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#1 Feb 23 2009 at 9:10 PM Rating: Good
1,892 posts
There are not many of us around these days. Only a handful of us will remember when Allakhazam didn't have server forums so some members opened their Journals to host Server specific talk. Those were the days, the days when the game was fresh, everyone was excited, and the boards weren't spammed with "Alla Pager" and "Server Takeover" crap.

That being said, I thought that I should probably try and entice some form of quality conversation here. So I came up with a set of 10 questions. Honestly answer them, but if you aren't going to try, don't bother.

1) How long have you been playing FFXI for (and playtime if possible)?

2) When you started playing FFXI, did you have a specific job in mind, and if so did you ever complete said job?

3) Is that job still as loved now as it was back when you wanted to become one?

4) What one event/moment during your playing time will you regard as the highlight of your time spent playing FFXI?

5) Same as question 4, but this time the low point of your time spent playing FFXI?

6) How long can you see yourself playing this game (in its current state) if SE said tomorrow "We will not be updating this game anymore, but we will leave the servers up"?

7) Of all the expansions, which one do you regard as the best, and why?

8) If you won a competition to change one thing in FFXI what would it be?

9) Same as question 8, but you had the ability to add one thing in FFXI what would it be?

10) Name one Lakshmi player would you regard as a celebrity?

EDIT: Please don't reply to something someone has written go here: 10 Questions (Discussion Thread)
Try and leave this as one post per person, a single view from each existing members of the Lakshmi community here.

Edited, Feb 24th 2009 6:54am by Argonaut
#2 Feb 23 2009 at 9:10 PM Rating: Excellent
1,892 posts
1) How long have you been playing FFXI for (and playtime if possible)?
Since November 2003, 556days playtime.

2) When you started playing FFXI, did you have a specific job in mind, and if so did you ever complete said job?
First character, I wanted to be a beefcake Warrior. Around WAR40 I decided to make another character, a "Silver Haired Devil", an evil Tarutaru. He was called Schultz, and he was to be a Black Mage.

3) Is that job still as loved now as it was back when you wanted to become one?
Not as much, but I still do like playing Black Mage, I just don't like how it can be abused to pick up the slack of not having well geared DD's, and die multiple times in the process.

4) What one event/moment during your playing time will you regard as the highlight of your time spent playing FFXI?
Doing the CoP storyline with the following friends Yul, Dalziel, Reyals, Greenith, Willdo, Jebat, Worm, Jerome, Lathia. Defining moment of that, the O+U fight as NIN. This was back in the days where you had to farm your CCB's or buy them for insane prices, have them in your Bazaar for 1gil so that members could buy them and use as they needed... downside was that if you wiped you then realised "Hey we are about to be dumped out to a zone with people possibly waiting.... oh ****, 1g CCB's in bazaar... RR FAST!"

5) Same as question 4, but this time the low point of your time spent playing FFXI?
Starting CoP8-2 to have a member DC and never come back. SE decided that it was time to ban him for the times he had POS hacked zones due to being lazy. To my knowledge he had never done it to circumvent obstacles, more he just wanted to get from A to B faster when travelling. When we found out the next day that he had been banned (we were unaware of the POS hacking before then), our group was gutted. It took us a month before we could continue CoP. We were really upset with SE for what they had done. They had taken not only a talented player, but a really nice person from the game.

6) How long can you see yourself playing this game (in its current state) if SE said tomorrow "We will not be updating this game anymore, but we will leave the servers up"?
2013 is my limit. Ten years playing a game... if it hasn't changed by then, then it's /farewell all. Not because I hate the game, there's just a limit to what you can do, and playing a game for ten years is kind of a big thing. Up until then, I'm happy playing the game as is.

7) Of all the expansions, which one do you regard as the best, and why?
As you might have noticed, I'm a fan of CoP. Not only was the storyline great, but it has yet to be surpassed by anything that followed. A lot of my fondest memories come from slogging it out trying to overcome the limitations assigned to us. I honestly think that CoP pre-patch taught us to think outside the box, try different things and not just rely on higher-level friends to come in and just smite the boss in 30 seconds to continue to the next part. This is what the game is lacking now, a challenge when it comes to storyline battles.

8) If you won a competition to change one thing in FFXI what would it be?
I would change fishing back to the old way it was. No matter what they do to make fishing "have more user interaction", bots will still be able to find a way to meet said requirements. The way fishing now is annoying and time consuming. Oh do I miss the days where you would sit back read a book and wait for the sound of your line catching something, then hit enter to reel it in. Now you can't do anything but sit and wait, as any time missed from diminishing the fishes stamina will only cause you to lose the fish before the time runs out.

9) Same as question 8, but you had the ability to add one thing in FFXI what would it be?
I would add instance style Kings. These instances could only be entered once your team met a certain requirement defined by an NPC changed daily. Your linkshell would be used to record statistics and you would be asked certain things like: As a Level-Sync party go out to Bibiki Bay and kill 100,000 combined exp worth of Efts. Random tasks like that. It would allow people to go out to areas and level jobs they want to level, but at the same time it would give the linkshell points towards a goal. Once the requirements are met you would get a key item where you could enter a battle ground to fight the King of your choice.

10) Name one Lakshmi player would you regard as a celebrity?
#3 Feb 23 2009 at 10:26 PM Rating: Excellent
72 posts
1) How long have you been playing FFXI for (and playtime if possible)?
Feb. 2005 253days 19hours 19minutes 13 seconds

2) When you started playing FFXI, did you have a specific job in mind, and if so did you ever complete said job?
I originally wanted to be a blackmage, I got it to about 32 before I tried dragoon, leveled that to 60's then blm to 61. Then finished off Dragoon then took war to 75, then finally finished blm, followed by mnk sam and soon rng.

3) Is that job still as loved now as it was back when you wanted to become one?
I am almost always sam at events now, but i still love my dragoon.

4) What one event/moment during your playing time will you regard as the highlight of your time spent playing FFXI?
I have done so much and met so many people it is hard to choose one time. But one of the things I have always liked was helping out new players with things that seem so small/easy to me but mean the world to them.

5) Same as question 4, but this time the low point of your time spent playing FFXI?
When my social LS i was in for over a longtime broke, and a lot of friends went separate ways due to that.

6) How long can you see yourself playing this game (in its current state) if SE said tomorrow "We will not be updating this game anymore, but we will leave the servers up"?
I'll be here a long time. Lol it saves me money from buying too many new games.

7) Of all the expansions, which one do you regard as the best, and why?
ToAU. It pretty much changed the way the game was played. But I will never forget the epicness of running through Zilart for the first time.

8) If you won a competition to change one thing in FFXI what would it be?
Change some of the ridiculous pop times on NM's (looking at you Eastern Shadow).

9) Same as question 8, but you had the ability to add one thing in FFXI what would it be?
Storage space...

10) Name one Lakshmi player would you regard as a celebrity?
Googlybear seems like a standup guy and everyone knows him.
#4 Feb 23 2009 at 10:36 PM Rating: Excellent
1) How long have you been playing FFXI for (and playtime if possible)?

I created my first character the day after the US release of FFXI. I've quit no less than three times over the years, each time progressing further in the game before starting from scratch, with the exception of last time. Last time I quit, I returned to a totally naked, seal-less level 74 character and farmed myself back from the ground up. I don't know how much in-game play time Angina has amassed.

2) When you started playing FFXI, did you have a specific job in mind, and if so did you ever complete said job?

I knew I'd be a Thief even before I knew what Sneak Attack was. Every time I've started over it has been with the intention of taking Thief to 75, which I finally did on this character.

3) Is that job still as loved now as it was back when you wanted to become one?

In terms of my own preference, absolutely. No other job in this game is even a fraction of the fun I find in playing Thief. In terms of the overall player base's perspective, I'd have to say that Thief sadly remains one of the least-respected jobs in FFXI. This bothers me tremendously.

4) What one event/moment during your playing time will you regard as the highlight of your time spent playing FFXI?

