State Senate Politics enters 'fantasy world'
The story is about politcal attack adds made against a woman running for state senate. She plays WoW.
The KJ wrote:
State Republicans have created a website and released a corresponding mailer detailing the online gaming history of District 25 candidate Colleen Lachowicz of Waterville.....
The Republican site links to Lachowicz’s gamer profile, showing her character, Santiaga, and attributes a long list of blog posts on liberal website to Lachowicz.
The Republican site links to Lachowicz’s gamer profile, showing her character, Santiaga, and attributes a long list of blog posts on liberal website to Lachowicz.
They've also found, and put up on their site, some disparaging remarks that Lachowicz made about Maine Gov. Lepage on a dailykos blog. The remarks are pretty tame considering the target, none-the-less they're not good statements to be made public when running for elected office.
Would you vote for a gamer for state senate?
I might vote for a EQer, but prolly not a WoWer....