So, I have the usual g-man pension and various optional contributory deferred compensation type thingies as well as other fairly normal investments, bonds, etc. But i've never really dabbled in the stock market or other investment type things all that much. I've decided that it's probably time to start doing more of that. So basically I'm looking for ideas. I'll probably play with stocks, mainly sticking with companies or industries I know a fair amount about (aerospace, computers, technology in general, mining and mineral aquisition (particularily rare earths at the moment), a couple of the standard index stocks for balance, etc. but i also want to pick collective brains for other ideas. I tried investing in zombies but their brains weren't worth picking.
So, any ideas or theroies that have worked well for you in the past? wacky off the wall zany investment conspiracy theories that you think might work but haven't tried? companies that you work for that totally don't suck (or does that constitute insider trading? if so, nevermind that one)? Random 3 letter combinations that sound neat? I already looked up the first obvious choice of Western Asset Vrble Rate Strtgc Fnd Inc, so thats covered already...
So yeah, that. best performing idea after oh, lets say a month or two gets a chunk of rate ups or something!