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#177 Aug 25 2011 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
gbaji wrote:
You can always accuse someone you don't agree with of doing this. It's kinda meaningless.
You can, but in your case it's an accurate portrayal of your behavior.

Coming from someone who disagrees with the positions themselves, you'll have to forgive me for not putting much weight on this claim.

Your calling it meaningless is just your denial to your own behavior, which is expected. You don't want to outright admit you're a zealot. Not many people do.

It is meaningless. Anyone can make that exact claim at any time in any direction of any issue without any support at all. That's why it's meaningless. It's like arguing that you are right because you are right. In what universe do you actually believe this to be a good argument?

gbaji wrote:
And what about not arguing that your guy is right but instead arguing that the other guy was wrong for failing to stand up to you guy and prevent a disaster?
I figure Joph was simply conceding the point, but he's also in no position to have stopped that behavior.

Conceding the point would have involved him saying that Frank was wrong for doing what he did, and does bear some responsibility for the result. Here. I'll even meet him halfway. I do think the GOP was wrong for not pushing the issue. And I do think they bear some responsibility for failing to do so. I just happen to believe that the guy they failed to stand up to should bear more responsibility. He's the one who actually took the wrong position rather than the one who just failed to press his position hard enough.

The guys you're defending, however, were in a position to do so, but they chose not to. And the reason you gave was they didn't want the protestors. That's much more detestable behavior.

More detestable than the guy who tossed the protest-spurring rhetoric at them in the first place? I guess I just don't understand your reasoning here.

Yes. They chose not to risk further political damage by pushing the issue in the face of such a strong public condemnation of their actions. That turned out to be a mistake. However, Frank and the Democrats choose to use that method in this case. They decided that preventing an investigation into the mortgage bundling process was worth stirring up calls of racism and poor-hating.

According to you, they knew it was wrong but chose not to do anything about it.

Er? They were investigating to determine if there was something dangerous going on. Frank threw a fit and attacked them in the public eye for it. They backed down on the investigation. They made a decision that the investigation wasn't worth the political backlash. At the time, they didn't know for sure that there really was a danger, or how great the danger was. Remember, at this point, Freddie and Fanny were still insisting even under oath that everything was fine. The GOP wasn't sure they were telling the truth and wanted to investigate and open up the books to find out for themselves. Frank cut them off with his public diatribe against them.

Do you remember when this happened? I do. The media was buzzing with this. Frank was cheered by liberals all over the place. Hell. It wouldn't surprise me if we didn't have a thread about it here and Joph was one of the ones agreeing with Frank at the time and cheering him as well. I certainly remember that Stewart and Maher had field days with it. The story of the week was "GOP tried to ***** over poor minority folks and the hero Barney Frank calls them on it".

That makes them an accessory to the behavior.

To what? Backing off on an investigation?

He's saying "Okay, he did bad. Next topic"...

Who? Joph? Could you please quote where he even came close to a written acknowledgment that Frank did anything wrong?

...while you're going out of your way of trying to detach responsibility from your group's lack of action to prevent it from happening.

Wow. Just... wow. You are completely backwards. Take the blinders off.

I'd more respect you if you'd have said something like "Yeah, okay, the Republicans could have grown a pair and stood up for what they believed," but instead you're trying to say standing up for your beliefs is irrelevant.

Holy hell! Like this:

Me, 4 posts ago wrote:
Don't get me wrong. I do blame the GOP for not standing up to the Dems back then with regard to the rising danger of the sub-prime loans in the system.

Maybe if you stopped slobbering all over Joph for half a second and paid attention to what was actually being said, you'd avoid making yourself look like such a tool.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#178 Aug 25 2011 at 6:42 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
For the record, I'm not saying Frank was the reason for anything and think trying to make him the primary cause is a remarkably shallow talking point argument. But it astounds me that the GOP AM radio class has glommed on to this and yet refuses to take it to its actual conclusion -- that the party is power over the legislative and executive branches just sat back and let this supposed travesty occur. There is no argument for ******** about Frank that doesn't also include an admission that the GOP is incapable of governing if they can't even prevent the terror which is the premise of the entire argument when they're in control.

