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#227 Apr 29 2010 at 8:18 AM Rating: Good
LockeColeMA wrote:
Kristin Chenoweth has an AMAZING singing voice (but gosh does she look old),

I told my husband the other night that she has a face for the stage. I feel like up close, her face looks plastic and overlarge, but when you're seeing her from the audience in a stage production, she looks pretty.

I sort of find her voice a little meh on the show, mostly because she always has to hit the extraordinarily high notes at the end of whatever she's singing, no matter what it is.

I thought Kurt's "hissy fit" was completely understandable. It reminded me of when he first came out to his dad and he was getting nasty calls at his shop because of it. And when Kurt tried out for the football team to try to connect with his dad more. It always seemed like he tried so hard to get on the same level as his dad, and they just can't do it. Now Kurt's hit from jealousy on both sides, 'cause he has such a crush on Finn, and he wants his dad to take more of an interest in his own hobbies.

Though... him standing outside of Finn's house staring in the sliding glass door was a little... creepy.
#228 Apr 29 2010 at 11:39 AM Rating: Good
I thought the whole concept of him setting up their parents so they could share a bedroom was pretty damn creepy too. I got the feeling that he set them up, JUST so he could get closer to Finn. Which really is kind of a stupid move, because even if Finn did swing both ways, the likelihood of him being open to a relationship with a stepbrother is pretty slim. That's just a little too close to incest for most people.

And I just have to say that you Kristin haters are mean. Smiley: tongue Yeah she looks a little old, she's 42 according to Wikipedia's birthdate. Still, I hope I look that good when I'm in my forties. She's got a few wrinkles around the eyes when she smiles, but other than that she looks great.

"Beautiful" was the only song I knew as well, and while I do really like the song for the message, I'm a bit tired of it. I'm a decent fan of Christina's, and I've just heard that song way too many times.
#229 Apr 29 2010 at 12:28 PM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
PigtailsOfDoom the Eccentric wrote:

And I just have to say that you Kristin haters are mean. :-P Yeah she looks a little old, she's 42 according to Wikipedia's birthdate. Still, I hope I look that good when I'm in my forties. She's got a few wrinkles around the eyes when she smiles, but other than that she looks great.

Oh no, she looks good for her age, but she doesn't look like her character's age, whom I think is supposed to be, what, in her mid-30s? And she doesn't look a couple of years older than Morrison's character like she should.
#230 Apr 29 2010 at 7:41 PM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
Belkira the Tulip wrote:

Though... him standing outside of Finn's house staring in the sliding glass door was a little... creepy.

And derivative. The staging was pretty much identical to a scene Ryan Murphy did in his other show, Popular.

Edited, Apr 29th 2010 6:41pm by Ambrya
#231 Apr 29 2010 at 7:43 PM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
PigtailsOfDoom the Eccentric wrote:

And I just have to say that you Kristin haters are mean. Smiley: tongue Yeah she looks a little old, she's 42 according to Wikipedia's birthdate. Still, I hope I look that good when I'm in my forties. She's got a few wrinkles around the eyes when she smiles, but other than that she looks great

I think the problem is that she's actually gotten too thin. She was super-cute on The West Wing, which wasn't all that long ago, but it appears she's dropped a bit of weight since then. It happened to my sister too. When she dropped forty pounds, she gained ten years on her face.
#232 Apr 29 2010 at 7:45 PM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
LockeColeMA wrote:

Oh no, she looks good for her age, but she doesn't look like her character's age, whom I think is supposed to be, what, in her mid-30s? And she doesn't look a couple of years older than Morrison's character like she should.

But she's also supposed to have spent years abusing alcohol, which can really age you; maybe the look is intentionally achieved by lighting and makeup for just that reason? My mother would be a damn good-looking woman right now if she hadn't spent the better part of forty years in a beer can.

Edited, Apr 29th 2010 6:45pm by Ambrya
#233 May 01 2010 at 4:22 PM Rating: Good
Mine too and she smokes as well, and spent way too much time in the sun. My mom is still pretty for her age, but I think she'd be far prettier if she had taken care of herself.
#234 May 02 2010 at 8:45 PM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
"I hate Duke like I hate the *****"

Made the entire episode worth it. Smiley: lol
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#235 May 04 2010 at 11:04 PM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
Dammit all, Glee! Knock it off with the pointless stunt casting and gimmicks and give me back the show I love!

On a more positive note: Puck? Singing? Yes. More of that, please.
#236 May 05 2010 at 12:53 AM Rating: Good
Yeah no kidding. I was rather disappointed by tonight's episode too. The shenanigans of the Minority Kids + Britney were pretty funny though. That part was good, the rest was stupid. Although I will admit, I did kind of feel bad for Rachel at the end, even though what she did was ******.
#237 May 05 2010 at 9:04 PM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
Wasn't thrilled by the episode, although Britney entertains as always. I think I realized tonight though (when I finally watched it) that I like Puck's voice better than Finn's.
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#238 May 06 2010 at 6:01 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
I liked Tuesday's episode. It seems not to be the popular consensus here, but I did find it very entertaining. I think Glee is falling into a certain formula (set up the premise, sing about it, have Sue have her moment, Britney say something silly, slowly change-but-not-really the relationship between Rachel/Finn, Schu/Emma, etc), but it's still entertaining... just not surprising any more. I think some of the new sparkle is wearing off, but I still found the episode entertaining, especially "Can't Touch This" and "Total Eclipse of the Heart". I enjoyed the drama Rachel brought upon herself, and I like that we got to see more of Puck, because frankly he's hunkier, more interesting, and a better singer than Finn. The episode adds more of the question of where Jessie's priorities lie (but I still think he's a Benedict Arnold), and I actually really liked Emma in this episode; she finally acts like a person instead of a powerless freak.

