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Stupid is as Stupid spouts off on the radioFollow

#102 Nov 29 2010 at 9:57 AM Rating: Default

If you search everyone, by definition you're searching the potential threats

Thing is they're not searching everyone. And in fact are avoiding searching probable suspects for fear of being attacked by the pc police like yourself. There is simply no logical reason, aside from political correctness, for padding down people who are not probable suspects. So until we have system where every single person undergoes the exact same process then maybe we should spend what resources we have on focusing on actual probable suspects?

Edited, Nov 29th 2010 10:57am by varusword75
#103 Nov 29 2010 at 10:00 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
varusword75 wrote:
There is simply no logical reason, aside from political correctness, for padding down people who are not probable suspects.

To receive a pat-down, you've already set off an alarm in the other systems or else refuse to be examined via other systems. Either of those seems like a good logical reason to me for checking someone out.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#104 Nov 29 2010 at 11:29 AM Rating: Good
varusword75 wrote:
So until we have system where every single person undergoes the exact same process then maybe we should spend what resources we have on focusing on actual probable suspects?

So in your head it would be perfectly acceptable to subject everyone to, say, enhanced imaging techniques as long as it was applied evenly?
#105 Nov 29 2010 at 3:15 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
Kachi wrote:
The issue isn't about the company doing what it feels is in it's best interest, but with the way in which the Republicans respond to said lobbying. Creating inefficient "small" government regulations and legislation seemingly with the sole goal of rewarding said funds is somewhat of a hallmark of the Republican Party political methodology.

Except that this part doesn't make any sense at all. Small government policy doesn't result in more regulations on industry. It results in less. You can't just swap the words around, they also kinda have to make sense.

One could also put forth the statement that companies lobby the DNC in order to support them in order to get them to pick them as the winners of their regulations...

Yes. They realize that the Dems are "big government" advocates, and thus they'd better make sure that when the winners and losers are picked by government regulations, that they're in the "winners" group.

...and when they realize that the GOP might be running things, they lobby in order to get them to *not* burden them with regulations that will hurt their business.

Yes. Exactly. It's amazing that you managed to type something while not even remotely comprehending what you were typing.

It's not about a company's actions, but the political methodology of the parties themselves that determines the results.

Yup. The Dems follow a policy of using government regulation and legislation to control industry and to pick winners and losers. Thus, when companies lobby the Dems they are doing so to prevent the Dems from doing bad things to them and to try to get them to do good things for them instead. When companies lobby the GOP, they don't need any strings or deals attached since the GOP is largely going to by nature just leave them alone to their business.

u c wut i did

Fail utterly to grasp that the different political ideologies absolutely affects the *why* of lobbying?

EDIT: Let me put this in terms you might just be able to grasp.

Let's say you're a student. Now, there's two cliques of students fighting each other to run the school. One group believes that students should be left alone. The other is a group of bullies who run around taking the lunch money from students they don't like and sharing it with their friends. They use the lunch money they steal to buy the support of other students. Some years, the first group wins. Other years, the second group wins. Well, a smart student might support the first group in the hope that they'll win, knowing that things under their "rule" will be better for them and for everyone. However, if he thinks the second group might come to power, he might just pony up to them so that he'll be one of the people rewarded with free lunches instead of getting his lunch stolen.

That's pretty much the difference between the Republican and Democratic parties with regard to how they approach the market and especially domestic industry. Again, it's not just that companies lobby the Dems (duh), but why they do so. The Dems offer a far less "honest" rationale. They're basically shaking people down. They're the political equivalent of a protection racket. What's amazing to me is how many people refuse to see it.

Edited, Nov 29th 2010 1:23pm by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#106 Nov 29 2010 at 3:57 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
Again, it's not just that companies lobby the Dems (duh), but why they do so. The Dems offer a far less "honest" rationale. They're basically shaking people down. They're the political equivalent of a protection racket. What's amazing to me is how many people refuse to see it.

Oh, there's nothing amazing about your ability to "see" it and other people not "seeing" it. Amazing to you, sure. Amazing, not really so much.

Pretty funny though how this started with GE getting rewarded for their slavish devotion to the Democratic party (They were MAJOR contributors, you know!) and now it's frantic backpedaling into "They're being shaken down and are only trying to defend themselves! Those poor corporations!" once you learn that the radio-man didn't give you all the facts to parrot.

Edited, Nov 29th 2010 4:00pm by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#107 Nov 29 2010 at 4:27 PM Rating: Good
varusword75 wrote:
maybe we should spend what resources we have on focusing on actual probable suspects?
The more focus we put on profiling one ethnic or cultural group the more likely terrorists are to attempt attacks with people that don't full under that profile. It's how the terrorist cat and mouse game works. Everyone is suspect and should be held to the same standards whether your narrow, backwards worldview likes it or not.

