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#152 Sep 09 2011 at 5:13 PM Rating: Decent
gbaji wrote:

But on the subject of your vote, let me repeat my statement about pragmatism versus idealism. While I'm sure somewhere "out there" exists a completely perfect conservative candidate, I'm more interested in making sure that a liberal candidate doesn't win office than holding out for that perfect choice. It is not a matter of "perfect candidate or bust". It's a matter of choosing the better candidate out of those who can win. Given the way our electoral college system is set up, that means that you either vote for the GOP candidate, or the Dem candidate. Any other vote is thrown away.

Wrong it's a matter of winning or bust. That's because guys like Romney are corrupt and bought off. They are the status quo that spins the truth as they need to get elected. I look at the record and ignore what they say more or less. Why? Because it's what you do when you run for public office. Your job is to persuade people that you're the best choice. Ron Paul didn't want to run. He's old and wanted to retire, but because Americans are finally waking up, he's doing it for us and his grandkids.


As a conservative, if you vote for anyone other than the GOP candidate you are effectively casting half a vote for Obama. So unless you honestly believe that you'll be no worse off under Obama than Romney or Perry (or whomever wins), then you are being a monumental idiot to vote for anyone else. BTW, this is part of what I meant by "not helping". I'm all for raising issues. But don't vote for the issues candidate instead of the guy who is the best match to your own positions *and* has a real chance to win. That's a surefire way to ensure that you lose ground on your issues instead of gain ground.

I'm voting for a GOP candidate so I could care less what your running your mouth about. If Paul doesn't win the nominee, I'll vote for him like most will on the write in ballet. He's won damn near every poll and anyone with half a brain wants him to win office.


Do you know anything about his record? And not just what you've read on pro-Paul sites? Honestly, about the only consistency in his voting record is that he does whatever seems to generate the most controversy. Again, that's clever marketing for an issues candidate, but not a great record to base real leadership on.

I know a lot about Paul. He did run in 2008 if you remember. I'm not going to argue with you over records on this forum though. I will say that the bankers are scared of Paul. Every mainstream media group is scared to mention his name. He could win a poll and place in the top 3 and they'll try to ignore him. That's just more proof that Paul is the real deal. Ron Paul isn't generating controversy with people that know the laws of this land. Only the ignorant and brainwashed see him as controversial.


Well, except for the time in 2003 when he voted no on a bill that would protect gun manufacturers from frivolous lawsuits, then in 2004 voted yes on a bill that limited frivolous lawsuits, then in 2005 he again voted no on a bill that would limit frivolous lawsuits against gun manufacturers. All of this despite claiming to be staunchly pro 2nd amendment, property rights, and free markets. So he's either being inconsistent about supporting the second amendment, or he's being inconsistent about opposing frivolous lawsuits, or he's being inconsistent about believing in a free market.

But I'm sure, since you mentioned his voting record, that you already know all about this and have a perfect explanation.

That's why people like to take his words out of context in the debates. I personally don't know about this incident, but I do know on every issue that effects our budget, Paul's record is flawless. I'd bet that the GOP have spun this taking it out of context if it were true. Seriously, I doubt you even understand it because why haven't any of his opponents use it against him. All Perry could do was use some stupid letter from Reagan. I call bull on this charge for now.


Yes. And this is who you'll be voting for if you write in Paul's name in the next election. So I guess you want Obama to serve 4 more years.

I don't want Romney or Perry either. If I have to suffer with any of them, it's still suffering. Why can't you comprehend that? I want my freedom back. I'm sick of all the corruption and the dog and pony show. Don't you have any integrity or you just as two faced as Romney?


Yeah. Because he's the only person on earth who cares about freedom and our constitution. Geez dude. Take your head out of the punch bowl for a second and look around.

He sure is the only guy who knows about it. Cain pretends to talk about it but is actually quoting the Declaration of Independence. Oopsss Palin and Paliv2 Bachmann ***** up the Constitution every chance they get. Take your head out of the punch bowl, I sure have.


Yeah. Because the political establishment really feels threatened by Ron Paul. Ron Paul cares about Ron Paul. He knows that by being controversial and "different", he can attract a core group of fanatical followers who'll praise the ground he walks on, and who'll follow him around chanting his name. More importantly, they'll toss tons of money his way so he can keep his job in Congress.