I could do without any more Sue music videos, though. The celeb cameos are kinda going out of style too.

Anyway, I liked it. Not a great episode, but I'd put it slightly above average, as I liked the music and the acting was pretty decent.

Holy autotuning, though.
#239 May 06 2010 at 7:45 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Remember back on Page 1 when I complained about the AutoTuning and you all called me mad?!?! WHO'S LAUGHING NOW????? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Ahem... anyway.

I thought it was kind of meh but not as terrible as some folks here and elsewhere. It does feel as though the show has lost its stride though and if next week is another dud, I'd predict a fall-off in viewership.

It was a little disappointing that they didn't do anything new with any of the "rehabbed" songs, they just covered them note for note. And if you can't compete with Bonnie Tyler screaming "We're livin' in a powder keg and givin' off sparks" then you better find a new twist to the song. Rachael did neither.

On that note, I leave you with Literal Translation of Total Eclipse of the Heart video
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#240 May 06 2010 at 8:26 AM Rating: Good
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#241 May 06 2010 at 8:40 AM Rating: Good
Finally watched this last night. I really enjoyed it. But, like Locked said, that doesn't seem to be the consensus here.

I used to love Olivia Newton-John, but what the heck did she do to her lips? And if you're going to get a face lift, I recommend getting your neck done, too. Otherwise, you just look sort of silly.

#242 May 06 2010 at 11:11 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Belkira the Tulip wrote:
Finally watched this last night. I really enjoyed it. But, like Locked said, that doesn't seem to be the consensus here.

Oh God, first Varus, now you?!? :-P
#243 May 07 2010 at 2:59 PM Rating: Good
lol, poor Locke.

I don't know if I'm just not observant or what, but most of the time I don't notice the auto tuning. I notice it if it gets so bad they start sounding like T-Pain, but I haven't noticed it in any of the newer episodes that I can recall.
#244 May 11 2010 at 11:34 PM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
Okay, Glee that was much much MUCH better. Thank you.

Hell, I'm just gonna put the whole thing behind a spoiler tag, cuz I'm feeling lazy.

The good:

Puck. Puck Puck Puck. Puck singing. Puck being badass. Puck being blithely offensive. Puck showing tiny peeks of his ooshie-mooshie center. Holy HELL is he charismatic when he goes for it. Even AutoTuned beyond recognition his voice is more interesting than Finn's.

Kurt. Oh, Kurt, you are just. so. wonderful. Yeah, the Mellencamp thing was BEYOND uncomfortable (as it was SUPPOSED to be) and felt genuine. The whole thing with his dad felt SINCERE in a way that his pissy little *****-fit a few weeks ago didn't. It was very moving, and I could tell Chris Colfer was really digging in deep and putting all his emotion into that performance. The rendition of "Rose's Turn" was brilliant, it didn't sound over-AutoTuned, it was in the absolute perfect register for Kurt's voice, and he just NAILED it. And the scene with his dad afterward? Heartbreaking. Angry and confused and vulnerable in just the right amounts. Just please; don't ever make out with another girl because ew. Stick with the boys.

Finn. Is it just me or is he starting to become a LITTLE bit more appealing? Maybe it's just the bedhead hairstyle, which was SERIOUSLY working for him in that last number. Even having learned it was coming in advance, I still had an "OMG I can't believe they went there!" moment with the "Jessie's Girl" number. Which, incidentally, he actually pulled off pretty well. Now if only he could land some choreography that doesn't make it appear he's having a seizure every time he reaches for a power note.

Rachel being out of tune. How much ya wanna bet making her voice do that was physically painful for Lea Michele?

The bad:

Mercedes. Amber Riley STILL can't act. She's a bit better than she used to be, but yeah, just not feeling it. The character is great, and playing off of Puck it should have been nothing but home runs, but it just wasn't happening.

The quadriplegic guest character. I know it was supposed to be moving (and it SHOULD have been moving, because there's a lot of REAL pain that could and should be explored with such a character) but it just felt contrived. Maybe it's just because it was worked into the story badly; "Oh, here's this guy I've never mentioned before, let him share his pain and inspiration and make you feel better!" and then we rush out again. I prefer my heartstrings tugged upon a bit more subtly, kkthxbye.

Santana. She doesn't interest me, even a little. If there's a dictionary definition for "Two-Dimensional Character" I'm reasonably certain it cross-references her. If we're going to have her popping up and creating conflict, could we at least get some background or character exploration on her, maybe? And the duet with Mercedes? HIDEOUS.

