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Senate Repeals DADTFollow

#727 Jan 07 2011 at 3:27 PM Rating: Default
7,566 posts

How does nudity have any part in the discrimination of sex in the office? Answer my questions. Why aren't men and women separated in the office? Why are they separated in the bathroom? Now, every bathroom have stalls and urinal dividers.

Because Nudity was made to be taboo. By the church. What was the first thing Adam and Eve did when they gained knowledge. Covered their junk. It has been made so by the church and continued to be expressed throughout the generations for thousands of years. Which is why I said find me a nude office, clothing is an acceptable counter to the taboo. It has always been this way, forever and ever amen.

Overlooking the fact that you're just making up crap that sounds good to you, your argument is "well that's the way it has always been, so why change?".

Make stuff up? It is fact, and should likely be common knowledge, even to hardcore religious types. The Church enforced the doctrine they wrote chose to include in the bible. They did so in order to control society. Nudity was taboo'd because it said so in the bible. Back in the days where there was no such thing as rights.

Previously men and women shared communal baths, were nude infront of one another, a simple read through any history book will tell you all about historical societies and any read through a recent history book (last 1000 years or so) will tell you of the wonderous things the church did to suppress people and force them to live by rules they deemed were appropriate.


No, this isn't about treating homosexuals differently than their sex, but treating them the same in reference to the situation regardless of their sex. The real reason is about comfort. People don't feel comfortable with the possibility of someone looking at them while being nude. That's the bottom line. So, society has segregated men from women for modesty reasons. Now in 2011, more people are open about their sexuality and so the same concerns exist with men as they do gay men. So, they are treated the same, segregated for comfort reasons in the showers. If this separation occurred in the office, then you could claim unjustified discrimination.

Some people don't feel comfortable being nude in front of anyone, does that mean we should separate the entire world (its a bigger number) into 7-8 billion little personal compartments so everyone is treated the exact same, everyone gets to avoid being social, because maybe 20% of that population was uncomfortable.

It is illogical and inefficient. There are programs in place that allow for the people who are uncomfortable to get comfort. In the military society and in civilian society. There is no special Gay rules, because they are not any different. Gay men are men, Gay women are women. In Canada (because I can't use an example from your *** backwards land of lolliberty) gays and straights have the exact same rights, the exact same rules, and the exact same opportunities. If a straight man is uncomfortable around a gay man in a workplace he tells his super he is uncomfortable working with that person. This is then dealt with. It would be the same if he had an issue with a Straight man, woman or lesbian.

So, if society agreed to the ban of homosexuality in the military, you would be ok with that?

I wouldn't personally, but if the majority chose it to be so than it would be so. I don't think there is anything wrong with homosexuality in any aspect of society, they are just as capable as a straight person and deserve the same rights and opportunities in their lives as I do.

Look at nude beaches.. The same argument can be made there, so why are we separating by sex? Oh, that's right, because people do care.

Nude beaches are private, they are outside the domain of public interference. It is the same as if I opened my property to be a nudist colony. There is nothing anyone can do to me. Now if one of my nudist friends decided to go to the store and went naked they could be charged with indecent exposure because of laws that are enforceable on public property.

Dude, really? You're not helping your team.

I am not on a team, I am calling you an idiot on my own. Your idea of separation based on a insignificant amount of real data from your own country, at the same time denying years of data from other countries is ridiculous. You are basing your entire position on hypothetical situation you have concocted to support your ridiculous case that Homosexuals will cause comfort issue for straight people. The data provided to the US by places like Canada, the UK and Australia who have had gays in the military for years does not support your hypothetical situations. It is business as usual. The only way that business won't be as usual is because of preconceived notions that gays are icky or evil. There is nothing that can change peoples mind set on that, not even seperation. These people are bigots and they will remain so until the very end.
HEY GOOGLE. **** OFF YOU. **** YOUR ******** SEARCH ENGINE IN ITS ******* ****** BINARY ***. ALL DAY LONG.

#728 Jan 07 2011 at 5:15 PM Rating: Decent
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
RDD wrote:
Because Nudity was made to be taboo. By the church. What was the first thing Adam and Eve did when they gained knowledge. Covered their junk. It has been made so by the church and continued to be expressed throughout the generations for thousands of years. Which is why I said find me a nude office, clothing is an acceptable counter to the taboo. It has always been this way, forever and ever amen.

