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Congresswoman ShotFollow

#152 Jan 11 2011 at 4:21 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
Gbaji, on the other hand, I'd trade for a horned toad.

You want to get high by licking my back? Kinky!

Or was it a complete non sequitur when Joph when off on Sarah Palin and her whole crosshairs/bullseye/whatever map and comment about reloading?

Pretty much. It was tangentially related to the topic at hand (it was the event that got her aide to start making up stories to cover Palin's ***), amused me and yet wasn't really worth a thread of its own.

Sure. You and nearly every media outlet. I'm sure it's all a coincidence and no one will think that anyone's placing blame. Uh. Yeah.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#153 Jan 11 2011 at 4:24 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Here... just because Gbaji missed it in his frantic efforts to cry about me mentioning Palin...
I, in this thread, previously wrote:
He didn't seem to subscribe to a particular ideology beyond "nutbag".

I, in this thread, previously wrote:
No, I don't think this guy was some right-winger or whatever.

I, in this thread, previously wrote:
Soooooo... you're agreeing with me that "idiots" knows no party or ideological boundaries?

I, in this thread, previously wrote:
No, I'm not saying or even implying that her map had jack-all to do with Giffords being shot.

I, in this thread, previously wrote:
ThiefX wrote:
There is no evidence that this guy is a fan of Palin's
I said multiple times that this is the case.

...yeah, this thread is an awesome cite of me blaming Palin. Way to read!
You want to get high by licking my back?

Erm... I don't think you know what a horned toad is.

Edited, Jan 11th 2011 4:27pm by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#154gbaji, Posted: Jan 11 2011 at 4:41 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Yes. It's not the first time you've posted in the form of "I'm not saying that X is responsible for Y, but I'll still make a point to mention X in a post about Y because, well... it's tangentially related. Yeah! That's the ticket! I'm not making any accusations or anything. Just randomly mentioning it anyway."
#155REDACTED, Posted: Jan 11 2011 at 4:46 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Paula,
#156REDACTED, Posted: Jan 11 2011 at 4:49 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Jophed,
#157 Jan 11 2011 at 5:00 PM Rating: Excellent
4,158 posts
varusword75 wrote:

rubber/glue etc...

Are you coming on to me? Must be all the talk about goats thats got you hawt.....

Is anyone really surprised that liberals have to exploit this kind of tragedy to push their agenda?

/cough 9/11-->Iraq--->Patriot Act--->feck knows what other infringements of liberties
in the US and abroad /cough.
"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#158 Jan 11 2011 at 5:27 PM Rating: Good
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
varusword75 wrote:

Good Do you think your average pothead is really gonna keep a single plant harvesting for several years?

God you're stupid. First of all do you know how long it takes to grow pot? Now if you decide to clone a single plant you might have have a point but trust me when I tell you this that cloning plants is extremely difficult and not something your average pot smoker is going to be doing.

Um...yes, that's what I said.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#159 Jan 11 2011 at 5:33 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
paulsol wrote:

Is anyone really surprised that liberals have to exploit this kind of tragedy to push their agenda?

/cough 9/11-->Iraq--->Patriot Act--->feck knows what other infringements of liberties
in the US and abroad /cough.

I'd have used different language. It's not that the left is using this directly to push any agenda, but are using it to blame conservatives for the event, in the hopes that this will help their guys gain political power so that *then* they can push forward with a completely unrelated agenda. Kinda like how they built up and then used anger at Bush to win elections in 2006 and 2008, and then embarked on an agenda that had nothing at all to do with the things they attacked the GOP for.

See the pattern? See why it's a problem?
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#160 Jan 11 2011 at 5:48 PM Rating: Decent
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
Elinda wrote:
varusword75 wrote:
all you goosestepping liberal *****, blame Palin, W, and guns.


At risk of providing Varus with a basis for broad generalization and hyperbole, there were side by side editorials in The Dallas Morning News stating both this and the converse.