They were proposing to open an investigation and open the books at Freddie and Fanny to see if anything was going on Joph. As you well know, at that time everything we (and they) were being told was that these securities were perfectly safe and there was nothing to be alarmed about. They just felt like something was wrong because the whole thing looked like too much easy money (and they were right).

It's politics Joph. You pick your battles, even when you are the majority party. Doubly so when you're the majority party and you're already taking a beating in the public's perception of your brand. They decided that expanding an investigation which might not turn anything up wasn't worth the political cost. It's unfortunate, but that's the nature of politics.

Again though, I'm going to put a hell of a lot more blame on the guy who choose that particular issue to use the racist/poor-hater card on, than the guys who choose to drop that issue as a result. Preventing an investigation into those GSEs was really that important to the Dems that he'd do that? Think about that.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#179 Aug 25 2011 at 6:46 PM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
gbaji wrote:
Coming from someone who disagrees with the positions themselves, you'll have to forgive me for not putting much weight on this claim.
See? This is what I'm talking about. I don't agree with you, so I must be wrong. You don't even entertain the idea that maybe, just maybe, you have a problem. Shit, man, you're showing signs of a drug problem. My god. I usually take text with a grain of salt, but I'm actually feeling pity for you. Get help. Seriously.
gbaji wrote:
Holy hell! Like this:
Me, 4 posts ago wrote:
Don't get me wrong. I do blame the GOP for not standing up to the Dems back then with regard to the rising danger of the sub-prime loans in the system.
Maybe if you stopped slobbering all over Joph for half a second and paid attention to what was actually being said, you'd avoid making yourself look like such a tool.
You also said
You, 4 posts ago wrote:
However, I blame the Dems even more. And it makes one wonder why you support the Dems knowing that they're the ones who have to be stood up to in order to do the right thing and avoid a financial meltdown
Note that while you're saying you blame them, you're quick to divert that blame to the opposite party. "I know I have a problem, but it isn't my fault! They keep selling me the stuff so it really isn't my fault after all!"

Edited, Aug 25th 2011 8:51pm by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#180 Aug 25 2011 at 6:48 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Oh. And for the record, Joph's last post was the opposite of an admission that Frank did something wrong. Just in case anyone is keeping score or anything.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#181 Aug 25 2011 at 6:54 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
gbaji wrote:
Coming from someone who disagrees with the positions themselves, you'll have to forgive me for not putting much weight on this claim.
See? This is what I'm talking about. I don't agree with you, so I must be wrong.

No. I don't agree with you, and I will provide an argument as to why I believe I'm right and you are wrong.

You on the other hand are engaging in a completely circular argument. You're arguing that since you disagree with me, I must be wrong, and I must know I'm wrong, so therefore I'm deliberately arguing a position I know is wrong because I don't want to admit that I'm wrong for some purely partisan reason. There are about three layers of crazy-assumption there.

You don't even entertain the idea that maybe, just maybe, you have a problem. Shit, man, you're showing signs of a drug problem. My god. I usually take text with a grain of salt, but I'm actually feeling pity for you. Get help. Seriously.

Oh noez! Not the "you're so wrong you must have a drug/psychological problem and I feel bad for you!" bit!!!! Help me Lolgaxe, you're my only hope!

No comment on the fact that you got it completely backwards with regard to who was conceding some fault on his side, right? I mean, you don't want to ever admit to being wrong in anyway at all, right? No projection on your part though! Smiley: lol

Edited, Aug 25th 2011 5:54pm by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#182 Aug 25 2011 at 6:56 PM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
gbaji wrote:
No projection on your part though!
gbaji, not a few moments earlier wrote:
Maybe if you stopped slobbering all over Joph for half a second
I'm sorry, what was that about projections, bubula?
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#183 Aug 25 2011 at 7:04 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
gbaji wrote:
Holy hell! Like this:
Me, 4 posts ago wrote:
Don't get me wrong. I do blame the GOP for not standing up to the Dems back then with regard to the rising danger of the sub-prime loans in the system.
Maybe if you stopped slobbering all over Joph for half a second and paid attention to what was actually being said, you'd avoid making yourself look like such a tool.
You also said
You, 4 posts ago wrote:
However, I blame the Dems even more. And it makes one wonder why you support the Dems knowing that they're the ones who have to be stood up to in order to do the right thing and avoid a financial meltdown
Note that while you're saying you blame them, you're quick to divert that blame to the opposite party. "I know I have a problem, but it isn't my fault! They keep selling me the stuff so it really isn't my fault after all!"

