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#227 Feb 10 2012 at 10:22 AM Rating: Excellent
13,240 posts
Aripyanfar wrote:
I've discovered I wouldn't put my True Love above the law. I wouldn't cover for them if they murdered someone in cold blood. But I'd always put their happiness above mine. That's why I can fall deeply in love with someone, and get to know them soul deep, without necessarily getting to have them for my very own.

What if they told you a really good story about why it wasn't in cold blood?
Just as Planned.
#228 Feb 10 2012 at 10:51 AM Rating: Excellent
10,802 posts
True love is the greatest thing, in the world-except for a nice MLT - mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwich, where the mutton is nice and lean and the tomato is ripe...they're so perky, I love that.
#229 Feb 10 2012 at 11:02 AM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
Thumbelyna wrote:
True love is the greatest thing, in the world-except for a nice MLT - mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwich, where the mutton is nice and lean and the tomato is ripe...they're so perky, I love that.

That portion seemed like it was from a different, sexier post.
#230 Feb 10 2012 at 11:11 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Someone isn't paying attention. Smiley: oyvey

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#231 Feb 10 2012 at 11:13 AM Rating: Excellent
10,802 posts
Eske Esquire wrote:
Thumbelyna wrote:
True love is the greatest thing, in the world-except for a nice MLT - mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwich, where the mutton is nice and lean and the tomato is ripe...they're so perky, I love that.

That portion seemed like it was from a different, sexier post.

Smiley: lol Miracle Max says that after he smacks his lips.
#232 Feb 10 2012 at 8:41 PM Rating: Good
15,952 posts
Timelordwho wrote:
Aripyanfar wrote:
I've discovered I wouldn't put my True Love above the law. I wouldn't cover for them if they murdered someone in cold blood. But I'd always put their happiness above mine. That's why I can fall deeply in love with someone, and get to know them soul deep, without necessarily getting to have them for my very own.

What if they told you a really good story about why it wasn't in cold blood?

Then I'd turn you in and pay as much as I could for a great lawyer, unto bankruptcy, to get the lowest manslaughter punishment possible.

Edited, Feb 10th 2012 9:42pm by Aripyanfar
#233 Feb 12 2012 at 11:43 PM Rating: Good
Almalieque wrote:

Yes, you can control jealousy, but if you're truly "hard wired", then that jealousy should theoretically never occur. That's like saying that you're "hard wired" as one sexuality, but constantly fights feelings of another sexuality.

Yup, 'cause bisexuality doesn't exist. Smiley: rolleyes Again, I never said poly people don't experience jealousy. We do, we just use it for practical purposes (or try to at least). Kind of like how when someone pisses you off, you can turn around and use that energy to get something important done.

If your S.O. takes you to McDonalds and do $1 Red Box rentals, but takes other people out to expensive dinners and world wide trips, it would be perfectly natural to express jealousy in that situation. In that situation, that jealousy wouldn't be from fear of losing a partner.

If you re-read my post, this would be included in me talking about "not having your needs met." If you want expensive dinners and world wide trips, and your partner is not providing these to you, but is provided them to someone else, you have every right in the world to be jealous.

Another cause of jealousy tends to be the thought of your S.O. doing X with another person.

Read above.

Not only that, it's as I said before, if you prescribe to the concept of "true love", then your theory isn't accurate. You may be cool with your "side pieces" being intimate with other people, but the second you experience "true love" with someone, you will no longer be "cool" with that individual being intimate with someone else. Doing so contradicts the concept of "true love".

How about you read above? Like I said, I don't prescribe to the concept of "true love." Also, referring to people as "side pieces" is degrading. None of the people I am involved with are side pieces. Sure, I may not have the same type of feelings for them all, but that doesn't mean I don't care about them. My primary, I care about with all my heart, and I love him very much. My other boyfriend I love as well, in a romantic fashion, but not quite to the same level of intensity. My FWB, I care about a lot, but I can't say I love him. Still, I want to see him happy, and I don't want to do anything to hurt him. When you call people "side pieces," you are showing that you do not care about these people that you sleep with. You see them as objects, for you to use or throw away as you see fit. I find that despicable.


