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#627 Oct 11 2011 at 6:23 PM Rating: Excellent
6,471 posts
Almalieque wrote:
Did you overlook the portion of me saying that I disagree with 95% of the stuff that's put out. Maybe in your career, the stuff said has made sense, but I have only experienced nothing but ignorant propaganda.

Here's just a small list of things that I've heard...

"Women can say no at any time" as opposed to "don't put yourself in a position where you might feel the need to say no"

Not that I'm shocked or anything, but apparently Alma thinks that if he's having sex with a girl, and she doesn't want to anymore, he gets to just plow through 'till he's good and satisfied.

Thankfully, he'll never find himself in that situation, because no girl will bed him anyway.
#628 Oct 11 2011 at 6:48 PM Rating: Excellent

Belkira wrote:

Are you saying you're the backbone of the army? If so, we're in more trouble than I thought.

Uh no. NCO's are the backbone of the Army. They correct officers and assist in planning and then turn around and ensure that the Soldiers are executing the plan that the officers came up with. They are the connection between the Good Idea Fairy and Joe actually executing a mission.

Your statement was implying that the more and more I talk, the dumber and dumber I sound, so therefore I should be enlisted. That means you think very poorly of the enlisted, when in fact they are the executors that actually make things happen. Shame on you... Make fun of warrants, they're anti-social and never follow any rules Smiley: nod

That's an awful lot of inference there, chief. Mostly it's just the more you talk, the more I become convinced you have no idea what you're talking about (in terms of the military and "how things are" that is) and you just really want to convince us you're enlisted.

Having three in-laws that were in the military and hearing them talk about DADT I know that your insistence that you're right and we just don't get it is bullsh*t. So I wonder if you are really enlisted.

Edited, Oct 11th 2011 8:21pm by Belkira
#629 Oct 11 2011 at 7:28 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
gbaji wrote:
What number?
Previously, you wrote:
Yet, in the source you linked, it said that "But women aren’t the only victims; statistics from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs indicate that more than half of those who screen positive for Military Sexual Trauma are men."

Obviously, the ratios are skewed among the populations themselves, with assault odds being higher for women than men, but the issue I'm talking about is the likelihood of the assault being reported in the first place to even have a chance of being dealt with. For that analysis, the above stats are pretty significant.

Bolding yours.

Funny how the DVA numbers "are pretty significant" when you thought they helped and suddenly stopped mattering when they don't help you quite so much.

What are you talking about? Both numbers are significant. I never said otherwise. I said that one of the numbers wasn't "relevant". That's not the same thing. If we were arguing about whether men or women were more likely to suffer a sexual assault, then the numbers showing that women are 20 times more likely to suffer such assaults would be relevant. When talking about whether men are more or less likely to report a sexual assault at the time it happens, then that number becomes irrelevant, and the numbers I've been talking about become relevant.

Is that really too hard for you to follow?

That fact does not change the fact that men in the military are much less likely to report being victims of sexual assaults when they happen than women are.

Playing fast and loose with the word "fact", are we?

Not at all. Why do you think otherwise?

The portion quoted by you above was supposed to support this "fact", remember?

Yes. And it does, in conjunction with the other data I provided.

If 83% of all sexual assaults reported at the time of the assault are male on female...

The first problem with this is that it assumes each person will only be assaulted/report an assault once rather than singular people making repeated reports (with frustrating response).

No. It assumes that the likelihood of repeat assaults is similar among men and women. Why would you assume otherwise? Given the also stated "one in three women reporting having been sexually violated while serving in the military" there just isn't enough statistical wiggle room to make the numbers work without assuming a significantly greater underreporting by men. And when there's a pretty simple and well accepted explanation for why men might report less often than women, it just seems bizarre that you'd cling to an opposing view.

Just feel like being contrary or something?

Another way to look at it is that there is some number of sexual predators in the military who will assault their fellow soldiers, and about half of their victims will be men, and half will be women (we can't say what the ratio of actual predators is though, but it would be random guessing to say one group of predators is numerically larger than another). A woman's odds of being assaulted are much higher because there are far fewer women in the military (thus fewer targets for the same number of assaults). If an equal number of men and women were serving in the military, do you think that the same ratio of women assaulted to total women serving would remain the same? Or do you think we'd still have about the same total number, now spread out over a much larger population?

