I know I'm now operating at the 1 post every 23 day level, and let me preemptively state that I care less about you not caring about what I've been doing than you care about what I've been doing. These are some things I've been doing.
Marrying Nexa.
Buying a new house. By "new" I mean we didn't own it until recently. I don't mean "new fangled" like one of them there houses insulated with some substance other than wood and heated with some strange devil's magic method that doesn't involve steam.
Working on what may be the longest 3 month contract in history. I should probably increase my daily rate to make up for inflation.
Reading the new Niel Stephenson book. I'm only about 12% in (thanks Kindle! Suck it, page numbers!) but so far so good, but a little less dense than I'm used to him from him, which could be good (I'm looking at YOU System of the World) or could be bad (Zodiac!)
Watching The Walking Dead with mild interest but mostly vague disappointment.
Patiently tracking prices of Hannah's Christmas gifts to maximize value since Nexa insists that "we're not spending a thousand dollars on gifts for her this year! Humbug!" She totally says humbug, too.
Remembering who knows we're married and who doesn't. I'm not great at this. Wait, you idiots knew, right?
Trying to figure out why they count from the end of a woman's last period to determine the due date when you impregnate one.
The hell?
Nexa asks that you not mention the fact that we're married or that she's knocked up on her Facebook page, if you are one of those people