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#127 Dec 26 2009 at 5:43 PM Rating: Good
Okay, finally got caught up on the last three episodes. I thought the last episode was great! And the songs for sectionals were awesome. I was a bit confused though, as I thought they were supposed to have three songs and they only showed the kids doing two. Once I have some spare cash, I think I'm probably going to go download the soundtrack off of iTunes. Oh, and I totally agree about the Comptroller being funny, she was very funny.

Definitely glad to see Will chase after Emma! Even if he DID just leave his wife, they're such a cute couple. The grin that came to her face after he kissed her was soooo cute!
#128 Dec 26 2009 at 5:50 PM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
PigtailsOfDoom of Future Fabulous! wrote:
Okay, finally got caught up on the last three episodes. I thought the last episode was great! And the songs for sectionals were awesome. I was a bit confused though, as I thought they were supposed to have three songs and they only showed the kids doing two.

Well, they had decided their third song would be "Somebody To Love" which we already saw them perform in "The Rhodes Not Taken" so there wasn't really any need to show it.

Also, am I the only one who got a big chuckle out of the very self-referential line the director for the deaf choir had about "Don't Stop Believin'" being the most downloaded song in Itunes history (the self-referential part being that it's the Glee version that's the most-downloaded song on Itunes.)

Edited, Dec 26th 2009 3:58pm by Ambrya
#129 Dec 26 2009 at 6:56 PM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
Ambrya wrote:
PigtailsOfDoom of Future Fabulous! wrote:
Okay, finally got caught up on the last three episodes. I thought the last episode was great! And the songs for sectionals were awesome. I was a bit confused though, as I thought they were supposed to have three songs and they only showed the kids doing two.

Well, they had decided their third song would be "Somebody To Love" which we already saw them perform in "The Rhodes Not Taken" so there wasn't really any need to show it.

Also, am I the only one who got a big chuckle out of the very self-referential line the director for the deaf choir had about "Don't Stop Believin'" being the most downloaded song in Itunes history (the self-referential part being that it's the Glee version that's the most-downloaded song on Itunes.)

Edited, Dec 26th 2009 3:58pm by Ambrya

Haha, I didn't realize that. Impressive.
◕ ‿‿ ◕
#130 Dec 26 2009 at 9:58 PM Rating: Good
Ambrya wrote:
PigtailsOfDoom of Future Fabulous! wrote:
Okay, finally got caught up on the last three episodes. I thought the last episode was great! And the songs for sectionals were awesome. I was a bit confused though, as I thought they were supposed to have three songs and they only showed the kids doing two.

Well, they had decided their third song would be "Somebody To Love" which we already saw them perform in "The Rhodes Not Taken" so there wasn't really any need to show it.

Also, am I the only one who got a big chuckle out of the very self-referential line the director for the deaf choir had about "Don't Stop Believin'" being the most downloaded song in Itunes history (the self-referential part being that it's the Glee version that's the most-downloaded song on Itunes.)

Edited, Dec 26th 2009 3:58pm by Ambrya

Oh that's right, good point.

Yeah, I didn't realize that the Glee version of the best song in the world is the most downloaded song in iTunes history either, that's pretty awesome. I'm not really sure which version I like better honestly, the Glee version or the Journey version. They're both great!
#131 Dec 26 2009 at 11:45 PM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
PigtailsOfDoom of Future Fabulous! wrote:

Yeah, I didn't realize that the Glee version of the best song in the world is the most downloaded song in iTunes history either, that's pretty awesome. I'm not really sure which version I like better honestly, the Glee version or the Journey version. They're both great!

I actually enjoy the Glee version better. For one thing, I'm not wild about Steve Perry's vocals in the original (or ever, for that matter) and also, I really enjoy the intro where they replace the very 80s-sounding keyboard part with vocals.

I actually enjoy many of the Glee versions better than their originals. Lea Michele did Celine Dion's "Taking Chances" better than Celine Dion did, and also the Rhianna song, "Take A Bow." And if that weren't impressive enough, they actually made me enjoy a Rolling Stones song, a feat I wouldn't have imagined would be possible.

I'm encountering a bit of a weird phenomenon at present, however. I downloaded the four songs from the final episode about a week before the episode aired and listened to them on my computer, then spent the entire week dreading the episode a bit, because the songs didn't impress me at all. In fact, I was ready to go off on huge a rant about how Amber Riley is overrated as an R&B vocalist and couldn't come close to doing justice to a truly soulful song like "And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going" especially when measured up against a true powerhouse like Jennifer Hudson. Then the episode aired, and I loved all the songs (well, except for the last one.)