While I'm just speculating, I'd guess the later. It follows typical social patterns. It's not about the number of potential victims, but the number of potential assailants which affects the result. Again, I'm unsure why you'd assume something else.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#630gbaji, Posted: Oct 11 2011 at 7:41 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You're kidding, right?
#631 Oct 11 2011 at 7:46 PM Rating: Excellent
16,299 posts
Belkira the Tulip wrote:

Belkira wrote:

Are you saying you're the backbone of the army? If so, we're in more trouble than I thought.

Uh no. NCO's are the backbone of the Army. They correct officers and assist in planning and then turn around and ensure that the Soldiers are executing the plan that the officers came up with. They are the connection between the Good Idea Fairy and Joe actually executing a mission.

Your statement was implying that the more and more I talk, the dumber and dumber I sound, so therefore I should be enlisted. That means you think very poorly of the enlisted, when in fact they are the executors that actually make things happen. Shame on you... Make fun of warrants, they're anti-social and never follow any rules Smiley: nod

That's an awful lot of inference there, chief. Mostly it's just the more you talk, the more I become convinced you have no idea what you're talking about (in terms of the military and "how things are" that is) and you just really want to convince us you're enlisted.

Having three in-laws that were in the military and hearing them talk about DADT I know that your insistence that you're right and we just don't get it is bullsh*t. So I wonder if you are really enlisted.

Edited, Oct 11th 2011 8:21pm by Belkira

Alma's a gay male that has one or two family members in the military. I thought that was established months ago.
#632 Oct 11 2011 at 8:04 PM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
gbaji wrote:
lolgaxe wrote:
gbaji wrote:
Put another way: Soldier1 in shower plays grab-*** with soldier2 without soldier2's permission. Under DADT, the soldier2 can report to his superiors that the soldier1 revealed to him that he is homosexual,
Before we go too far, at this point Soldier2 would be Falsifying Official Statements (Article 107).
Huh? No, he's not. If soldier1 grabs his *** and "propositions" him in the shower,
Changing details in your own argument just to try to win? Smiley: laugh
gbaji wrote:
He's not lying in said hypothetical.
He actually was until you changed it to both an assault and a conversation. Don't blame me on your ill-thought hypothetical. But, to play along with you. Soldier1 assaulted and conversed with Soldier2 in a way that would be considered Sexual Assault and Harassment. Instead of going through either of these routes, Soldier2 decides to go with DADT instead. Are you going to add any more details here? I mean, even as an actual crime all we have here is hearsay at best.
gbaji wrote:
If 5 other guys all step up and say they also witnessed said soldier engaging in homosexual activities, it's a pretty easy investigation.
Yep, add details to change the argument! This is where it gets fun. See, Soldier2 would have to convince all five people to say that Soldier1 only talked about how he was gay, because that's your point. That Soldier2 doesn't want to go through with claiming a real crime happened because it might hurt his feelings or whatever. All seven people will be questioned, and if so much as one of them says that there were other activities as well, then any of those six people against Soldier1 would be hit with a 107! Oops, looks like Soldier2 just got himself (and potentially five other people) into trouble as well as Soldier1, just because he felt DADT was the more comfortable and safer route. I can see the appeal there.
gbaji wrote:
Everything else being equal, how can that not be true?
You don't care about anything be equal. If you were, you'd note that it was wrong for one group of people to suffer more than another for the exact same crime.
gbaji wrote:
And your claims to the contrary aside, it's a lot easier to prove that someone is gay, than to prove that someone is gay *and* sexually assaulted you. Think about it. One is a complete subset of the other.
Actually proving an assault is much easier than proving "Private Scruffy says Private Dink is gay." Especially when you add five people into your new argument. Call it a hunch after seven years of actual military police work. Smiley: smile

Also as an aside, I like how your new hypothetical has five people that were just standing around while the assault was taking place. Cuz, you know, them **** are going to attack no matter what! Smiley: laugh
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#633 Oct 11 2011 at 8:20 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
Is that really too hard for you to follow?

