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A you trying to make me a feminist?Follow

#1702 Jan 28 2015 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
Jophiel wrote:
Feminists ruined Magic: the Gathering? Smiley: confused

Not ruined but muddied the fucking water talking about their genitals.

Everything is misogyny, men are out to shit on women, etc. It's all bullshit.
#1703 Jan 28 2015 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
Elinda wrote:

To make a claim that all the people who don't see eye-to-eye with you on an issue are 'liars' is just a really stupid thing to say.

No it is not when they are routinely and demonstrably lying and using dishonest tactics. It's calling a spade for what it is.
#1704 Jan 28 2015 at 11:59 AM Rating: Good
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
NaughtyWord wrote:
Elinda wrote:
Show me some proof that lying is more prevalent among those that think women and men are equal human being than it among those who think men are superior human beings.

And here you are pushing the same bullshit I hear from feminists all the fucking time. Just because someone hasn't backed your female superiority ideology doesn't mean they think men are superior. It's a false dichotomy and is a dishonest tactic.

Furthermore you've also tried to homogenize feminism with egalitarianism. Feminism is the ADVOCACY OF WOMEN'S RIGHTS on the basis of the political, social, and economic equality to men. Words have meaning; egalitarians are actually concerned with equality; Feminists are concerned with women only.

I wasn't out to argue about the definition of feminism. That would be really stupid of me. Not in a million years would i agree with you on that point.

My point (3rd time now) is that all humans are dishonest, lying, self-serving twats.

Get it yet?
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#1705 Jan 28 2015 at 12:04 PM Rating: Good
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
NaughtyWord wrote:
Elinda wrote:

To make a claim that all the people who don't see eye-to-eye with you on an issue are 'liars' is just a really stupid thing to say.

No it is not when they are routinely and demonstrably lying and using dishonest tactics. It's calling a spade for what it is.

Lol, and you're never lied or connived, bent the truth or embellished.

Give me a break. You're not a righteous guy.

Tactics only become 'dishonest' when they're being used against you.
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#1706 Jan 28 2015 at 12:05 PM Rating: Decent
Elinda wrote:
NaughtyWord wrote:
Elinda wrote:
Show me some proof that lying is more prevalent among those that think women and men are equal human being than it among those who think men are superior human beings.

And here you are pushing the same bullshit I hear from feminists all the fucking time. Just because someone hasn't backed your female superiority ideology doesn't mean they think men are superior. It's a false dichotomy and is a dishonest tactic.

Furthermore you've also tried to homogenize feminism with egalitarianism. Feminism is the ADVOCACY OF WOMEN'S RIGHTS on the basis of the political, social, and economic equality to men. Words have meaning; egalitarians are actually concerned with equality; Feminists are concerned with women only.

I wasn't out to argue about the definition of feminism. That would be really stupid of me. Not in a million years would i agree with you on that point.

My point (3rd time now) is that all humans are dishonest, lying, self-serving twats.

Get it yet?

What in the actual **** are you talking about? You are trying to derail or strawman my argument. I never once said that I don't lie, humans don't lie, or whatever.

I said that feminists I run into tend to also be monolithic liars. And you are trying to twist that into some message about humanity.

However someone who occasionally lies or is less severe in their lies is miles apart from someone who makes a routine habit of it or bases their entire world-view on those lies.
#1707 Jan 28 2015 at 12:08 PM Rating: Decent
Elinda wrote:
NaughtyWord wrote:
Elinda wrote:

To make a claim that all the people who don't see eye-to-eye with you on an issue are 'liars' is just a really stupid thing to say.

No it is not when they are routinely and demonstrably lying and using dishonest tactics. It's calling a spade for what it is.

Lol, and you're never lied or connived, bent the truth or embellished.

Give me a break. You're not a righteous guy.

Tactics only become 'dishonest' when they're being used against you.

No generally people find dishonest tactics, like your false dichotomy, deplorable. Well those of us who attempt to hold to some sort of ethical standard.

Here you go again, getting your scarecrows out. Where did I claim that I have never lied? Go ahead, quote it.
#1708 Jan 28 2015 at 12:11 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
NaughtyWord wrote:
Not ruined but muddied the fucking water talking about their genitals.