Edited, Nov 29th 2010 5:28pm by shintasama
#108 Nov 29 2010 at 4:59 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
Pretty funny though how this started with GE getting rewarded for their slavish devotion to the Democratic party (They were MAJOR contributors, you know!) and now it's frantic backpedaling into "They're being shaken down and are only trying to defend themselves! Those poor corporations!" once you learn that the radio-man didn't give you all the facts to parrot.

Aren't you the one always harping about the excluded middle? Lol!

It is both. Protection rackets only work because people pay for the protection. I wasn't aware I had to hold your hand and step you through what should be a pretty basic thought process. GE isn't absolved for "playing ball" by any means, but ultimately it's the Dem's approach to politics and the selling of favor that creates the conditions I'm talking about. Both are part of the problem.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#109 Nov 29 2010 at 5:18 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
The best part about watching you frantically backpedal is when you're frantically denying that you're backpedaling.

Oh, I know you think you're super cute and clever when you think you're turning something around... but saying "Republicans get donations because people love them and Democrats get donations because they're scary thugs who shake you down!" just makes you look like a tool when you say "Excluded middle!"; all proud of yourself that you learned a new term from me.

Edited, Nov 29th 2010 5:51pm by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#110 Nov 29 2010 at 6:56 PM Rating: Decent
9,997 posts
Except that this part doesn't make any sense at all. Small government policy doesn't result in more regulations on industry. It results in less. You can't just swap the words around, they also kinda have to make sense.

Except that the GOP doesn't actually make government smaller anyway, and even if they did, taking AWAY legislation does not necessarily make for EFFICIENT legislation, so it actually makes perfect sense if you can rub three brain cells together at once.

I just ignored the rest of your post because I assume it's a bunch of further fallacies based on your initial fallacy. Like some kind of GOP trickle-down logic.
#111 Nov 29 2010 at 8:53 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
The best part about watching you frantically backpedal is when you're frantically denying that you're backpedaling.

Almost as amusing as watching someone who has to have the obvious explained to him claim that said explanation is really backpedaling. Nothing I'm saying now contradicts what I said earlier Joph. I'm not sure what you are going on about.

Oh, I know you think you're super cute and clever when you think you're turning something around...

I'm not "turning something around". I'm clarifying something which I thought was so obvious that I didn't need to mention it the first time once it became clear that you hadn't grasped it. A corporation buying government influence kinda requires another party operating on the government's part, doesn't it? It's hardly backpedaling to point this out.

... but saying "Republicans get donations because people love them and Democrats get donations because they're scary thugs who shake you down!" just makes you look like a tool when you say "Excluded middle!"; all proud of yourself that you learned a new term from me.

Er? I have for years used the more proper fallacy name "False Dilemma", when someone insists that something must either be one or the other and nothing else. I used your own phrase (and made note of it) just in case you somehow got confused that the two are the same thing and might not realize that you're doing exactly what you always ***** and moan about.

You do realize they are the same thing, right?
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#112 Nov 29 2010 at 9:05 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Kachi wrote:
Except that this part doesn't make any sense at all. Small government policy doesn't result in more regulations on industry. It results in less. You can't just swap the words around, they also kinda have to make sense.

Except that the GOP doesn't actually make government smaller anyway, and even if they did, taking AWAY legislation does not necessarily make for EFFICIENT legislation, so it actually makes perfect sense if you can rub three brain cells together at once.

What makes sense, exactly? That someone would lobby the GOP on the assumption that they're going to be inefficient at regulating their industry and thus benefit them in some way? That's what you're calling sense?

Just switching the words around does not make any sense at all.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#113 Nov 29 2010 at 10:02 PM Rating: Good
Kachi wrote:
Except that this part doesn't make any sense at all. Small government policy doesn't result in more regulations on industry. It results in less. You can't just swap the words around, they also kinda have to make sense.

Except that the GOP doesn't actually make government smaller anyway

They just shift the direction government expansion towards different sectors and say they support limited gov. because they didn't shift it towards others.


also on the note of limited gov:
#114 Nov 29 2010 at 10:23 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
Almost as amusing as watching someone who has to have the obvious explained to him claim that said explanation is really backpedaling. Nothing I'm saying now contradicts what I said earlier Joph. I'm not sure what you are going on about.

