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Atheism or agnosticism?Follow

#452 May 03 2011 at 8:40 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
LockeColeMA wrote:
Ah, and one other gem I missed.


Lol. And how about you stop assuming what sort of advice or solution I'm supposedly proposing. I'm not doing that.

Your advice here would actually be for the player to stop playing the sport. You can't get hurt in a football game if you don't play, right? Or if you do play, make sure you only play two-hand touch with a single other person.

Again, I'm not giving advice or proposing a course of action. What I'm saying is that perhaps we should not praise the advances in sports medicine and protective gear in the context of reducing injuries to players when the rate of injuries to players has increased. See how that's analogous to the statement I responded to about the responsibility involved with choosing abortion rather than single motherhood?

I didn't think the concept I was presenting was that complex. Stop trying to look for some hidden meaning or agenda and maybe you'll see it.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#453 May 03 2011 at 8:45 PM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
Bardalicious wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
knowing contraceptives fail, double, triple up on them.
I hear wearing 3 condoms at once is super effective.
Shove a Fleshlight in her and fuck that.

Smiley: lol'd while cringing.
#454 May 03 2011 at 8:46 PM Rating: Excellent
16,299 posts
Almalieque wrote:
Gbaji wrote:
This statement is clearly claiming that the responsibly choice is to abort rather than ending out on welfare. I didn't make the comparison, I was responding to someone else who had. My counter is that an even more responsible choice would be to not get pregnant in the first place. I followed that with a comment that while aborting instead of being on welfare might be a more responsible choice, it's a moot point since clearly a hell of a lot of women are in fact choosing to be on welfare instead of having an abortion.

The bold has been the point that Belkira seemed to keep overlooking. The responsibility comes BEFORE the pregnancy and the abortion. Just because we're talking about abortion doesn't mean every time I mention responsibility that I'm referring to after the pregnancy.

I disagree with the welfare statement. I think it's irresponsible to STAY on welfare with no motivation to move up, but to just have MORE babies and milk the system. Going on welfare to temporally support yourself while you get your life together is a WHOLE lot more responsible than having an abortion, assuming that the child is wanted along with other factors, i.e. health.

#455 May 03 2011 at 8:53 PM Rating: Decent
5,159 posts
gbaji, I notice you never responded to my post pointing out how simply finding a logical connection between two things does not create a causative link between them. Having trouble coming up with a counter to that one?
#456 May 03 2011 at 9:03 PM Rating: Good
4,042 posts
Nadenu wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
Gbaji wrote:
This statement is clearly claiming that the responsibly choice is to abort rather than ending out on welfare. I didn't make the comparison, I was responding to someone else who had. My counter is that an even more responsible choice would be to not get pregnant in the first place. I followed that with a comment that while aborting instead of being on welfare might be a more responsible choice, it's a moot point since clearly a hell of a lot of women are in fact choosing to be on welfare instead of having an abortion.

The bold has been the point that Belkira seemed to keep overlooking. The responsibility comes BEFORE the pregnancy and the abortion. Just because we're talking about abortion doesn't mean every time I mention responsibility that I'm referring to after the pregnancy.

I disagree with the welfare statement. I think it's irresponsible to STAY on welfare with no motivation to move up, but to just have MORE babies and milk the system. Going on welfare to temporally support yourself while you get your life together is a WHOLE lot more responsible than having an abortion, assuming that the child is wanted along with other factors, i.e. health.


But married pregnant women aren't scary. It's the UNWED MOTHERS!! that are destroying our society.
#457 May 03 2011 at 9:11 PM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Only one quote actually worth responding to here.
I don't think that choosing to abort after becoming pregnant with a child you don't or can't raise is responsible in the first place.

Bam, then there's your issue. The only solution (which you claimed to not have before) is abstinence, because birth control, the rhythm method, and all the information in the world can fail. And no matter how a woman gets pregnant, it seems that to you abortion is not responsible if she can't or won't raise the child; which shows unwed mothers are NOT your problem ('cause they're being responsible and not aborting), and your statistic before was a strawman masking your true feelings above. Can we move on now?

Does this mean we don't put those features on ships (or even better ones)? Absolutely not. But it does mean that we need to not assume that their mere existence solves the problem.

Please point out anyone who has said that the option of legal abortion has solved unwed motherhood. Dance, strawman, dance.
Edit: Also, your analogies suck. Again.