The first time I tanked Charybdis. I got her down to 39% before taking hits, then nearly died twice in a matter of seconds, but ultimately Caedeia got his Joyeuse. It was exhilarating. Going 1/1 on my Swift Belt and Peacock Amulet were both exciting, though...

5) Same as question 4, but this time the low point of your time spent playing FFXI?

If I had five gil for my every miserable FFXI experience, I'd be able to fund 100 Goldsmithing on it. Sometimes I still wonder why I play this game, honestly.

6) How long can you see yourself playing this game (in its current state) if SE said tomorrow "We will not be updating this game anymore, but we will leave the servers up"?

I have depressingly little in terms of a "life". I see no reason to quit FFXI until the servers go down.

7) Of all the expansions, which one do you regard as the best, and why?

Probably ToAU simply because of the insane meriting opportunities. I haven't read a single word of ZM and I've completed Divine Might. I've skipped every line of dialogue in CoP and I'm wrapping up Promyvion-Vahzl on Wednesday. Rank 6 and I've yet to read anything along the way, and I haven't even started a single mission in ToAU or WotG. This game, as far as I'm concerned, has no storyline. Expansions offer nothing but new gear and zones.

8) If you won a competition to change one thing in FFXI what would it be?

There'd be a lot of things, but I can't pick a single one over any other:

1) All NM drop rates would be significantly higher. Nobody would EVER go 1/25 on Mee Deggi the Punisher again.
2) The painfully obvious evasion penalty while casting spells (particularly Utsusemi) would be removed.
3) All missions would be 100% optional as far as zone access and obtaining gear is concerned. No more jumping through lolCoP/ZM hoops to stand a shot at Homam or Hecatomb.
4) Botclaimers and RMT accounts would be tracked and banned permanently on the first offense. Every single player in all of FFXI who's wearing HNM gear obtained through a bot would vanish overnight without a trial.
5) I'd also want to delete the AH price history, so that one idiot price jacker couldn't permanently affect the future price of an item with an act of disgusting greed.

9) Same as question 8, but you had the ability to add one thing in FFXI what would it be?

There's still too much that needs to be fixed to even consider what should be added.

10) Name one Lakshmi player would you regard as a celebrity?

#5 Feb 24 2009 at 1:06 AM Rating: Excellent
2,270 posts
Aww Angi you make me /blush.

1) How long have you been playing FFXI for (and playtime if possible)?
Just over 4.5 years. Started June 13 2004. (I remember because it is a friends B-day :P) /hits the "Playtime" button. 369 days and change.

2) When you started playing FFXI, did you have a specific job in mind, and if so did you ever complete said job?

Before i bought the game I had set my sights on Mithra Thf. Im a dex ***** and always have been/will be. Str doesnt appeal to me. I have always thought incredible agility/dexterity was more impressive than brute str. (The guy sliding down the bar and somersaulting off the end and shooting the baddies in mid flip is WAAY cooler than the guy who throws someone through a wall to me.)Ive always built my RP chars (table top) as dexterous badasses, favorite superhero is spiderman etc :P

Anyways, copy paste from a little file i made.

Started 6/13/04

75 Thf
161 days 8 hours

75 Drg
237 days

3) Is that job still as loved now as it was back when you wanted to become one?

Yup. I adore my thf. My drg has always been a close second to me since day 1. It seems to be edging up closer to thf as its power grows, but has yet to surpass my original love for Thf. The only thing that has dropped is I had dreams of being such an aweesome thf i would overshadow everyone as the underdog job. I have since come to terms with the DD limitations of Thf, but drg has taken over that aspect for me with the uber 2handed changes, new gear etc. It has huge potential now, so i seem to have transfered that desire to drg.

4) What one event/moment during your playing time will you regard as the highlight of your time spent playing FFXI?
Hmmm, a tough one. I think it would have to be my 1st attempt at a static early on. Me, my best RL friend, his cousin, his sister, her fiance, and a mutual in-game friend and my roommate decided to form a static from lv 1-75. Was Pld(me), Drk, Rdm, Brd, Drg, War. We had every race. It was amazing. We started in W.Ron, took some triumphant pics in front of the gate and set out cleansing the world of bunnies in a madhouse of awesomeness. We made it to level 13 before scheduling started to interfere and we gave it up. Since then I am the only one left still playing, but i still treasure that time immensly.

5) Same as question 4, but this time the low point of your time spent playing FFXI?
It wasnt a single thing, but the steady changes the game took in the battel against RMT. I was primarily a NM camper for my gil. Slowly 1 after another every NM worth camping became rare/ex, BCNM, changed to pop NM etc. It seemed like every update i was loosing my ability to maintain my gear standards i had for myself. I was also hitting the 70s during the height of this when gear really starts to hit the pocket book. I also was not very social in the game and had trouble as i got to 75 because i had no real social connections. Thus i couldnt get past the promies, hadnt started ZMs, and had no connections to get started in this fabled "endgame". By then most everyone I knew had quit. It was just a rather sad time in vanadiel as i seemed to have trouble accomplishing anything with little help, little gil, and no real hope of advancement in the game.

6) How long can you see yourself playing this game (in its current state) if SE said tomorrow "We will not be updating this game anymore, but we will leave the servers up"?
Till the servers shut down. They got me. They got me good. I will be playing this game until i have everything for thf+drg, maats cap, and a mandau. After that ill probably pimp out some other jobs for fun that i enjoy.

7) Of all the expansions, which one do you regard as the best, and why?

Well, i personally really like Tau. It changed so much in this game and provided activities for every branch of player. Casual to hardcore. Everything from 3 new rather interesting jobs, new camps/faster exp/Assaults/nyzul for the everyman to Salvage/Einherjar/HNMs for the more hadcore. Combined with the sanction, besieged, ZNMs and the varied appearance of mobs/zones. I feel it was the overall "best" as it gave a lot to everyone.

8) If you won a competition to change one thing in FFXI what would it be?
I would have SE hire the windower team and put that sh*t in the game. It is rediculous how horrid this game can seem after tasting all the features you can get "illegally".

9) Same as question 8, but you had the ability to add one thing in FFXI what would it be?

I suppose I would completely refurbish our archaic search function. I want to be able to LFP on a different job than im on. I want to be able to have various missions channels so i can browse or be browsed for an assault group, CoP, Nyzul FloorX, etc and NOT have to waste my time sitting in WG being unproductive trying to watch all the shouts.

10) Name one Lakshmi player would you regard as a celebrity?
Hmm I would have to say Fyn. A while back it seemed like every time i was having loads of fun, i was with Fyn doing something. Duoing whatever happened to be around. Ose, Kreutzet, UFOs, whatever. It was allways a blast to take something big down with a little lolThf and a Rdm. And i guess he fits the more conventional term of "celeb" as hes well known enough :P

Edited, Feb 24th 2009 4:14am by Banalaty
#6 Feb 24 2009 at 7:42 AM Rating: Excellent
654 posts
1) How long have you been playing FFXI for (and playtime if possible)?

Since 4 January 2004. I don't know exactly, but maybe 500+ days?

2) When you started playing FFXI, did you have a specific job in mind, and if so did you ever complete said job?

I liked Black Mage, and it was my first 75!

3) Is that job still as loved now as it was back when you wanted to become one?

The image and play/levelling style has changed a lot. I feel it is less loved though.

4) What one event/moment during your playing time will you regard as the highlight of your time spent playing FFXI?

Just one? Probably that one time chatting in Upper Jeuno, by the boxes, a long time ago.

5) Same as question 4, but this time the low point of your time spent playing FFXI?

As a young static party in Onzozo (in 2005 maybe?), we stood by and watched our acquaintances from another static die to an NM and claimed it instead of helping them defeat it. I felt very ashamed to have done that just for a chance at a stupid item, especially when they took it to heart. They were gracious enough to look past it eventually, and in 2007ish, we actually merged into one LS.