Nope, I don't mean "one soul mate" I personally believe that there are multiple soul mates out there. I define a "soul mate" simply as someone who has a deep connection with you. I was referring "true love" to the highest form of love that you can have with a person. With that form of love, you would want to be with that individual until you die. You are willing to sacrifice your life, job and/or relationship in order to make that individual happy. When you do that, you're not happy that s/he's with someone else, you're happy that your S.O. is happy. Under your poly theory, you wouldn't go that far because you would have a plethora of people to replace that S.O.

Again, you are viewing people as objects to be replace here. You do understand the definition of polyamoury, right? Despite the annoying factor of mixing a Greek prefix with a Latin suffix, it means "many loves." I define love as having a deep connection with someone. I might not love every single one of my partners on an equal level, but that doesn't mean I value them on different scales. Honestly, I think the biggest factor for me not being head over heels in love with my second boyfriend is because even while I was living in Eugene, we lived an hour and a half apart. I only got to see him once every couple weeks, or sometimes even once a month. It's hard to develop a super strong emotional bond with someone when you don't see them that often.

My primary is not replaceable. Hell, NONE of my partners are replaceable. They are all individual people, whom I love and respect for themselves. Just because you view people as replaceable doesn't mean that I do.

Pig Tails wrote:
One last thing, there is another emotion I would like to briefly mention, as a comparison to jealousy. I'm not sure if this term exists outside the poly world, as this is the only place I've heard of it. Compersion, which is the feeling of happiness you get from watching/knowing someone you love experiencing pleasure with another. It might sound like b.s., but I have felt this before. I can see a partner of mine cuddling or kissing another partner of theirs, and have that vision make me feel happy. I am happy that they are happy, even if they derive that happiness from someone else.

If we're referring to the same concept, then I don't disagree.Just today and yesterday, I felt relieved that one of my friends with benefits developed strong feelings with someone else. My reasoning was a fear of her developing feelings for me and her getting hurt. Even though her relationship is "complicated" and she's technically single, I'm using this opportunity to step away and cheer on her relationship.

Um, yeah that isn't compersion. You are happy she has a new relationship because you don't want her developing feelings for you. I will at least acknowledge that those feelings are noble because you don't want her getting hurt by falling for you, but it still isn't the same thing. Read what I wrote again. Perhaps I should have mentioned that compersion is deriving pleasure from your partner experiencing pleasure with another without any strings attached. What you just described, those are strings. If you weren't worried about her falling for you, would you be happy that she was starting a relationship with someone new? Or would you just not care either way? From what you have described, it sounds like you wouldn't care either way.

I will admit, one thing you are right about is the whole "distance makes the heart grow fonder" thing. I have experienced this recently, and I am so happy that I have. As rough as it is living over 200 miles away from my primary, it has done our relationship a world of good. I have a better understanding of how much he means to me, now that I don't have him physically in my life. Before, when we lived together, we both were taking each other for granted. I've never been in a relationship this long before, and certainly never lived with anyone this long before. This is new to me, and it was way too easy to fall into the habit of not being excited to see him every day, because he was always there. I am now living without him, and I know without a shadow of a doubt that I don't like it, and when we can be together again, I don't ever want to live without him again.

Now, that doesn't mean that I want him to stop seeing other people. I still want him to be happy. We have thought about things, and we have discussed ways in which we think we can work on our relationship and make it better. But I guess that because I don't mind him ******* someone else, that means I don't really love him, right?
#234 Feb 13 2012 at 12:49 AM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
POD wrote:
Yup, 'cause bisexuality doesn't exist.

How is that a contradiction? If you claim to be bisexual, by definition, that's an attraction to both men and women. According to the context of this conversation, you're saying that you're "hard wired" to like both. However, if for some reason you are not liking both men and women, i.e. only one sex, neither sex, animals, objects, or nothing, then you are not bisexual. There is no contradiction.