Edited, May 3rd 2011 11:16pm by LockeColeMA
#458 May 03 2011 at 9:13 PM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Majivo wrote:
gbaji, I notice you never responded to my post pointing out how simply finding a logical connection between two things does not create a causative link between them. Having trouble coming up with a counter to that one?

He inadvertently responded to it in his last response to me:
my larger argument doesn't rely on that being true.

Edit: The problem is he's popped out this "abortion means people are more risky, but then instead of aborting they have kids" bull. I've asked three times now for some proof, and he finally said "That's unfair to me!" Smiley: laugh Finally last time he said "I think it's possible (there's a causative link), but it doesn't matter if it's true or not."

Edited, May 3rd 2011 11:15pm by LockeColeMA
#459 May 03 2011 at 9:19 PM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
That's because 90% of remarks are not intended to be factual statements.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#460 May 03 2011 at 9:54 PM Rating: Good
Almalieque wrote:
Nice try.. During pregnancy, it is the responsibility of the man to ensure that ALL of the needs of the woman and child are met.

Yeah, no. Nice try.

Almalieque wrote:
Given the fact that no where in the option does it lay out that the man has a say in the abortion, I would stand by my stance that you're just making crap up.

"Equally responsible" is the phrase you keep using in the second "option." Do you understand why it can't be equal if the woman doesn't want the kid and the man does? Can you finally understand why neither of your options are equal?

Probably not. You're an idiot.

Almalieque wrote:
This is because you're confusing the concept of responsibility with the amount work necessary to fulfill that responsibility. The responsibility of "Taking care of the child" is the exact same for each partners, but the amount of work necessary by each partner can and will vary.


Almalieque wrote:
I'm not trying to downplay pregnancy in any way shape or form, but people like you are trying to use it like a weapon to get what you want.

Using emotion again.

Almalieque wrote:
You can deny the "collection of cells" as being a human, but as I already pointed out, if that "collection of cells" were guaranteed not to develop into what you consider a "person", then there wouldn't be any discussion of abortion in the first place. The entire argument on abortion has nothing to do with the collection of cells, but the child.

Out of curiosity though, at what point do you consider it a person? Do you support abortion at any time of the pregnancy?

To your first point, no. The discussion has to do with the potential for a child. There is no child yet.

To your second point, I have an issue with "partial birth abortions." I don't think they should be outright banned, but I am for stipulations on how that should only be "for the health of the mother" that we allow those to happen. IMO, once the cells are a viable baby, you've reached the point of no return. Unless the mother's life is in danger at that point, I see no reason why the pregnancy shouldn't continue and adoption is your recourse if you don't want to keep the baby.

Almalieque wrote:
That doesn't even make any sense... YOU were the one accusing me of saying something that I didn't say.
You don't just go around accusing people of something without any evidence and expect them to present evidence contradictory to your claim. You accused me of something, I'm asking you to provide proof. If you can't do so, then you fail. That's how life works.

I told you that I already explained something to you. You asked me where, and I told you to go find it if you wanted to know what it was. But it seems like you've already forgotten what we were talking about at this point, and you just want to "win." Too bad for you, you've lost. And you sound bitter about it, too.

Almalieque wrote:
Nope.. Both you and Natalia both stated that the man had a say so.. No where in my statement did I say that a man should have a say in the matter. Besides, that was the second option that YOU CHOSE. I presented two.

Lord you're an idiot. You keep talking about how they should be equal in the decision. If they can't come to a decision, what then?? You keep avoiding this incredibly crucial question. Most likely because you know you're WRONG. Again.

Almalieque wrote:
It can very well be fair, you just don't want it to be. Even if you didn't believe my scenarios made it 100% fair, it is as close to fair that you can get.

I'll make sure I remember your statement the next time we argue about homosexuality. You're by far the biggest emotional hypocrite on this forum.

You go ahead and remember it. And everyone else will laugh even harder at you when you try to pull the "but you said pregnancy can't be fair between a man and a woman, so you can't argue fairness with homosexuals! HA!" card. Because you'll sound like a complete loon. Well, you already sound like a complete loon. But you get the point.

Edited, May 3rd 2011 10:54pm by Belkira
#461 May 03 2011 at 11:29 PM Rating: Good
5,684 posts
Eske Esquire wrote:
lolgaxe wrote:
Bardalicious wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
knowing contraceptives fail, double, triple up on them.
I hear wearing 3 condoms at once is super effective.
Shove a Fleshlight in her and fuck that.

