Yeah, I live out in the middle of no where, road kill is a fairly common sight around here. The dead stuff ranges from fluffy little squirrels, to birds, to the occasional skunk, which you really want to avoid running over if you can, to fully grown deer. It's not really something to get too upset over unless it does damage to your vehicle. I do try to avoid hitting things when I can, but stuff happens.
I've taken out the occasional possum, which I don't feel to awful about, those things are just freaking ugly. I was also mildly amused when one day a squirrel decided to commit suicide under my tires. I was just driving along and there is this squirrel just sitting along the side of the road doing squirrel stuff. As I get just to point where I'm going to pass the squirrel, out it darts right under my tire. Thump, thump. I couldn't have avoided it if I wanted to.
The most impressive roadkill I've encountered happened to someone driving in front of me. Whoever this person was was driving entirely too slow, so I'm fairly close to them. Not close enough to be dangerous, just close enough to demonstrate my lack of approval for driving entirely too slow. Anyway this annoyingly slow driver was also not a very attentive one, because I saw the deer coming down over the hill with plenty of time to slow down, they didn't. The collision sent a fully grown deer flying end over end at least twenty feet through the air before it landed with a sickeningly wet thud on the pavement in front of a gas station's car wash entrance, where it proceeded to roll over and over for another ten feet or so before coming to a stop. This deer was dead on impact, so was the front of the annoyingly slow driver's car. I suppose I should have stopped to see if the person was alright, but I was already late and the person driving behind me did stop, so it probably all worked out in the end.
Edited, Mar 28th 2011 7:27pm by Turin