Then last week, I was listening to my Glee collection on my Ipod in the car and had the same experience. None of those songs impressed me at all. But I still love them in the episode. Which leaves the following possibilities:

1) the songs released on the CDs/Itunes are actually different recordings from the ones used in the episodes
2) the context of the episode actually makes the music MORE enjoyable than it would otherwise be
3) my computer and car speakers and/or the Itunes/MP3 compression for those songs absolutely sucks (admittedly, this is by far the most likely option.)

It's enough to make me consider reining in my impatience when the show starts up again and ending my habit of downloading the songs in advance.

#132 Dec 27 2009 at 6:35 AM Rating: Good
I think they jumped the Shark wrapping up the "series" at the end of the "season".

No baby drama, the teachers are together, & Sue is defeated for now.
So...what next?

Although, perhaps after Dexter's amazing finale I'm just cynical of all other things on TV.
"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

#133 Dec 27 2009 at 10:26 AM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
Omegavegeta wrote:
I think they jumped the Shark wrapping up the "series" at the end of the "season".

No baby drama, the teachers are together, & Sue is defeated for now.
So...what next?

FOX originally only bought 13 episodes, enough for a short season. They didn't pick up the back nine episodes until after the preview of the pilot aired in the summer and was such a huge success. By then, the first 13 were, for the most part, already filmed and in the can, and had been produced without any knowledge that the series would continue. Operating under those constraints, it's pretty reasonable to have produced those episodes as though they would be only a short-run series without continuation.

The shark hasn't even been sighted on the horizon yet, much less jumped. I actually anticipate the show getting better in the back 9 now that Murphy has had a chance to get the feedback on the show and actually incorporate some of that into the show.

For instance, Murphy has already indicated that he was completely taken by surprise by the response to the Rachel/Puck pairing, and would be playing that up in future episodes more than he ever intended as a result. A great many viewers are really dissatisfied with the amount of use AutoTune gets, and I suspect it's possible we'll be hearing less of that in the future.
#134 Dec 28 2009 at 2:24 PM Rating: Good
I would love to see more with Puck and Rachel. I think they're very cute together, and I like Puck much more than Finn. Although to be honest, I dislike Finn so much that I think Quinn is better off with Puck as well. I don't really have anything against him specifically, he's just a bit of a wuss and doesn't know what the **** he wants and that annoys me. Granted Puck doesn't really know what he wants either as far as the whole sexting thing showed... but at least he's been manning up with the baby and stuff.
#135 Dec 28 2009 at 4:31 PM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
PigtailsOfDoom of Future Fabulous! wrote:
I would love to see more with Puck and Rachel. I think they're very cute together, and I like Puck much more than Finn. Although to be honest, I dislike Finn so much that I think Quinn is better off with Puck as well. I don't really have anything against him specifically, he's just a bit of a wuss and doesn't know what the @#%^ he wants and that annoys me. Granted Puck doesn't really know what he wants either as far as the whole sexting thing showed... but at least he's been manning up with the baby and stuff.

I have no investment in any particular ship, I just want Puck to have more screen time. Lots and lots more screen time. I want him to be the leading man. Finn's sweet, but he's dumb, and dumb never has been sexy or appealing at all to me. Plus, I like Puck's voice better.
#136 Dec 28 2009 at 4:40 PM Rating: Good
Yeah no kidding. I torrented the soundtrack the other day, and I skip over all the songs that Finn sings in. There's just something about his voice that bugs me. It sounds raspy. It makes me sad that the only one Puck sings is "Sweet Caroline."
#137 Dec 30 2009 at 12:15 AM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
So who else caved and got the DVD set today?
#138 Dec 30 2009 at 6:10 PM Rating: Good
I didn't, but I downloaded the first 13 episodes in a torrent. =x I'm broke right now, no DVD's for me.
#139 Jan 04 2010 at 1:45 AM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
Speaking of the DVDs...

How on earth did I fail to notice the first time around that in "Throwdown" when Quinn is singing "You Just Keep Me Hangin' On" that she's singing it to Sue? Suddenly that song, which I always considered a bit of a non-sequitur, makes SO much more sense.

That must have been one of those episodes I was watching while Tristan was awake and got distracted and missed some of the song, because ever since the ep aired I've been wondering what the hell was up with that song choice.

Note to self: stop watching while the kid is awake.

#140 Jan 11 2010 at 12:19 PM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
Two rather important tidbits:

First (CASTING SPOILER) Olivia Newton John to do a guest spot on Glee.