Everything is misogyny, men are out to shit on women, etc. It's all bullshit.

Yeah, I can't really get behind your complaint here. Someone got banned for rape threats and someone else was banned for taking photos (mainly of fat dudes) and mocking them on Twitter. And Lee got a bunch of shit ("I'd bang you", "You're too fat to bang") on a stream during a finals tournament but nothing was actually done about it.

I thought you meant there were actual rule changes or something. Not just "Hey, this women was harassed, how dare anyone mention it".

When I was playing M:tG my (admittedly small sample size) local groups were always cool and respectful with female players. But I guess that's sadly the difference between sitting at a table across from someone and having a thousand people sending online messages at you.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#1709 Jan 28 2015 at 12:13 PM Rating: Good
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
NaughtyWord wrote:
Elinda wrote:
NaughtyWord wrote:
Elinda wrote:
Show me some proof that lying is more prevalent among those that think women and men are equal human being than it among those who think men are superior human beings.

And here you are pushing the same bullshit I hear from feminists all the fucking time. Just because someone hasn't backed your female superiority ideology doesn't mean they think men are superior. It's a false dichotomy and is a dishonest tactic.

Furthermore you've also tried to homogenize feminism with egalitarianism. Feminism is the ADVOCACY OF WOMEN'S RIGHTS on the basis of the political, social, and economic equality to men. Words have meaning; egalitarians are actually concerned with equality; Feminists are concerned with women only.

I wasn't out to argue about the definition of feminism. That would be really stupid of me. Not in a million years would i agree with you on that point.

My point (3rd time now) is that all humans are dishonest, lying, self-serving twats.

Get it yet?

What in the actual **** are you talking about? You are trying to derail or strawman my argument. I never once said that I don't lie, humans don't lie, or whatever.

I said that feminists I run into tend to also be monolithic liars. And you are trying to twist that into some message about humanity.

However someone who occasionally lies or is less severe in their lies is miles apart from someone who makes a routine habit of it or bases their entire world-view on those lies.

Well then use numbers or something if you're going to make value statements about dishonest people.

Here's a scale: 1 = Mother Teresa, 10 = someone who's perjured themselves before a jury.

Feminists are, what, maybe a 7 on the dishonesty scale.

I'd give myself a 2 (but I'd be lying).

Lol, I'm sorry you said a really stupid thing, but continuing this argument isn't detracting from that.
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#1710 Jan 28 2015 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
Elinda wrote:

Well then use numbers or something if you're going to make value statements about dishonest people.

How about you go fuck yourself with your language policing? I'll post the way I see fit.

Elinda wrote:

Here's a scale: 1 = Mother Teresa, 10 = someone who's perjured themselves before a jury.

Feminists are, what, maybe a 7 on the dishonesty scale.

On your silly scale I'd put your average schmuck on a 3 and notable feminists on an 8.5. They lie to make a retarded amount of money.

Elinda wrote:

Lol, I'm sorry you said a really stupid thing, but continuing this argument isn't detracting from that.

Right back atcha motherfucker with your stupid, retarded, dishonest, and intellectually vacant false dichotomy.

Edited, Jan 28th 2015 10:20am by NaughtyWord
#1711 Jan 28 2015 at 12:19 PM Rating: Good
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
NaughtyWord wrote:

Here you go again, getting your scarecrows out. Where did I claim that I have never lied? Go ahead, quote it.

I didn't say that you said that you never lied.

Go ahead show me where I what.

I don't care if I win this argument. I just wanted to point out that you said a stupid thing. You'll never agree with me.

It seems people, on both sides of this amorphous issue have gone to great lengths NOT to address any problems, but simply to make other people look bad. It's pretty disheartening.

Edited, Jan 28th 2015 7:22pm by Elinda
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#1712 Jan 28 2015 at 12:25 PM Rating: Good
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
NaughtyWord wrote:
Elinda wrote:

Well then use numbers or something if you're going to make value statements about dishonest people.

How about you go fuck yourself with your language policing? I'll post the way I see fit.