Smiley: lol'd while cringing.
wait, you guys don't do that?

your sex sounds terrible.
#462 May 04 2011 at 2:32 AM Rating: Good
15,512 posts
I think it's funny how Alma essentially wants the decision to end with the man's opinion. Does he honestly think that child support begins to really scratch the cost of raising a child? Let's make it simple, and even exclude the lifetime reduction in income child rearing has on women, but not on men. She's not going to come out ahead by having the baby; it's not a very good investment vehicle unless you sell it on the black market before it depreciates. They're like cars--depreciate fast, those ones!

There's a reason California gets more representation than Alaska, honey.

Edited, May 4th 2011 3:37am by Sweetums
#463 May 04 2011 at 4:08 AM Rating: Good
Soulless Internet Tiger
35,474 posts
gbaji wrote:
See how that's analogous to the statement I responded to about the responsibility involved with choosing abortion rather than single motherhood?
So you used an analogy that's wrong to support your other analogy that's wrong?
Donate. One day it could be your family.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

#464 May 04 2011 at 5:40 AM Rating: Good
3,212 posts
If I don't believe in the Greek pantheon but am not sure of the Norse gods exist, does that make me an atheistic agnostic?

All you other hi-jackers put down your key boards and back away.
#465 May 04 2011 at 6:05 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Jonwin wrote:
If I don't believe in the Greek pantheon but am not sure of the Norse gods exist, does that make me an atheistic agnostic?

All you other hi-jackers put down your key boards and back away.

Not if you believe in another deity. I believe all deities are equally without evidence, but I can't actually say "There are definitely no gods."

That's how I understand it, at least.
#466 May 04 2011 at 6:14 AM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Nilatai wrote:
By saying that if the guy doesn't have a say in the matter, he shouldn't have to pay, you are insinuating that the man should have a say in the matter. How can you not see this?


You do realize that this topic is in reference to abortion right? I said that the woman has total control on whether she has an abortion or not. I didn't say that the man shouldn't be allowed to think. So, there is nothing you can twist and turn around to make it seem like the man has a say in the abortion, when I specifically stated that the woman has all of the power.

You were the one arguing that abortion and child support were two completely different issues. Now, you're saying that a man having the opportunity to pay child support is telling the woman to have or not to have an abortion?

Make up your mind, which one is it?
Just admit it, you're wrong.

Nilatai wrote:
First, that's not how you use an apostrophe but that's neither here nor there. Second, even if I accept your premise that dead bead dads support abortion, how does that equate you thinking that the default position on abortion should be illegality, with certain exceptions?

Are you doing this on purpose? You just asked that question in my last post to you, this answer was the response to that question. This was a side point. Go back and read it if you want clarification.

Nilatai wrote:
Well someone needs to be fired then. Isn't there that whole spiel about not fraternising with subordinates?

Don't ask Don't tell..

Nilatai wrote:
Okay then, lets start over. Re: bolded section...Why?

Wow... you really are lost. It's in the rationale that I quoted for you. Currently, the situation isn't even close to fair or equal. Regardless if you believe it will ever become totally equal/fair the two scenarios I presented were the only solutions that I know that would put us there. The first solution is stupid, so I chose the second solution. I support case by case by case abortions because I know stuff happens in life and every scenario can't be covered in one regulation.

Nilatai wrote:
I dunno, I seem to remember certain Republicans on this forum complaining about too much taxation and too many "social programs". Also, from what I see in my country, people specifically have more children so they can get extra benefit from the state. Sad, but true. I'm sure it's not isolated to just my country.

People will always find a way to "cheat the system", you don't take away the system, you fix it. Just like many people probably cheated on their taxes. The government doesn't stop taxes, they hire personnel to catch people cheating.

So, if the girl isn't "milking the system", you don't have a problem with her receiving governmental assistance?

Nilatai wrote:
You're bad at maths and science?

What makes you think that? Have you seen my mathematical skills? Have you seen my Comp Sci skills?

#467 May 04 2011 at 6:28 AM Rating: Good
Drunken English Bastard
15,268 posts
Almalieque wrote:
You do realize that this topic is in reference to abortion right? I said that the woman has total control on whether she has an abortion or not. I didn't say that the man shouldn't be allowed to think. So, there is nothing you can twist and turn around to make it seem like the man has a say in the abortion, when I specifically stated that the woman has all of the power.

You were the one arguing that abortion and child support were two completely different issues. Now, you're saying that a man having the opportunity to pay child support is telling the woman to have or not to have an abortion?