This makes me very happy, I spent most of my childhood wanting to BE her. I'm hoping it's not another fake casting rumor, many of which have been floating around (No, Perez Hilton, Adam Lambert is NOT going to be on the show, thank-you-merciful-God!)

Second, FOX has officially picked up Glee for a second season. YAY!!!
#141 Jan 11 2010 at 12:23 PM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Ambrya wrote:
(No, Perez Hilton, Adam Lambert is NOT going to be on the show, thank-you-merciful-God!)

Why would this be bad? He's an amazing singer without a doubt, and the show's network wouldn't allow him to be too crazy.
#142 Jan 11 2010 at 3:40 PM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
LockeColeMA wrote:
Ambrya wrote:
(No, Perez Hilton, Adam Lambert is NOT going to be on the show, thank-you-merciful-God!)

Why would this be bad? He's an amazing singer without a doubt, and the show's network wouldn't allow him to be too crazy.

I don't like him. I don't know if he's all gimmick and no talent, or if he's just so much gimmick that it totally overrides his talent. At any rate, he rubs me wrong. I don't like his music, I don't like his voice, I don't like the way he dresses, or the way he does his hair, or any of it. And I sincerely doubt he can act.

Right around the time he did a guest performance during the finale of this year's So You Think You Can Dance was the time I decided I was done with the show (well, in fairness, that was very nearly a sealed deal when they pimped Avatar with the first guest performance in that episode.)

I'm not strictly opposed to stunt casting, but if the stunt casting detracts from the show, I get grumpy.

Edited, Jan 11th 2010 1:57pm by Ambrya
#143 Jan 11 2010 at 11:57 PM Rating: Good
Olivia Newton John = Awesome! But she's singing a duet with Sue? That should be interesting. Sue has yet to sing anything, so I just assumed she was one of the few cast members who couldn't sing. I also love the idea of a Kristin Chenowith return... I've loved her since I watched the Tony's on TV years ago and saw her do a number from the Charlie Brown musical. Plus a Madonna tribute would be awesome.
#144 Jan 17 2010 at 9:28 PM Rating: Good
So Glee won the Golden Globe tonight for best Comedy or Musical series. Well deserved imho. Smiley: grin
#145 Jan 17 2010 at 11:26 PM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
PigtailsOfDoom of Future Fabulous! wrote:
So Glee won the Golden Globe tonight for best Comedy or Musical series. Well deserved imho. Smiley: grin

If I had premium I'd be doing a bunch of Smiley: yippee emotes right now.
#146 Jan 17 2010 at 11:54 PM Rating: Good
Smiley: yippeeSmiley: yippeeSmiley: yippeeSmiley: yippeeSmiley: yippeeSmiley: yippeeSmiley: yippeeSmiley: yippee

There you go. Smiley: wink2
#147 Jan 18 2010 at 12:43 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
PigtailsOfDoom of Future Fabulous! wrote:
Sue has yet to sing anything, so I just assumed she was one of the few cast members who couldn't sing.

That's because you've never seen "A Mighty Wind".

Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#148 Jan 18 2010 at 1:55 AM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
TV Guide interview with Jessalyn Gelsig and Jayma Mays (some spoilers)

Another possible addition: Executive producer Ryan Murphy said Jennifer Lopez may be making her way to the set. "I have a meeting with Jennifer Lopez in a couple of weeks. She said she wants to be on," he said.

Ugh, God, please in the name of all that is holy, NO JLo!!!!
#149 Jan 18 2010 at 1:56 AM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
PigtailsOfDoom of Future Fabulous! wrote:
Smiley: yippeeSmiley: yippeeSmiley: yippeeSmiley: yippeeSmiley: yippeeSmiley: yippeeSmiley: yippeeSmiley: yippee

There you go. Smiley: wink2

Thank you!
#150 Jan 18 2010 at 12:09 PM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
Season Two spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers

More Puck/Rachel, including songs together. I don't ship them, but if he's with Rachel, he's getting more screentime, and we get to hear him sing some more. YESS!!!!!

I think some of these actually refer to Season Two, but they MAY all be for the back nine eps of Season One.
#151 Jan 18 2010 at 2:22 PM Rating: Good

I LOVE the idea of getting Kurt a bf and having them be popular! That is so awesome. I would feel bad for Quinn though if Rachel and Puck get back together now... That's two guys Rachel has "stolen" from her now. Yeah, she's the popular cheerleader, but still.
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