Those stores in general. I think wholesale sports actually owns what was previously sportsmans warehouse, which was something else before that. The building has been there for 2 years now, brand new, and has changed hands 3 times. It's in a pretty good location too all things considered. We had another fairly major chain, go bankrupt entirely after 20 years in the area this year. Partially its been the crapppy economy. For some reason there is an inherent lag of about 3 or 4 months in terms of economic forces. washington and oregon entered the recession about 4 months later than the rest of the country, but when we did hit, we hit pretty hard by comparison, and stayed in it longer than other areas. That, coupled with higher equipment costs for outdoor activities here (its cold and rainy all the time) compared to warmer areas of the country, and higher costs for hunting and fishing licenses compared to other areas, and discretionary spending on outdoor activities went down dramatically. That should be going back up again now, and historically has been fairly high compared to other areas of the country. but alot of the hunting demographic in particular has been hit hardest by the economy problems at the moment. Us having the third highest gas prices in the country for most of the year didn't help matters either, since people were not going anywhere like they normally would have.
There are also quite a few stores dedicated to skiing. I don't ski much, so they slipped my mind, but with so many high mountains all around here, there is a big ski population. those were hurting this year though too, because of the gas price thing.
Edited, Nov 30th 2011 7:17am by Kaolian