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Let's get this out of the way early in the morningFollow

#27 Nov 08 2010 at 4:14 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
I would have no problem with Fox calling Hannity's show a "news & commentary" program or something similar.

Given that the entire premise of the "Countdown" is that he is "counting down" the top news stories and commenting on each of them, I'm not sure Gbaji's sudden case of the vapors is completely sincere.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#28 Nov 08 2010 at 4:19 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
You get a bee in your bonnet about your boogeyman not being fired?

Not at all. Unlike liberals, we conservatives support the right to speak one's mind even (especially!) if they disagree with us. My issue is with MSNBC, not Olbermann.

Whatever MSNBC has Olbermann classified as internally, they make clear what the context of his show is: News & Commentary (with Olbermann's unique wit and style!).

And my point is that they apparently (internally even) appear to be confused about what that actually means. As I said earlier, none of us are confused about where Olbermann stands. It's the network apparently trying to play games with the definitions of their employees.

And in case some of you aren't aware of this, there are some licensing regulations involved which require certain standards for "news reporting". What it looks like MSNBC has been doing is labeling some of its commentary people as news journalists in order to qualify for some status or other. Frankly, I'm not 100% how those rules apply to cable news networks, but it looks like they're at least trying to comply with something and failing miserably. Else why bother?
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#29 Nov 08 2010 at 4:28 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
It's the network apparently trying to play games with the definitions of their employees.

"Play games"? If Olbermann hadn't gotten himself suspended and if Scarborough hadn't dodged the same bullet, you'd have no idea today how they classify Olbermann internally. They could call him a squash or an anteater for all it matters. MSNBC makes no attempt to hide what his show is about: Going down the top news stories and giving commentary about them.

And in case some of you aren't aware of this, there are some licensing regulations involved which require certain standards for "news reporting". What it looks like MSNBC has been doing is labeling some of its commentary people as news journalists in order to qualify for some status or other.


Look, you know nothing about broadcasting. At all. Not even a little. Remember the time you argued that people pay talk show hosts to appear on their shows? 'Cause I do. Remember you trying to tell me how public broadcasting works? 'Cause I do.

If you have a clear, cited and firm argument for some sort of "licensing" issues here then by all means share with the class. Putting on your tin foil hat just makes you look stupid.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#30 Nov 08 2010 at 4:29 PM Rating: Excellent
6,471 posts
gbaji wrote:
Not at all. Unlike liberals, we conservatives support the right to speak one's mind even (especially!) if they disagree with us.

Smiley: dubious
#31 Nov 08 2010 at 4:55 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
Look, you know nothing about broadcasting. At all. Not even a little. Remember the time you argued that people pay talk show hosts to appear on their shows? 'Cause I do. Remember you trying to tell me how public broadcasting works? 'Cause I do.

Then how about you tell the rest of us how the FCC regulates shows that are considered "news" differently than those which are "entertainment", or "educational", etc?

If you have a clear, cited and firm argument for some sort of "licensing" issues here then by all means share with the class. Putting on your tin foil hat just makes you look stupid.

News shows are not affected by the same "equal time" requirements for candidates for office during an election. They are not affected because they are assumed to be non-biased and non-partisan and thus equal time isn't necessary.

Some assumption, right? And somewhat relevant to MSNBC labeling a show which is most clearly partisan and biased as a "news show".

But someone who knows anything about the broadcasting industry would know all of this, right? Strange that you seem to be so unaware of the implications of a show like that being categorized at "news".
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#32 Nov 08 2010 at 5:11 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
Then how about you tell the rest of us how the FCC regulates shows that are considered "news" differently than those which are "entertainment", or "educational", etc?

Why? I'm not the one making vague, unsubstantiated claims about licensing and what Olberman's internal classification is.

You could have just admitted that you were talking out your *** instead of lamely trying to turn this around.
But someone who knows anything about the broadcasting industry would know all of this, right?

Well, someone who actually knew something and wasn't just grabbing at bits of random ether to try and sound intelligent would know that there's a broad exemption for "news interview shows" which excludes everything from Countdown to Sean Hannity to Good Morning America to O'Reilly to The View to Nightline to Howard Stern to Rush Limbaugh to Oprah from the Equal Time rules. Even if no one is calling Howard Stern or Oprah or Limbaugh a "newscast".

