20 2010 at 9:29 PM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
Hulu doesn't have it, but I'm hoping it will be up tomorrow and not have to wait til next week =/.
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#206 Apr 20 2010 at 9:38 PM Rating: Decent
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
#207 Apr 20 2010 at 9:44 PM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
Well, I would hope for a more reputable site but I guess I can't be picky =P.
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#208 Apr 20 2010 at 11:21 PM Rating: Good
So far, this is easily in my top three favorite episodes. It was freaking amazing. I thought I had heard that Madonna was actually going to guest star, so I was a bit disappointed there, but overall it was great. Loved the music, and I was definitely caught off guard by Jesse moving to their district and joining New Directions. It'll be interesting to see if he's still under his former coach's thumb, or if he really does like Rachel now.
#209 Apr 21 2010 at 10:13 AM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
PigtailsOfDoom the Eccentric wrote:
So far, this is easily in my top three favorite episodes. It was freaking amazing. I thought I had heard that Madonna was actually going to guest star, so I was a bit disappointed there, but overall it was great. Loved the music, and I was definitely caught off guard by Jesse moving to their district and joining New Directions. It'll be interesting to see if he's still under his former coach's thumb, or if he really does like Rachel now.

Well, with what happened at the end of last week's episode (Jesse looking at his coach while embracing Rachel and smiling), it's hard to say. That could have been Ryan Murphy playing tricks on us, or he could be trying to sabotage New Directions.
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#210 Apr 21 2010 at 10:37 AM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
While I enjoyed the episode, I didn't find it as brilliant as I was hoping it would be. Of course, at least some of my enjoyment is diminished by the fact that, as a friend of mine pointed out, the writers totally missed their own point about respect for women, so I found myself doing a bit of teeth gnashing. Being patronizing and condescending to women is an acceptable substitute for respect? Who knew?

I've known since Nip/Tuck that for a gay man Ryan Murphy has SERIOUS woman issues. His female characters are--almost without exception--neurotic, scheming or downright evil. It's good that I love this show on so many other levels that for the most part I'm usually able to dismiss its inherent misogyny, but last night they had to go wave hypocrisy in my face.

Anyhow, rant aside, the music was okay and there were a few moments of brilliance. Puck didn't QUITE get a solo (giving him the lead on "What It Feels Like For A Girl" would have been frickin' HILARIOUS!) but at least we got to hear his voice, and hey, for the first time in just about, well, EVER, Finn actually emoted while singing. The "Open Your Heart" mash-up was perhaps the first time I thought he might actually have a shred of feeling while singing.
#211 Apr 21 2010 at 3:18 PM Rating: Good
Okay, I don't always notice misogyny when it's right in front of my face. How was the episode patronizing? I thought the part about how Sue decided not to change her "new look" after the Principal told her she was fine before was pretty good. It would have been better if she had decided that without the help of a man, of course.

You do make a very good point about his female characters though. The only ones that are halfway normal on the show are Mercedes and Tina, and they're minor characters. It was nice to see them get a bit of coverage this episode.
#212 Apr 21 2010 at 7:43 PM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
I'll just quote the example my friend used in her rant on the subject, since she put it better than I could:

Will with Emma during his "respect" scene? Examples: "I should never have let you come to my house." (Or some similar phrasing.) Basically, implying that she's a child and he allows her to make decisions about her body. He's saying that he knew more than she did about what she wanted with her body, which might have been true, but, c'mon, [the respectful response is] NOT -- "I shouldn't have let you put yourself in that position," and "I'm not going to let you have the opportunity to be in that position again until I'm divorced," and, "hey, in the meantime, as your father-figure here, as the male who knows better than you what you should be doing, I'd like you to get some counseling, and I've even gotten the information together for you and a card for you to call someone."

Dammit, that is not respectful! It's patronizing and condescending!
#213 Apr 21 2010 at 11:27 PM Rating: Good
Britney made me laugh again.

