Grand Master Leatherworker ThePsychoticO wrote:
Jophiel wrote:
Tailmon wrote:
Well, it seems that colors tend to be easier to remember. Most EMT's are trained to put colored tags on disaster victims identifying them as Must go, can wait a short time, wait longer, Dead.
But if you
only ever used the "Almost Dead" and "Dead" tags, you'd agree that the rest of the spectrum was pretty worthless, right?
Well at least in that case there would still be one tag (dead) that still means something, unlike the threat levels, which are all entirely meaningless.
As opposed to the alternative, where they give us a press release after something has happened and tell us that "our security measures worked just as intended", even when they quite obviously didn't?
Not like I was ever a huge fan of the color threat level thingie anyway, but at least presumably there's some change in response or posture by security forces and at government facilities, public places, etc based on a color change. That they didn't change the colors much is another issue entirely. The core concept is at least legitimate. It just got politicized too much, which made it ineffective in application.
I'll also point out that with the colors, you at least had the potential of having a lower security level at some point in the future. I'm a bit curious if by eliminating them, this means that we'll just remain at the same heightened alert level all the time, going forward. Is that actually "better"? Or just an acceptance of a new reality? And is that better either?