Oh, I have lots of experience in watching your furious backpedaling. This is nothing new Smiley: laugh

No. It assumes that the likelihood of repeat assaults is similar among men and women. Why would you assume otherwise?

You mean, beyond the article you got the numbers from which talks about sustained and continual assaults upon women in the military?


While I'm just speculating

Well, that's the closest you'll get to admit to making stuff up, so congratulations.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#634 Oct 11 2011 at 8:49 PM Rating: Good
7,566 posts
I love Gbaji, his post always have a moral.

"If you don't know what you are talking about, use more words, it makes you look smarter."
HEY GOOGLE. **** OFF YOU. **** YOUR ******** SEARCH ENGINE IN ITS ******* ****** BINARY ***. ALL DAY LONG.

#635 Oct 11 2011 at 11:47 PM Rating: Excellent
Alma wrote:

I was referencing both. You're purposely trying to make a non existing difference. If you want to deny the fact that people can't openly talk about sex without repercussions, then so be it. Just don't project your ignorance unto others.

Why? DADT repeal has very, very little to do with fornication while on the job in the military. Talking about one's sexual orientation & getting kicked out for it is VASTLY different than getting kicked out for ******* on the job.

Can you talk about sex without repercussions in any & all situations while in the military? Probably not. But you can come out of the closet, if you're gay, & not get kicked out for it. Isn't progress swell?

Alma wrote:
So, if a woman can meet those standards, then why is she not allowed to participate?
Good question. I don't know the answer, do you?

2. Men have one standard for hair length & woman have another. Is it discrimination? Sure, but on a very small level that has more to do with traditional gender roles in our society than it does with keeping a minority down.

3. Comes with the territory (pun intended).

4 & 5. It's certainly discrimination against married homosexual couples, but should be rectified when DOMA is repealed. The military is an extension of the federal government, the fed doesn't recognize SSM, so until it does they can continue this practice. I don't like it, but it is what it is.

B- We have freedom of religion in this country & the US military does try & allow for it. Too bad for the atheists, scientoligists, & discordians. Presumably, you'd know this before signing up.

C- There are physical requirements to join the military. Does that discriminate against fat people? Sure, but it's a necessary requirement for military service. "Being straight" isn't a physical requirement, so that doesn't equate.

D- Who you are & where you come from is a deciding factor on what level of clearance you can get? Good.

Now please, focus, & tell me how heterosexual couples are openly discriminated against by DADT repeal.

Alma wrote:
No. The compromise was that no one was going to ask or pursue your sexuality, not that it was ok to be gay. Once again, if it were "ok", then you wouldn't be kicked out. There's a difference between being "openly gay" and gay. If SGT Smith was caught kissing another woman on the sly, that isn't the same as being "openly gay".

We're dancing in circles here. Let's look at this, logically; When DADT was implemented, it was a compromise to allow gays to serve provided they weren't open about it & their sexual orientation would not be investigated. Literally, this translates to, "If we don't ask you if you're gay & you don't tell us, then you can serve."

Ipso facto, it is a fact the gay folks COULD serve provided DADT was followed.

Alma wrote:
No where did I mention "civil unions". I'm talking about marriages. A heterosexual man is bound to the same marriage laws as a homosexual man. They are the same exact argument. I'm saying exactly what you're saying.According to your logic, the repeal of DADT is equal because it affects both sexes equally. That's the same argument that I've used for SSM. The difference is that I acknowledge the difference between equality and fairness. They are equal, but not fair.

You agree with me.

It's true that in the states that allow full on SSM (Mass. may be the only one, while the others have "Civil Unions") the marriage laws & benefits apply to both hetero & **** couples equally. In every other state, at the federal level, & in the military heterosexual couples get their marriage recognized & more benefits than homosexual couples. THIS IS A FACT.

I do not know what you mean by "they are the same argument", please clarify. You're NOT saying what I'm saying as until such a time that DOMA is overturned, hetero-marriages & gay marriages are SEPARATE & UNEQUAL. Sure, DOMA doesn't discriminate by gender, but it discriminates by sexual orientation.

Alma wrote:
How is that logical? Are you separated in the work office because of plumbing? What's the difference? How is sitting on a chair different from sitting on a chair?

Another false equivalency, really?

