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#52 Sep 09 2011 at 6:54 AM Rating: Good
Huntsman is the new Ron Paul.
#53 Sep 09 2011 at 6:56 AM Rating: Good
I wish a few of these guys would be the new R. Bud Dwyers.
#54 Sep 09 2011 at 7:21 AM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
Admiral Lubriderm wrote:
The problem is, he's going to have a rough time winning anything in the bible belt or anywhere else where mormons are scary.
I love the Bible Belt's "You can be anything you want to be, as long as you're white and Christian" mentality sometimes.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#55 Sep 09 2011 at 7:30 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Elinda wrote:
Jophiel wrote:
I wouldn't vote for the guy or cross the street to dump a bucket of water on him if he were on fire.
I bet you would. I'd even put my lips to his for a little mouth to mouth if it was a matter of life or death.

My friends and I had a saying back in the day: If I found him in a well, I'd throw him a rope but I wouldn't help towel him off.

I suppose that more accurately expresses my feelings.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#56 Sep 09 2011 at 2:37 PM Rating: Excellent
13,240 posts
If you 'toweled off' a GOP politician, It would probably generate a scandal.
Just as Planned.
#57 Sep 09 2011 at 2:55 PM Rating: Default
589 posts
I loved the reaction to the question Perry got when he was ask about how he felt on his state carrying out the most executions. Seeing how hes the Bible thumpers man. Not saying states having the right to use that punishment is wrong or right. It just goes to show these "Good Christians" don't really care about life when its some one they don't like.
#58 Sep 09 2011 at 3:01 PM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
RavennofTitan wrote:
I loved the reaction to the question Perry got when he was ask about how he felt on his state carrying out the most executions. Seeing how hes the Bible thumpers man. Not saying states having the right to use that punishment is wrong or right. It just goes to show these "Good Christians" don't really care about life when its some one they don't like.

Without meaning to sidetrack the entire thread, you are an idiot, your observations are misguided at best, and your understanding of the distinction between capital punishment and "caring about life" is about as sharp as a beach ball.

Go play in a dumpster and leave the big kids to talk.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#59 Sep 09 2011 at 3:15 PM Rating: Default
589 posts
No its right to the point that if it not a group that they like its ok to kill them. Did I offend a bible thumper if so awesome. This whole we hold life at a higher level then other groups (Muslims mainly) is what they hold up all the time as to why they are better then everyone. I have no problem with the Death penalty only time I feel it can not be used is in cases of terrorist that would be better to imprison for the rest of their life's then give them the honor of dieing for their cause.
#60 Sep 09 2011 at 3:20 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Smiley: popcorn
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#61 Sep 09 2011 at 3:25 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
RavennofTitan wrote:
No its right to the point that if it not a group that they like its ok to kill them. Did I offend a bible thumper if so awesome. This whole we hold life at a higher level then other groups (Muslims mainly) is what they hold up all the time as to why they are better then everyone. I have no problem with the Death penalty only time I feel it can not be used is in cases of terrorist that would be better to imprison for the rest of their life's then give them the honor of dieing for their cause.

Um... Assuming I interpreted your mangled post correctly, aren't you kinda missing a key point? The choice to have a death penalty in a given state (or not) really has nothing at all to do with religion. I don't recall Christian groups being front and center and fighting for the death penalty. Do you? So I'm curious why you associate the legal status of such laws to religion?
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#62 Sep 09 2011 at 3:32 PM Rating: Excellent
Soulless Internet Tiger
35,474 posts
gbaji wrote:
RavennofTitan wrote:
No its right to the point that if it not a group that they like its ok to kill them. Did I offend a bible thumper if so awesome. This whole we hold life at a higher level then other groups (Muslims mainly) is what they hold up all the time as to why they are better then everyone. I have no problem with the Death penalty only time I feel it can not be used is in cases of terrorist that would be better to imprison for the rest of their life's then give them the honor of dieing for their cause.

Um... Assuming I interpreted your mangled post correctly, aren't you kinda missing a key point? The choice to have a death penalty in a given state (or not) really has nothing at all to do with religion. I don't recall Christian groups being front and center and fighting for the death penalty. Do you? So I'm curious why you associate the legal status of such laws to religion?
Really? You can't see where he's coming from since these same groups fight so hard to end abortion and keep marriage between a man and a woman, but they do nothing/very little to stop capital punishment in their states? Right or wrong, it's pretty easy to see where his view would be coming from. If your heads not buried in the sand that is.
Donate. One day it could be your family.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

#63 Sep 09 2011 at 6:48 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Uglysasquatch, Mercenary Major wrote:
Really? You can't see where he's coming from since these same groups fight so hard to end abortion and keep marriage between a man and a woman, but they do nothing/very little to stop capital punishment in their states?

