varusword75 wrote:
American men aren't marrying american women because american women are by and large selfish self-centered whores who are willing to drop their man at the mere hint of a better alternative.
The statistics are there. Nearly 70% of american marriages between an american man and woman end in divorce. And of those divorces nearly 75% are initiated by the woman. On the other hand agencies that are set up to marry american men to foreign women have a nearly 75% success rate.
Feminism has absolutely destroyed the traditional family with the help of big brother.
I have two girls I could ask to marry me today and they would. Why should I? Because I have some imaginary fantasy about a mytho-poetic storybook romance that's been force fed to american society the last 50yrs?
Nah...I think i'll pull a Jophed and find a nice little south american hotty who has yet to be americanized into thinking men are sh*t.
American men aren't marrying american women because american women are by and large selfish self-centered whores who are willing to drop their man at the mere hint of a better alternative.
The statistics are there. Nearly 70% of american marriages between an american man and woman end in divorce. And of those divorces nearly 75% are initiated by the woman. On the other hand agencies that are set up to marry american men to foreign women have a nearly 75% success rate.
Feminism has absolutely destroyed the traditional family with the help of big brother.
I have two girls I could ask to marry me today and they would. Why should I? Because I have some imaginary fantasy about a mytho-poetic storybook romance that's been force fed to american society the last 50yrs?
Nah...I think i'll pull a Jophed and find a nice little south american hotty who has yet to be americanized into thinking men are sh*t.
Link to your statistics please?
And with your posts, there's no wonder that my Filipino *** finds you, as an American man, a sh*t.
Edit: Quote fail.
Edited, Aug 3rd 2011 9:28am by Thumbelyna