POD wrote:
Again, I never said poly people don't experience jealousy. We do, we just use it for practical purposes (or try to at least). Kind of like how when someone pisses you off, you can turn around and use that energy to get something important done.

That means you aren't "Hard wired" to be in a poly relationship. If you have to consciously tell yourself on how to focus your energy, then it isn't "hard wired". I don't tell myself to be attracted to Angelina Jolie or Lark Voorhies. It's natural. So, if you prescribe to being "hard wired", then that would be the definition of being "hard wired". Telling yourself not to care means that you actually have some care.

POD wrote:
If you re-read my post, this would be included in me talking about "not having your needs met." If you want expensive dinners and world wide trips, and your partner is not providing these to you, but is provided them to someone else, you have every right in the world to be jealous.

If you re-read my post, this would be excluded from your "not having your needs met.". The situation describes your "needs being met". However, another partner (with a higher standard of needs) is having better treatment than you. You could very well still experience jealousy not due to losing a partner or not having your needs met. If your "needs" is equal to what everyone else is getting, then it's purely based on jealousy. "Why can't I get that? I want that too!!"

POD wrote:
How about you read above?

I didSmiley: nod

POD wrote:
Like I said, I don't prescribe to the concept of "true love."

Wait... so multiple partners and no concept of true love?! Sounds life time fulfilling..Smiley: rolleyes

POD wrote:
Also, referring to people as "side pieces" is degrading. None of the people I am involved with are side pieces. Sure, I may not have the same type of feelings for them all, but that doesn't mean I don't care about them.

I hate to break your heart, but in a poly-relationship with no concept of true love SOMEONE is a side piece, period. Else, there would be a more fortified commitment. Being a side piece doesn't have to be negative. In the bare definition, it's merely someone other than the primary. Your BWF is the prime definition of a side piece. That doesn't mean that you don't care about the person. As long as he knows that he isn't number one, then it's all cool.

With me, unless I'm willing to fully commit to one person, I stay single. Doing so, I acquire FWBs and it's all good as long as everyone knows what's going and you aren't pretending or lying about anything.

POD wrote:
When you call people "side pieces," you are showing that you do not care about these people that you sleep with. You see them as objects, for you to use or throw away as you see fit. I find that despicable.

That's not an accurate definition. Why do you think people have affairs with married people or have friends with benefits? If the person isn't your primary, then that person is a side piece, no matter how much you love him. However, if your "love" is relatively equal for everyone, then there is no side piece. You can't have a number 1 and then have other people that aren't side pieces.

POD wrote:

Again, you are viewing people as objects to be replace here.

That's a lot coming from a person who can't fully commit to one person..Smiley: lol

POD wrote:
My primary is not replaceable. Hell, NONE of my partners are replaceable. They are all individual people, whom I love and respect for themselves. Just because you view people as replaceable doesn't mean that I do.

Uhhhhh... If you have more than one person, then you're replacing people.. That is unless you're with them at the same time. For some reason, you're focusing on the lowest form of interpretation. If you transfer your attention, emotion, time, etc. from one person to another person, then you have effectively replaced person A with person B. Just because it wasn't for sex or permanent doesn't change that fact.

I fully believe in monogamy. If my girlfriend/wife is unable to attend an event with me, I wouldn't go with another woman. If it were, let's say her sister, then she would not get the same treatment as my girlfriend/wife. That treatment is reserved for my girlfriend/wife because she is not only number one, but the only one. By treating her sister in the same manner, I have effectively replaced her with her sister on some level.

POD wrote:
Um, yeah that isn't compersion. You are happy she has a new relationship because you don't want her developing feelings for you. I will at least acknowledge that those feelings are noble because you don't want her getting hurt by falling for you, but it still isn't the same thing. Read what I wrote again. Perhaps I should have mentioned that compersion is deriving pleasure from your partner experiencing pleasure with another without any strings attached. What you just described, those are strings. If you weren't worried about her falling for you, would you be happy that she was starting a relationship with someone new? Or would you just not care either way? From what you have described, it sounds like you wouldn't care either way.