Alma wrote:
Read above. That is not a logical explanation. Our plumbing doesn't change outside the shower. So why are we segregated in the showers but not outside the shower?

Are you really this fucking dense? Modesty is CERTAINLY one of the reasons bathrooms are separated by gender, it is NOT & NEVER WILL BE the only reason. The plumbing in the separate facilities is CERTAINLY one of the other reasons bathrooms are still segregated by gender. Just because we're segregated by gender in the showers doesn't mean we HAVE to be separated outside of them. That's another false equivalency, you dumb fucking twat.

Alma wrote:
Because of DADT. How does anyone know that you're a couple? Many barracks forbid people of the opposite sex in there without being signed in and/or door being opened. If you're a ****, you can do whatever you want in your own privacy. A **** can request to change out roommates with his "battle buddy" and it CAN get approved. If his "battle buddy" is a female that is highly unlikely to happen.

That's how that's discrimination. I'm sorry if you can't see that.

This would NOT be discrimination against hetero couples, like DADT WAS discrimination against homosexuals. The above scenario would be a gay man working the system. I'm sorry if you can't see that.

"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

#636 Oct 12 2011 at 7:04 AM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
lolgaxe is my hero.
01001001 00100000 01001100 01001001 01001011 01000101 00100000 01000011 01000001 01001011 01000101
You'll always be stupid, you'll just be stupid with more information in your brain
Forum FAQ
#637 Oct 12 2011 at 8:01 AM Rating: Excellent
Soulless Internet Tiger
35,474 posts
Samira is my hero, because she doesn't talk to Alma.
Donate. One day it could be your family.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

#638 Oct 12 2011 at 8:04 AM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
Alma should be an hero.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#639 Oct 12 2011 at 8:13 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Uglysasquatch wrote:
Samira is my hero, because she doesn't talk to Alma.

Samira doesn't talk to anyone Smiley: frown
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#640 Oct 12 2011 at 8:14 AM Rating: Good
Soulless Internet Tiger
35,474 posts
Jophiel wrote:
Uglysasquatch wrote:
Samira is my hero, because she doesn't talk to Alma.

Samira doesn't talk to anyone Smiley: frown
Which includes Alma. Let's focus on what's important here.
Donate. One day it could be your family.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

#641 Oct 12 2011 at 8:14 AM Rating: Excellent
lolgaxe wrote:
Alma should be an hero.
He should be. Pencil pushers that never actually soldiered who think they know what is best for the rank and file should be honored for their atrociousness.
#642 Oct 12 2011 at 9:36 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
My heroes have always been cowboys.
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#643Almalieque, Posted: Oct 12 2011 at 1:22 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Read my last two paragraphs above..
#644 Oct 12 2011 at 1:51 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Almalieque wrote:
Really though, it all depends on the political power and you know that. I'm not a Republican fan, but if they had the most influence, then it would have been fought. Given that Mr. Obama is anti-DADT, then it was possible. Do you think it was a coincidence that NOTHING happened in the 8 years of President Bush?

Nope. That doesn't mean what you think it does.

So, please stop this pretending that "it didn't make sense", when it's nothing more than a political difference such as gun control, abortion, legalizing drugs, etc.

Again, doesn't mean what you think it does. Just because two sides hold different views, doesn't make each view equally justified or defensible.

Read my last two paragraphs above

Read the text you quoted. I was referring to your notion that the President should be required to have military experience.

Edited, Oct 12th 2011 2:53pm by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#645 Oct 12 2011 at 1:57 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Eske Esquire wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
Did you overlook the portion of me saying that I disagree with 95% of the stuff that's put out. Maybe in your career, the stuff said has made sense, but I have only experienced nothing but ignorant propaganda.

Here's just a small list of things that I've heard...

"Women can say no at any time" as opposed to "don't put yourself in a position where you might feel the need to say no"

Not that I'm shocked or anything, but apparently Alma thinks that if he's having sex with a girl, and she doesn't want to anymore, he gets to just plow through 'till he's good and satisfied.

Thankfully, he'll never find himself in that situation, because no girl will bed him anyway.

Learn to read? If you inferred that, then you need comprehension lessons.

Belkira the Tulip wrote:

Belkira wrote:

Are you saying you're the backbone of the army? If so, we're in more trouble than I thought.