6) How long can you see yourself playing this game (in its current state) if SE said tomorrow "We will not be updating this game anymore, but we will leave the servers up"?

They don't even have to say that, but my remaining time is 4 more days now! It's just time to move on. :)

7) Of all the expansions, which one do you regard as the best, and why?

CHAINS OF PROMATHIA. And I mean the oldschool, painful experience loss in BC battle days. They camaraderie that spawned from those battles... The relentless drive to win... Never giving up... Team work... ENDLESS organizing... Winning attitudes all over! Battle-wise, I enjoyed CoP most. Come to think about it, story-wise, it was really a good mix of mystery, intrigue and humour too. :)

8) If you won a competition to change one thing in FFXI what would it be?

Erm. Crafting. It's ridiculous for a level 100 Woodworker to blow up an Ash Log.

9) Same as question 8, but you had the ability to add one thing in FFXI what would it be?

Ability to seek on multiple jobs at once.

10) Name one Lakshmi player would you regard as a celebrity?

#7 Feb 24 2009 at 8:04 AM Rating: Excellent
2,915 posts
1) How long have you been playing FFXI for (and playtime if possible)?
Since NA/PS2 release (nearly 6 years I believe now). I don't know my play time. It's an irrelevant number to me, and I don't pay any attention to it.

2) When you started playing FFXI, did you have a specific job in mind, and if so did you ever complete said job?
I always knew I wanted to try them all, and I have continued to "try" them all to this day. However, after giving them each a test run, my first choice was Rdm, which got side tracked at 30 when I unlocked Pld. I do have Rdm at 74 now.

3) Is that job still as loved now as it was back when you wanted to become one?Yes.

4) What one event/moment during your playing time will you regard as the highlight of your time spent playing FFXI?The day Virinis LS was born. I have had the pleasure of knowing what I consider some of the greatest, most helpful players on the server. Without them, I wouldn't have accomplished much of anything over the last 3-1/2 years.

5) Same as question 4, but this time the low point of your time spent playing FFXI?Each time a friend quits.

6) How long can you see yourself playing this game (in its current state) if SE said tomorrow "We will not be updating this game anymore, but we will leave the servers up"?There is still a lot that I have not done, even as long as I have played this game. So I would say I would still have a few years left in me without any new updates.

7) Of all the expansions, which one do you regard as the best, and why?CoP. The story was exceptional, but more than that, it required hard work (especially pre-update), and a great team effort. You felt like you really accomplished something each battle you won, and more than that, you felt that same accomplishment for those with you.

8) If you won a competition to change one thing in FFXI what would it be?I see this question asked a lot, but quite honestly, the areas of the game that effect me most, do not need to be changed. So I'll help out end-gamers and say give them the instanced battles they're asking for.

9) Same as question 8, but you had the ability to add one thing in FFXI what would it be?More low-man end-game content, like Nyzul.

10) Name one Lakshmi player would you regard as a celebrity? I guess I'd have to say Fyn. Pretty much everyone I know has at least heard of him.

Edited, Feb 24th 2009 11:14am by chluke
#8 Feb 24 2009 at 8:45 AM Rating: Excellent
208 posts
1) How long have you been playing FFXI for (and playtime if possible)?

Slightly over four years now. I'm over 300 days in playtime...which seems scary!

2) When you started playing FFXI, did you have a specific job in mind, and if so did you ever complete said job?

I was red mage or die when I started. I still think the pimpness of red mage beats all other jobs. Successful 75 red mage.

3) Is that job still as loved now as it was back when you wanted to become one?

I tend to play Bard, Corsair and Thief mostly now.

4) What one event/moment during your playing time will you regard as the highlight of your time spent playing FFXI?

My favorite moment to this day is still walking into the Tavnazia zone after beating the first 3 crags. I loved just walking there with the music and how peaceful that zone felt.

5) Same as question 4, but this time the low point of your time spent playing FFXI?

Camping NMs and seeing rmts claim them over and over and over and over no matter how quick you tried to be.

6) How long can you see yourself playing this game (in its current state) if SE said tomorrow "We will not be updating this game anymore, but we will leave the servers up"?

I'll be here until SE turns off the last computer. FFXI will never die.

I am unhappily done with FFXI as of March 1st.

7) Of all the expansions, which one do you regard as the best, and why?

COP - hands down. This made playing a real challenge. I do wish they had changed the xp loss earlier when COP was truly difficult.

8) If you won a competition to change one thing in FFXI what would it be?

F@#$@ing Nyzul Isle drop rates. I can't say how much I hate them.

9) Same as question 8, but you had the ability to add one thing in FFXI what would it be?

I'd add a PvP arena that people could bet on the participants. The arena would let you tailor the fight to your desire. Level caps, gear caps, subjob removal, etc. I think that would be great.

10) Name one Lakshmi player would you regard as a celebrity?

GM Dave - he's everywhere!

Edited, Mar 17th 2009 3:06pm by youssarian
#9 Feb 24 2009 at 9:13 AM Rating: Excellent
513 posts
1) How long have you been playing FFXI for (and playtime if possible)?

Gosh... I think it must be over two years now. I think my playtime is in the region of 350+ days. But even then, thinking about it, it doesn't feel like a long time at all. It still seems as fresh and vibrant as always. I guess FFXI has had me charmed all this time, eh?

2) When you started playing FFXI, did you have a specific job in mind, and if so did you ever complete said job?

No, actually. The first job I picked up was THF. I don't really know why I chose it. I suppose I was enamoured with the idea of the "traditional" hero oft a part of fantasy games. The daring rogue; the charming wit. However, I specifically remember the day I tried out RDM whilst messing around with a friend outside San d'Oria. I fell in love with it immediately.

I've always been good at anything I've set my mind to. The thought of being a specialist in something irks me even to this day. Hence, as you can probably tell from the jobs listed in my sig, I have a soft-spot for the hybrids out there. Or, more accurately, hybrids that have the ability to take care of themselves.

3) Is that job still as loved now as it was back when you wanted to become one?

I still love my RDM. Although I leveled it just before the point it got relegated into its "healer" role now, so I really did enjoy the flexibility, the thrill of not knowing quite what I'd be doing in a party, the challenge of earning the privilege of being called a "good" RDM. I think one of my good friends called me "the glue" that kept a party going. I take pride in that!

My current obsession is DNC, though. I think it's perhaps the only job remaining that hasn't been pigeon-holed into a certain role whilst maintaining an active playstyle. And just being fabulous, of course.

I don't know. I could go on about the psychology of it all, but I do love the support role. Or rather, my own brand of support: filling in the gaps where needed on the fly, but also maintaining the thought that if stuff went completely and horribly wrong, I'd still be able to finish the job. Make of that what you will. :p

4) What one event/moment during your playing time will you regard as the highlight of your time spent playing FFXI?

Too many to list. I could go on about hunting a Joyeuse with some very close friends; I could detail the time I had with my Sky LS when it was in its prime; I could go on about the drama that provoked the creation of my social LS so that my dear friends could still be together in the same place.

I guess the common theme here is spending time with friends, which is ongoing. I'm a lone wolf but I relish the time I get trundling along with my partners in crime. :)

5) Same as question 4, but this time the low point of your time spent playing FFXI?

I suppose the thing that stands out here is the gradual decline and eventual demise of my Sky LS. I was a SH - the pointskeeper, if you like - and it just lost its spark. Farming and taking down gods became a chore; stupid little dramas; leaders not bothering to turn up. We all became very bitter. It was such a shame...

I stayed in the LS long after I acquired everything I wanted from Sky purely because I enjoyed going out with LS mates and being a solid member of the team. I fondly remember being the main CSSer for Suzaku and never dying because of it because we were so good at what we did. Plus, I enjoyed seeing people earn the gear they wanted. I really miss those days. I just hope I can relive some of that "cohesiveness" one day.

6) How long can you see yourself playing this game (in its current state) if SE said tomorrow "We will not be updating this game anymore, but we will leave the servers up"?