Regardless of what is occurring in this thread, there are a fair number liberals and conservatives seeing this incident as a tool. I'm saddened by people like miss Harrop weaponizing the situation, because while I think their is real concern to be had about how our discourse has devolved I very much doubt the sincerity of her motive to change the situation over seeking to score points. Similarly Mr. Davis lacks the character to move beyond a rabid denial of any wrongdoing over admitting that while it's impossible to link this slaying to message within politics, that there is at the very least a lot of negligent speech and that it does need to be addressed.

People shaping this situation to their uses is as disgusting as it is predictable.

Edited, Jan 11th 2011 5:49pm by Allegory
#161 Jan 11 2011 at 5:52 PM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
gbaji wrote:
OMG! Palin had a map with crosshairs on it. And someone shot the Congresswoman from one of the districts she put crosshairs on. But I'm not saying that she's responsible, or that we should blame her, or that her hate speech was to blame or anything. No sirreee! But I'll make sure to mention it anyway, just to make sure that no one gets that false impression.
But he didn't say that at all. Since it had been in the news he stated that he didn't agree that palin or her map had anything to do with the shooting, and as such, it was ******* stupid to frantically deny that the map had sights and gun imagery on it. He was criticizing palin's camps response not palins map. Smiley: oyvey
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#162 Jan 11 2011 at 5:53 PM Rating: Decent
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
Wait a minute, are you saying that a politician is using a tragedy to push their agenda. ZOMG, hold the presses, the world must be informed. This has never happened before in all of history.
#163 Jan 11 2011 at 5:59 PM Rating: Good
Soulless Internet Tiger
35,474 posts
Turin wrote:
Wait a minute, are you saying that a politician is using a tragedy to push their agenda. ZOMG, hold the presses, the world must be informed. This has never happened before in all of history.
Bush certainly never used 9/11 to his advantage...
Donate. One day it could be your family.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

#164REDACTED, Posted: Jan 11 2011 at 6:02 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Gbaji,
#165 Jan 11 2011 at 6:07 PM Rating: Default
7,566 posts
varusword75 wrote:

It's not that the left is using this directly to push any agenda

Yes they are; increased gun control and the fairness doctrine come to mind.

Now off to the sauna.

Edited, Jan 11th 2011 7:04pm by varusword75

You are stupid. If someone wants to kill someone with a gun, they will do it regardless if a law forbids them to get a gun. Gun control like most attempts to control certain things in society that are well, uncontrollable is a ******* waste of money and time.
HEY GOOGLE. **** OFF YOU. **** YOUR ******** SEARCH ENGINE IN ITS ******* ****** BINARY ***. ALL DAY LONG.

#166 Jan 11 2011 at 6:10 PM Rating: Good
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
rdmcandie wrote:
You are stupid. If someone wants to kill someone with a gun, they will do it regardless if a law forbids them to get a gun.

Because people automatically succeed at all of their objectives regardless of the circumstance?
#167 Jan 11 2011 at 6:13 PM Rating: Good
4,158 posts
gbaji wrote:

I'd have used different language. It's not that the left is using this directly to push any agenda, but are using it to blame conservatives for the event, in the hopes that this will help their guys gain political power so that *then* they can push forward with a completely unrelated agenda. Kinda like how they built up and then used anger at Bush to win elections in 2006 and 2008, and then embarked on an agenda that had nothing at all to do with the things they attacked the GOP for.

See the pattern? See why it's a problem?

Yes, of course I see the problem. But unlike most it would seem I see the whole problem, not just half of it.

Let me ask you some questions.

Do you really believe that the Government (D or R or any other) really honestly just wants to look after the 'people'. To make sure that they are happy, healthy and free?

Do you really believe that the Government (D or R or any other), isn't on the payroll of 'Big Business'?

Do you really believe that the Government (D or R or any other), wants people like me and you to spend the day 'thinking'?

Do you really believe that the Government (D or R or any other), wants people like me and you to spend the day questioning the actions of the Govt?

Do you really believe that 'mainstream' media (you know who I mean) isn't working hand in hand with Big Business alongside their Govt frontmen?

Do you really believe that the War on Terror (lol) is being fought in the ME and South asia to protect your freedoms and to enable democracy to bloom in those countries?