Right, right. When you originally gave your wink and nod at all those major Democratic contributions, you were so obviously saying that GE was bullied into it and not that GE (OMG THEY OWN MSNBC!!!) and the Democrats were BFFs.

Then, when it was shown that GE actually gives MAJOR CONTRIBUTIONS to both parties, it's "Well, they were bullied! Scared by the Democrats! The Democrats are like scary schoolchildren and GE was cowering and just praying that the Democrats would be nice to them!"

But you weren't backpedaling at all :D

I used your own phrase (and made note of it) just in case you somehow got confused that the two are the same thing and might not realize that you're doing exactly what you always ***** and moan about.

You realize that you sounded LESS stupid when said you were just trying to be cute and failing, right?

By the way, they're not the same thing. Excluded Middle says that there is a spectrum of options. "They must be scared or brave" is an excluded middle fallacy since you can be both scared AND brave at the same time in different measures. "It must be a dog or a cat" is a false dilemma since it can be a muskrat which is nowhere on the spectrum between dog and cat.

So now I've taught you ANOTHER thing tonight! Aren't YOU a clever boy for learning!

Edited, Nov 29th 2010 10:28pm by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#115 Nov 29 2010 at 10:52 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Professor shintasama wrote:
Kachi wrote:
Except that this part doesn't make any sense at all. Small government policy doesn't result in more regulations on industry. It results in less. You can't just swap the words around, they also kinda have to make sense.

Except that the GOP doesn't actually make government smaller anyway

They just shift the direction government expansion towards different sectors and say they support limited gov. because they didn't shift it towards others.

Are you seriously trying to equate the kind of government growth (in both economic footprint and domestic influence) of the last couple of years under the Dems to anything that has ever happened under the GOP?

Where the hell have you been? It's a relative comparison. Which of the two parties keeps the government "smaller"? It's not even a tough question either.


Because they don't always succeed? Because often government grows in size anyway? Because sometimes, the reality of public demands and pressures requires them to compromise with the Dems and this often results in government growth? That's somewhat irrelevant, isn't it? It's like blaming the guy who fails to prevent the bully from stealing your lunch money, instead of blaming the bully.

Anyone who's been paying any attention over the last couple years should be pining away for the relatively low deficits and small government of George W Bush. Because compared to what we've seen under Obama so far, his growth was tiny. I just don't think some of you really grasp the sheer volume of cost ballooning that has gone on in the last couple years. It's not just that we had an economic downturn that reduced revenues, but that we added massive spending on top of that. Spending not aimed at fixing the existing problems (although it was largely sold to the people as though it was), but rather spending designed to create long term programs that we will never be able to get rid of.

That's how you create big government. You're seeing it right now. What's amazing to me is that most of you have not seen spending increases like this in your entire lives, and yet even when it's going on right in front of you, you still refuse to acknowledge it. What has happened in the last two years is *not* government business as usual. It's government run amok.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#116 Nov 29 2010 at 11:35 PM Rating: Excellent
should be pining away for the relatively low deficits and small government of George W Bush
Smiley: rolleyes lawlwhat?..........

I wonder how many times I have to throw this up before it sinks in:
U.S. president 	        Party 	Term years 	Start debt/GDP 	End debt/GDP 	Increase debt/GDP 
Ronald Reagan 	        R 	1981–1985 	31.9% 	        43.2% 	        +11.3%  
Ronald Reagan 	        R 	1985–1989 	43.2% 	        52.1%           +8.9%    
George H. W. Bush 	R 	1989–1993 	52.1%           66.2%           +14.0%   
Bill Clinton 	        D 	1993–1997 	66.2%           65.0%           -1.2%    
Bill Clinton 	        D 	1997–2001 	65.0%           56.5%           -8.5%    
George W. Bush 	        R 	2001–2005 	56.5%           62.8%           +6.3%   
George W. Bush 	        R 	2005–2009 	62.8%           83.3%           +20.5%  

raw data source

National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive?
no child left behind?
Sarbanes–Oxley Act?
Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act?
patriot act?
Secure Fence Act?
Class Action Fairness Act?
Real ID?
Transportation Equity Act?
aviation and transportation security act?
Energy Policy Act of 2005?
Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act?
banning stem cell research?
American Dream Downpayment Assistance Act?
rampant military spending (~40% increase as a % of GDP)?

There is way more to "big government" than just tax rates. It's completely ridiculous to sit their and pretend the GOP haven't pushed (note: not "been forced by the dems", the GOP has directly played "the bully" plenty of times) for tons of their own government expansion as well, the fact that they claim to be anti-big government is completely hypocritical.