Someone who actually knew anything about broadcasting wouldn't be embarrassing themselves with your remarks though.

Edited, Nov 8th 2010 5:14pm by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#33 Nov 08 2010 at 6:38 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
gbaji wrote:
Then how about you tell the rest of us how the FCC regulates shows that are considered "news" differently than those which are "entertainment", or "educational", etc?

Why? I'm not the one making vague, unsubstantiated claims about licensing and what Olberman's internal classification is.

I'm not either. I'm responding to statements made by others in this thread that MSNBC stated that the reason they suspended him (and not the conservative) was because his show was classified as a "news show".

From that, I made the relatively straightforward connection to the well known fact that FCC rules for different types of shows do exist. I even provided you with an example of one such regulation and how it might affect a news network.

I'm not going to go digging through the labyrinthine process of FCC licensing, broadcast rules, and time slot allocations, much less how they extend to cable feeds, affiliate requirements, etc in order to satisfy your apparent need for ridiculous specifics. I think we can all conclude without needing much additional information that MSNBC clearly feels some need to categorize some shows as "news" and others as "opinion/commentary". Without going into any specifics as to *why* they would feel the need to do so, it's clear that they do. And it's also clear that for some really bizarre reason, they felt like categorizing Olbermann's show as "news".

It could be that in order to meet certain standards on a cable lineup, they had to have a certain number of hours dedicated to "news shows". I don't know the details Joph, and I've freely admitted it. Maybe you only get press passes to certain political events if you are classified as a "news journalist", and that's why they call Olbermann's show a news show (maybe he just really likes showing up at press events or something). I have no clue why they did it. I'm just pointing out that they did and it's clearly a lie.

You could have just admitted that you were talking out your *** instead of lamely trying to turn this around.

I freely admitted that I don't know the details of whatever regulations, perks, or insanity caused MSNBC to do this Joph. But I don't need to be that specific to make the point I'm making. In the same way I don't need to be able to quote tax codes in order to make the broad assertion that it's wrong for someone to claim money they gave to their buddies business venture as a "charitable donation".

Someone who actually knew anything about broadcasting wouldn't be embarrassing themselves with your remarks though.

And yet, you still haven't come up with any explanation as to why MSNBC would need to contractually categorize Olbermann's show as a "news show" and attach restrictions on his ability to involve himself in politics. Surely they didn't just do that for kicks, right?

Since you have such a broad knowledge of the subject, why not give some explanation of this? It does seem a bit odd doesn't it? I mean, it's not like anyone is confused about MSNBCs stance on various things, or their choice of hosts for their shows, so why would they go out of their way to make such a categorization unless they had something to gain by doing so.

I have freely admitted that I'm speculating. I don't really feel like doing research on this myself either. But I think it's certainly valid for me to express my opinion that there must have been some reason for them to do what they did, and it certainly looks like those reasons were deceptive in nature.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#34 Nov 08 2010 at 6:47 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Jophiel wrote:
You get a bee in your bonnet about your boogeyman not being fired? Whatever MSNBC has Olbermann classified as internally, they make clear what the context of his show is: News & Commentary (with Olbermann's unique wit and style!).

Edited, Nov 8th 2010 4:03pm by Jophiel

Although arguably they should put quotes around "wit" and "style".

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#35 Nov 08 2010 at 7:06 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
Jophiel wrote:
Why? I'm not the one making vague, unsubstantiated claims about licensing and what Olberman's internal classification is.
I'm not either.

Gbaji previously wrote:
And in case some of you aren't aware of this, there are some licensing regulations involved which require certain standards for "news reporting". What it looks like MSNBC has been doing is labeling some of its commentary people as news journalists in order to qualify for some status or other.


I'm not going to go digging through the labyrinthine process of FCC licensing, broadcast rules, and time slot allocations, much less how they extend to cable feeds, affiliate requirements, etc in order to satisfy your apparent need for ridiculous specifics.

Well, that's good because you'd be wasting your time. But keep making nebulous, unsupported claims and then say anyone who asks you to back them up is demanding "ridiculous specifics". That's probably the closest you'll ever get to having a real argument!

It could be that in order to meet certain standards on a cable lineup, they had to have a certain number of hours dedicated to "news shows".

Or it could just be that you're making things up now because you can't just admit that you were wrong. Which, as it turns out, actually is the case.