You do realize that doesn't make sense right? You are arguing to me that I should be comfortable with nudity while at the same time saying that it was made to be taboo. So which one is it? Should we be comfortable with nudity or should we accommodate people's insecurity with nudity?

You still haven't answered my questions "Why aren't men and women separated in the office? Why are they separated in the bathroom? Now, every bathroom have stalls and urinal dividers." If your response is "nudity",then this discrimination isn't about sex, but about nudity. Also, what about public bathrooms? Bathrooms have stalls and dividers, so men and women can both use the restroom at the same time and not see any body parts. So, why are they still separated?

RDD wrote:
Make stuff up? It is fact, and should likely be common knowledge, even to hardcore religious types. The Church enforced the doctrine they wrote chose to include in the bible. They did so in order to control society. Nudity was taboo'd because it said so in the bible. Back in the days where there was no such thing as rights.

Previously men and women shared communal baths, were nude infront of one another, a simple read through any history book will tell you all about historical societies and any read through a recent history book (last 1000 years or so) will tell you of the wonderous things the church did to suppress people and force them to live by rules they deemed were appropriate.

I will have to agree with Jophiel on this one, but I'm not going to waste any more time referencing that. Your main point is still "It's always been like that, so why change?".

rdd wrote:
Some people don't feel comfortable being nude in front of anyone, does that mean we should separate the entire world (its a bigger number) into 7-8 billion little personal compartments so everyone is treated the exact same, everyone gets to avoid being social, because maybe 20% of that population was uncomfortable.

It is illogical and inefficient. There are programs in place that allow for the people who are uncomfortable to get comfort. In the military society and in civilian society. There is no special Gay rules, because they are not any different. Gay men are men, Gay women are women. In Canada (because I can't use an example from your *** backwards land of lolliberty) gays and straights have the exact same rights, the exact same rules, and the exact same opportunities. If a straight man is uncomfortable around a gay man in a workplace he tells his super he is uncomfortable working with that person. This is then dealt with. It would be the same if he had an issue with a Straight man, woman or lesbian.

You're making a comfort issue directly involving sexual attraction about comfort in general. You're also claiming that homosexuals are being treated differently, but this argument is treating them the exact same. Women have comfort issues dealing with men in the showers, so they are separated. The same exact thing is being applied to homosexual and heterosexual men and women.

The reason why there aren't any "special gay rules" is because people it wasn't til recently when more people have become more open about their sexuality. Even today, a celebrity coming out makes headlines.

RDD wrote:
I wouldn't personally, but if the majority chose it to be so than it would be so. I don't think there is anything wrong with homosexuality in any aspect of society, they are just as capable as a straight person and deserve the same rights and opportunities in their lives as I do.

That's a pretty effed up way of thinking. You can't come on here and fight for "homosexual gains" and then say if society says it's ok, then oh well.

I am not on a team, I am calling you an idiot on my own. Your idea of separation based on a insignificant amount of real data from your own country, at the same time denying years of data from other countries is ridiculous. You are basing your entire position on hypothetical situation you have concocted to support your ridiculous case that Homosexuals will cause comfort issue for straight people. The data provided to the US by places like Canada, the UK and Australia who have had gays in the military for years does not support your hypothetical situations. It is business as usual. The only way that business won't be as usual is because of preconceived notions that gays are icky or evil. There is nothing that can change peoples mind set on that, not even seperation. These people are bigots and they will remain so until the very end.

If you actually opened your mind into my statements as opposed to immediately finding a way to oppose them, you would realize that this data doesn't contradict my position, because they aren't referring to the same thing. This was never an issue of the ability of heterosexual and homosexual men showering together with no increase of noted problems. This was an issue about a heterosexual man being able to say that he isn't comfortable showering with a homosexual man for the same reasons why a woman isn't comfortable showering with a man and not be called a bigot or homophobe.

You integrate men and women in the showers, at first, it would be chaos. I've said a couple of times already on this thread that there is "shock factor" involved. That "shock factor" will go away throughout time of open nudity. After a few years, it would be just as business. I've given examples such as nude beaches, nude camps or any attractive person you ever seen naked more than once.

So, I'm not sure what "hypothetical" situation you're accusing me of. If you're referring to my scenarios, that happens more often than you probably think. The only difference is the knowledge that gay Billy is gay, which is the point of the discussion. What difference would it make if you found out that the guy you were showering with, was gay?
Posters claim that nothing would change, I showed how it would change and after I did that, now you want to question the relevance of the whole thing?! Sure, ok.. whatever man...
#729 Jan 07 2011 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
7,566 posts
You do realize that doesn't make sense right? You are arguing to me that I should be comfortable with nudity while at the same time saying that it was made to be taboo. So which one is it? Should we be comfortable with nudity or should we accommodate people's insecurity with nudity?