And you're trying to claim that I wont ever admit fault? How far are you going to take this? So it's not good enough that I acknowledged that my party made a mistake because I still insisted that I place more blame on the guys who choose the wrong position?

I honestly just don't get that logic. You really don't agree that more blame should go to the guy who chose to attack someone who tried to investigate sub-prime loans than the guy who, upon being attacked decided not to pursue the issue? Really? Cause that just seems insane (and blindly partisan just like you're accusing me of being). Do you have any rationale for this?

At the end of the day, it turned out there was a problem with the loans. What the GOP was trying to do was the right thing. Franks position was the wrong thing. He won that political battle and we all suffered for it. How he won, or whether we think that the GOP gave up to easily is really a secondary issue. Had he not chosen to oppose them, we might have prevented the bubble collapse (or at least prevented it from continuing to grow for a couple more years before collapsing). That's not really in doubt, right? Absent his action the GOP would not have done what they did. He's clearly the prime cause of that particular sequence of events.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#184 Aug 25 2011 at 7:09 PM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
gbaji wrote:
You really don't agree that more blame should go to the guy who chose to attack someone who tried to investigate sub-prime loans than the guy who, upon being attacked decided not to pursue the issue? Really? Cause that just seems insane (and blindly partisan just like you're accusing me of being). Do you have any rationale for this?
Didn't say that, though in your defense that's probably what you read. Note, I don't blame you. You have a fanatical problem. No, I said that if they didn't pursue the issue, knowing full well that it was bad, then they're due blame as well. I guess it's your policy to shirk responsibility.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#185 Aug 25 2011 at 7:13 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
Oh. And for the record, Joph's last post was the opposite of an admission that Frank did something wrong.

No, it was saying that the issue is deeper than the GOP talking point of "It was all Frank!!!"

But, yeah, here's another couple nails for your cross.

Edited, Aug 25th 2011 8:14pm by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#186 Aug 25 2011 at 7:31 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
gbaji wrote:
You really don't agree that more blame should go to the guy who chose to attack someone who tried to investigate sub-prime loans than the guy who, upon being attacked decided not to pursue the issue? Really? Cause that just seems insane (and blindly partisan just like you're accusing me of being). Do you have any rationale for this?
Didn't say that, though in your defense that's probably what you read.

You said I was "quick to divert blame to the other party". Which isn't really a correct evaluation of what I said either.

I said that while I do blame the GOP for backing off on the investigation, I place greater blame for the result on Frank. He's the one who created the conflict over that investigation in the first place.

Do you disagree with what I actually said? Yes or no? And if no, then why the hell are you arguing with me?

No, I said that if they didn't pursue the issue, knowing full well that it was bad, then they're due blame as well. I guess it's your policy to shirk responsibility.

Sigh. Stop playing semantic games. I've already acknowledged that they are due "some blame". The follow up statement, the one you made a big freaking deal about was that more blame is due Barney Frank. It's interesting that even though I pointed this out directly to you, you've actually tapped danced around that issue.

Do you agree that Frank is more to blame than the GOP? Yes or no?
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#187 Aug 25 2011 at 7:33 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
gbaji wrote:
Oh. And for the record, Joph's last post was the opposite of an admission that Frank did something wrong.

No, it was saying that the issue is deeper than the GOP talking point of "It was all Frank!!!"

But, yeah, here's another couple nails for your cross.

But still no admission that Frank was wrong to oppose the investigation into Fanny and Freddie from you? No statement that had he not done this, we might just have avoided or lessened the housing bubble crash?