I have no plans to quit. Too much work into my character; too much left to do; too much fun doing stuff with friends. *sap*

7) Of all the expansions, which one do you regard as the best, and why?

Really hard question. I'm a sucker for stories. I enjoyed all the expansions (although WotG probably the least - although it did release DNC and SCH!). I might have to say ToAU is the best purely because of the sheer breath of content, plus a fantastic storyline. I loved CoP (especially after a friend and I joined a static which breezed through all the challenges!) and I would love to explore Sea some more.

I just enjoy experiences, I guess!

8) If you won a competition to change one thing in FFXI what would it be?

I can't say I'm particularly displeased with anything in the game (that I've come across) besides occasional atrocious drop rates. People irritate me more than the game itself, more often than not. XD

9) Same as question 8, but you had the ability to add one thing in FFXI what would it be?

I really don't know. :x

10) Name one Lakshmi player would you regard as a celebrity?

Again, I don't know. The only "celebrities" I could mention haven't earned that "status" by being good or friendly. So I won't mention anyone. :p
#10 Feb 24 2009 at 10:22 AM Rating: Excellent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
1) How long have you been playing FFXI for (and playtime if possible)?
Think it's 4.5 years now. Recently hit 600+ days playtime. (I only have one character.)

2) When you started playing FFXI, did you have a specific job in mind, and if so did you ever complete said job?

Yep, WHM. I retired it for RDM once WHM got to 56 and learned Raise 2, because I didn't see much of a point in continuing it when pretty much all everyone fought was crabs and didn't really need a WHM (RDM would be more useful, and WHM's healing usually wasn't needed anyway when the crabs were often blink tanked). By playing RDM I learned that there was more to the game than just crabs, and eventually took WHM back up to make it my 2nd 75, and I enjoy and find places to use both jobs.

3) Is that job still as loved now as it was back when you wanted to become one?
Probably more so, thanks to things like Hexa Strike and Mystic Boon, cooler WSs than anything RDM gets. XD

4) What one event/moment during your playing time will you regard as the highlight of your time spent playing FFXI?
The first time I soloed an avatar prime on RDM. I don't even remember the details of the fight, but I do know that was the first step towards seeing just what my potential as RDM was.

5) Same as question 4, but this time the low point of your time spent playing FFXI?
Definitely, the time I tried joining a Fafhogg alliance, ended up miscasting Dia, and getting my alliance killed by Darters inbetween spawn windows. This was over 3 years ago now, but I will still never let myself live this one down.

6) How long can you see yourself playing this game (in its current state) if SE said tomorrow "We will not be updating this game anymore, but we will leave the servers up"?
Still quite a while. All I really care to do anymore is level new jobs, and there's still plenty of that to be done. And quite frankly, I don't really have anything better to do with myself.

7) Of all the expansions, which one do you regard as the best, and why?

Definitely ToAU. It added the greatest variety of new content, a lot of it being content I could actually make use of.

8) If you won a competition to change one thing in FFXI what would it be?
Annoying timed spawns. Talking about things like kings, Bloodsucker, pretty much all 21+ hour NMs. These guys should all be able to be force popped by farming various other mobs in its immediate vicinity, ala Sozu Rogberry (what they did with him was brilliant IMO, but they should have done it to other NMs; the only real problem with Rogberry was its drop rate).

Our competition should be against the monsters, not against other players.

9) Same as question 8, but you had the ability to add one thing in FFXI what would it be?
More storage space. With all the rare/ex **** they keep throwing at us, the amount of space we have is really unacceptable.

10) Name one Lakshmi player would you regard as a celebrity?
I don't do endgame so I don't really know who most of the big-name people are. If you asked this question a few years ago, I'd probably say Jangula; most people knew him for being one of the most notoriously rich people on our server. But now, I don't even know if he still plays, and I pretty much never see his name come up anymore. XD
#11 Feb 24 2009 at 10:53 AM Rating: Excellent
5,684 posts
1) How long have you been playing FFXI for (and playtime if possible)?

It's been 5 years and about 300 days of play time, so I've spend roughly 4hrs/day in Vana'diel.

2) When you started playing FFXI, did you have a specific job in mind, and if so did you ever complete said job?

I did not have any job in mind, I just knew that I wanted to be fairly self reliant, but still melee. After trying warrior, monk, and ranger, I landed on drk.

3) Is that job still as loved now as it was back when you wanted to become one?

After I decided to level it, yes... I have leveled pld since and while I enjoy that job, I still spend 90% of my time on drk.

4) What one event/moment during your playing time will you regard as the highlight of your time spent playing FFXI?

The CoP static that I mostly organized.

5) Same as question 4, but this time the low point of your time spent playing FFXI?

This would be the past few months for me. Most of my in game friends, as well as myself have become more busy, thus my linkshell has almost collapsed.

6) How long can you see yourself playing this game (in its current state) if SE said tomorrow "We will not be updating this game anymore, but we will leave the servers up"?

I would probably stay until Rapture went online, if it was a good game, I'd switch, otherwise, I'd still stick around FFXI until life became too busy for it.

7) Of all the expansions, which one do you regard as the best, and why?

Tough to say, but I'd have to say ToA just because I've done a lot more content in it. It has added a lot of more casual player events and the story lines were amusing. I also enjoy WotG (mainly for the story and excellent quests) and CoP (story and limbus).

8) If you won a competition to change one thing in FFXI what would it be?

I'd add an "invincible" timer to raise that would prevent people from raising then wiping immediately, there would be actions taken to prevent abuse of this with necro killing. I'd also change a billion small annoyances in this game (can't walk over snow banks in xarcabard, rocks in Qufim, that @#%^ing tarutaru in Al Zahbi to get a @#%^ing runic @#%^ing pass, etc).

9) Same as question 8, but you had the ability to add one thing in FFXI what would it be?

Meritable ws's. You can only use the ws if you fully merit said weapon. I prefer merits to be a specialization rather than level 76.

10) Name one Lakshmi player would you regard as a celebrity?

Vawn. Fynlar. Veli (in his own twisted way).

Edited, Feb 24th 2009 12:54pm by xypin
#12 Feb 24 2009 at 11:18 AM Rating: Excellent
310 posts
1) How long have you been playing FFXI for (and playtime if possible)?
Since June 2004, 285 days playtime

2) When you started playing FFXI, did you have a specific job in mind, and if so did you ever complete said job?
A friend of mine got me playing, he was white mage at the time. I was supposed to be PLD and another friend would be monk. But when I leveled MNK as a sub for my warrior, I REALLY fell in love with it and stuck to it ever since. YEARS later I unlocked and started leveling PLD, but when you run out of MP after 2 Cures, it sucks.. so it stayed at level 10

3) Is that job still as loved now as it was back when you wanted to become one?
Monk? How could you possibly stop loving that job

4) What one event/moment during your playing time will you regard as the highlight of your time spent playing FFXI?
Completing CoP

5) Same as question 4, but this time the low point of your time spent playing FFXI?
Hmm.. I'd say seeing 2-3 of my social shells dying due to leaders leaving and such

6) How long can you see yourself playing this game (in its current state) if SE said tomorrow "We will not be updating this game anymore, but we will leave the servers up"?
Prolly for a while, untill wife and I get started on kids

7) Of all the expansions, which one do you regard as the best, and why?
CoP. Most challenging, mind bending, demanding expansion SE ever made

8) If you won a competition to change one thing in FFXI what would it be?
Undo the CoP missions nerf

9) Same as question 8, but you had the ability to add one thing in FFXI what would it be?
Some sort of expansion to reclaim the Galka homeland

10) Name one Lakshmi player would you regard as a celebrity?