No I am not saying you should be comfortable with nudity, that is entirely up to you. All I am saying is that the reason for separation and clothing is because the Church made it Taboo to see the naked body. It made seeing the opposite sex sinful as well, as stated numerous times in the bible.

These rules were enforced on people at a time when they had no power to change them. The rules were upheld generation after generation after generation. Previous organized cultures such as greek and roman held women and men on equal footing, often times women had more authority than men. These cultures also had communal baths where men and women liberally were seen naked in front of each other.

It was not until the Church gained power that these things began to change.

You still haven't answered my questions "Why aren't men and women separated in the office? Why are they separated in the bathroom? Now, every bathroom have stalls and urinal dividers." If your response is "nudity",then this discrimination isn't about sex, but about nudity. Also, what about public bathrooms? Bathrooms have stalls and dividers, so men and women can both use the restroom at the same time and not see any body parts. So, why are they still separated?

Because influence from our ancestors were taught than men and women should not be together unless married, this was a result of years and years of being told that the fraternizing or displaying ones self around the opposite sex was wrong. While our current society has knocked some barriers down (women working, women voting) we still hold to those middle age values that women and men should not be naked around each other.

That's a pretty effed up way of thinking. You can't come on here and fight for "homosexual gains" and then say if society says it's ok, then oh well.

I am not fighting for homosexual gains, I am arguing with you over your ineffective solution to a non existent problem.

The reason why there aren't any "special gay rules" is because people it wasn't til recently when more people have become more open about their sexuality. Even today, a celebrity coming out makes headlines.

Why should there be any special rules? Gay men are still men, and Gay women are still women. They don't magically alter in to a 3rd and 4th sexual distinction. They follow the same rules men follow, and the same rules women follow, which is the same rules everyone follows. They should not have a special rule list, because that is discrimination.

You're making a comfort issue directly involving sexual attraction about comfort in general. You're also claiming that homosexuals are being treated differently, but this argument is treating them the exact same. Women have comfort issues dealing with men in the showers, so they are separated. The same exact thing is being applied to homosexual and heterosexual men and women.

It is not the same, homosexual men are men, they should be treated like men and the same as men. They are not women. Stop using that as a comparison.

This was an issue about a heterosexual man being able to say that he isn't comfortable showering with a homosexual man for the same reasons why a woman isn't comfortable showering with a man and not be called a bigot or homophobe.

and if you actually read the data posted (by joph i think) you would see it states specifically terms which involved harassment from gays, or to gays. Which is directly related to this. If Comfort/Privacy is your only argument then ill refer you to this rebutle.

Grow up.

Not everything is perfect, deal with it, you don't want to shower/room with a homosexual, you don't shower or room with a homosexual. You use the same avenues that people have been using for years to avoid people that make them feel uncomfortable.

A. Avoid said person
B. Notify a superior of your discomfort around said person
D. Leave the place and find something new to do.

Why does there have to be anymore than that. There doesn't.
HEY GOOGLE. **** OFF YOU. **** YOUR ******** SEARCH ENGINE IN ITS ******* ****** BINARY ***. ALL DAY LONG.

#730 Jan 07 2011 at 7:49 PM Rating: Decent
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
RDD wrote:
No I am not saying you should be comfortable with nudity, that is entirely up to you. All I am saying is that the reason for separation and clothing is because the Church made it Taboo to see the naked body. It made seeing the opposite sex sinful as well, as stated numerous times in the bible.

These rules were enforced on people at a time when they had no power to change them. The rules were upheld generation after generation after generation. Previous organized cultures such as greek and roman held women and men on equal footing, often times women had more authority than men. These cultures also had communal baths where men and women liberally were seen naked in front of each other.

It was not until the Church gained power that these things began to change.

At the end of the day, your argument is, "That's the way it's always been". You're making the argument that nudity is "taboo"... so as a citizen, should nudity be taboo or should it not be taboo? Change in society starts with me and you.

RDD wrote:

Because influence from our ancestors were taught than men and women should not be together unless married, this was a result of years and years of being told that the fraternizing or displaying ones self around the opposite sex was wrong. While our current society has knocked some barriers down (women working, women voting) we still hold to those middle age values that women and men should not be naked around each other.