But I'm the one who can't admit any fault on his side! Smiley: lol
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#188 Aug 25 2011 at 7:40 PM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
gbaji wrote:
Stop playing semantic games.
I didn't know it was a solo game. Sorry for encroaching on your territory.
gbaji wrote:
Do you agree that Frank is more to blame than the GOP? Yes or no?
You're trying to divert attention from the issue of your overall fanaticism. We're not talking about a specific instance. We're talking your behavior patterns, encompassing any topic with a decided political environment. Well, maybe not "we" so much as "I." You're doing everything you can to distract from it.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#189 Aug 25 2011 at 7:49 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
gbaji wrote:
Stop playing semantic games.
I didn't know it was a solo game. Sorry for encroaching on your territory.
gbaji wrote:
Do you agree that Frank is more to blame than the GOP? Yes or no?
You're trying to divert attention from the issue of your overall fanaticism. We're not talking about a specific instance. We're talking your behavior patterns, encompassing any topic with a decided political environment. Well, maybe not "we" so much as "I." You're doing everything you can to distract from it.

You're still tap dancing. Answer the question.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#190 Aug 25 2011 at 7:51 PM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
gbaji wrote:
Answer the question.
Why? Like you often say, it's irrelevant to our conversation.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#191 Aug 25 2011 at 8:00 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
gbaji wrote:
Answer the question.
Why? Like you often say, it's irrelevant to our conversation.

You certainly seemed to think it was relevant when trying to downplay the fact that I did say that I placed blame on the GOP prior to you insisting that I didn't.

So, if that statement was such a big deal, why not address it? Do you agree with my statement that Frank should bear more blame than the GOP? If you don't posses the character flaws you keep claiming I have, it should be easy for you to answer the question, right? The fact that you have tap danced around it for 3 posts now strongly supports my supposition of projection on your part.

Yes or no? More blame or not? It should be an easy question to answer.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#192 Aug 25 2011 at 8:04 PM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
gbaji wrote:
You certainly seemed to think it was relevant when trying to downplay the fact that I did say that I placed blame on the GOP prior to you insisting that I didn't.
No, I was using it as an example of your pattern of behavior. The issue itself was irrelevant, your reaction to it is. But, being the better man, I'll make you a deal. You give me incentive to answer your irrelevant question, and I'll answer it. Or, we can spend the rest of the time of you trying to show me as someone dancing around your "oh so important" political issue when our conversation was actually about your neurological behavior, and me collecting more and more proof of your zealotry and denial. My post count goes up either way.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#193 Aug 25 2011 at 8:08 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
But I'm the one who can't admit any fault on his side! Smiley: lol

I've ******* about Democrats enough that you'll have to try a little harder.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#194 Aug 25 2011 at 9:03 PM Rating: Excellent
16,299 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
gbaji wrote:
Do you agree that Frank is more to blame than the GOP? Yes or no?
You're trying to divert attention from the issue of your overall fanaticism. We're not talking about a specific instance. We're talking your behavior patterns, encompassing any topic with a decided political environment. Well, maybe not "we" so much as "I." You're doing everything you can to distract from it.

gbaji, it's not a conservative/liberal thing right now. It's a "you're a fanatic" thing. I've said it before and I'll say it again - you need medication or something. Sometimes you're truly scary.
#195 Aug 26 2011 at 1:24 AM Rating: Excellent
Gbaji wrote:
What do you mean "No"? He spent that money fully aware of how much money had already been spent on TARP. I'm not sure how you justify absolving him of the responsibility of the choice to spend more money even over the complete objection of the GOP.

Ya, they didn't vote for it, but the GOP sure as hell got all the pork they could out of it too. It's part of that whole "perpetually running for re-election" problem I spoke of previously: The GOP was SO opposed to Obama's stimulus that they, as quietly as possible with the exception of the idiots who said they'd refuse to take stimulus $ & then quietly backtracked on it, blew the stimulus for all the sweet cash they could get for them & theirs.