Do you really believe that 'terrorists' are more of a threat to you than your own Govt (D or R)?

The only thing 'they' all want you to do is live in a state of fear, fear of terrorists, fear of health epidemics, fear of unemployment and where your main function is to work, gratefully, in crap jobs, pay your taxes, and to be thankfull for the protection of the ever burgeoning security/surveillance apparatus that you yourselves are paying for.

Think man!

You're not stupid.

Figure it out! It matters not one whit wether its Obama or Bush or Palin or anyone else who is 'leading' your country. What matters is where you, as an individual, are being led.

If everyone would turn the TV off, spend a bit of time thinking for themselves, stop using 'shopping' as an answer to their discontent, stop bowing down to men in fluorescent jackets who herd people around our countries like sheep and realise that we dont need to be scared of ill defined nebulous 'threats' all the time, then perhaps we could begin to become the unique, creative happy loving beings that we have the potential to be.

As long as we allow ourselves to swallow this destructive, negative, fear filled existence that the 'authorities' are hell bent on ramming down our throats, then we deserve all the shIt that is flung our way...BY POLITICAL PARTIES OF ALL PERSUASIONS.

Edited, Jan 12th 2011 12:16am by paulsol
"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#168 Jan 11 2011 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
7,566 posts
Do you really believe that 'terrorists' are more of a threat to you than your own Govt (D or R)?

The most disturbing off-shoot of this is that more people die every year from heart disease, cancers, lung diseases and brain diseases, than terrorists kill in a year. But the funding to research solutions to these problems pales in comparison on the money spent to pay for "The War on Terror". Its all about the opium and oil yo.
HEY GOOGLE. **** OFF YOU. **** YOUR ******** SEARCH ENGINE IN ITS ******* ****** BINARY ***. ALL DAY LONG.

#169 Jan 11 2011 at 7:31 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
OMG! Palin had a map with crosshairs on it. And someone shot the Congresswoman from one of the districts she put crosshairs on. But I'm not saying that she's responsible, or that we should blame her, or that her hate speech was to blame or anything. No sirreee! But I'll make sure to mention it anyway, just to make sure that no one gets that false impression.

I said exactly why I was mentioning it. Because I was laughing at the fact that her aide was swearing up and down that they were surveyor's symbols and not targets. I never mentioned it prior to her aide's remarks and don't think I've ever mentioned it prior to the events on Saturday. My story wasn't the map but Camp Palin's ridiculous reaction to the map after Saturday.

Are you really this stupid or just this upset at being proven wrong again?

Edited, Jan 11th 2011 7:32pm by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#170 Jan 11 2011 at 7:34 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
varusword75 wrote:
It's not that the left is using this directly to push any agenda

Yes they are; increased gun control and the fairness doctrine come to mind.

Gun control isn't the problem; we need even more lax gun laws. Hell, this was in was Arizona; someone should have popped that kid long before he emptied an extended clip.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#171 Jan 11 2011 at 7:54 PM Rating: Decent
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
Debalic wrote:
Gun control isn't the problem; we need even more lax gun laws. Hell, this was in was Arizona; someone should have popped that kid long before he emptied an extended clip.

One of the elements being discussed in regards to gun control and the event is that he was only tackled after he had emptied his clip, but that the clip size was 30. The point some are arguing is that a clip size of 30 is largely unnecessary for civilians and had he been forced to use a smaller clip that the injury and loss of life could have been mitigated.
#172 Jan 11 2011 at 7:55 PM Rating: Decent
7,566 posts
Allegory wrote:
rdmcandie wrote:
You are stupid. If someone wants to kill someone with a gun, they will do it regardless if a law forbids them to get a gun.

Because people automatically succeed at all of their objectives regardless of the circumstance?

Let me put this in a way your brain might comprehend it. In Canada it is illegal to own small firearms. But every year regardless of the laws against guns, we still have gun related murders. This means people still buy guns and people still use them. Laws mean **** **** all to people that mean to break them. I live 10 minutes from lack Erie a quick boat ride later I am in Cleveland. A few years back police found a car in a parking lot with Toronto plates that had a trunk full of guns.