Oh and speaking of flip-floping (or just being inconsistent). He's a man who claims to believe in term limits, but apparently not for himself. If he was a true idealist, wouldn't he voluntarily step down? And then there's that whole pledge in support of transparency with regard to campaign donations, but voting against exactly that when it came to passing any legislation. He's also one of the worst offenders in terms of keeping secret donor lists.

But he's got nothing to hide and he's an open honest man with your own best interests at heart! He told you so, so it must be true!!!

Clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Ron Paul is the ONLY guy who gives part of his salary back each year from Congress. Ron Paul is retiring from Congress and will be retired for good if he doesn't win for president. It's funny how you claim to have more dirt than any of all the other GOP candidates. I've seen though your lies and it's people like you that truly scare me. I've run the gauntlet on Paul back in 2008. He's as close to perfection of the rule of laws as we are ever going to get in this country. Romney is the guy who constructed Obamacare in Mass that Obama lifted. As for Perry, he's a turncoat who used to be a Democrat. Ron Paul has been in office for over 30 years and these guys can't find any dirt on him. All the media continues to do is ignore him no matter how many polls he wins or debates for that matter. You're afraid of the truth and you have the balls to question me. I've lived around the world, seen everything you can possible want to see. I see the way the world looks at us. We are hated for a reason. It's because of our cocky double sided nature. I don't know about you, but I'm done with the sellouts of this union. If Romney wins, you'll be apologizing to me in a few years. I can wait should that happen.
#153 Sep 09 2011 at 6:20 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
ShadowedgeFFXI wrote:
I hope you're not referring to Obama.

I'm referring specifically to congressional Democrats, but it applies to Obama as well.

He's caved in on everything the GOP has asked for in the last 2 years. Obama's given the right wing's 93% of what they ask for if you pay attention.

Huh? So he signed Ryan's budget proposal into law? Oh wait! That never got past congressional Democrats in the Senate to get to being vetoed. He signed either of the two deficit reduction bills that the GOP passed in the house? Nope. Same thing happened. Killed in the senate. And they didn't even have the guts to put it on the agenda and vote against them. I'm honestly curious what you think that Obama has "caved" on. Do you know, or are you just repeating something someone told you and never bothered to check?

Obamacare is the only thing he passed that the GOP hated, but it's so flawed it will be repealed anyways.

The recovery act? Energy bill? Omnibus bill? Education bill? There were about 4 or 5 major pieces of legislation passed in 2009 which the GOP opposed nearly 100% but that got pushed through and signed into law anyway. Obamacare was just one of many things that the GOP opposed but didn't have the numbers to stop.

Heck. The first piece of controversial legislation which the GOP was able to block was the cap and trade bill. And despite being basically the same piece of garbage that has failed to get even close to passage in the past, it *nearly* did pass. It was basically the Kyoto Accords just repackaged and renamed.

I'm more concerned about the 40% tax hike to the medical industry. I know most of my push towards cuts has been to defense, but I would also cut health care costs too. The wealth of the average citizen isn't very good right now so any cuts to social programs would be a huge mistake. I would like to see the defense budget cut and the money diverted to infrastructure. We need new roads, bridges, water pipes, and fiber optics. Instead of wasting that money in the Middle East, we need it spent here in the US.

It's strange that for someone who claims to be a devout follower of libertarian principles (or at least you should if you follow Paul), it's odd for you to even think in terms of "spending money in the US". That's counter to libertarian ideas. Do you understand that Paul wants to eliminate medicare and medicaid and social security?

I think for all our disagreements, we probably both can agree that America needs jobs and a stable dollar. As Ron Paul said the other night, you can buy a $3.50 gallon of gas with a piece of silver which is just sad. The value of our currency is pathetic.

Or the value of silver is really high? Are you aware that adjusted for inflation, gas is about the same price today as it was back in the 1980s? That's not to say that it couldn't or shouldn't be even lower, but it's wrong to say that there's some kind of disaster going on. The bigger problem is that good paying jobs have become more scarce. But that has a hell of a lot more to do with taking money out of the free market to pay for social programs than it does with anything else.