Pull your fingers out of your ears and your head out of your ***.
#117 Nov 30 2010 at 12:03 AM Rating: Decent
9,997 posts
What makes sense, exactly? That someone would lobby the GOP on the assumption that they're going to be inefficient at regulating their industry and thus benefit them in some way? That's what you're calling sense?

Well, I don't know. Lots of complicated things make sense to me, but gbaji sense hasn't made sense to me after all these years.

For the record, you said:

Creating inefficient big government regulations and legislation seemingly with the sole goal of rewarding said funds is somewhat of a hallmark of the Democratic Party political methodology.

I simply pointed out that 1) the GOP also creates inefficient big government regulations (as others point out, they do a horrible job of sticking to their own party platform), and 2) not all legislation is less efficient than NO legislation (not even close), so blocking efficient legislation is hardly an accomplishment to trumpet. By proxy of "2", the GOP are just as able, guilty, and culpable of creating and blocking regulation and legislation with less regards to efficiency than to "rewarding said funds."

Does that make gbaji sense?
#118 Nov 30 2010 at 8:22 AM Rating: Good
Professor shintasama wrote:
should be pining away for the relatively low deficits and small government of George W Bush
Smiley: rolleyes lawlwhat?..........

I wonder how many times I have to throw this up before it sinks in:
U.S. president 	        Party 	Term years 	Start debt/GDP 	End debt/GDP 	Increase debt/GDP 
Ronald Reagan 	        R 	1981–1985 	31.9% 	        43.2% 	        +11.3%  
Ronald Reagan 	        R 	1985–1989 	43.2% 	        52.1%           +8.9%    
George H. W. Bush 	R 	1989–1993 	52.1%           66.2%           +14.0%   
Bill Clinton 	        D 	1993–1997 	66.2%           65.0%           -1.2%    
Bill Clinton 	        D 	1997–2001 	65.0%           56.5%           -8.5%    
George W. Bush 	        R 	2001–2005 	56.5%           62.8%           +6.3%   
George W. Bush 	        R 	2005–2009 	62.8%           83.3%           +20.5%  

raw data source

National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive?
no child left behind?
Sarbanes–Oxley Act?
Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act?
patriot act?
Secure Fence Act?
Class Action Fairness Act?
Real ID?
Transportation Equity Act?
aviation and transportation security act?
Energy Policy Act of 2005?
Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act?
banning stem cell research?
American Dream Downpayment Assistance Act?
rampant military spending (~40% increase as a % of GDP)?

There is way more to "big government" than just tax rates. It's completely ridiculous to sit their and pretend the GOP haven't pushed (note: not "been forced by the dems", the GOP has directly played "the bully" plenty of times) for tons of their own government expansion as well, the fact that they claim to be anti-big government is completely hypocritical.

Pull your fingers out of your ears and your head out of your ***.

Thanks for digging that up before I could, save me some work :D Gbaji continues to be a clueless GOPphile. It will never change.
#119 Nov 30 2010 at 11:16 AM Rating: Default

Why don't you look at that graph and tell me which party controlled congress during the biggest drop in debt. And consequently which party was in power during the greatest increases.

#120 Nov 30 2010 at 11:20 AM Rating: Default

By proxy of "2", the GOP are just as able, guilty, and culpable of creating and blocking regulation and legislation with less regards to efficiency than to "rewarding said funds."

Just saying the GOP does it as much as the Dems doesn't make it so. And for the record the Dems do it 10 times as much as the GOP.

#121 Nov 30 2010 at 11:21 AM Rating: Default

So now I've taught you ANOTHER thing tonight!

You're on this thing at night?

#122 Nov 30 2010 at 11:37 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
You're not?

Man, you're missing out.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#123 Nov 30 2010 at 12:49 PM Rating: Good
varusword75 wrote:

Why don't you look at that graph and tell me which party controlled congress during the biggest drop in debt. And consequently which party was in power during the greatest increases.

So, you're saying that those Republican presidents couldn't veto legislation they disagreed with? Man, they must have been real pussies.
#124 Nov 30 2010 at 12:50 PM Rating: Default

You didn't answer the question.
#125 Nov 30 2010 at 1:26 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
Jophiel wrote:
You're not?

Man, you're missing out.

Varrus doesn't have a computer. He can only post from work.
#126 Nov 30 2010 at 1:29 PM Rating: Good
varusword75 wrote:

You didn't answer the question.

If your question made any sense, I would answer it. The president has veto power. If congress passes something he doesn't agree with, he can veto it. So you're saying those mean old Dem's passed all kinds of spending bills, and the poor pubbie presidents couldn't do anything about it. Pussies!
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