Uh no. NCO's are the backbone of the Army. They correct officers and assist in planning and then turn around and ensure that the Soldiers are executing the plan that the officers came up with. They are the connection between the Good Idea Fairy and Joe actually executing a mission.

Your statement was implying that the more and more I talk, the dumber and dumber I sound, so therefore I should be enlisted. That means you think very poorly of the enlisted, when in fact they are the executors that actually make things happen. Shame on you... Make fun of warrants, they're anti-social and never follow any rules Smiley: nod

That's an awful lot of inference there, chief. Mostly it's just the more you talk, the more I become convinced you have no idea what you're talking about (in terms of the military and "how things are" that is) and you just really want to convince us you're enlisted.

Having three in-laws that were in the military and hearing them talk about DADT I know that your insistence that you're right and we just don't get it is bullsh*t. So I wonder if you are really enlisted.

Edited, Oct 11th 2011 8:21pm by Belkira


What possibly makes you think that I don't know what I'm talking about? Why would I want to convince you to believe that I'm enlisted?

So, are you saying that I sound like your enlisted relatives, so therefore I sound "enlisted"?

#646 Oct 12 2011 at 2:29 PM Rating: Excellent
Almalieque wrote:

What possibly makes you think that I don't know what I'm talking about? Why would I want to convince you to believe that I'm enlisted?

So, are you saying that I sound like your enlisted relatives, so therefore I sound "enlisted"?

What I'm saying is that you take your opinions and pretend they hold true across the entire military. Knowing three other people who I trust and know for a fact they were not only enlisted in the mitary, but they have all served in Iraq and/or Afghanistan, I know that you're full of crap. Knowing this, I find myself doubting whether or not your claims of being enlisted in the military are genuine.

And I'm sure you don't care whether I believe you or not.

Edited, Oct 12th 2011 3:30pm by Belkira
#647 Oct 12 2011 at 2:32 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Omega wrote:
Why? DADT repeal has very, very little to do with fornication while on the job in the military. Talking about one's sexual orientation & getting kicked out for it is VASTLY different than getting kicked out for @#%^ing on the job.

Can you talk about sex without repercussions in any & all situations while in the military? Probably not. But you can come out of the closet, if you're gay, & not get kicked out for it. Isn't progress swell?

You keep saying "On the job". What is that supposed to mean?

Omega wrote:
Good question. I don't know the answer, do you?

Because the military discriminates in more ways than just against homosexuals.

Omega wrote:
Men have one standard for hair length & woman have another. Is it discrimination? Sure, but on a very small level that has more to do with traditional gender roles in our society than it does with keeping a minority down.

Small role? Once again, you can't down play everything just to meet your criteria. You may have a closeted homosexual with long hair, ear rings, certain tattoos,etc. who has absolutely no intentions of coming out of the closet. How is this guy more discriminated against? What will more than likely prevent him from joining the military?

What's not a big deal to you doesn't mean it isn't a big deal to someone else.

Gender roles?!?!?!? Really? You do realize that traditional gender roles say that only men and women should "court" each other right? Oh, since you support gender roles, then you must support the reinstatement of DADT, since traditional gender roles don't support homosexuality.

Omega wrote:
3. Comes with the territory (pun intended).

What territory? Name me some jobs where a boss can say "Only married couples are authorized to have sex, any violators will be disciplined and possibly fired."

Omega wrote:

4 & 5. It's certainly discrimination against married homosexual couples, but should be rectified when DOMA is repealed. The military is an extension of the federal government, the fed doesn't recognize SSM, so until it does they can continue this practice. I don't like it, but it is what it is.

But they don't have to. They are CHOOSING to. It's a choice.

Omega wrote:
B- We have freedom of religion in this country & the US military does try & allow for it. Too bad for the atheists, scientoligists, & discordians. Presumably, you'd know this before signing up.

We have freedom of sexuality in this country and the US military does try and allow for it. Too bad for homosexuals, lesbians, transgenders and bisexuals. Presumably, you'd know this before signing up.

Omega wrote:
- There are physical requirements to join the military. Does that discriminate against fat people? Sure, but it's a necessary requirement for military service. "Being straight" isn't a physical requirement, so that doesn't equate.