I see a distinction between not fighting against something and fighting *for* something. Show me where these "same groups" have spent time and money fighting to prevent repeal of death penalty laws and the point would be valid. But simply because they didn't? That seems weak. So every single group who didn't fight to end the death penalty in some state is now to be judged on their positions on everything else?

That just seems like arbitrarily targeting religious groups because they are religious. I don't think it's wrong for a group to focus on the things that matter the most to them. I don't blame the NRA for focusing on the 2nd amendment and not on the environment. And I don't blame the Sierra Club for focusing on the environment, but not on abortion. And I don't blame religious groups for focusing on abortion but not on the death penalty. And I don't blame the innocence project for focusing on the death penalty but not on the 2nd amendment. Shocking, I know!

Again, you'd have a point if these same groups were fighting to prevent the elimination of the death penalty. But I'm not aware of *any* that do (if there are, they are darn few). There are many religious organizations which do oppose the death penalty though. I suspect the problem is that some people equate religious with conservative. They're not the same. People are religious for different reasons than they are conservative (and vice versa).

Right or wrong, it's pretty easy to see where his view would be coming from. If your heads not buried in the sand that is.

Oh, I saw where his view was coming from. I don't think it's sound logic though. He's making some pretty amazingly stretched equivalences and just plain bad logic to arrive at the statement he made. Um.... And that's not to mention the incredibly broad brush strokes he's using to define the issues at hand. There's a lot more to those issues than simply being for or against them.

Instead of making a point to attack religious groups, he at least would have been in the ballpark to talk about the GOP planks involving those two issues. He'd still be wrong for other reasons, but at least he'd be identifying a single "group" which more or less holds the two positions he believes to be in opposition. So yeah. I'm going to point that out. It was a completely unfair and out from left field claim to make.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#64 Sep 09 2011 at 7:01 PM Rating: Excellent
I think the point is that they spent all their time and money trying to prevent teh gays from getting married, which does nothing to end life, instead of fighting to stop the death penalty, which does very little to protect life.

My mom was brutally murdered in 2004. The lawyer gave us the option of pressing for the death penalty or allowing him to settle for a plea bargain of 150 years in prison. We chose the latter, because we felt no need for blood vengeance, and while I am agnostic, my older sisters are devout Catholics and they believe the death penalty is never justified, no matter how heinous the crime.

Edited, Sep 9th 2011 9:02pm by catwho
#65 Sep 09 2011 at 7:07 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
So in your world it's perfectly okay to let someone die, assuming you aren't responsible for whatever initiates whatever circumstances that end their death?

That's interesting.

Your reasoning is also crap, since you fail to account for the fact that a democratic gov't is its people. You don't get to just step back and say "wasn't me" when the peoples' gov't murders a person. Anyone who didn't attempt to prevent that scenario is responsible for the death.

Of course, you have this desperate need to see gov't as something as distinct from the people who comprise it, since that would completely undermine your "liberals are fascists" idea.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#66 Sep 09 2011 at 7:11 PM Rating: Excellent
Soulless Internet Tiger
35,474 posts
gbaji wrote:
So every single group who didn't fight to end the death penalty in some state is now to be judged on their positions on everything else?
No. They're being judged on their fights to end abortion because it's murder and then turning a blind eye to another state allowed murder. They are not completely separate. Not when the most verbal argument they use is that abortions are murder.
Donate. One day it could be your family.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

#67 Sep 09 2011 at 7:14 PM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts

Offer void if participant leaves womb.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#68 Sep 09 2011 at 7:21 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
I'd rather leave some sick ******* to rot in prison for 50 years than give him early release through the death penalty.
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#69 Sep 09 2011 at 7:44 PM Rating: Default
589 posts
Opened up a can of worms but look at the debate. Perry almost got a standing ovation when asked about his state execution rate. that was one point I was trying to point out. This after all his bible thumping he been doing to get the bible belt vote. His pray meet he had right before entering the race was pure propaganda for the Bible belt vote. So these groups call for a end to abortions but its clear they like killing when its some one they don't like.
#70 Sep 09 2011 at 8:05 PM Rating: Default
589 posts
Adding a little something. The main reason I like the Death penalty is what happen in catwho case. If all you stand to lose is your freedom rolling the dice is not that bad of a bet. When you use the death penalty it adds a a greater risk to that roll. Now when Death penalty cases come up you must always include a lesser charge the jury can convict on. As a deterrent it doesn't work getting pleas and ensuring at least justice is served in some way it works better.
#71 Sep 09 2011 at 9:54 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
I disagree completely. When someone is committing crimes that could get them life in prison, I seriously doubt they are thinking "Well, it's not the death penalty at least."

And statistics don't show ANY positive correlation between the death penalty and the rate of crime, iirc.