Elinda wrote:

Here's a scale: 1 = Mother Teresa, 10 = someone who's perjured themselves before a jury.

Feminists are, what, maybe a 7 on the dishonesty scale.

On your silly scale I'd put your average schmuck on a 3 and notable feminists on an 8.5. They lie to make a retarded amount of money.

Elinda wrote:

Lol, I'm sorry you said a really stupid thing, but continuing this argument isn't detracting from that.

Right back atcha motherfucker with your stupid, retarded, dishonest, and intellectually vacant false dichotomy.

Edited, Jan 28th 2015 10:20am by NaughtyWord
Btw, I've never had any schooling in debating, logic or reason. I've heard gbaji use the straw man argument time and again, but it doesn't mean much to me. I don't have a clue what false dichotomy is, let alone a vacant one.

But rest of your comments are pretty clear.

You've made your point...and mine.

Edited, Jan 28th 2015 7:27pm by Elinda
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#1713 Jan 28 2015 at 12:27 PM Rating: Decent
Elinda wrote:

It seems people, on both sides of this amorphous issue have gone to great lengths NOT to address any problems,

There is no problem outside of feminists and those infected with the virus of social justice screaming from the mountaintops that gaming is over, that gamers are dead, and that games shouldn't be about fun. These people have developers ****-scared; occasionally they hop on 4chan or 8chan and say "We're all terrified of these people" because they've co-opted the game's media and can effectively ruin careers. Smart developers have instead opted to avoid these people by going to YouTube personalities like TotalBiscuit. Why? He won't call them misogynists, rape apologists, or whatever other retarded feminist buzzword there is out there.

The solution? To rebuke these people and get their podiums shut down while supporting game's media that wants to talk about the fucking games rather than people's genitalia or what kind of people they like to rub their genitalia against. #GamerGate has most certainly gone great lengths to address the problem.

Edited, Jan 28th 2015 10:43am by NaughtyWord
#1714 Jan 28 2015 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
Elinda wrote:
Btw, I've never had any schooling in debating, logic or reason. I've heard gbaji use the straw man argument time and again, but it doesn't mean much to me. I don't have a clue what false dichotomy is, let alone a vacant one.

A false dilemma, or false dichotomy, is a logical fallacy which involves presenting two opposing views, options or outcomes in such a way that they seem to be the only possibilities: that is, if one is true, the other must be false, or, more typically, if you do not accept one then the other must be accepted.

#1715 Jan 28 2015 at 12:54 PM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
Jophiel wrote:
Feminists ruined Magic: the Gathering? Smiley: confused
I tried to tap a Serra Angel and got slapped with an assault and rape charges. Smiley: crymore
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#1716 Jan 28 2015 at 1:09 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Elinda wrote:
I don't care if I win this argument. I just wanted to point out that you said a stupid thing. You'll never agree with me.

What 'thing' was that? The thing about feminists lying to him?
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#1717 Jan 28 2015 at 1:34 PM Rating: Decent
Mazra wrote:
Elinda wrote:
I don't care if I win this argument. I just wanted to point out that you said a stupid thing. You'll never agree with me.

What 'thing' was that? The thing about feminists lying to him?

I'm assuming it is some sort of feminist doublethink. I fail to see how noticing a certain group of people are consistently lying to you, and then saying "Hey I notice a vast majority of these kinds of people are lying to me" is stupid.

There are three kinds of people I find routinely lying to me: feminists, those in the Fourth Estate, and politicians. Sometimes they are all three.

#1718 Jan 28 2015 at 1:44 PM Rating: Good
13,240 posts
NaughtyWord wrote:
Mazra wrote:
Elinda wrote:
I don't care if I win this argument. I just wanted to point out that you said a stupid thing. You'll never agree with me.

What 'thing' was that? The thing about feminists lying to him?

I'm assuming it is some sort of feminist doublethink. I fail to see how noticing a certain group of people are consistently lying to you, and then saying "Hey I notice a vast majority of these kinds of people are lying to me" is stupid.

There are three kinds of people I find routinely lying to me: feminists, those in the Fourth Estate, and politicians. Sometimes they are all three.