How is it necessary if the "fat" person still meets all physical requirements? I guess you missed that part? I"m not talking about fat tubs of lard who can't run. I'm talking about big guys and women with a little bit of shape. They can meet the physical requirement but can still get treated like crap, even if they're under the fat% limit. Simply LOOKING fat is enough to catch havoc.

What's with you and "not equivalent"? The only thing that is equitable to discharging someone for being a homosexual is discharging someone for being a homosexual. Doing the same thing to a heterosexual is not the same. So, you're either arguing over the concept of discrimination or you're arguing specifically about homosexuality. You can't say discrimination against homosexuality is wrong simply because it's discrimination and then claim that every other form of discrimination doesn't "count" because it isn't the same.

If you're only argument is "it's discrimination", then you must also accept other forms of discrimination as equals. Having a ***** isn't a physical requirement for any task, yet you must have one to have certain jobs.

Omega wrote:
Who you are & where you come from is a deciding factor on what level of clearance you can get? Good.

Uhhhhh...You don't have to be related to Osama to be denied. One of my classmates had her clearance suspended because of something stupid her dad did a long time ago. Is that a smart thing? Maybe, but it has absolutely nothing to do with her and her ability to do her job. What about the other stuff that you left out? Being the Commander in chief? Being chosen a certain job because of your race/nationality/skin color?

Omega wrote:
Now please, focus, & tell me how heterosexual couples are openly discriminated against by DADT repeal.

Now please, focus. Stop ignoring everything that I've told you and tell me how discriminating is ok unless it affects a specific group?

#648 Oct 12 2011 at 2:41 PM Rating: Excellent
I didn't read all of your post, but as far as the "how many other jobs will fire you for having sex with someone other than your spouse," the majority of our clients have a "morality" clause in their contract and will fire someone for something like that. And I heard that one singer fired a guy for bringing a groupie back to his hotel room while he was married.

Just sayin'. If your company wants to project a "family friendly" image, I can easily see someone being fired for that sort of thing.
#649 Oct 12 2011 at 2:52 PM Rating: Excellent
6,471 posts
Almalieque wrote:
Eske Esquire wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
Did you overlook the portion of me saying that I disagree with 95% of the stuff that's put out. Maybe in your career, the stuff said has made sense, but I have only experienced nothing but ignorant propaganda.

Here's just a small list of things that I've heard...

"Women can say no at any time" as opposed to "don't put yourself in a position where you might feel the need to say no"

Not that I'm shocked or anything, but apparently Alma thinks that if he's having sex with a girl, and she doesn't want to anymore, he gets to just plow through 'till he's good and satisfied.

Thankfully, he'll never find himself in that situation, because no girl will bed him anyway.

Learn to read? If you inferred that, then you need comprehension lessons.

How many times do people have to point out the disconnect between what you write and your intended meaning before you realize that you have a disability?

Of course, I was being tongue-in-cheek, but you really ought to see that there's a problem with what you wrote.

Let me try to guess at where the disconnect is. If you failed at the semantic level, it's in your usage of "as opposed to." That means "Do X instead of Y", in case you were unaware. As in, "Y" shouldn't happen. As in, they shouldn't say "Women can say no at any time."

But of course, there's absolutely nothing wrong with saying "Women can say no at any time." Now, you might feel that saying "don't put yourself in a position where you might feel the need to say no" is more important, but you certainly can't argue that it should supplant the former.

And as an aside: I'd say that even if you think that the latter message is more important, you'd still be wrong. Clearly, you really need to be made to understand how important it is for a woman to be able to say no at any time, because for some reason you seem to want to diminish that major point. And I've met my fair share of idiots like you, who don't get simple boundaries.

Women can say no at any time. There are a multitude of legitimate reasons that they might want have sex, then not want to have sex anymore in the middle of it. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. It's a damned important right to have. It should be made clear, especially to folks like yourself. I don't know why anyone would argue otherwise, unless they had a (subconscious) resentment of women. Smiley: wink

Edited, Oct 12th 2011 4:58pm by Eske
#650 Oct 12 2011 at 2:58 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Omega wrote:
We're dancing in circles here. Let's look at this, logically; When DADT was implemented, it was a compromise to allow gays to serve provided they weren't open about it & their sexual orientation would not be investigated. Literally, this translates to, "If we don't ask you if you're gay & you don't tell us, then you can serve."

