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#1 Jan 31 2012 at 8:31 PM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
Stupid space bar key no workie on my keyboard. You know what a pain it is to try to type an email out without a space bar? Sigh. And getting a replacement Sun type keyboard with the control and tilde keys in the proper place? Gah!!!
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#2 Jan 31 2012 at 8:43 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#3 Jan 31 2012 at 8:48 PM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
Believe it or not, cut and paste. Well, till I opened one of the 10 boxes with keyboards in them sitting in my office. But they're crappy keyboards... With the keys in the wrong places!!! Smiley: mad Smiley: cry
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#4 Jan 31 2012 at 8:51 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Oh, those keys come off, just pop them off and put them where you want them! I do that to keyboards all the time to make them more efficient for people to type on! I keep getting really garbled death threats whenever I do that for some reason though.
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#5 Jan 31 2012 at 9:10 PM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:
Oh, those keys come off, just pop them off and put them where you want them! I do that to keyboards all the time to make them more efficient for people to type on! I keep getting really garbled death threats whenever I do that for some reason though.

Smiley: lol
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#6 Jan 31 2012 at 10:04 PM Rating: Excellent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
At one point I had a keyboard with a real flaky spacebar; I had to hit it really hard in a specific spot to work. *clackclacketyWHAMclicketyclackclickclickityWHAMclick-clackWHAMclicketyWHAMclack-clack*
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#7 Jan 31 2012 at 10:10 PM Rating: Good
3,362 posts
#8 Jan 31 2012 at 10:31 PM Rating: Excellent
16,299 posts
Debalic wrote:
At one point I had a keyboard with a real flaky spacebar; I had to hit it really hard in a specific spot to work. *clackclacketyWHAMclicketyclackclickclickityWHAMclick-clackWHAMclicketyWHAMclack-clack*

That's what mine is doing now. The space bar gets stuck, and I have to hit it almost directly in the middle or it won't work right. We've got another KB I could use. In fact, it's sitting over on the kitchen table right now. But it's a normal KB and I like the ergonomic ones. And it's hard to find those in the store and I keep forgetting to order one. And I think I should use 'and' in my sentences more. And stuff.
#9 Jan 31 2012 at 10:43 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
That's kinda what mine was doing before it died. But it wasn't stuck or otherwise mechanically broken. I popped the key off and checked. The actual button was working fine (at least from what I could see). But right before it died, it just stopped putting a space into the text I was typing. Sometimes, I'd just have to hit it twice and it would work. Oddly, it would sometimes toss that space it had skipped into some random point in whatever I was typing. Like the signal got sent, but ran around the keyboard waiting for awhile before actually going to the computer. Which would indicate the electronics were bad, but usually I'd expect to see a set of keys doing the same thing if that was the case, but it's just the space bar.

Go figure.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#10 Jan 31 2012 at 10:46 PM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
Myy Anndrooid pphone usedd to do thhiss thhing wheere it woulld alwwwayss reggisterr moree thann oone keey prress no matttter whaat, soo alll my ppossts loooked likke tthiss untiil I editted themm.
#11 Jan 31 2012 at 11:15 PM Rating: Good
I feel your pain, my Razer mouse just crapped out on me after a year and a half. Took me 2 or 3 days to get a hold of a substitute. It's incredibly frustrating trying to do almost anything on a computer without a functional mouse. The tab, arrows and enter keys on a keyboard can only do so much. Cool thing is, I contacted their customer support, and after communicating with them back and forth for a few days, I'm getting a replacement. An upgraded replacement. Smiley: grin Going from the Lachesis to the Lachesis 5600, not that I'd ever use that much DPI. Even on the regular Lachesis I only went up to 1500 or 2000. Anything more than that and the mouse is just way too sensitive for me.
#12 Jan 31 2012 at 11:36 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
I have a Logitech Revolution MX mouse that I've had to pop open three times now and bend the little copper spring-contact back into shape. Each time there's a specific tiny piece I manage to drop into the carpet no matter how careful I am or what measures I take to avoid it.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#13 Feb 01 2012 at 12:11 AM Rating: Good
4,901 posts
Just hold down Alt and press 032 on the numeric keypad. Presto-chango!

ETA: Not sure if that's portable to your *nix, though.

Edited, Jan 31st 2012 10:12pm by PunkFloyd
#14 Feb 01 2012 at 1:17 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Jophiel wrote:
I have a Logitech Revolution MX mouse that I've had to pop open three times now and bend the little copper spring-contact back into shape. Each time there's a specific tiny piece I manage to drop into the carpet no matter how careful I am or what measures I take to avoid it.

It still pisses me off that Logitech hasn't managed to make a worthy successor to the MX revolution. A 3 year old mouse should NOT be the best mouse on the planet still.
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#15 Feb 01 2012 at 1:31 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Yeah, that's why I keep fixing it rather than replacing it.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#16 Feb 01 2012 at 3:58 AM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:
Oh, those keys come off, just pop them off and put them where you want them! I do that to keyboards all the time to make them more efficient for people to type on! I keep getting really garbled death threats whenever I do that for some reason though.
I prefer to keep it simple. By switching nothing but the N and M keys, I've managed to get three separate people to break their keyboards.
#17 Feb 01 2012 at 4:22 AM Rating: Good
is Happy on Friday!
12,448 posts
What really bothers me is how much I've adjusted to a certain keyboard size. I've been using logitech keyboards for like 5 years now. I had a G11 for nearly 2 and a half years, and the six months between when it broke (the usb cable in the back got frayed after a feline-induced gravitational trauma) and when I replaced it with my current G510, I was going insane because I could. not. type. My hands were all shifted over by a key, so I constantly borked up all sorts of stuff, and despite touch-typing, the speed at which I type usually resulted in me going anywhere from a sentence to a full paragraph (only a few times, which resulted in a lot of laughter) before I even noticed that I was off. For point of reference for those who don't understand, these keyboards have extra keys on the left side, making them a good bit wider than the standard keyboard. Basically think of it like a normal keyboard, with a number pad on the right and left sides.

