Jophiel wrote:
gbaji wrote:
Sure! Because oil production turns on a dime and minor variations of said production have nothing at all to do with current oil prices.
Wow, a two year dime is pretty huge. Who knew that Obama's reign of terror over the oil industry would take over 26 months to come to fruition?
I honestly have no clue what you think this pattern shows. Oil production has steadily decreased every decade since 1971. The fact that there was a sharp dip in 2005,2006,2007, and 2008 is why you're seeing an "increase" over the last couple years. But the base trend line is still steadily going downward. Our production today is still lower than it was in the early 2000s, which was lower than it was in the early 1990s, which was lower than it was in the early 1980s, which was... wait for it... lower than it was in the early 1970s.
Grasping for straws? Understandable.
What's funny is that you're tossing out out of context statistics apparently to argue that your party is somehow not doing what they promised and *is* doing what the GOP promised. Kind of a strange turn around, don't you agree? What's next? You'll argue that Obama is going to repeal that awful health care bill that was passed just a while ago?
Lol! Sometimes, I really think that you get so caught up in the argument that you forget what you're arguing.
No, no... this was your and Varus's little baby, remember? Obama is sooooo against domestic production.
That's a nice strawman, I suppose. But that's not it at all. The argument Varus was making was that Obama has done nothing to increase domestic production in the US, yet he's handing 2 Billion dollars to help Brazil increase their production. Specifically, we're talking about oil production in the Gulf. While the Obama administration has maintained significant restrictions on drilling in the Gulf by the US, he's encouraging and even directly funding drilling in the Gulf by other nations.
That's kinda strange, don't you think? If it was purely about the environmental issues, you'd think he wouldn't be helping Brazil to drill in the gulf. So since he is, it would make one suspect that the moratorium on drilling by US companies must have more to do with economics than environmentalism. One might suggest that he wants our companies to make less money, while foreign companies make more. But that's just crazy, right?
I'm pointing to the reality of the fact that domestic production has only gone up since Obama took office.
And I'm pointing out that this has nothing to do with anything our government has done since Obama took office. Remember the whole correlation vs causation thing? It's funny how selectively you apply that.