So, its the weekend once more, and it looks like it's my turn to make the thread! Anyone doing anything interesting?
Fence is finally going in my back yard, to shut out the annoying dogs. Here is the corner section:
Basically that, but 74 more feet at the moment. I'm haivng to install it in stages on account that making fence out of ouil results in a really expensive fence, and because of stupid CCNR (written by the fence vendor no less, and yes I am annoyed about that) I have to use this type of fence rather than installing some sort of sane economical solution. Posts set over the weekend, then panels go in on Monday.
The rest of the weekend is going to be miscelanious other projects. If it drys up at all, outdoor work will occur. It's been too soggy to even think about getting the lawn mower out of the garage, so it would be nice to tidy the lawn up a bit. That particular corner of the yard has had pretty much nothing done to it either, so it will get all the edging installed, bark dust, plants, etc.
Other than that, nothing too exciting occuring.