Make up your mind, which one is it?
Just admit it, you're wrong.
I'm just pointing out that what you are saying and what you think you mean are two different things.

Almalieque wrote:
Don't ask Don't tell..
If they don't know how do they dock his pay?

Almalieque wrote:
Wow... you really are lost. It's in the rationale that I quoted for you. Currently, the situation isn't even close to fair or equal. Regardless if you believe it will ever become totally equal/fair the two scenarios I presented were the only solutions that I know that would put us there. The first solution is stupid, so I chose the second solution. I support case by case by case abortions because I know stuff happens in life and every scenario can't be covered in one regulation.
No, you misunderstand. The "why?" was directed at this:
My whole argument was that abortion should only be authorized on a case by case scenario in situations such as, rape, health, etc.

Almalieque wrote:
People will always find a way to "cheat the system", you don't take away the system, you fix it. Just like many people probably cheated on their taxes. The government doesn't stop taxes, they hire personnel to catch people cheating.

So, if the girl isn't "milking the system", you don't have a problem with her receiving governmental assistance?
I don't have a problem with governmental assistance. I don't have a problem with forcing men to pay for their kids, either. I'm just wondering why you think one is okay and the other isn't?

Almalieque wrote:

What makes you think that? Have you seen my mathematical skills? Have you seen my Comp Sci skills?

You mean aside from your displaying misunderstanding of basic scientific and mathematical concepts? Nothing.
My Movember page
Solrain wrote:
WARs can use semi-colons however we want. I once killed a guy with a semi-colon.

LordFaramir wrote:
#468 May 04 2011 at 6:41 AM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Belkira wrote:

Yeah, no. Nice try.

So, are you going to answer the question or not? Why is a woman with two children MORE RESPONSIBLE than a woman with one child?

Belkira wrote:
"Equally responsible" is the phrase you keep using in the second "option." Do you understand why it can't be equal if the woman doesn't want the kid and the man does? Can you finally understand why neither of your options are equal?

Probably not. You're an idiot.

That scenario would be as equal as you can get under scenario two, because it wouldn't matter what the man or woman wants, the abortion would only be granted on a case by case scenario.

Belkira wrote:


Right. That was easy..

Belkira wrote:
Using emotion again.

Nope, stating the facts. I'm pointing out how you're using your emotions with pregnancy to make a point. "Waaaaaah, I had to carry a baby for 9 WHOLE months and YOU DIDN'T!! It won't ever be equal!! Waaaaahh I should be able to do what I want.. You can NEVER go through that, YOU'LL NEVER UNDERSTAND, BLAH, BLAH BLAH, WAAH, WAAH,WAAH.....!!!"

I would wager that most men would rather birth a child than pay 18 years of child support..

Belkira wrote:
To your first point, no. The discussion has to do with the potential for a child. There is no child yet.

Contradict often? Oh, wait of course you do...

Belkira wrote:
To your second point, I have an issue with "partial birth abortions." I don't think they should be outright banned, but I am for stipulations on how that should only be "for the health of the mother" that we allow those to happen. IMO, once the cells are a viable baby, you've reached the point of no return. Unless the mother's life is in danger at that point, I see no reason why the pregnancy shouldn't continue and adoption is your recourse if you don't want to keep the baby.

Interesting... I'll save that for later as you can't even grasp this concept. I don't want you too confused.

Belkira wrote:
I told you that I already explained something to you. You asked me where, and I told you to go find it if you wanted to know what it was. But it seems like you've already forgotten what we were talking about at this point, and you just want to "win." Too bad for you, you've lost. And you sound bitter about it, too.

False. You're making up crap again.. hence why you said "something", you don't even know what it is.

You accused me of saying that a man should have a say in abortion and I gave you the same response that I gave Natalia, "quote me saying that or STFU". Then you said "no, you go find it!" That doesn't make any sense, you made the accusation, now render me some evidence or STFU.

Belkira wrote:
Lord you're an idiot. You keep talking about how they should be equal in the decision. If they can't come to a decision, what then?? You keep avoiding this incredibly crucial question. Most likely because you know you're WRONG. Again.

Here's your confusion, I NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER said anywhere that they should be equal in a "decision". That's your misunderstanding. The first scenario gives the woman total control and THERE IS NO decision in the second scenario. I explained that to you numerous of times. In the second scenario, abortion by default is not authorized and are only approved on a case by case scenario. The decision wouldn't be up to the parents, so it wouldn't matter if one or both wanted the abortion.