Caring for your friends' happiness is "Friends 101". I generally don't like having "friends" and I do know that much. Why would you not be excited for your friend being positively happy, no matter the situation? It's no different if she got a new job, won the lotto, became pregnant, graduated school or any other positive goal. One of my greatest forms of happiness is seeing people who work hard, achieve our goals.

POD wrote:
Now, that doesn't mean that I want him to stop seeing other people. I still want him to be happy. We have thought about things, and we have discussed ways in which we think we can work on our relationship and make it better. But I guess that because I don't mind him @#%^ing someone else, that means I don't really love him, right?

We are all different. As long as each person is in agreement, then there isn't any reason why grown adults can't work it out. I never said that you didn't love him. My argument is that if it doesn't bother you in the least bit, then I personally don't believe you have reached the highest form of love with that individual. Since that isn't measurable and is subjective, I can't say that you have or haven't as a fact. However, based on my life experience, if I had to guestimate, I would say that you haven't.

Edited, Feb 13th 2012 12:56pm by Almalieque
#235 Feb 13 2012 at 4:51 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
I think the main difference is that what Pigtails is talking about is more envy than jealousy.
Jealousy would be I don't want my partner to do that with someone else and what she describes is I want me some of that too (a.k.a. my needs are not being met).
And being "hard wired" for monogamy or polygamy doesn't mean you won't have to put effort into your relationship(s).

Alma wrote:
We are all different. As long as each person is in agreement, then there isn't any reason why grown adults can't work it out. I never said that you didn't love him. My argument is that if it doesn't bother you in the least bit, then I personally don't believe you have reached the highest form of love with that individual. Since that isn't measurable and is subjective, I can't say that you have or haven't as a fact. However, based on my life experience, if I had to guestimate, I would say that you haven't.
If you define the "highest form of love" as being monogamous (being bothered by the person you love sleeping with someone else) then yeah, she won't have reached that and she never will but your definition of "highest form of love" also simply doesn't apply to her.
That said, since people all have a different opinion on what love is, the term "highest form of love" is meaningless anyway.
#236 Feb 13 2012 at 5:46 AM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Aethien wrote:
I think the main difference is that what Pigtails is talking about is more envy than jealousy.
Jealousy would be I don't want my partner to do that with someone else and what she describes is I want me some of that too (a.k.a. my needs are not being met).

The point is, if you're hard wired to be in a poly relationship, then what your S.O. does with other people shouldn't cause you to have envy or jealousy. As I said, if your "needs" are based on what everyone else is getting, then it's jealousy, not "needs are not being met".

If you received everything in your relationship that you expected and want more simply because someone else is getting more, then that is jealousy.

Aethien wrote:

And being "hard wired" for monogamy or polygamy doesn't mean you won't have to put effort into your relationship(s).

I didn't say anything to the contrary. However, if you have to tell yourself NOT to do something that would consider yourself to be "hard wired" for monogamy, then you're not "hard wired" for a poly relationship.

The reality is, Pig Tails isn't hard wired any differently than everyone else. No matter how much you love someone, you will ALWAYS be attracted to other people. Other people have either matured enough to focus on one person or reached that level of love with someone where they want to love only that person.

It appears that Pig Tails is in a place in life that EVERYONE goes through and she just hasn't gotten out of it. I'm not saying that as a negative thing, only a counter to the belief that she was born differently.

Aethien wrote:
If you define the "highest form of love" as being monogamous (being bothered by the person you love sleeping with someone else) then yeah, she won't have reached that and she never will but your definition of "highest form of love" also simply doesn't apply to her.

Well I'm not. You two are focusing purely on sex. Just because you don't care if your partner is sleeping with someone else, doesn't summarize the entire relationship (unless it's only about sex, which at that point, it isn't love). The reason why she doesn't care about him sleeping with someone else is because of the connection they have. She stated how she felt about him being far away and how she doesn't want to live away from him. Well, what if he finds a similar woman that lives really far way (i.e. another country) and he decides to stay with her instead of Pig Tails?