The fact that you're hiding behind this nonsense is insane. Look at the media. Sex is every where. There's a reality show called "16 and pregnant".. people are shacking up and sleeping with whomever. Look at how much money the **** industry makes. The reason why women and men are still divided in the showers is because women don't want to be checked out while taking a shower, plain and simple. There is no religious taboo to prevent that from occurring. If that were the case, that stuff that I mentioned wouldn't be here. People would practice abstinence, not shack up with each other or do sexually explicit things for others to see.

None of that nonsense addresses my questions.. Please answer my question.""Why aren't men and women separated in the office? Why are they separated in the bathroom? Now, every bathroom have stalls and urinal dividers." If your response is "nudity",then this discrimination isn't about sex, but about nudity. Also, what about public bathrooms? Bathrooms have stalls and dividers, so men and women can both use the restroom at the same time and not see any body parts. So, why are they still separated?"

You're not exposed in the bathroom behind stalls or in the office.

RDD wrote:

I am not fighting for homosexual gains, I am arguing with you over your ineffective solution to a non existent problem.

What solution and problem? My argument once again is that a heterosexual man can express discomfort with sharing a shower with a homosexual for the same reasons that a woman has with sharing a shower with a man and not be called a bigot/homophobe. I think your problem is that until this point, you don't know my goal.

RDD wrote:
Why should there be any special rules? Gay men are still men, and Gay women are still women. They don't magically alter in to a 3rd and 4th sexual distinction. They follow the same rules men follow, and the same rules women follow, which is the same rules everyone follows. They should not have a special rule list, because that is discrimination.

If I don't get through to you in like the next 2 posts, I might just quit. These are not any special rules. That is treating homosexuals just like we treat heterosexuals. Women don't want to be checked out while showering, so we grant them their privacy and segregate them from the men. Men don't want to be checked out while showering, so we grant them their privacy and segregate them from the homosexuals. It's the same thing. There are no special rules. The rules are the same. By you saying "Well they are both men and women" is like me saying "Both men and women are humans, so separating them is discrimination". There is only rule, separate people who might violate others privacy due to sexual interest.

RDD wrote:
It is not the same, homosexual men are men, they should be treated like men and the same as men. They are not women. Stop using that as a comparison.

Read above. It is the same thing. Men are separated from people that they might be sexually interested in while in the shower. That's it, one rule.

RDD wrote:
and if you actually read the data posted (by joph i think) you would see it states specifically terms which involved harassment from gays, or to gays. Which is directly related to this. If Comfort/Privacy is your only argument then ill refer you to this rebutle.

Grow up.

Not everything is perfect, deal with it, you don't want to shower/room with a homosexual, you don't shower or room with a homosexual. You use the same avenues that people have been using for years to avoid people that make them feel uncomfortable.

A. Avoid said person
B. Notify a superior of your discomfort around said person
D. Leave the place and find something new to do.

Why does there have to be anymore than that. There doesn't.

You say "Grow up" as if society operates off of your fantasy rebuttal. There are laws for public nudity for a reason. This really isn't getting anywhere with you.

You are completely full of BS. You ridicule the thought of a male being uncomfortable naked around a homosexual man, but do not express the same feelings towards women who have the same feelings towards a man, calling it different.

The entire concept of this entire argument is the discomfort that someone possibly being sexually attracted to someone else in the shower. You claim that I propose to treat homosexuals differently and that they should be treated the same, yet your response to that scenario differs depending on the combination. If you were really about equality, you would either agree with the scenario or not. You wouldn't change minds depending on who that "someone" actually is. Because of that, you are clearly full of it and a hypocrite.

#731 Jan 08 2011 at 12:53 AM Rating: Excellent
12,735 posts
It amuses me how it's almost a guarantee to find Alma in every gay thread in the OOT/Asylum.
#732 Jan 08 2011 at 7:35 AM Rating: Excellent
Soulless Internet Tiger
35,474 posts
Oh, I forgot who I was arguing with. You're just trolling now.. For the people who actually believe that nonsense, his statement is false because 1 person doesn't represent an entire group of people. That's like telling women who ever showered with a male significant other that it's no different showering with a group of male strangers. The only way his idiotic claim could be true is if all homosexuals were the same.
Go back and reread what you quoted and make sure you comprehend what was said you @#%^ing half wit, as the bold part is part of what I said. It's funny how you complain about people automatically jumping to "let's attack Alma regardless of what he says" when you're guilty of doing the same with me.