Kurt making out with Brittany. Did I mention the ew?

Edited, May 11th 2010 10:36pm by Ambrya
#245 May 11 2010 at 11:49 PM Rating: Excellent
I didn't watch it all, but I caught a bit while getting ready for work & commented to the girlfriend that, somehow, Kurt "playing straight" somehow made him seem even more gay.
"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

#246 May 12 2010 at 7:59 PM Rating: Good
Omegavegeta wrote:
I didn't watch it all, but I caught a bit while getting ready for work & commented to the girlfriend that, somehow, Kurt "playing straight" somehow made him seem even more gay.

Yeah, it kind of reminded me of the scene in The Birdcage when Nathan Lane's character tries to dress in a suit and it makes him even more obvious because he's so clearly uncomfortable.

I absolutely agree with you on your likes Ambrya. I don't share your disdain for Amber Riley though. She's not a great actor, no. But I don't think she's as bad as you make her out to be. Smiley: tongue The singing in the Mercedes/Santana duet was pretty bad, but I also thought it was really freaking funny. I was kind of annoyed that Santana was jealous for the reason you mentioned. They didn't explain what motivation she had for being jealous at all. She's just as big of a player as he is, but she didn't seem to have any issues with Puck and Quinn or Puck and Rachel. Why would she care about Mercedes?

I also agree with you about the paralyzed character. The handicapped activists complained about "Wheels" I can only imagine how they feel about this episode. It did seem like the only purpose of the character was to make Rachel feel better about herself. On the plus side, it did give Rachel some more humanity and likability with her offering to give him weekly singing lessons. I did think that was sweet.

Edited, May 12th 2010 8:04pm by PigtailsOfDoom
#247 May 13 2010 at 6:31 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Probably my favorite episode of this season so far! I really liked most of the music: butchering Miley Cyrus at the beginning was just gravy, because I HATE that song. As an off-topic note, Miley Cyrus cannot sing without auto-tuning either; check out her live performance of "Party in the USA" at some awards ceremony a year or so back to see. Jessie's Girl was a great song, no idea what the jazzy song Puck did was but I LOVED it, and Mellencamp is always A+, and it sounded good even if Kurt looked and acted ridiculous. His showstopper was really brilliant later on, and his scene with his dad actually felt real as opposed to a lot of the other "emotional" scenes in the series thus far.

Also, must admit I love Puck. He's just awesome.

Puck and Mercedes just seemed ridiculous to me, IMO. And love her or hate her, I think Brittany is one of the most attractive characters in the cast (If I were gay and she said "Let me know if you want to tap this," even I would have second thoughts about my sexuality). Santana and Mercedes' duet was pretty poor, but I did laugh when Mercedes called her "stick figure." Overall I really enjoyed it, only one song fell flat (the duet), although the ending was kinda poor too. The paraplegic kid just seemed added for effect, but I'm guessing he might me small reappearances like Becky (the girl with Down Syndrome).

Not the best episode out of all of them, but I'd put it in top 5, and best since the new episodes began.

Edit: Spoilers

Edited, May 13th 2010 8:33am by LockeColeMA
#248 May 13 2010 at 8:25 AM Rating: Good
I have no problem with Mercedes' acting. And I really liked that duet. I think Santana can really sing.

I don't know, I didn't have any problems with this episode. I guess I just don't scrutinize it as much as some people. The show makes me laugh, and even makes me tear up sometimes. It's not all that important to me to analyze the acting and why they stuck this character here.

Oh, and Locke, you're crazy about Brittany. I think she's the least attractive out of all of the girls in the club. She's not ugly, but she's not beautiful. Though she makes me laugh with her stupid one liners all the time.

Kurt can sing. They all can, but he's just awesome. They should give him more solos.

The only thing I'm a little tired of is the random people that we don't hear anything about in the club. The random black guy and the "other Asian."
#249 May 13 2010 at 8:51 AM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
Oh, and Locke, you're crazy about Brittany. I think she's the least attractive out of all of the girls in the club. She's not ugly, but she's not beautiful. Though she makes me laugh with her stupid one liners all the time.

She's one of my favorite characters just because of those one-liners. Also, I have to agree with Locke. If I were back in High School and a girl said that to me (of course, that's also assuming there were girls at my school, but that's another story), I would tap that in a heartbeat.

As for the episode itself, I agree with Ambrya. And I love Pigtails for making a Birdcage reference. Nathan Lane + Robin Williams = gold.
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#250 May 13 2010 at 9:01 AM Rating: Good
Vataro wrote:
Also, I have to agree with Locke. If I were back in High School and a girl said that to me (of course, that's also assuming there were girls at my school, but that's another story), I would tap that in a heartbeat.

So I guess that if Brad Pitt were to ask you if you wanted to tap that, you'd ***** him in a heartbeat?
#251 May 13 2010 at 9:06 AM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
idk, Brad Pitt is never really someone I have considered worth going gay for. I guess I can't put it out of the realm of possibility though.
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