She wasn't born any differently than anyone else. She wants to be number one and she feels that he is number one. They just agreed to mess around with other people in the absence of each other. Sex doesn't define the relationship. The real test is my scenario above. Have her live apart and know that he purposely chose to replace the connection he had with living with her with another woman.

What if he said that he wanted to be in a monogamous relationship? I bet she would be willing to give up her side pieces to be with her number one. Having said that, she is not hard wired any differently. She just hasn't made that move yet because there simply isn't a need to.

Aethien wrote:
That said, since people all have a different opinion on what love is, the term "highest form of love" is meaningless anyway.

Even though it's subjective, it definitely isn't meaningless. Various societies through out time all support common beliefs of love. The problem is that love isn't measurable. That doesn't take away from the concepts of love. If that were the case, societies wouldn't be successful with relationships and/or marriages. Relationships are successful because we generally share the same concepts of how two people in love should interact. We have different expectations from our spouse than from a girl/boy friend that are also different from a friend. Although, they may vary slightly from person to person, for the most part, they are relatively the same.

Edited, Feb 13th 2012 1:50pm by Almalieque

Edit: Relationships also end due to the common concepts of how two people should interact.

Edited, Feb 13th 2012 1:53pm by Almalieque
#237 Feb 13 2012 at 6:08 AM Rating: Excellent
27,272 posts
Almalieque wrote:
Aethien wrote:
That said, since people all have a different opinion on what love is, the term "highest form of love" is meaningless anyway.
Even though it's subjective, it definitely isn't meaningless. Various societies through out time all support common beliefs of love. The problem is that love isn't measurable.
According to the bolded part in your post, the term "highest form of love" is meaningless. Good job contradicting yourself.

As for the rest of your post, you're filling in stuff about Pigtails based on your own worldview which is quite different from hers and as a result, what you're saying is not how I know her.
#238 Feb 13 2012 at 8:08 AM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Good job contradicting yourself.
Welcome to the Asylum.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#239 Feb 13 2012 at 8:26 AM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
Aethien wrote:
That said, since people all have a different opinion on what love is, the term "highest form of love" is meaningless anyway.
Even though it's subjective, it definitely isn't meaningless. Various societies through out time all support common beliefs of love. The problem is that love isn't measurable.
According to the bolded part in your post, the term "highest form of love" is meaningless. Good job contradicting yourself.

How is that a contradiction? Not being measurable is in reference to not having a unit of measure. Unless you're saying that you're unable to differentiate love for music, love for your friend, love for your mom, love for your spouse and previous relationships, then there exist different levels of love. So, once again, it isn't meaningless. Just because there is no level of measurement for love doesn't mean that there aren't different levels of love. The same goes for any other emotion. Just like there's a difference between being upset and being furious, there's a difference between "puppy love" and "real love". However, in both scenarios, there are no measurements.

Aethien wrote:

As for the rest of your post, you're filling in stuff about Pigtails based on your own worldview which is quite different from hers and as a result, what you're saying is not how I know her.

Please explain to me how centuries of worldwide practices are my worldview? This is present and history. I didn't paint her as being any differently than how you know her. All I have done is attempted to explain the rationale of her actions. In short words, she's no different than anyone else. According to her claims, the only reason why she isn't in a monogamous relationship appears to be because there isn't a need to. Her number one is ok with a poly- relationship, but what if he weren't? What would be the next step?
#240 Feb 13 2012 at 8:29 AM Rating: Excellent
6,471 posts
Almalieque wrote:
Just because there is no level of measurement for love doesn't mean that there aren't different levels of love.

Look, it's a microcosm of Alma's logical disconnect!