Another issue that I like to see pushed is our own energy programs. The US owns 75% of all energy surplus yet we rely on the Middle East too much. I've said it before to others that if the US took away the world's dependence on oil from the Middle East, terrorism would also decline. Most terrorists like the Taliban/Halibaz are supported by Saudi oil. No oil, no money, no problem. Even with the oil, they are like a bunch of stoneage Flintstones with rpg's and ak47's. Our satellites have begun to collect solar energy that can be converted to natural energy on Earth.

I'm all for developing alternative energy sources. And I think research into those alternatives is a good idea. But I don't believe that subsidizing the productizing of those things is a good idea at all. We end out creating a false equivalence between newer and less developed products with existing ones, and we actually end out retarding the development process.

But in any case, we have to continue using what we have until we can honestly replace it. Playing monetary games to make it look like one product is as good as another is just lying to ourselves.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#154 Sep 10 2011 at 12:08 AM Rating: Good
Gbaji wrote:

ShadowEdge wrote:

Cripple Fight!

"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

#155 Sep 10 2011 at 12:21 AM Rating: Default
gbaji wrote:

Huh? So he signed Ryan's budget proposal into law? Oh wait! That never got past congressional Democrats in the Senate to get to being vetoed. He signed either of the two deficit reduction bills that the GOP passed in the house? Nope. Same thing happened. Killed in the senate. And they didn't even have the guts to put it on the agenda and vote against them. I'm honestly curious what you think that Obama has "caved" on. Do you know, or are you just repeating something someone told you and never bothered to check?

There you go again accusing me of not thinking for myself. I'm not going to waste my time listing all of the compromises, but I will reply with one you should of listed. I'm talking about the Debt ceiling deal where Boehher(sp prob) himself said he got 93% of he wanted. Most if not all of Obama's supporters were pissed there where no new taxes on the rich and other left-winged inspired tactics were ignored.


The recovery act? Energy bill? Omnibus bill? Education bill? There were about 4 or 5 major pieces of legislation passed in 2009 which the GOP opposed nearly 100% but that got pushed through and signed into law anyway. Obamacare was just one of many things that the GOP opposed but didn't have the numbers to stop.

Heck. The first piece of controversial legislation which the GOP was able to block was the cap and trade bill. And despite being basically the same piece of garbage that has failed to get even close to passage in the past, it *nearly* did pass. It was basically the Kyoto Accords just repackaged and renamed.

All I have to say is this. Obama resigned the illegal Patriot Act, didn't close the prisons overseas, didn't pull out the troops like he promised because of GOP pressure etc. Omaba has caved on far more than you realize. Obamacare is so flawed because of all the loose ends like waivers to these corporations that don't have to worry about it. Only the middle class and small business get screwed. The poor(food stamps/welfare types) and the super rich are unaffected. I don't want to argue this part anymore because I don't feel like looking up all these concessions Obama has made that I forgot.


It's strange that for someone who claims to be a devout follower of libertarian principles (or at least you should if you follow Paul), it's odd for you to even think in terms of "spending money in the US". That's counter to libertarian ideas. Do you understand that Paul wants to eliminate medicare and medicaid and social security?

It's clear you haven't listened to Ron Paul very closely at all. So far, you've been 100% wrong about every thing you ever said about the man. Paul has said many times that certain programs like our social programs can't be cut yet because of the reliance on them. It will take time to ease people off of them. The other thing he said just recently was in regard to his compromise that he would offer some money to federal programs if it comes from the defense budget and is split to pay half on the deficit. So if we borrowed 20billion from the defense, 10 would go towards the debt and 10 towards a federal program like Fema. Ron Paul isn't the idiot you keep making him out to be. You clearly can't see that you must make a road map to get from point A to B.


Or the value of silver is really high? Are you aware that adjusted for inflation, gas is about the same price today as it was back in the 1980s? That's not to say that it couldn't or shouldn't be even lower, but it's wrong to say that there's some kind of disaster going on. The bigger problem is that good paying jobs have become more scarce. But that has a hell of a lot more to do with taking money out of the free market to pay for social programs than it does with anything else.

We are bankrupt and that's why silver is higher. The Fed admits to printing money to keep our country going, but it's all credit. Inflation due to printing money means we all got a pay cut. The good jobs are scarce because our government offers our companies no reason to stay here. It's cheaper to outsource because of the greed by businessman and the taxes imposed by government.