They still come in even though Laws say they can't.

Let me make this even simpler for you.

It isn't illegal until you get caught.
HEY GOOGLE. **** OFF YOU. **** YOUR ******** SEARCH ENGINE IN ITS ******* ****** BINARY ***. ALL DAY LONG.

#173 Jan 11 2011 at 8:11 PM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
rdmcandie wrote:
Allegory wrote:
rdmcandie wrote:
You are stupid. If someone wants to kill someone with a gun, they will do it regardless if a law forbids them to get a gun.

Because people automatically succeed at all of their objectives regardless of the circumstance?

It isn't illegal until you get caught.

Smiley: oyvey

Uh. If it's not illegal, then there's nothing to be caught for. It's illegal, you just don't get punished until you get caught.
#174 Jan 11 2011 at 8:17 PM Rating: Default
7,566 posts
LockeColeMA wrote:
rdmcandie wrote:
Allegory wrote:
rdmcandie wrote:
You are stupid. If someone wants to kill someone with a gun, they will do it regardless if a law forbids them to get a gun.

Because people automatically succeed at all of their objectives regardless of the circumstance?

It isn't illegal until you get caught.

Smiley: oyvey

Uh. If it's not illegal, then there's nothing to be caught for. It's illegal, you just don't get punished until you get caught.

same difference.
HEY GOOGLE. **** OFF YOU. **** YOUR ******** SEARCH ENGINE IN ITS ******* ****** BINARY ***. ALL DAY LONG.

#175gbaji, Posted: Jan 11 2011 at 8:19 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Surveyor's symbols *are* targets. Bullseyes are targets. And crosshairs are targets. None of which absolutely indicate anything having to do with firearms, unless one deliberately decides to interpret them in that context. Same thing with reload. I looked at the tweet, and it seemed obvious to me that she was telling people to reload the page so that they could see new updates as they arrived. Again though, if you choose to make it about gun-toting right wingers, you'll interpret it the way you did.
#176 Jan 11 2011 at 8:24 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
paulsol wrote:
gbaji wrote:
See the pattern? See why it's a problem?

Yes, of course I see the problem. But unlike most it would seem I see the whole problem, not just half of it.

But you don't act like it, do you?

Let me ask you some questions.

Do you really believe that the Government (D or R or any other) really honestly just wants to look after the 'people'. To make sure that they are happy, healthy and free?

Do you really believe that the Government (D or R or any other), isn't on the payroll of 'Big Business'?

Do you really believe that the Government (D or R or any other), wants people like me and you to spend the day 'thinking'?

Do you really believe that the Government (D or R or any other), wants people like me and you to spend the day questioning the actions of the Govt?

Do you really believe that 'mainstream' media (you know who I mean) isn't working hand in hand with Big Business alongside their Govt frontmen?

Do you really believe that the War on Terror (lol) is being fought in the ME and South asia to protect your freedoms and to enable democracy to bloom in those countries?

Do you really believe that 'terrorists' are more of a threat to you than your own Govt (D or R)?

The only thing 'they' all want you to do is live in a state of fear, fear of terrorists, fear of health epidemics, fear of unemployment and where your main function is to work, gratefully, in crap jobs, pay your taxes, and to be thankfull for the protection of the ever burgeoning security/surveillance apparatus that you yourselves are paying for.

Think man!

You're not stupid.

In general, no. I don't believe any of those things. But that's why I support a political agenda that is focused on *not* putting our government in direct control of more of our lives than it has to. Don't you get that conservatives don't vote Republican because they trust the GOP to run the government "better" or more honestly than the Dems? We vote that way because we believe that the GOP will keep the government smaller, so that the damage done to us when the inevitable abuses of power occur will be lessened.

It's why we reject things like socialized medicine, and welfare, and increasing government control over the economic markets, and industry, and everything and anything else. Because they can't be trusted with that much power. No one can.

What's startling is that you seem to understand this, and yet you also seem to support bigger government at every turn. You want government to take more of your money, control more of your decisions, have a larger say in your education, your health, where you live, what you eat, what entertainment you have, etc. Doesn't that seem strange?
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
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