Ipso facto, it is a fact the gay folks COULD serve provided DADT was followed.

This is going into semantics because you don't want to ever admit to being wrong.

I'm not arguing that homosexuals couldn't serve, what I'm arguing is that it was OK for homosexuals to serve. You can and more than likely will be discharged for committing adultery. Just because you're not asked on a lie detector machine if you're cheating on your spouse doesn't mean that it is ok to commit adultery.

Prior to DADT, the military was unfairly targeting homosexuals by explicitly asking their personal lives. DADT made it so that your business was your business and unless you were unable to keep it to yourself, then you were left alone. It didn't mean that it was ok to cheat on your spouses because no was asking or pursuing. Else, you wouldn't be discharged for something that you are allowed to do.

Omega wrote:
It's true that in the states that allow full on SSM (Mass. may be the only one, while the others have "Civil Unions") the marriage laws & benefits apply to both hetero & **** couples equally. In every other state, at the federal level, & in the military heterosexual couples get their marriage recognized & more benefits than homosexual couples. THIS IS A FACT.

I do not know what you mean by "they are the same argument", please clarify. You're NOT saying what I'm saying as until such a time that DOMA is overturned, hetero-marriages & gay marriages are SEPARATE & UNEQUAL. Sure, DOMA doesn't discriminate by gender, but it discriminates by sexual orientation.

We are saying the same thing because I NEVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT "HOMOSEXUAL MARRIAGES". I'm specifically talking about heterosexual laws equally discriminate against heterosexuals as they do homosexuals because they are not based on sexuality but sex.

That is exactly what you said on sharing rooms. Men and women are separated based on gender/sex not sexuality so everyone is affected equally.

The difference is that I acknowledge the difference of equality and fairness. In the case of sharing rooms, I argued fairness not equality. In the case of SSM, people are arguing for equality when the current laws are EQUAL, just not fair to certain couples.

A homosexual man is bound to the same marriage laws as a heterosexual man. Your sexuality is irrelevant, it is purely based off of your sex. That is exactly what the criteria is for rooming Soldiers together, creating bathrooms and creating showers. It's exactly what you've been arguing this whole time. We discriminate based on sex and gender. That's exactly right and that's no different with marriages. A homosexual man can marry a lesbian and can receive the same exact rights as any heterosexual couple. They are not denied ANYTHING for their sexuality.

Omega wrote:

Another false equivalency, really?

Another empty answer, really?

Just answer the question. If we segregate by sex due to plumbing, then where does it start and where does it end? Why are the showers segregated but not the office? During racial segregation, EVERYTHING was segregated, why is it only in rooms and places where you're uncovered?

Oh, that's right, because it's all about modesty. Why are there toilets inside stalls and dividers in urinals in the bathrooms? People want privacy and they assume that people of the same sex has no interest in their plumbing because its the same.

Omega wrote:
Are you really this ******* dense? Modesty is CERTAINLY one of the reasons bathrooms are separated by gender, it is NOT & NEVER WILL BE the only reason. The plumbing in the separate facilities is CERTAINLY one of the other reasons bathrooms are still segregated by gender. Just because we're segregated by gender in the showers doesn't mean we HAVE to be separated outside of them. That's another false equivalency, you dumb ******* ****.

And yet you have failed to provide any reason outside of modesty. I'm curious on why you think that I was implying that we SHOULD be segregated outside the shower. I'm just pointing out to the fact that it has nothing to do with the simple fact that we have different plumbing, but modesty.

Omega wrote:
This would NOT be discrimination against hetero couples, like DADT WAS discrimination against homosexuals. The above scenario would be a gay man working the system. I'm sorry if you can't see that.

So not allowing SSM IS NOT discrimination then, since that same gay man can "work the system" and get married to a woman and receive benefits? I'm glad that you agree with me.
#651 Oct 12 2011 at 3:01 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Almalieque wrote:
What territory? Name me some jobs where a boss can say "Only married couples are authorized to have sex, any violators will be disciplined and possibly fired."

Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
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