Well, It seems all four estates are lying to you then.
Just as Planned.
#1719 Jan 28 2015 at 2:05 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
lolgaxe wrote:
Jophiel wrote:
Feminists ruined Magic: the Gathering? Smiley: confused
I tried to tap a Serra Angel and got slapped with an assault and rape charges. Smiley: crymore

That's cause Serra Angel will get all up in someone's face without you even getting to tap her. She's like, ultimate Feminist Level 100.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#1720 Jan 28 2015 at 3:04 PM Rating: Decent
Timelordwho wrote:
NaughtyWord wrote:
Mazra wrote:
Elinda wrote:
I don't care if I win this argument. I just wanted to point out that you said a stupid thing. You'll never agree with me.

What 'thing' was that? The thing about feminists lying to him?

I'm assuming it is some sort of feminist doublethink. I fail to see how noticing a certain group of people are consistently lying to you, and then saying "Hey I notice a vast majority of these kinds of people are lying to me" is stupid.

There are three kinds of people I find routinely lying to me: feminists, those in the Fourth Estate, and politicians. Sometimes they are all three.

Well, It seems all four estates are lying to you then.

There are five Estates.
#1721 Jan 28 2015 at 3:09 PM Rating: Good
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
lolgaxe wrote:

I tried to tap a Serra Angel and got slapped with an assault and rape charges. Smiley: crymore
The courts gave her wings.

Mazra wrote:
Elinda wrote:

I don't care if I win this argument. I just wanted to point out that you said a stupid thing. You'll never agree with me.

What 'thing' was that? The thing about feminists lying to him?
Oh, it was just silly little feminist me writing to see myself speak. Don't bother yourself to read or straint your little brain trying to comprehend my stuff. Everyone knows how all dishonest us feminists are...Smiley: disappointed
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#1722 Jan 28 2015 at 3:22 PM Rating: Decent
Elinda wrote:
Oh, it was just silly little feminist me writing to see myself speak. Don't bother yourself to read or straint your little brain trying to comprehend my stuff. Everyone knows how all dishonest us feminists are...Smiley: disappointed

I see the problem. You've taken:

Because like every-single Feminist I have encountered he was dishonest and edited lies into #GamerGate-related articles.

To mean:

All feminists do is lie.

Which is a terrible connection to make. One is a statement of experience and the other is a statement of all. These are not the same statements.

It is not foolish nor stupid to assert ones experience of people who subscribe to a particular ideology.

Christians in my experience tend to take communion. Certainly not all, but generally they do.

With feminists whenever they go on about "PATRIARCHY" 'RAEP CULTURZ' or "MUH SOGGY KNEES" they are most certainly bullshitting you (all of which have been attributed to video games by several prominent feminists inside and outside of game's media).

I for one rather enjoyed the UVA and Duke Lacrosse incidents blowing up in their stupid feminist faces. I rather enjoyed watching Jessica Valenti writhe when the two cases fell on their faces.

Edited, Jan 28th 2015 1:23pm by NaughtyWord
#1723 Jan 28 2015 at 6:48 PM Rating: Good
1,159 posts
They're breeding.
Timelordwho wrote:
I'm not quite sure that scheming is an emotion.
#1724 Jan 28 2015 at 7:50 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Kavekkk wrote:
They're breeding.

Heaven forfend.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#1725 Jan 28 2015 at 8:40 PM Rating: Good
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
I wonder how much fun it is being more insufferable than the group you're complaining about.
#1726 Jan 28 2015 at 9:18 PM Rating: Decent
Allegory wrote:
I wonder how much fun it is being more insufferable than the group you're complaining about.

The idea is to attack, attack, attack, and sooner or later they'll make a mistake. Then you take that mistake and flood ad support inboxes and get ad support for feminist rags like Gamasutra/Kotaku/Gawker yanked. Do it enough times and they can't pay bills; effectively purging them from gaming.

Gaming was better before they arrived; it'll be better when they leave.

Joystiq is getting shut down. Not paying the bills. I'll be sure to not be too happy when the lights go out.

Edited, Jan 28th 2015 7:44pm by NaughtyWord
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