That's about it.
"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

#214 Apr 22 2010 at 2:05 AM Rating: Good
Ambrya wrote:
I'll just quote the example my friend used in her rant on the subject, since she put it better than I could:

Will with Emma during his "respect" scene? Examples: "I should never have let you come to my house." (Or some similar phrasing.) Basically, implying that she's a child and he allows her to make decisions about her body. He's saying that he knew more than she did about what she wanted with her body, which might have been true, but, c'mon, [the respectful response is] NOT -- "I shouldn't have let you put yourself in that position," and "I'm not going to let you have the opportunity to be in that position again until I'm divorced," and, "hey, in the meantime, as your father-figure here, as the male who knows better than you what you should be doing, I'd like you to get some counseling, and I've even gotten the information together for you and a card for you to call someone."

Dammit, that is not respectful! It's patronizing and condescending!

Okay, the first point is valid. I disagree with the part about Emma getting counseling though. I mean come on, the woman has severe OCD issues. She's a germaphobe to a highly severe degree and she doesn't like to be touched. She genuinely seems to want to change that too, so I don't think him giving her the card for a counselor is condescending, I think it shows that he cares and wants to help her. Now if she was perfectly fine with the way she was, then yeah it would be condescending.
#215 Apr 22 2010 at 10:20 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
The episode reminded me of how much of Madonna's music I really don't like. Only songs I liked were "Like a Prayer" and "4 Minutes." I enjoyed the "Like a Virgin" scene... but more for how the characters were acting than for the song. The showstopper was good at the end, but not the best ending song they've had by far.

Overall it was a good episode, but it made me realize how much more I would have enjoyed a Michael Jackson episode.
#216 Apr 22 2010 at 11:13 AM Rating: Good
Ambrya wrote:
I'll just quote the example my friend used in her rant on the subject, since she put it better than I could:

Will with Emma during his "respect" scene? Examples: "I should never have let you come to my house." (Or some similar phrasing.) Basically, implying that she's a child and he allows her to make decisions about her body. He's saying that he knew more than she did about what she wanted with her body, which might have been true, but, c'mon, [the respectful response is] NOT -- "I shouldn't have let you put yourself in that position," and "I'm not going to let you have the opportunity to be in that position again until I'm divorced," and, "hey, in the meantime, as your father-figure here, as the male who knows better than you what you should be doing, I'd like you to get some counseling, and I've even gotten the information together for you and a card for you to call someone."

Dammit, that is not respectful! It's patronizing and condescending!

Erm, that's a pretty stupid argument, in my opinion.

I watched the episode again last night with my husband (he missed it Tuesday) and I didn't see any misogyny at all. Saying, "I shouldn't have let you come to my house" is prefectly acceptable. It's implying that it's his house, and he has the right to say who can and who cannot come over. It has nothing to do with her body.

Suggesting counseling is perfectly fine. She's obviously got issues and he cares enough about her to suggest she get help for it.

I think you're just trying to find something to ***** about, personally.

Edited to add spoiler tags, though I'm not sure it really needed it.

Edited, Apr 22nd 2010 12:13pm by Belkira
#217 Apr 22 2010 at 9:45 PM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
Belkira the Tulip wrote:

I think you're just trying to find something to ***** about, personally.

No, I really wasn't. I WANTED to like it.

#218 Apr 25 2010 at 2:24 AM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
And for a very late night comedy fix, here we have a clip from some movie I've never heard of in which Matt Morrison plays a member of a boy band. I'm LOLing on any number of levels, not the least of which is the blatant rip on N'Sync.
#219 Apr 25 2010 at 2:38 PM Rating: Good
Nice one Ambrya, that was great! Smiley: laugh
#220 Apr 25 2010 at 3:21 PM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
Oh Matthew Morrison... you humor me.
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#221 Apr 27 2010 at 11:34 PM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
I don't really know what to say about tonight's episode of Glee. I've been reading interviews and stuff about it for weeks now saying that Kurt has this huge emotional storyline and it just. fell. flat. for me.

The Kurt/Finn story (btw, HATE the hair, Kurt) felt contrived, though I was happy with the romance between Burt and Carol, because those two SO deserve the awesomeness of each other. I loved Chris Colfer's acting, but his snitty little jealousy story was just...meh.