Name: Etho
Server: Lakshmi
Allegiance: Bastok Rank10
Linkshells: StarsOfDestiny, ValiantKnights
Mnk75 / Sam75 / Nin75 / Rdm75 / War40 / Thf37 / Rng37 / Whm37 / Dnc37 / Blm19
Cooking 100 & Raw Fish Handling
Relic: MNK 4/5 - SAM 4/5

If a Galka acts superior... well I'm sure he is! ^^ -- Sleeplessspider

I'm elvaan... I'd miss the floor if I dropped something -- Xtreamfx
#13 Feb 24 2009 at 1:07 PM Rating: Excellent
64 posts
1) How long have you been playing FFXI for (and playtime if possible)?
Almost 2yrs, I have no idea of my playtime.

2) When you started playing FFXI, did you have a specific job in mind, and if so did you ever complete said job?
Yes, monk.

3) Is that job still as loved now as it was back when you wanted to become one?
As someone else has said, how can you ever stop loving monk?

4) What one event/moment during your playing time will you regard as the highlight of your time spent playing FFXI?
Probably Lufaise Meadows access after beating the Promies as it was done with an especially close ingame friend, Rockjaw who I love as a brother.

5) Same as question 4, but this time the low point of your time spent playing FFXI?
CoP again ........ doing 2-3 with pickup group that ended up being a huge clusterf**k, as a consquence this mission remains incomplete ; ;

6) How long can you see yourself playing this game (in its current state) if SE said tomorrow "We will not be updating this game anymore, but we will leave the servers up"?
At this point, I can't see myself quitting as there's still so much I haven't seen & done.

7) Of all the expansions, which one do you regard as the best, and why?
I started the game with all expansions except WoTG in place and haven't even scratched the surface of the storylines. At this stage I would have to say none.

8) If you won a competition to change one thing in FFXI what would it be?
All nm rare/ex drops are 100% and no spawn/respawn window to exceed 4hrs

9) Same as question 8, but you had the ability to add one thing in FFXI what would it be?
Extended player movements like jump, crouch/crawl, prone & strafe. Coming from a FPS environment to FFXI, the limited character movement is frustrating.

10) Name one Lakshmi player would you regard as a celebrity?
Only one?
There was a thread a little while back on the Lakshmi forum that detailed who knew who with a rating system. IIRC deathbeckons was the most well known among those that responded.
For me it would have to be Fynlar :)
#14 Feb 24 2009 at 4:54 PM Rating: Excellent
901 posts
1) How long have you been playing FFXI for (and playtime if possible)?
PS2 launch date until December 2004. New character April 2008 to now.

2) When you started playing FFXI, did you have a specific job in mind, and if so did you ever complete said job?
I was interested in this game from a picture a friend from Socom sent me of the Ark Angels. I thought they looked really cool, so my first instict was to become a white haired Elvaan Dark Knight. Though I chose the Elvaan, I never got around to playing DRK as a friend in an old LS spoke so lowly about them and had me change my mind.

3) Is that job still as loved now as it was back when you wanted to become one?
Not as much, but a DRK's abilities rather than the "look" does seem to interest me into picking it up one day.

4) What one event/moment during your playing time will you regard as the highlight of your time spent playing FFXI?
A drunken fishing trip with my old shell Illuminati back in 2004. We were to all stay on the boat as one big alliance trying to catch fish. The rule was, any time you caught a mob, you had to have a gulp of your drink of choice. If pirates or Sea Horror spawned, you had to down the whole thing. It was one of the best bonding experiences I've had with a Linkshell, and I will always remember that close bond we had together. Being 14 at the time of this event, I was puking my brains out after about 2 hours into it. Good ol' parents' liquor cabinet and beer storage!

5) Same as question 4, but this time the low point of your time spent playing FFXI?
The day I quit after realizing all of my time was spent trying to make gil and not even enjoy the game. I was notorious for sitting on the ferry for months on end, trying to catch as many Nebimonites as I could. I made the mistake of not experiencing new things in FFXI, which lead to my eventual departure. Nowadays, I still fish just as much, but I'll always ask my shell if anyone needs help with something today.

6) How long can you see yourself playing this game (in its current state) if SE said tomorrow "We will not be updating this game anymore, but we will leave the servers up"?
Seeing that my character is still under a year old, and basically having nothing great accomplished end-game wise, I'd say a good 2-3 years.

7) Of all the expansions, which one do you regard as the best, and why?
My memory is hazy on expansions, but whatever added campaign. I think WotG? Campaign helped ease the pain of waiting hours for a party invite on MNK.

8) If you won a competition to change one thing in FFXI what would it be?
Harsher penalties/rules regarding thievery.

9) Same as question 8, but you had the ability to add one thing in FFXI what would it be?
Reward systems for helping others out for something you don't need.

10) Name one Lakshmi player would you regard as a celebrity?
Back in the day, I'd say it would have been a toss-up between Shykre and I due to all our Alla spamming and boasting. Nowadays, it'd have to be Fynie~Baby.

Edited, Feb 24th 2009 8:16pm by Dudester
Watusa of Lakshmi

svlyons wrote:
Same sorta thing with Watusa. I saw him fishing on the ferry one time. It felt like a hollywood celebrity sighting.
#15 Feb 24 2009 at 8:13 PM Rating: Excellent
3,493 posts
1) How long have you been playing FFXI for (and playtime if possible)?
Since North America PS2 release... So something like almost 5 years? Dunno about playtime since I'm posting this at work during my downtime... Currently at 204 days, 8 hours, 38 minutes, 5 seconds, and counting. ^^

2) When you started playing FFXI, did you have a specific job in mind, and if so did you ever complete said job?
White mage all the way! ^^ My friend even suggested that I do RDM instead because of the amount of trouble I was getting in getting it to even level 10. I said, NO!! WHM or bust!

3) Is that job still as loved now as it was back when you wanted to become one?
I still love WHM. My meleeing skills are gimpy so when I need to kill stuff, I grab Fynlar instead. >:D

4) What one event/moment during your playing time will you regard as the highlight of your time spent playing FFXI?
When I ran into Roukii while WindurstEnseiguntai was getting ready to do an expeditionary force run. A lot of other good memories stem from that fateful meeting. ^^

5) Same as question 4, but this time the low point of your time spent playing FFXI?
Low? What low? If I had any, I quickly forgot.

6) How long can you see yourself playing this game (in its current state) if SE said tomorrow "We will not be updating this game anymore, but we will leave the servers up"?
When they pull the plug or when all my friends quit.

7) Of all the expansions, which one do you regard as the best, and why?
Wings of the Goddess. I love Campaign battles very very much. :3

8) If you won a competition to change one thing in FFXI what would it be?
Hm, I dunno...

9) Same as question 8, but you had the ability to add one thing in FFXI what would it be?
More cookie recipes. :9

10) Name one Lakshmi player would you regard as a celebrity?
Celebrity? Hm... I guess that'd be Fynlar (he's winning a lot of awards here, today!). Who else can give me a steady supply of ankles? :D

Edited, Mar 8th 2009 11:02pm by kappachan
Long Live Windurst! ( ^∀^)
Maat is a big bully! マート、大っ嫌い!( ⊃д⊂ )
Windurst Rank 10, San d'Oria Rank 10, Bastok Rank 10
Zombies are delicious:
#16 Feb 24 2009 at 8:37 PM Rating: Excellent
94 posts
1) How long have you been playing FFXI for (and playtime if possible)?
Since early March of 2004. I don't like looking at my playtime, but I know it to be over 6,400 hours.

2) When you started playing FFXI, did you have a specific job in mind, and if so did you ever complete said job?
Yes. I only ever wanted to be PLD after I read about it in the PlayStation Magazine review of the game, and that's the only 75 I have.

3) Is that job still as loved now as it was back when you wanted to become one?
In it's own way yes. I like the things it has gotten over the years (Shield Mastery, Auto-Refresh, Sentinel changes, and everything else).
*edit* Oh do I feel the same? Yes I like it even more than I did when I was leveling it. My favorite combo is PLD/RDM, I can do so much with that.

4) What one event/moment during your playing time will you regard as the highlight of your time spent playing FFXI?
It's a toss up between either when I got Joyeuse or when I hit 75.