Belkira wrote:
You go ahead and remember it. And everyone else will laugh even harder at you when you try to pull the "but you said pregnancy can't be fair between a man and a woman, so you can't argue fairness with homosexuals! HA!" card. Because you'll sound like a complete loon. Well, you already sound like a complete loon. But you get the point.

I would indeed sound like a complete loon.. Good thing I wouldn't argue that...
#469 May 04 2011 at 6:44 AM Rating: Good
2,069 posts
LockeColeMA wrote:
Jonwin wrote:
If I don't believe in the Greek pantheon but am not sure of the Norse gods exist, does that make me an atheistic agnostic?

All you other hi-jackers put down your key boards and back away.

Not if you believe in another deity. I believe all deities are equally without evidence, but I can't actually say "There are definitely no gods."

That's how I understand it, at least.

Which one ignores the convo Alma is having? I want to br that onr.

Song of the day:
May 26, 2011 -- Transplants
#470 May 04 2011 at 7:32 AM Rating: Good
Alma and Tulip,

For the love of God stop responding to every freaking sentence. I'm sure between the two of you you can figure out how to set up a private chat room. And if you can't respond to the entirity of a persons post in a few short and concise sentences it's probably beyond both of you and it's best to just keep silent.

Food for thought.
#471 May 04 2011 at 7:38 AM Rating: Excellent
6,471 posts
varusword75 wrote:
For the love of God stop responding to every freaking sentence.

Ordinarily I might agree. With Alma though, every single one of his sentences contains a unique snowflake of idiocy. You can't point them out unless you break the whole thing down and tackle them individually.

Of course, then you'd be engaging in the waste of time that is debating with Alma, which is another problem.
#472 May 04 2011 at 7:38 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
varusword75 wrote:
Alma and Tulip,

For the love of God stop responding to every freaking sentence. I'm sure between the two of you you can figure out how to set up a private chat room. And if you can't respond to the entirity of a persons post in a few short and concise sentences it's probably beyond both of you and it's best to just keep silent.

Food for thought.

How did you leave gbaji out of this statement? Smiley: dubious
#473 May 04 2011 at 7:43 AM Rating: Good
2,069 posts
LockeColeMA wrote:
varusword75 wrote:
Alma and Tulip,

For the love of God stop responding to every freaking sentence. I'm sure between the two of you you can figure out how to set up a private chat room. And if you can't respond to the entirity of a persons post in a few short and concise sentences it's probably beyond both of you and it's best to just keep silent.

Food for thought.

How did you leave gbaji out of this statement? Smiley: dubious

I'm 62% sure that varus is gbaji's sock. I noticed yesterday that gbaji and varus both accuse people of "projecting".

Song of the day:
May 26, 2011 -- Transplants
#474 May 04 2011 at 8:32 AM Rating: Default
9,395 posts
And if you can't respond to the entirity of a persons post in a few short and concise sentences it's probably beyond both of you and it's best to just keep silent.

So you're saying that responding to an entire statement is dumb, and all debate should be kept to short statements with no opportunity to argue the point?

Just wow...
10k before the site's inevitable death or bust

The World Is Not A Cold Dead Place.
Alan Watts wrote:
I am omnipotent insofar as I am the Universe, but I am not an omnipotent in the role of Alan Watts, only cunning

Eske wrote:
I've always read Driftwood as the straight man in varus' double act. It helps if you read all of his posts in the voice of Droopy Dog.
#475 May 04 2011 at 8:39 AM Rating: Good
4,042 posts
Ailitardif wrote:
LockeColeMA wrote:
varusword75 wrote:
Alma and Tulip,

For the love of God stop responding to every freaking sentence. I'm sure between the two of you you can figure out how to set up a private chat room. And if you can't respond to the entirity of a persons post in a few short and concise sentences it's probably beyond both of you and it's best to just keep silent.

Food for thought.

How did you leave gbaji out of this statement? Smiley: dubious

I'm 62% sure that varus is gbaji's sock. I noticed yesterday that gbaji and varus both accuse people of "projecting".

Another thing to take note of: Varus posts religiously during the day, gbaji only posts in the evenings.
#476 May 04 2011 at 8:51 AM Rating: Good
Soulless Internet Tiger
35,474 posts
I think everyone's missing something significant here. Varus used capitalization and grammar very well in that post. What's happened?
Donate. One day it could be your family.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

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