The songs felt like they'd been wedged in with a shoehorn, the AutoTune was particularly atrocious tonight and the segues between drama and song felt awkward and forced. They made ME feel awkward, what a friend of mine would call "contact embarrassment."

So, just when I'm about to declare in disgust that the episode SUCKS BALLS, they trot out a scene that moves me to bawling big baby tears, featuring Quinn--QUINN of all people! I know it's probably my own issues that made that scene resonate with me but OH! It hurt just right.

If we could just digitally replace Amber Riley with someone who can actually act, the Mercedes story would have been sublime.

Edited, Apr 27th 2010 10:35pm by Ambrya
#222 Apr 28 2010 at 8:23 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Last night's episode did suck balls. I suppose if I was a chick with some form of body issues, I might have been touched by Mother Quinn, Patron Saint Of Teaching Us That Sometimes It's REALLY HARD Being Pretty & Popular Just Like It's Hard For You Unpopular People Too. But I'm not so it was just dull.

Also, seeing Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum try and break up their parents was like a friggin' Saved By The Bell plot.

Oh, and I didn't laugh once for the hour.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#223 Apr 28 2010 at 8:50 AM Rating: Good
Wow, I liked last nights episode. I was thrilled that Rachael didn't have a singing part, let alone a speaking part. It was nice to see Kurt get a song for himself, and that boy can sing. I enjoyed the body issues theme, but then, I am a girl with body issues. Smiley: grin It didn't advance the plot much, but I thought it was sweet.
#224 Apr 28 2010 at 12:35 PM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
I haven't gotten to see the episode tonight, but my friends said it was incredibly disappointing (music-wise), and that the story wasn't all that good either. I'll watch it tonight on DVR and see for myself!
#225 Apr 29 2010 at 2:18 AM Rating: Good
In some ways, it was a bit disappointing music wise. Kurt's solo was freaking amazing though, and I have to admit that as much as I love Rachel and love her voice, it was nice to have a Rachel-free episode for once and some focus on Kurt and Mercedes. Now if only they could have ignored Finn for the whole episode too...

Again, April had some great lines. Kristin Chenowith it just so freaking awesome. Of course it helps that we share the same first name, but that's not the only reason I love her. Smiley: wink2

I have to agree with you guys that the hissy fit Kurt threw was kind of annoying. As a child of a mixed family, I can understand feeling some jealousy when your parent pays some attention to the step-child, but he was a bit over the top. He could have very easily taken the opportunity to bond with Finn's mom, but I guess that would have been too easy.
#226 Apr 29 2010 at 6:25 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Finally saw it last night, and I agree it was kind of a flop as an episode. Half of it felt like a rehash of the last April episode, half of it was Kurt and Mercedes freaking out WAAAAAY too much. The music wasn't all that great, too much auto-tuning, but Kristin Chenoweth has an AMAZING singing voice (but gosh does she look old), and Kurt's solo was actually pretty darn good. I think one of the big problems is that I didn't know any of the songs they sang besides "Beautiful," and I really hate that song.

There were two good Britney lines, and Sue was kinda meh. Overall it just felt like everyone was off their game. Kurt freaking out and pulling a creepy stalker card near the end of the episode was annoying and scary. The scenes with Mercedes trying to lose weight were ridiculous as well... I fully support the idea that you don't need to be rail-thin, but the actress herself is likely obese and getting to a healthier weight is a good idea (though not through Sue's energy drink, which I thought was hilarious). I don't condone sloughing off healthy living by singing a crappy song.

Hoping next week will be better.

Edit: Only thing that kinda forgives Kurt's freaking out is that, A) The show is supposed to be over the top, and B) He's supposed to be in high school... and people tend to be pretty histrionic in high school.

Edit2: Also, Chenoweth is 10 years older than Morrison, not surprising that she looks too old for the role. Still, her voice is fantastic!

Edited, Apr 29th 2010 8:33am by LockeColeMA
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