The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:
Oh, those keys come off, just pop them off and put them where you want them! I do that to keyboards all the time to make them more efficient for people to type on! I keep getting really garbled death threats whenever I do that for some reason though.
I prefer to keep it simple. By switching nothing but the N and M keys, I've managed to get three separate people to break their keyboards.

Honestly, I think you could probably swap any pair of keys on the bottom row (z to /) and 90% of the time, no one would notice it. Most who deal with typing a lot know qwertyuiop, and given the general propensity for home-row, asdfghjkl;' while nonsensical to look at, is also fairly well understood (though you could probably get away with g and h). Regardless, though, the result is always hilarious, and I applaud your subtlety Smiley: clap
Theytak, Siren Server, FFXI [Retired]
Amerida Baker, Balmung Server, FFXIV

Reiterpallasch wrote:
Glitterhands wrote:
Am I the only one who clicked on this thread expecting actual baby photos [of Jinte]? o.O

Except if it were baby photos, it would be like looking at before and afters of Michael Jackson. Only instead of turning into a white guy, he changes into a chick!
#18 Feb 01 2012 at 6:46 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Jophiel wrote:
I have a Logitech Revolution MX mouse that I've had to pop open three times now and bend the little copper spring-contact back into shape. Each time there's a specific tiny piece I manage to drop into the carpet no matter how careful I am or what measures I take to avoid it.

It's the mouse equivalent of the ESC key.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#19 Feb 01 2012 at 6:49 AM Rating: Good
gbaji wrote:
But they're crappy keyboards... With the keys in the wrong places!!! Smiley: mad Smiley: cry
Gbaji's normal keyboard has all the keys on the right.

wokka wokka wokka
#20 Feb 01 2012 at 7:36 AM Rating: Good
Soulless Internet Tiger
35,474 posts
My keyboard on my laptop only types A-Y so I've adopted the Commonwealth version of most words that require the letter that cannot be named. I suppose I always did for the most part, so it was easy.
Donate. One day it could be your family.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

#21 Feb 01 2012 at 7:43 AM Rating: Good
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
Uglysasquatch wrote:
My keyboard on my laptop only types A-Y so I've adopted the Commonwealth version of most words that require the letter that cannot be named. I suppose I always did for the most part, so it was easy.
My scrabble dictionary, from years of use and abuse, lost all it's 'z' words one tattered page at a time.

I think we could communicate just as succinctly with about 1/2 the keyboard characters that are currently available. Do we really need capitals?

Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#22 Feb 01 2012 at 8:27 AM Rating: Excellent
715 posts
Is this the new model of the Logitech Revolution MX? My google results showed it looked a lot like that.

I've a glass desk at home and it took me a while to finally find a mouse that worked on it flawlessly, which is the previously linked mouse's cheaper, country cousin: I tried a few others that claimed to work on glass but didn't, without lurching around in fits.

I've no idea how it compares to the Logitech Revolution MX. I was thinking of getting the Performance MX for home and bring my home mouse to work (since my work one sucks), but if you guys are referring to the Performance MX mouse as being not-so-hot, then I may have second thoughts. If you are, what is bum about it?
#23 Feb 01 2012 at 8:32 AM Rating: Good
Soulless Internet Tiger
35,474 posts
Elinda wrote:
Do we really need capitals?
I do.

But it's the one letter, capital or not that's the issue. If I really need it, I can hold the key down for 20 secs and it may give me one (or 6), but just not worth it most times.
Donate. One day it could be your family.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

#24 Feb 01 2012 at 8:47 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
I haven't tried the Performance MX so I don't have an opinion on it. It looks, ergonomically, very similar to the Revolution. I'm just very happy with the feel of my Revolution and so go through the effort of fixing it rather than replacing it.

Also, rate ups for giving me a morning chuckle with "country cousin"

Hey, I think I just made you Guru!

Edited, Feb 1st 2012 8:49am by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#25 Feb 01 2012 at 8:52 AM Rating: Good
715 posts
Yeah, it is also $99 - $79 on their site - so its a pretty hefty price tag. I've been reading the reviews on the logitech site for both and some people complain about things I would probably complain about as well, such as the thumb buttons being too far away from the thumb, out of reach, etc.

People seem to like the smaller one I already have better, so I'll probably just keep that one and try to tweak it a bit more for gaming.

But if you need a mouse to work on glass, Logitech's darkfield laser (sounds like some super villain's diabolical weapon) works amazingly well - never a problem.

edit: Hah, you did.

Edited, Feb 1st 2012 9:59am by Dozer
#26 Feb 01 2012 at 9:15 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Welcome to the 1%!
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
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