#156 Sep 10 2011 at 2:05 AM Rating: Excellent
GBATE!! Never saw it coming
9,969 posts
Smiley: popcorn?

Smiley: popcorn
remorajunbao wrote:
One day I'm going to fly to Canada and open the curtains in your office.

#157 Sep 10 2011 at 3:52 AM Rating: Good
This must be like sex for them.
#158 Sep 10 2011 at 5:24 AM Rating: Good
but I would also cut health care costs too.
How? Subsidize the health industry? Mandate prices?
#159 Sep 10 2011 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
Admiral Lubriderm wrote:
How? Subsidize the health industry? Mandate prices?

That and a few other things. For example, when I researching Obamacare I learned that malpractice insurance is killing the health industry. People have used a medical mistake to win the lottery. That has backfired and raised prices. I was at the Dentist last month and they were telling me how government rules and regs were killing them. Rx drugs are too damn high. Obamacare jacked them up by taxing the medical industry by 40%. The worst part is you aren't allow to cross state lines most of the time or obtain cheaper drugs though other countries. There are loopholes of course, but the point is health care is a racket and needs to be trimmed down.
#160 Sep 10 2011 at 3:16 PM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Omegavegeta wrote:
Gbaji wrote:
ShadowEdge wrote:
Cripple Fight!
I kind of expect giant towers of Babel sized posts, each retaliatory series of syllables more massive than the last, until they both collapse under the weight of their pretension and kill each other.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#161 Sep 10 2011 at 6:35 PM Rating: Good
ShadowedgeFFXI wrote:
Admiral Lubriderm wrote:
How? Subsidize the health industry? Mandate prices?

That and a few other things. For example, when I researching Obamacare I learned that malpractice insurance is killing the health industry. People have used a medical mistake to win the lottery. That has backfired and raised prices. I was at the Dentist last month and they were telling me how government rules and regs were killing them. Rx drugs are too damn high. Obamacare jacked them up by taxing the medical industry by 40%. The worst part is you aren't allow to cross state lines most of the time or obtain cheaper drugs though other countries. There are loopholes of course, but the point is health care is a racket and needs to be trimmed down.
Part of me agrees that we do need to set some limits on malpractice suits, but that would need a lot of thought. We can't just give doctors carte blanche to not really give a **** about making a mistake.

I've never had an issue with getting a scrip filled in another state. I suppose my doctor could give me a scrip for pot (I live in Maine) and I wouldn't be able to get it in NH. As far as getting drugs from other countries, that's a tough one, too. What would you propose? Should we start (illegally) importing thalidomide again?
#162 Sep 10 2011 at 8:02 PM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
The numbers I saw for the cost of malpractice insurance were a drop in the bucket. Is there reform that could be done there? Sure. Is it significant? Doesn't appear to be. Feel free to link me to a source on it though.
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#163 Sep 11 2011 at 12:31 AM Rating: Default
Admiral Lubriderm wrote:
Part of me agrees that we do need to set some limits on malpractice suits, but that would need a lot of thought. We can't just give doctors carte blanche to not really give a sh*t about making a mistake.

I've never had an issue with getting a scrip filled in another state. I suppose my doctor could give me a scrip for pot (I live in Maine) and I wouldn't be able to get it in NH. As far as getting drugs from other countries, that's a tough one, too. What would you propose? Should we start (illegally) importing thalidomide again?

I'll just say that we shouldn't have regs on any drugs by the federal government. The FDA is a total joke. It's bought off by the drug companies who push their drugs never testing without skewing the results. Every year hundreds of drug companies are being sued because they failed to test and the FDA doesn't do a damn thing because they are paid off.

Ok now having said that. I think no drug should be illegal if the person taking it knows the actual risk. That includes fun drugs like weed, coke, you name it. Obviously most of these drugs aren't good for you, but neither is tons of things in life that are legal. Beer, cigs, fatty food you name it, sitting on your *** playing video games all day.

I'm not proposing that doctors give ****** care. But it's obvious to me that lawyers are exploiting the numbers of such a mistake. The bottom line is there is risks every time you go under the knife. It's makes no sense to sue for every time something goes wrong. The law of averages alone should tell you that. I'm basically asking for a salary cap on malpractice claims and no lawyers. If the amount is lowered, so is the insurance costs. Think about it, why should doctors increase their patients premium just so they can cover themselves if they make a honest mistake. The lawyers need to be cut out of this racket.