Edited, Jan 8th 2011 9:37am by Uglysasquatch
Donate. One day it could be your family.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

#733Almalieque, Posted: Jan 08 2011 at 6:44 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I'm not sure what you're referring to, but I'm not going to waste anytime trying to figure it out because
#734 Jan 09 2011 at 3:10 PM Rating: Good
5,684 posts
I'm replying only because if I don't Alma will think that he actually has some influence.
#735 Jan 09 2011 at 5:42 PM Rating: Decent
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
Bardalicious wrote:
I'm replying only because if I don't, Alma will think that he actually has some influence.

I understand a fair amount of leniency is involved in casual writing, but a coma separating that dependent clause is incredibly helpful for ease of reading.
#736 Jan 09 2011 at 6:09 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Allegory wrote:
Bardalicious wrote:
I'm replying only because if I don't, Alma will think that he actually has some influence.

I understand a fair amount of leniency is involved in casual writing, but a coma separating that dependent clause is incredibly helpful for ease of reading.

On a completely unrelated note, every so often I get the urge to edit someone elses random posts to insert unnecessary commas. I usually don't follow through with that though.
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#737 Jan 09 2011 at 6:12 PM Rating: Decent
7,566 posts
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:
Allegory wrote:
Bardalicious wrote:
I'm replying only because if I don't, Alma will think that he actually has some influence.

I understand a fair amount of leniency is involved in casual writing, but a coma separating that dependent clause is incredibly helpful for ease of reading.

On a completely unrelated note, every so often I get the urge to edit someone elses random posts to insert unnecessary commas. I usually don't follow through with that though.

On a completely related note, I need to use less commas and more periods. I am the king of the run on sentence.
HEY GOOGLE. **** OFF YOU. **** YOUR ******** SEARCH ENGINE IN ITS ******* ****** BINARY ***. ALL DAY LONG.

#738 Jan 09 2011 at 6:31 PM Rating: Good
5,684 posts
Allegory wrote:
Bardalicious wrote:
I'm replying only because if I don't, Alma will think that he actually has some influence.

I understand a fair amount of leniency is involved in casual writing, but a coma separating that dependent clause is incredibly helpful for ease of reading.
sorry public school is where i went to
#739 Jan 09 2011 at 6:37 PM Rating: Good
13,240 posts
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:
Allegory wrote:
Bardalicious wrote:
I'm replying only because if I don't, Alma will think that he actually has some influence.

I understand a fair amount of leniency is involved in casual writing, but a coma separating that dependent clause is incredibly helpful for ease of reading.

On a completely unrelated note, every so often I get the urge to edit someone elses random posts to insert unnecessary commas. I usually don't follow through with that though.

D,o,e,s, ,i,t, a,t, l,e,a,s,t, k,e,e,p, you fr,,,,,,,,om wan,t,i,n,g to giv,e po,st,e,r,s r,and,o,m comM,a,s?

Edited, Jan 9th 2011 5:09pm by Kaolian
Just as Planned.
#740 Jan 09 2011 at 7:09 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
Tech support forum | FAQ (Support) | Mobile Zam: (Premium only)
Forum Rules
#741 Jan 09 2011 at 7:25 PM Rating: Good
13,240 posts
Nice edit.

Serenity Now. Serenity Now. Serenity Now.
Just as Planned.
#742 Jan 09 2011 at 7:35 PM Rating: Good
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
Timelordwho wrote:
D,o,e,s, ,i,t, a,t, l,e,a,s,t, k,e,e,p, you fr,,,,,,,,om wan,t,i,n,g to giv,e po,st,e,r,s r,and,o,m comM,a,s?

I will violate you in ways that you don't understand and in places that can't exist.
#743 Jan 10 2011 at 12:11 PM Rating: Good
#744 Jan 10 2011 at 12:56 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
MoebiusLord wrote:
If only.
#745 Jan 12 2011 at 2:23 AM Rating: Decent
9,997 posts
I guess you realize that you're wrong now, by your short responses and attempt to change your argument.

lol, my short responses are only an attempt to waste as little time with you as possible. Nor has my argument changed. I talk about different things from time to time because it bores me to hear you say the same stupid things over and over-- I like to get to the new ones.