This is a fact. Here's a list of some of them, Paul Ryan being at the top.

Gbaji wrote:
That's irrelevant in the context of "who put us into the current debt crisis", isn't it?

You can't, with a straight face, pin it all on Dems just like I can't pin it all on Pubbies. Let's start with the basics, shall we? As I know you love to play your semantics game: Can we agree that the deficit (debt) is the differences between spending & revenue (taxes)?

If the answer is yes, we can continue. If not, don't bother reading the rest of my response as if you're too retarded to understand what a deficit is there's no use talking about it with you.

So, I'm going to pretend your answer is yes: a deficit is the difference between revenue (taxes) & spending.

Did Obama increase spending? Abso-fucking-lutely. So of course Obama's economic policies increased the deficit.

Did Dubya increase spending? Abso-fucking-lutely. In fact, here's a chart:


As you can see, from 2000 to 2008, under Dubya, Federal spending rose by $1.3 trillion; from $1.9 trillion a year to $3.2 trillion a year.

From 2009 to 2011, under Obama, federal spending has risen by $600 billion, from $3.2 trillion a year to $3.8 trillion a year.

Oh, & it has also now begun to decline.

In other words, federal government spending under President Bush increased 2X as much as it has under President Obama.

So, who's responsible for the increase in federal spending? Answer: THEY BOTH ARE. It could be argued that Dubya was MORE responsible, but I won't argue that as it isn't my point. My point is that Dubya & Obama both increased spending which is one HALF of the reason we had this "debt" crisis.

So, now that spending is out of the way & we can both agree that Obama & Dubya increased spending (This is a fact, it is inarguable) let's move on to revenue (taxes).

The Bush Tax Cuts, which have be extended under Obama, decreased revenue (taxes). This is a fact.

Also, when the housing bubble popped, revenue (taxes) decreased as the government was no longer making the revenue (taxes) off of the housing market. It's effects rippled throughout various industries, many companies in various fields & many people aren't making as much money as they were before the housing bubble popped, so revenue (taxes) are down across the board.

You can't make revenue (taxes) off of something that's no longer there: This is also a fact.

In conclusion: The deficit Obama inherited, which was a combination in an increase in spending coupled with a loss in revenue (taxes) under Dubya, combined with the increased spending of Obama & the continued lower revenues (taxes) taken in during Obama's term, is the reason we are in the current debt crisis.

These are facts. Pretending your sides shit doesn't stink in this is, at the very least, dishonest, Gbaji.

Why must you turn this forum into a den of lies?


And again, increasing revenue (taxes) while decreasing spending would have lowered the debt more that just decreasing spending.

Also, an irrefutable fact.

"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

#196 Aug 26 2011 at 10:35 AM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Nadenu wrote:
lolgaxe wrote:
gbaji wrote:
Do you agree that Frank is more to blame than the GOP? Yes or no?
You're trying to divert attention from the issue of your overall fanaticism. We're not talking about a specific instance. We're talking your behavior patterns, encompassing any topic with a decided political environment. Well, maybe not "we" so much as "I." You're doing everything you can to distract from it.

gbaji, it's not a conservative/liberal thing right now. It's a "you're a fanatic" thing. I've said it before and I'll say it again - you need medication or something. Sometimes you're truly scary.

I'be come up with a theory that all West Coasters, living with the knowledge of the impending Big One, are nihilists which completely deranges their thought processes. They believe in nothing.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#197 Aug 26 2011 at 2:20 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Nadenu wrote:
gbaji, it's not a conservative/liberal thing right now. It's a "you're a fanatic" thing. I've said it before and I'll say it again - you need medication or something. Sometimes you're truly scary.

I'm not sure how meaningful that is when some posters here simply equate "conservative" with "fanatic". What did I do or say to make you apply the "fanatic" label?
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#198 Aug 26 2011 at 2:29 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
gbaji wrote:
You certainly seemed to think it was relevant when trying to downplay the fact that I did say that I placed blame on the GOP prior to you insisting that I didn't.
No, I was using it as an example of your pattern of behavior. The issue itself was irrelevant, your reaction to it is. But, being the better man, I'll make you a deal. You give me incentive to answer your irrelevant question, and I'll answer it.