5) Same as question 4, but this time the low point of your time spent playing FFXI?
The many failed attempts at Joyeuse, the times people jacked Dynamis zones, wasting hours at HNM camps.

6) How long can you see yourself playing this game (in its current state) if SE said tomorrow "We will not be updating this game anymore, but we will leave the servers up"?
I don't think that a lack of updates would affect my play time at all. Lately it's been totally up in the air whether I'm coming back for another month.

7) Of all the expansions, which one do you regard as the best, and why?
In terms of "best" I'd say that CoP had the best story and most challenging battles, ToAU gave the most in terms of actual content, but WoTG is the one I like the most. I can log in for half an hour and do a campaign battle and get 1,000 limit points and log off and not be tied to a party or anything.

8) If you won a competition to change one thing in FFXI what would it be?
I'd completely overhaul the ground kings system into a type of pop-item system. Ground kings is more or less the reason I got out of endgame.

9) Same as question 8, but you had the ability to add one thing in FFXI what would it be?
I'd add a rabbit HNM. This game is sorely lacking that.

10) Name one Lakshmi player would you regard as a celebrity?
Mostly old PLDs like Jordainavon, Aerec, Smartdrv, are names that come to mind for me. At the moment it has to be Reddwarf, he's such a great guy and more deserving of his Aegis than anyone else I know.

Edited, Feb 24th 2009 10:40pm by Spiddster
#17 Feb 25 2009 at 1:37 AM Rating: Excellent
245 posts
1) How long have you been playing FFXI for (and playtime if possible)?

3 years, 90 days of play time.

2) When you started playing FFXI, did you have a specific job in mind, and if so did you ever complete said job?

Gah, SAM, I got it at 70 ¬¬b

3) Is that job still as loved now as it was back when you wanted to become one?

Nope, I pretty much hate it now.

4) What one event/moment during your playing time will you regard as the highlight of your time spent playing FFXI?


5) Same as question 4, but this time the low point of your time spent playing FFXI?
Break up of a Linkshell I co-made.

6) How long can you see yourself playing this game (in its current state) if SE said tomorrow "We will not be updating this game anymore, but we will leave the servers up"?
1 year maybe?

7) Of all the expansions, which one do you regard as the best, and why?

CoP. <3Sea <3Omega <3Ultima <3Tavnazia

8) If you won a competition to change one thing in FFXI what would it be?

Something to make PUP loved.

9) Same as question 8, but you had the ability to add one thing in FFXI what would it be?
Hmm, what do I want, the power...
I guess I'd go for something along the lines drown people with D.Chaps and Dalms that full time Electrum rings and use an Ice Staff.

10) Name one Lakshmi player would you regard as a celebrity?
=o I'd go for Damageddingo. For the WRONG reasons.
#18 Feb 25 2009 at 2:46 AM Rating: Excellent
25 posts
1) How long have you been playing FFXI for (and playtime if possible)?
4 years ( 605 Days , 10 hours 30 min and 3 seconds)

2) When you started playing FFXI, did you have a specific job in mind, and if so did you ever complete said job?
yes , Paladin , yup 6/6 Valor and about done w/ aegis

3) Is that job still as loved now as it was back when you wanted to become one?
yes no all situational BS but i love the job still

4) What one event/moment during your playing time will you regard as the highlight of your time spent playing FFXI?
Eventually saying goodbye to every one

5) Same as question 4, but this time the low point of your time spent playing FFXI? The economy draining me to death because i cant experience things because i have to farm for ****.

6) How long can you see yourself playing this game (in its current state) if SE said tomorrow "We will not be updating this game anymore, but we will leave the servers up"? Finish a few other jobs , finish out aegis and if all my friend list decides to quit the same time lol

7) Of all the expansions, which one do you regard as the best, and why?
COP - Good story

8) If you won a competition to change one thing in FFXI what would it be?
HNM system

9) Same as question 8, but you had the ability to add one thing in FFXI what would it be? Quests that are repeatable once a week and actually give -AFFORDABLE/APPROPRIATE awards, i mean come on simple quest 100G i call BS

10) Name one Lakshmi player would you regard as a celebrity? that slacker fynlar
#19 Feb 25 2009 at 5:38 AM Rating: Excellent
950 posts
1) How long have you been playing FFXI for (and playtime if possible)?
Roughly 4.5 years. (221 days and some change I believe)

2) When you started playing FFXI, did you have a specific job in mind, and if so did you ever complete said job?
Yes, Black Mage. I was replaying FFT when I got FFXI and for some reason I wanted to be a BLM.

3) Is that job still as loved now as it was back when you wanted to become one?
By me? I don't know. Sometimes I love soloing puddings and nuking things, but having to come as BLM to Dynamis and Limbus all the time is making me hate the job. Plus I love DRG and BST way way more.

4) What one event/moment during your playing time will you regard as the highlight of your time spent playing FFXI?
Beating CoP 6-4 before they made it easier. After losing 24k xp and spending hundreds of thousands of gil on CCB pumps My heart was about to explode when I saw Ultima at 5%.

5) Same as question 4, but this time the low point of your time spent playing FFXI?
Buying an Weskit for 3M gil and ToAU coming out a week later and the price dropping to 10k.

6) How long can you see yourself playing this game (in its current state) if SE said tomorrow "We will not be updating this game anymore, but we will leave the servers up"?
I think I'd finish leveling the jobs I wanted to 75 and try and solo some big time stuff and then quit. So a year, maybe less?

7) Of all the expansions, which one do you regard as the best, and why?
Well CoP had the best story IMO, but ToAU was the best overall. New and exciting content and gear that didn't require you to go to obscene lengths to be able to do, and new jobs.

8) If you won a competition to change one thing in FFXI what would it be?
I'd force SE to update the graphics and drop the PS2 and make it for the PS3.

9) Same as question 8, but you had the ability to add one thing in FFXI what would it be?
I know people hate WoW references, but I would seriously like 'flight' paths with chocobos. It'd be so nice to Teleport-Mea and then have the option to just tell the chocobo to take you to Windurst or to free ride.

10) Name one Lakshmi player would you regard as a celebrity?
I'm gonna have to say Smartdrv for taking the picture of Vrtra in the wrong spot, that's where I first heard of him and then I saw him and was like, "Whoah, crap he's on my server." Also Holyfork was a big celebrity for me because back when I was a leveling DRG him and his awesome gear was my inspiration to keep at it even though party invites were few and far between.
#20 Feb 25 2009 at 7:23 AM Rating: Excellent
1,441 posts
1) How long have you been playing FFXI for (and playtime if possible)?
I started in November 2004. I'm not sure how many days I've logged - it has to be between 500-600. My playtime has waned significantly over the last year.

2) When you started playing FFXI, did you have a specific job in mind, and if so did you ever complete said job?
I didn't know anything about Final Fantasy when I started FFXI. I started out on Warrior because it sounded powerful. I used a sword and shield because that's what I wanted to use. I found out PLD existed and never looked back.

3) Is that job still as loved now as it was back when you wanted to become one?
I still love PLD. But I never get to use it. Though there seems to be more love for what a PLD can do now (after Shield Mastery, Rampart, etc.) than there was before

4) What one event/moment during your playing time will you regard as the highlight of your time spent playing FFXI?
My CoP static was amazing (Shurikenger, Avilaa, Jayseth, Ishua, Jektsuken/Roukii). I'll never forget it. It was the most frustrating fun ever.

5) Same as question 4, but this time the low point of your time spent playing FFXI?
Every time some @#%^ with a bad attitude or bad behavior ruins the fun.

6) How long can you see yourself playing this game (in its current state) if SE said tomorrow "We will not be updating this game anymore, but we will leave the servers up"?
I'll play until my friends all quit for good, probably. I've quit a couple times already, but not for more than a couple of months at a time, then I come back for friends and to try to achieve my goals (eventually max out all of the jobs and my merits... lolyeahrightdreamon).

