I'd like NJ to switch to a more technologically friendly voting method, actually. There are two times someone in my family has been denied their right to vote because of a mistake or limitation caused by the books, in recent years.
One was my sister, who was denied her right because the polling place screwed up and checked someone else in under her name (Same first and last, but different middle name).
The other had to do with getting f*cked over by turning 18 just under the 21 day requirement NJ has, because they need time to print all those stupid books.
I just honestly don't see why we are continuing to use archaic methods for voting (and I'm just speaking in the context of NJ, since I have no clue what the requirements are elsewhere). Every person with a valid drivers license will now have a digital one in NJ. They should all be in a database that includes an updated picture (and this includes state IDs). Which you need to have in order to register to vote.
That means they could scan the barcode and take a digital signature to check you in with far more confidence. If you don't have a valid ID, they can still check your identity using the picture in the database (which is fine, as long as your appearance hasn't changed significantly--there's obviously a limit--and of course that wouldn't be an issue in NJ until after the next election, since that's when the first digital licenses will expire).
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people
lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.