Ok. How about: You were the made a big deal out of it. I said that Frank bears more blame than the GOP. You quoted that statement and seemed to argue that by making that claim I somehow nullified my earlier statement that I do place some blame on the GOP for not pushing forward with the investigation.

Let me also remind you that you were the one who said you would respect me if I was willing to place some blame on the GOP. So I did exactly what you said you would respect, but then instead of respecting it, you shifted to talking about my statement about Frank bearing more of the blame.

I think it's more than fair that I ask if you think I'm wrong about this, and why. Because if you disagree, then your shift to that part of my post has some validity to it. If you don't, then it was just you trying to weasel out of your own claim about what you would or would not respect. I would think you'd want to show that you aren't a weasel who makes claims and promises and then doesn't keep them, so I'm honestly surprised that you'd even need encouragement to do this.

Good enough?
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#199 Aug 26 2011 at 2:35 PM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
gbaji wrote:
You quoted that statement and seemed
gbaji wrote:
and seemed
gbaji wrote:
See where you went wrong? You, again, misinterpreted the conversation and now you're trying to use your mistake in a play to divert from what everyone already realizes. That you're fanatical. Contrary to your belief (another amusing misinterpretation on your part) it has nothing to do with the party itself, but your rabid foaming at the mouth defense of it. You focus so blindly at defending your group that you don't even realize this is about you. I'm just trying to look out for you, bubula.

Edited, Aug 26th 2011 4:37pm by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#201 Aug 26 2011 at 3:06 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Omegavegeta wrote:
Ya, they didn't vote for it, but the GOP sure as hell got all the pork they could out of it too. It's part of that whole "perpetually running for re-election" problem I spoke of previously: The GOP was SO opposed to Obama's stimulus that they, as quietly as possible with the exception of the idiots who said they'd refuse to take stimulus $ & then quietly backtracked on it, blew the stimulus for all the sweet cash they could get for them & theirs.

This is a fact. Here's a list of some of them, Paul Ryan being at the top.

Um... Except that Ryan's district didn't get the money they applied for. Did you read the article?

It's also more than a bit unfair to argue that because members of the GOP opposed spending the money in the first place, that they should not allow any of that spending to occur in their states or districts once the decision has already been made. They do also have an obligation to their constituents. Those constituents will have to pay an equal share of the cost of those things, right? There's nothing wrong with opposing doing something entirely, but then also saying that if we're going to do it, I may as well get something out of it so my own constituents don't get screwed.

Imagine there's a group of friends going out to the movies. Some of them want to see the movie on the most expensive Imax/3d screen, but a couple guys think it's too expensive and isn't worth it. They get overruled and so everyone ponies up for the more expensive tickets. Your argument is like saying that having been overruled, and having paid for the more expensive tickets, they should be chastised for wearing the 3d glasses while watching the movie.

So, I'm going to pretend your answer is yes: a deficit is the difference between revenue (taxes) & spending.


Did Obama increase spending? Abso-fucking-lutely. So of course Obama's economic policies increased the deficit.

Did Dubya increase spending? Abso-fucking-lutely.

I have never claimed that he didn't. My argument has always been about the rate of spending increase, not that there was one. Some spending increase can be handled by the economy. Too much spending increase cannot. Bush did the former, Obama did the later. That's why we recovered after the recession in the early 2000s, but have not recovered as well from this most recent recession.

As you can see, from 2000 to 2008, under Dubya, Federal spending rose by $1.3 trillion; from $1.9 trillion a year to $3.2 trillion a year.

From 2009 to 2011, under Obama, federal spending has risen by $600 billion, from $3.2 trillion a year to $3.8 trillion a year.

Oh, & it has also now begun to decline.

In other words, federal government spending under President Bush increased 2X as much as it has under President Obama.

In 1/4th the time. Which means that he's increased spending at double the rate. Math is hard, I know!