Uhhhh.... my argument was that homosexuals are ABLE to join as long as they kept it secret. That was the whole point of DADT, to enable homosexuals to join without lying. That doesn't mean being a homosexual is allowed.

No, they are ALLOWED to join as long as they keep it secret. Can you ******* read? That's what the military says. ****, you're especially thick.

By the way, you forgot to answer my question below.

I didn't say anything about assault, so please answer the question."So, you're saying that a woman who expresses anxiety about a man checking her out makes her a heterophobe?"

I don't think I forgot. If anything, I was ignoring it, but I'm pretty sure I already said that there was a difference between a fear or anxiety of sexual assault and anxiety from being around someone who might be attracted to you are patently different.

I did have a nice trip to Vegas though. Saw an awful lot of ***** and *** in the spa with my fellow males, and everyone seemed ok with it!
#746 Jan 12 2011 at 6:53 AM Rating: Good
Kachi wrote:
[More pointless sh:t a couple of days later]

Shut the f'uck up you insipid c'unt. Let it f'ucking die like the rest of the world has. As you can see from the nightly news cycle no one on the face of the planet gives a flying f'uck about gays in the military anymore.

#747 Jan 12 2011 at 4:55 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Kachi wrote:

No, they are ALLOWED to join as long as they keep it secret. Can you @#%^ing read? That's what the military says. sh*t, you're especially thick.

You do realize the difference between being ABLE to join and allowed to join, right? What you're saying makes no sense.. Just because you break a rule and keep it a secret, that doesn't mean that you're allowed to do it. It means that you're able to do it without getting caught.

You said the following:

No, that IS what the DOD says. You're confusing (probably intentionally) homosexual CONDUCT with homosexual orientation. The DOD says very clearly that people are not to be discharged for their sexual orientation. They can, however, be discharged for homosexual conduct, which really just means that they can be discharged for sodomy, just like straight service members can be.

You were making the argument that homosexuals don't get discharged for their sexual orientation, but because of homosexual conduct. I quoted from the policy that clearly stated otherwise. Now you're just trying to spin it and say "oh, if they keep it a secret".. OF COURSE... That has always been the case even before DADT. That doesn't mean that they were ALLOWED. You know this, you just don't want to admit that you're wrong.

Kachi wrote:
I don't think I forgot. If anything, I was ignoring it, but I'm pretty sure I already said that there was a difference between a fear or anxiety of sexual assault and anxiety from being around someone who might be attracted to you are patently different.

And I've also said that I never mentioned sexual assault in that question, so answer the question. "So, you're saying that a woman who expresses anxiety about a man checking her out makes her a heterophobe?" No where in that statement did I mention, robbery, aliens, rape, assault, The boogy man, Big Foot or leprechauns. So quit adding crap into the scenario and just answer the question.

Kachi wrote:
I did have a nice trip to Vegas though. Saw an awful lot of ***** and *** in the spa with my fellow males, and everyone seemed ok with it!

If they didn't seem ok with it, then they probably wouldn't have gone. How about that.. people voluntarily engaging in public nudity and not having a problem with it... amazing...
#748 Jan 12 2011 at 5:18 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#749 Jan 12 2011 at 7:57 PM Rating: Decent
7,566 posts
Jophiel wrote:

HEY GOOGLE. **** OFF YOU. **** YOUR ******** SEARCH ENGINE IN ITS ******* ****** BINARY ***. ALL DAY LONG.

#750 Jan 13 2011 at 12:47 AM Rating: Decent
9,997 posts
You do realize the difference between being ABLE to join and allowed to join, right? What you're saying makes no sense.. Just because you break a rule and keep it a secret, that doesn't mean that you're allowed to do it. It means that you're able to do it without getting caught.

Dude, the RULE is that you are allowed to be in the military as long as you keep your homosexuality a secret. I @#%^ing quoted straight from the military that sexual orientation is not grounds for dismissal from the military by law. Sexual conduct and admission of homosexuality are.

I'll quote it for you again. This is from the military on DoD:

Homosexual conduct is grounds for barring entry into the Armed Forces and for separation from the Armed Forces.
Sexual Orientation is NOT a bar to enlistment or to continued service.

Until you can acknowledge this very simple point, I don't see any point in acknowledging you.

Edited, Jan 12th 2011 10:49pm by Kachi
#751 Jan 13 2011 at 7:26 AM Rating: Good
Kachi wrote:
Until you can acknowledge this very simple point, I don't see any point in acknowledging you.

Liar, Liar...
"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin

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