7) Of all the expansions, which one do you regard as the best, and why?
CoP, definitely. It was such a freaking challenge, and the story line was so deep (so much so that I still don't get what all went on - I've got to read up on it sometime). I love a challenge and a good story.

8) If you won a competition to change one thing in FFXI what would it be? I'd make Dynamis and Limbus zones instanced so no group can be locked out, update the graphics engine and make the game available for PS3.

9) Same as question 8, but you had the ability to add one thing in FFXI what would it be?
I want to be able to jump :3

10) Name one Lakshmi player would you regard as a celebrity?
Jangula was always a common name around the server, though I, too, haven't heard anything about him in a long time. I can think of celebrities for negative actions, but I won't pay them any more attention than they've already stolen for themselves.

Edited, Feb 25th 2009 1:48pm by Morwyne
#21 Feb 26 2009 at 1:09 PM Rating: Excellent
118 posts
1) How long have you been playing FFXI for (and playtime if possible)?

3 weeks after NA PC release. So I guess, Nov. 2003.

2) When you started playing FFXI, did you have a specific job in mind, and if so did you ever complete said job?

Yes. Black Mage. First job to 75.

3) Is that job still as loved now as it was back when you wanted to become one?

Hells yes. Primary job now and always.

4) What one event/moment during your playing time will you regard as the highlight of your time spent playing FFXI?

First time standing in Sky.

5) Same as question 4, but this time the low point of your time spent playing FFXI?

Not getting a party for 5 evenings in a row. Then having it happen again. And again. And again.

6) How long can you see yourself playing this game (in its current state) if SE said tomorrow "We will not be updating this game anymore, but we will leave the servers up"?

Depends how long some friends still play.

7) Of all the expansions, which one do you regard as the best, and why?

Rise of the Zilart, easily. It was less like an expansion, and more like the 2nd half of an incomplete game.
a) Sky. I got there long before it was the crapshoot it is now, so I actually had a a lot of fun there. First time in a large linkshell, one of the first NA LS to do anything in sky.

b) Dynamis. Set the tone for any/all instanced events to come. And looking like the Ark Angel TT but w/o the crappy makeup is all sorts of awesome.

c) Ninja (or more accurately, Utsusemi.) No one spell has so drastically affected how this game is played more than this. No, Cure/Raise don't count.

d) The other 40+ new areas released. Altep, Yhoat, ZiTah, Valley, and everything in between.

e) Lvl cap 75. the only lvl cap raise in the game.

8) If you won a competition to change one thing in FFXI what would it be?

Allow character IDs to be moved between accounts. Totally selfish, but after almost 5-1/2 years Eledhwyn and I would really like to play together. Bad decision on our part not to consider how long we'd be playing.

9) Same as question 8, but you had the ability to add one thing in FFXI what would it be?

Macro lines. Don't use windower, so 6 is not enough for my playstyle.

10) Name one Lakshmi player would you regard as a celebrity?

Yoda. Not sure if he still plays though. I don't check that often.

Edited, Feb 26th 2009 4:10pm by FFTessei

Edited, Feb 26th 2009 4:12pm by FFTessei
#22 Feb 26 2009 at 4:29 PM Rating: Good
100 posts
1) How long have you been playing FFXI for (and playtime if possible)?
Started playing January 10th, 2005. I'm an extraordinarily casual player, though, and only have about 145 days of playtime logged.

2) When you started playing FFXI, did you have a specific job in mind, and if so did you ever complete said job?
Yup! I picked out RDM from the manual that came with the game, started as RDM in Windy, and never looked back until DNC came out. Even still it took me a few years to hit 75rdm, due to having to level subjobs, and being extremely slow at leveling in general. RDM is STILL my only 75 job. ^_^;

3) Is that job still as loved now as it was back when you wanted to become one?
Yep. I love its survivability. and the hat.

4) What one event/moment during your playing time will you regard as the highlight of your time spent playing FFXI?
I've got quite a few highlights, it's hard to pick just one. I've got it narrowed down to when I hit Windy Rank 10, thanks to the help of many friends, some of whom I haven't seen in years; Beating Maat with my dearest friends in a PT with me to /cheer me on; Finally beating the Promies and walking through the Tavnazian region for the first time, after playing the game for 3 years; and going through the ToAU missions with the ChocoboLTD folks, and kicking Alexander's *** with our wierdo party setup that somehow worked fantastically. ^-^

5) Same as question 4, but this time the low point of your time spent playing FFXI?
The time I was in a sky/endgame LS. All it did was introduce drama and item-lust into my life, I never got anything but lost exp and headaches from it.

6) How long can you see yourself playing this game (in its current state) if SE said tomorrow "We will not be updating this game anymore, but we will leave the servers up"?
Until my friends are gone, or I lose interest in the game.

7) Of all the expansions, which one do you regard as the best, and why?
I like the game changes introduced by WotG the best, especially since it introduced my second love, DNC. But I also really enjoyed the ToAU storyline. So it's kinda a tie, though I love the WotG storyline too, where it's gone so far at least.

8) If you won a competition to change one thing in FFXI what would it be?
Make it easier for legit, casual players to farm the gil needed to get the cool AH-able gear. As it stands now, if you're unable or unwilling to devote 4+ hours at a time farming, it's damnably hard to make gil.

9) Same as question 8, but you had the ability to add one thing in FFXI what would it be?
Dunno, I'm pretty much content with the stuff that's already in the game, except being frustrated that as a casual player, there is a lot of really good gear that I will NEVER have.

10) Name one Lakshmi player would you regard as a celebrity?
Fynlar. I doubt I'd still be playing if it wasn't for him, and all the help and encouragement and wacky fun he's given me.
#23 Feb 27 2009 at 11:41 AM Rating: Good
1,088 posts
1) How long have you been playing FFXI for (and playtime if possible)?

Since June 2004, around 332 days of playtime.

2) When you started playing FFXI, did you have a specific job in mind, and if so did you ever complete said job?

Back when before I started playing FFXI, I wanted to be a SMN, simply because I thought they would kick the most ***. I did take it to 75, but I hate how it's used as a gimpy main healer with a OMGHUEG MP pool.

3) Is that job still as loved now as it was back when you wanted to become one?

I love SMN, but I don't love it as much as PUP. It's a shame that many people don't know what a good PUP can really do, or how much of a monster it is in a merit party or its usefulness in endgame.

4) What one event/moment during your playing time will you regard as the highlight of your time spent playing FFXI?

Everytime I play PUP, it's a high point. The job is NEVER boring, and testing its limits always surprises even me as to what the job can really do. I managed to solo Sandy 7-2 (the BCNM with the 3 orcs and 2 warmachines) when there were naysayers.

5) Same as question 4, but this time the low point of your time spent playing FFXI?

The exclusion factor of PUP. It seems that lately, people just follow a herd mentality about what's good and what's not, and they tend to follow the biggest idiots of all time.

6) How long can you see yourself playing this game (in its current state) if SE said tomorrow "We will not be updating this game anymore, but we will leave the servers up"?

Although I've cut down a lot since I'm quite busy with school and open source projects, I'd play for quite a while longer. See #4 as to why I would.

7) Of all the expansions, which one do you regard as the best, and why?

CoP before it was watered down, it's the one expansion where you felt that you've actually accomplished something with the gradual unlocking of areas. I managed to beat it all before they watered it down, it's not hard if your group can be coordinated.

8) If you won a competition to change one thing in FFXI what would it be?

How PUP is viewed by the playerbase, but we can't change that unless they make PUP retardedly overpowered, like SAM. I'd have to settle for giving the PUP community a perfect automaton AI, because goodness knows, we really need that...

"Master! Master! You're in the red! Cure V for you, right awa- Oh?! Is that Blind? One blindna coming up!"

That, or reducing the Activate timer to 10 minutes.

Died so many times because of that. :<

9) Same as question 8, but you had the ability to add one thing in FFXI what would it be?