You're also making the mistake of looking at the time line in terms of presidential terms and not gaps between/through recessions. The recession started in 2008. We should look at spending increases in response to that recession and not as some general trend. Look at the pattern of spending through the first shaded area. Now look at the spending pattern in the second. Notice anything? There is nearly no change to the overall spending pattern as we went through the first recession on that chart.

I's very different in the second though, right? That's what I'm trying to get people to see. Funny thing is that you dug up a chart that shows exactly what I'm talking about but you didn't see it.

So, who's responsible for the increase in federal spending? Answer: THEY BOTH ARE.

That's the wrong question: Who increased spending at a greater rate? Answer: Obama.

It could be argued that Dubya was MORE responsible, but I won't argue that as it isn't my point. My point is that Dubya & Obama both increased spending which is one HALF of the reason we had this "debt" crisis.

I suppose it "could" be argued that Bush was more responsible, but it would be an incredibly weak argument consisting of imaginary things like unicorns and pixies.

So, now that spending is out of the way & we can both agree that Obama & Dubya increased spending (This is a fact, it is inarguable) let's move on to revenue (taxes).

Yes. They both increased spending. So did Clinton, and Bush 41, and Reagain, and Carter, and Ford, and Nixon, and Johnson, and Kennedy, and Eisenhower... Every president has spent more dollars than the president before him. It's completely meaningless to simply point that out and leave it as that. What matters is the rate of spending increase. And Obama's is massively greater that Bush's. Doubly so when we look specifically at "spending in a recession".

The Bush Tax Cuts, which have be extended under Obama, decreased revenue (taxes). This is a fact.

They decreased revenue from that 60 year relative high in 2000, yes. But that's also somewhat meaningless. Did they reduce revenue to dangerously low levels? Absolutely not. As I have repeatedly pointed out, revenue just prior to the start of this recession was at 18.5% of GDP. In the last 40 years, there have only been 9 years in which revenue was higher than that.

So historically, revenue was not low as a result of the Bush tax cuts. So if you are attempting to claim that the revenue part of the deficit is because of the Bush tax cuts, you are absolutely provably wrong.

Also, when the housing bubble popped, revenue (taxes) decreased as the government was no longer making the revenue (taxes) off of the housing market. It's effects rippled throughout various industries, many companies in various fields & many people aren't making as much money as they were before the housing bubble popped, so revenue (taxes) are down across the board.

Correct. Revenues drop when a bubble bursts (or some other dramatic shift occurs). This is usually what causes recessions. Let me remind you of a fact that I've already pointed out earlier in this thread: Between 2001 and 2003 revenues dropped by 3.3% of GDP. Between 2007 and 2009 revenues dropped by 3.6% of GDP. The point here being that the relative revenue loss in this recession was similar to that in the previous one. So if you're going to try to blame the current debt crisis on that, you're going to have to look elsewhere.

In conclusion: The deficit Obama inherited, which was a combination in an increase in spending coupled with a loss in revenue (taxes) under Dubya, combined with the increased spending of Obama & the continued lower revenues (taxes) taken in during Obama's term, is the reason we are in the current debt crisis.

How do you conclude this? Let me point out that in 2007, the deficit was only $160B dollars. That deficit had been falling for 3 years straight. To say that Obama "inherited a deficit" is a gross misstatement. The deficits which occurred as a result of the housing bubble had nothing to do with the tax rates. It was purely because of losses as a result of the recession (and actions taken during it as well).

Also, as I have pointed out repeatedly in this thread, the revenue losses in this recession, while high historically were similar to those in 2001-2003. Yet, the job market recovered quickly from that one, and hasn't from this one. What is the difference? Spending. The rate of spending is why we aren't recovering. The data is right there in front of you, but you refuse to see it.

Why must you turn this forum into a den of lies?

You're the one who is conveniently ignoring important facts and coming to conclusions which are completely false. I suppose I turn this forum into a den of lies, but that's because so many people find that in order to argue against the facts I present they have to lie. Maybe you should look to yourself and figure out why you feel you have to do that?

Edited, Aug 26th 2011 2:13pm by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
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