Smiley: looney
#241 Feb 13 2012 at 8:55 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Almalieque wrote:
Please explain to me how centuries of worldwide practices are my worldview? This is present and history. I didn't paint her as being any differently than how you know her. All I have done is attempted to explain the rationale of her actions. In short words, she's no different than anyone else. According to her claims, the only reason why she isn't in a monogamous relationship appears to be because there isn't a need to. Her number one is ok with a poly- relationship, but what if he weren't? What would be the next step
Centuries of worldwide practice is a generalization, it doesn't mean it's that way for everybody nor that it can't change. You're attempting to explain the rationale of a person you don't know based on how you think stuff should work. You're not explaining how she acts, you're filling in how she thinks based on how you see the world.
And if her live in boyfriend wasn't ok with a poly relationship, they probably wouldn't be in a relationship at all because they'd have different opinions on something crucial to having a relationship.

I'm tempted to say that you can't possibly be this stupid but you've proven that you are too often by now.
#242 Feb 13 2012 at 9:41 AM Rating: Excellent
Aethien, stop talking to yourself.

Makes you look crazy.
#243 Feb 13 2012 at 9:47 AM Rating: Excellent
27,272 posts
Kavekk wrote:
Aethien, stop talking to yourself.

Makes you look crazy.
Crazy means I'll fit right in around here right.

#244 Feb 13 2012 at 11:56 AM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Kavekk wrote:
Aethien, stop talking to yourself.

Makes you look crazy.
Crazy means I'll fit right in around here right.


Smiley: thumbsup
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#245Almalieque, Posted: Feb 13 2012 at 12:10 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) The intelligent looks crazy to the ignorant.
#246Almalieque, Posted: Feb 13 2012 at 12:53 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Smiley: laughYet you fail to grasp simple concepts. Obviously you have a sentimental attachment to her and you're too weak to hear the truth. That's fine, but don't think your destitute insults will phase that. You haven't provided any evidence to the contrary to anything mentioned.
#247 Feb 13 2012 at 1:01 PM Rating: Excellent
Soulless Internet Tiger
35,474 posts
Almalieque wrote:
Do you believe that there is a unit of measure for love?
Nothing quantifiable.

Donate. One day it could be your family.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

#248 Feb 13 2012 at 1:06 PM Rating: Excellent
6,471 posts
Almalieque wrote:
Eske Esquire wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
Just because there is no level of measurement for love doesn't mean that there aren't different levels of love.

Look, it's a microcosm of Alma's logical disconnect!

Smiley: looney

The intelligent looks crazy to the ignorant.

Do you believe that there is a unit of measure for love?

Do you believe that all love for everyone and everything is the same?

I don't know what on earth you folks are talking about. I just know that when you start saying things like the phrase I quoted above, you should probably reconsider your convictions.

Debating the ins and outs of the concept of love with you might be my personal definition of hell. So take your follow up questions elsewhere. I'm just here to laugh at you.
#249 Feb 13 2012 at 1:10 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Uglysasquatch wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
Do you believe that there is a unit of measure for love?
Nothing quantifiable.

Now, answer the second question..
#250 Feb 13 2012 at 1:13 PM Rating: Excellent
Soulless Internet Tiger
35,474 posts
Almalieque wrote:
Uglysasquatch wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
Do you believe that there is a unit of measure for love?
Nothing quantifiable.

Now, answer the second question..
I don't see how it makes a difference if the answer to the first one is nothing quantifiable, but the answer to the 2nd question is no.
Donate. One day it could be your family.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

#251 Feb 13 2012 at 1:15 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Eske Esquire wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
Eske Esquire wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
Just because there is no level of measurement for love doesn't mean that there aren't different levels of love.

Look, it's a microcosm of Alma's logical disconnect!

Smiley: looney

The intelligent looks crazy to the ignorant.

Do you believe that there is a unit of measure for love?

Do you believe that all love for everyone and everything is the same?

I don't know what on earth you folks are talking about. I just know that when you start saying things like the phrase I quoted above, you should probably reconsider your convictions.

Debating the ins and outs of the concept of love with you might be my personal definition of hell. So take your follow up questions elsewhere. I'm just here to laugh at you.

So, you don't know what's going on. You feel free to comment on a conversation that you're not understanding. You refuse to partake in any form of clarification. Yet, you believe that I'm the one to reconsider my convictions? Forgive me for not taking you seriously.
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