Uglysasquatch wrote:
It's law in Alberta (or was 5-6 years ago) that anyone on salary who was not an actual manager (had to meet 3 of 5 criteria to actually qualify as management)got paid overtime after 40 hours/week or after 8hours/day. Really weird, especially given that everyone's so desperate for staff there that they'd be giving bigger perks anyway and laws like this were completely unnecessary.
When I was out there I got my home paid for, I got my food paid for, I got my schooling paid for. For the first 6 months I worked 3 weeks on and 1 week off, completely paid for Salaried + OT. I saved a sh*t ton of money. I moved to Red Deer and took school over the next 3 years, paid for by the company. When the economy went south (o8/09) my job vanished.
So I took my Industrial Controls and Electrical Technology diplomas that I got in Alberta and took them to Ontario where I gave up the salary gig and went hourly. I got an education and got paid for it. To bad I still owe a stupid amount of money to the government for my first two trips to school after high school. But Im down to the last 5 grand of a near 45Kdebt. Thanks to Alberta Oil Sands development.
I don't think anyone who has a marketable skill* in todays marketplace should take salaried positions, most Salaried positions pay way less overall for a lot of skilled trades. But sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do for work that suits you.
*by this I mean training in any number of marketable fields. Be it education or job specific training.
oh and no provincial tax other than 10% from income tax.
Edited, Dec 3rd 2011 2:21am by rdmcandie