I would give PUP a new 2-Hour and make Overdrive a 10-minute Job Ability. Really, SE, you couldn't have thought of anything better?

Or maybe the ability to summon a second automaton for PUP70+, but that would get complicated (and very, very overpowered, I might add).

10) Name one Lakshmi player would you regard as a celebrity?
I'm an oldie, so Sleepynight was the famous (notorious, perhaps?) guy around back then. My endgame/social shell at the time would make fun of him because he always used to 'walk' (not running, the thing everyone does to get from point A to point B in a city) in public.

Edited, Feb 27th 2009 11:41am by Kametame
#24 Mar 02 2009 at 1:04 PM Rating: Good
1) How long have you been playing FFXI for (and playtime if possible)?
Played in the summer of 2005, didn't start seriously until summer 2006. Playtime: 187ish days.

2) When you started playing FFXI, did you have a specific job in mind, and if so did you ever complete said job?
I wanted to be a DD, even though I wasn't familiar with the term at the time. When my friends gave me a high level overview of each job, DRK stuck out in my mind. My DRK remains at level 5 to this day. When I got MNK to 30 and looked into the jobs in more detail, I found DRG to be the most straightforward DD job, so I went with that.

3) Is that job still as loved now as it was back when you wanted to become one?
DRG is and always will be my main job. If I could go back and do it again, taking away the DRG pride, I probably would have gone for SAM. But the pride is there and always will be, and I don't regret it one bit.

4) What one event/moment during your playing time will you regard as the highlight of your time spent playing FFXI?
Probably plain and simple DRG 75. My first 75 job opened up a whole world of opportunity, and everything I've enjoyed since then couldn't have happened without a 75.

5) Same as question 4, but this time the low point of your time spent playing FFXI?
November 2007: "BRD 65, I'll have it at 75 in a month, easy!"
November 2008: "Ding, BRD 75!"

6) How long can you see yourself playing this game (in its current state) if SE said tomorrow "We will not be updating this game anymore, but we will leave the servers up"?
I still have plenty to do. It'll only be when I've done everything I want that I'll consider stopping.

7) Of all the expansions, which one do you regard as the best, and why?
AU, easily. Between Whitegate, camps, endgame content, and jobs, nothing else compares.

8) If you won a competition to change one thing in FFXI what would it be?
As long of a list as I have, the thing at the top of my list would be to fix missed communications between zones. Drives me absolutely nuts.

9) Same as question 8, but you had the ability to add one thing in FFXI what would it be?
Invis and Sneak abilities or spells for every job. I despise it when I cant go DRG/BLU or DRG/SAM somewhere because I need invis and sneak, and powders/oils are consumed way too fast.

10) Name one Lakshmi player would you regard as a celebrity?
Zoya. He was the first player I knew with a relic weapon, and everyone I brought his name up to knew him as the best mnk on the server.
#25 Mar 05 2009 at 10:59 AM Rating: Good
681 posts
1) How long have you been playing FFXI for (and playtime if possible)?
Started in October 2003, or whenever the game came out on PC. Playtime is a mere 372 days :\

2) When you started playing FFXI, did you have a specific job in mind, and if so did you ever complete said job?
I actually had red mage in mind because I wanted to be able to quickly adapt to certain situations, and red mage as the most flexible seeming job at the time... That's why I chose hume, too

3) Is that job still as loved now as it was back when you wanted to become one?
Lol no, rdm is 12 hahaha

4) What one event/moment during your playing time will you regard as the highlight of your time spent playing FFXI?
Tied between "Getting my stupid Yinyang Robe!" and "Getting Stringing Pummel!"

5) Same as question 4, but this time the low point of your time spent playing FFXI?
Tied between "The three months leading up to me getting my Yinyang Robe!" and "The two months (and 3140 WS points) leading up to me getting Stringing Pummel!"

6) How long can you see yourself playing this game (in its current state) if SE said tomorrow "We will not be updating this game anymore, but we will leave the servers up"?

7) Of all the expansions, which one do you regard as the best, and why?
ToAU added PUP, which I thoroughly enjoy more than SMN. CoP had a nice storyline and Sea... Augh, I can't decide!

8) If you won a competition to change one thing in FFXI what would it be?
Make the game less time consuming, but still just as fun.

9) Same as question 8, but you had the ability to add one thing in FFXI what would it be?
More solo-obtainable decent gear.

10) Name one Lakshmi player would you regard as a celebrity?
The ones mentioned in other answers XD
#26 Mar 08 2009 at 11:33 AM Rating: Good
318 posts
1) How long have you been playing FFXI for (and playtime if possible)?
I created my first character in October 2004, but I never made it past LV5 WAR. I created Keiro in December 2004 and I've been playing on and off since (I was 12 so my playtime was lowish, it's been slowly getting more as I've aged).

2) When you started playing FFXI, did you have a specific job in mind, and if so did you ever complete said job?
I wanted to be a SAM/BRD, but when I read the forums and saw how bad of a job combo that was, I took a fancy to BRD and BST and ultimately decided on BRD, which became my first 75.

3) Is that job still as loved now as it was back when you wanted to become one?
I love BRD. It's really versatile on low end stuff (I can put out decent numbers on DC mobs, main heal certain merit PTs, etc), but I'm almost always useful on HNM and other things of that caliber. However, I hate meritting on BRD as it's monotonous and I "burn out" from in in 2 hours. Additionally, BRD doesn't have a good way to recover HP while soloing, so I find myself soloing (as I often do) on WHM.

4) What one event/moment during your playing time will you regard as the highlight of your time spent playing FFXI?
Without a doubt discovering Roukii and the rest of WindurstEnseiguntai. It was Spot and Mango that helped me complete 2-3 that enabled me to do Expeditionary Force in the first place, so I jumped at the opportunity. Seeing all of the other level 30 mages in full Seer's gear really humbled me (lol, I know) as I couldn't afford it as a first time LV30 WHM. Pulling all nighters to secure Windurstian Conquest Victory, or better yet, taking over Ronfaure or Gustaberg, is something that I will always remember.

5) Same as question 4, but this time the low point of your time spent playing FFXI?
When my friend Akuma quit. I met him when we were both ~LV20 and we leveled to 75 together. He became really successful in endgame while I ended up in mediocrity, but our friendship remained. When he quit, I seriously considered quitting as well, but decided not to.

6) How long can you see yourself playing this game (in its current state) if SE said tomorrow "We will not be updating this game anymore, but we will leave the servers up"?
I actually have no idea. Probably as long as my friends stay in the game.

7) Of all the expansions, which one do you regard as the best, and why?
ToAU. CoP's story was cool and all, and the BCs were for the most part enjoyable, but due to the difficulty of finding groups I completed the expansion over two years, thus the story was extremely fragmented. ToAU on the other hand brought many casual activities to the game (Salvage, Nyzul, Assault, Besieged), as well many great EXP camps. To be honest, I actually liked ToAU story's more than CoP's as well (CoP was really trippy and there were many jumps in trains of thought to move the plot whereas ToAU was much more straight forward and there was always a sense of impending doom where in CoP you never had any idea what was coming next. AU44 is my favorite BC in the entire game (CoP 6-4 is a close second).

8) If you won a competition to change one thing in FFXI what would it be?
Give me a JP button! But in all seriousness, I'd adjust the way EXP was gained to give more EXP for all mobs. I spend a lot of time killing DC/EP mobs for random quests and it'd be nice if I could gain more EXP/merits from it because soloing those mobs is more difficult than healing a merit party.

9) Same as question 8, but you had the ability to add one thing in FFXI what would it be?
More BC/KSNMs, or at least change up the drop pools a bit. It's kinda boring doing the same BCs over and over for a chance at gil. I'd much prefer to mix it up a bit, at least for the variety.

10) Name one Lakshmi player would you regard as a celebrity?
Hacksign. Aside from Jangula, he's the person I most think of when I think of "old money". I've actually seen him running around WG lately with a Mandau, but I don't know if it's the original Hacksign.
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