Rx drugs is a toughie. Some people have no problem with getting drugs outside state lines while others are stuck with it. There is always a loophole, that's another problem. I don't think there should be any regs, but people should realize the risks if they buy outside the country.
#164 Sep 11 2011 at 11:55 AM Rating: Good
Part of what the FDA does is make sure that people know what the risks of various medications are.
#165 Sep 11 2011 at 12:15 PM Rating: Default
Admiral Lubriderm wrote:
Part of what the FDA does is make sure that people know what the risks of various medications are.

I know and the drug companies lobby to make sure things go in their favor. The problem is it's too easy to corrupt. There are accounts of natural herbal supplements not being approved yet chemicals from the drug companies continue to have dominance. That right there should show you how retarded the system is. I agree that there has to be some kind of accountability, but not at the federal level.
#166 Sep 11 2011 at 12:18 PM Rating: Good
Herbal supplements aren't approved because they because they aren't reviewed.
#167 Sep 11 2011 at 2:16 PM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
There's a whole class of "health supplements" that is different from normal drugs. You don't need clinical trials, but you also can't claim to actually cure or fix anything. Most of them make nebulous claims about "helping your body realize how to fight by itself" and most of them are largely useless. In Canada anyway.

Edited, Sep 11th 2011 3:16pm by Xsarus
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#168 Sep 11 2011 at 11:05 PM Rating: Default
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No, "herbal" drugs aren't "valid" because you can't patent an herb. If they can alter it and identify its primary active ingredient, then we're talking about a plant we can use. If you can grow it in your backyard, it can't be monopolized and sold.
#169 Sep 12 2011 at 6:11 AM Rating: Good
I think you can patent genetically modified plants. But then again, I could be dead wrong.
#170 Sep 12 2011 at 7:16 AM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#171 Sep 12 2011 at 8:04 AM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
Guenny wrote:
No, "herbal" drugs aren't "valid" because you can't patent an herb. If they can alter it and identify its primary active ingredient, then we're talking about a plant we can use. If you can grow it in your backyard, it can't be monopolized and sold.
backyard use is irrelevant when talking about commercial production and monopolies. And no, that's not the reason they aren't regulated the same way that drugs are. If you're not trying to claim to cure something, then all you have to prove is that it's not dangerous for humans to consumer. At that point as long as you print an ingredient label and only make fairly nebulous claims you're good to go.

Edited, Sep 12th 2011 9:05am by Xsarus
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#172 Sep 12 2011 at 10:41 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
ShadowedgeFFXI wrote:
Admiral Lubriderm wrote:
Part of what the FDA does is make sure that people know what the risks of various medications are.

I know and the drug companies lobby to make sure things go in their favor. The problem is it's too easy to corrupt. There are accounts of natural herbal supplements not being approved yet chemicals from the drug companies continue to have dominance. That right there should show you how retarded the system is.


Drug discovery is a hideous *****, the bar is quite high. Going from biomarker to initial human trail is an accomplishment in itself, and one of those things that can easily take a decade of dedicated research.
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#173 Sep 12 2011 at 10:46 AM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
someproteinguy wrote:
Drug discovery is a hideous *****, the bar is quite high. Going from biomarker to initial human trail is an accomplishment in itself, and one of those things that can easily take a decade of dedicated research.
What part of OBVIOUS CONSPIRACY didn't you get man. You just think it's super hard. Because you've been taken in. By the FED!
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#174 Sep 12 2011 at 10:52 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
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Sir Xsarus wrote:
someproteinguy wrote:
Drug discovery is a hideous *****, the bar is quite high. Going from biomarker to initial human trail is an accomplishment in itself, and one of those things that can easily take a decade of dedicated research.
What part of OBVIOUS CONSPIRACY didn't you get man. You just think it's super hard. Because you've been taken in. By the FED!

The pie in the sky is a lie? Smiley: confused

Time to find a new career I guess. Smiley: rolleyes
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#175 Sep 12 2011 at 10:59 AM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
no more proteins for you!
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#176 Sep 12 2011 at 11:04 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
So what sounds good then: someradiatorguy, somecarsalesman, somebartenderguy, somedeadbeatwhocantgetajobguy?

The options are limitless...

That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
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