gbaji wrote:
How honest was it? Was he thinking "I can't wait for this to be over so I can go hit the course" the whole time? Is that really honoring our fallen soldiers?
I don't doubt he was thinking that he couldn't wait for it to be over, but I doubt golf was the reason. Have you ever gone to someone's house to explain to them that their son/daughter was killed and fought to his/her dying breath defending their friends and fellow soldiers? Now imagine that done to hundreds, if not thousands of people. I can tell you
from experience that yes, the biggest thought in your head is "I can't wait for this to be over" because no matter how patriotic and heroic you make their children sound, the audience always blames you for the deaths. It makes you feel like ****, because no matter what it makes you think back to the experience that caused the death and to question your decisions at the time. "I can't wait to wash this horrible experience away" isn't all that uncommon either.
Again, he was enjoying his freedom that those same fallen soldiers fought so he could enjoy. You're saying he shouldn't enjoy that freedom is belittling the thought of those soldiers. I do like how you're using dead soldiers that fought for your right to have this opinion as a basis for your rage, though. Really honoring their memories.