Which isn't at all surprising. Anyone who's thinking rationally about what they are about to do and its potential consequences isn't going to go through with it if they identify any risk of getting caught (be it a ten year, twenty year or death sentence). You commit a crime when you are convinced you won't see the punishment, or because you haven't actually logically approached the situation.

Though it isn't surprising that I'd oppose the death penalty--I'm an idealist who believes in rehabilitation over punishment.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#72 Sep 09 2011 at 10:23 PM Rating: Excellent
RavennofTitan wrote:
Adding a little something. The main reason I like the Death penalty is what happen in catwho case. If all you stand to lose is your freedom rolling the dice is not that bad of a bet. When you use the death penalty it adds a a greater risk to that roll. Now when Death penalty cases come up you must always include a lesser charge the jury can convict on. As a deterrent it doesn't work getting pleas and ensuring at least justice is served in some way it works better.

Er, I really doubt the guy who killed my mom in a fit of schizophrenic rage was at all concerned about what punishment he was going to get at the time he did it.

Edited, Sep 10th 2011 12:23am by catwho
#73 Sep 09 2011 at 11:15 PM Rating: Default
589 posts
I see using the death penalty for leverage for getting a plea not a deterrent. Reality starts setting in fast once your facing down a jury. Making a plea to save your life looks real good when faced with death. The family gets closure and justice is served. It doesn't work every time, seen that in Fl this year. The taking heads said it best when they said we don't see that many capital crimes go to trial, they get pleaded out.

Going back to Perry it disturbing that he could get the nomination on the backs of the evangelicals which seem to not mind state sanction killing but get up in arms over abortion. That is the point I was pointing out to start. They don't mind when you kill people they deem unworthy to live from the get go. If you are going to use the all life is sacred then you should stick by it and apply it to everyone not getting applause when the rate of execution gets brought up.
#74 Sep 10 2011 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
I hate that plea bargains exist. I really, really do. We have a system in which a crime is heard by a jury of the people for a reason--anything that allows us to be taken out of the equation is not okay with me.

Same reason why I don't like military tribunals (ignoring the horrifying inequalities of them).
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#75 Sep 10 2011 at 11:57 AM Rating: Excellent
13,240 posts
Uh, plea bargains are for times when a certain jury decision is all but assured. They end up saving time and money so it can be better used to determine the guilt or innocence of those whom the facts aren't so clear cut.
Just as Planned.
#76 Sep 10 2011 at 1:55 PM Rating: Default
20,024 posts
Timelordwho wrote:
Uh, plea bargains are for times when a certain jury decision is all but assured. They end up saving time and money so it can be better used to determine the guilt or innocence of those whom the facts aren't so clear cut.

Except that this isn't how they are used. This might be why they were first conceived of, but it definitely doesn't reflect our current system.

In reality, cases where the conviction is assured are those where they DON'T get a plea bargain offer, because the DA has no fear of losing and the wins are good for the prosecutor's record (which increases chances for promotion, and decreases chances they'll lose their position).

The people who are offered pleas are the ones where the DA is worried about a loss--the majority of cases in the US (easily) are the result of plea bargains. And the DA loves them, because it's so much less work on their end.

But, in reality, it comes at a massive price. Since the system is pushing prosecutors to make deals before ever going to court, they need to make their offer really attractive. They can't just make it increasingly lenient, so they trump up the charges they are threatening people with--literally adding every possible charge they can, as extreme as they can (even to the point where they would certainly never be able to actually prove the defendant deserved it in court).

And that creates another problem--innocent people get charged with crimes. And it happens more often than anyone is happy about. A system that revolves around plea bargains means that they are getting the absolute worst charges slapped onto them, beyond what they would deserve if they were guilty. That makes going to court increasingly terrifying, since their actual innocence means relatively little at the point where they are standing trial, since the prosecution has some kind of evidence against them.

Suppose your lawyer has told you that he thinks you have a 50/50 shot of winning. On the one hand, there's freedom. On the other hand, there's 10 years in prison. That plea bargain of 2 years is looking pretty damn attractive at this point...

And the worst part is when it comes to sexual indecency cases, where you find an absurd number of innocent people going to prison. It's so hard to fight these convictions, since our society is inclined to convict even in cases where the evidence is half circumstantial, half testimony. You get people going to prison (and being labeled sex offenders) even when they didn't do it, because accepting the plea is almost certainly getting them a reduced sentence.

But this is only part of the issue--the other part is that we are now creating punishments almost specifically to force people into pleas. The majority of armed robberies are actually punished as unarmed, for instance. The only substantial reason, then, that the armed robbery charge is so severe is to make the unarmed offer attractive. But how is it just that some people get unarmed charges, but others don't even get offered a deal and need to take the armed one, for the same crime in the same place.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
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