But I don't need to be that specific to make the point I'm making. In the same way I don't need to be able to quote tax codes in order to make the broad assertion that it's wrong for someone to claim money they gave to their buddies business venture as a "charitable donation".

So you figure you can just accuse people of wrongdoing without knowing the applicable code or having any idea of what you're talking about or...

Do you just have some raging hard-on for MSNBC or something?

And yet, you still haven't come up with any explanation as to why MSNBC would need to contractually categorize Olbermann's show as a "news show" and attach restrictions on his ability to involve himself in politics.

I don't need to. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it. Because it deals with daily current news events (five of them a night, even)? Because Olbermann was originally hired for a more straight news purpose (according to lolwiki, he originally returned to MSNBC as a news anchor)? Because they only have two classifications and flipped a coin? Who cares? Seriously, there isn't even reason to believe that Olbermann's contract with NBC is even reflected in any of their legal dealings outside of NBC itself. Again, they could have him classified as an anteater and it wouldn't matter. You're just so hard up to find something to whine about that you're trying to weave some wrongdoing out of nothing. A little pathological.

Oh, and the argument isn't that Countdown is a strict "news show" (again, the descriptions make it clear that it contains commentary), it's that Olbermann is contracted as a "news reporter". If I was to take a stab in the dark why they'd have him as such, it'd be because he has filled "straight" anchoring roles at MSNBC in the past and it's probably (again, just my guesswork) easier to have someone on the stricter set of rules host a commentary show and act as anchor when they want than it is to have someone on a looser set of rules fill in as anchor.

But I think it's certainly valid for me to express my opinion

Sure. And it's even more valid for me to use facts such as the Equal Time exemptions to laugh at your poorly formed opinions. Just another day in =4, I suppose.

Edited, Nov 8th 2010 7:22pm by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#36 Nov 08 2010 at 7:31 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:

And yet, you still haven't come up with any explanation as to why MSNBC would need to contractually categorize Olbermann's show as a "news show" and attach restrictions on his ability to involve himself in politics.

I don't need to. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it.

So you just blindly accept that MSNBC put a "no donating to political campaigns" clause in Olbermann's contract and aren't even the least bit curious as to why? Seriously?

Because it deals with daily current news events (five of them a night, even)?

In which he clearly expresses opinion on each one, but apparently in his contract he's not allowed to "speak" politically in the form of campaign donations. Strange at the least, right?

Because Olbermann was originally hired for a more straight news purpose (according to lolwiki, he originally returned to MSNBC as a news anchor)?

Uh huh. And he's clearly not been doing that, has he? So at some point they just threw up their hands and gave up on the "he's just reporting the news", but maintained a clause in his contract restricting his ability to involve himself in politics? That's strange, isn't it? And I'm sorry if this is just my spidey sense tingling, but it sure looks to me like the kind of thing one would do so they could show "on paper" that they have X hours of news reporting, when they actually have less news and more commentary.

Because they only have two classifications and flipped a coin? Who cares?

Well I do. If you don't, then by all means stop posting. I do think it's strange that they'd do this. I do think it's kinda relevant for news stations to accurately label and classify the shows they air. I do think that if we're going to bother with them in the first place that they have some sort of meaning. And guess what? I do think that when a station clearly labels a show as one thing, when it's clearly something else entirely that this monumentally suspicious.

Seriously, there isn't even reason to believe that Olbermann's contract with NBC is even reflected in any of their legal dealings outside of NBC itself.

No reason to assume otherwise either though, is there? You are remarkably partisan with your acceptance of speculation here Joph. Unlike the people proclaiming the wikileaks data to be some kind of proof of illegality, war crimes, and whatnot despite there being nothing more than the possibility of such, I have not made any claims about MSNBC breaking the law, violating some kind of FCC regulations, or some other sort of legally binding shenanigans.

I am merely pointing out that the oddities in this contract and the obvious nature of the show itself indicate the possibility of such things and perhaps more attention ought to be paid to it. So I'm not allowed to even speculate here? Isn't there a double standard going on?

Again, they could have him classified as an anteater and it wouldn't matter.

Unless they gained in some legal or monetary way by classifying him in that way, of course. But your blinders are on so tight you attack anyone who even suggests that this could be the case.

You're just so hard up to find something to whine about that you're trying to weave some wrongdoing out of nothing. A little pathological.

Lol! Just pointing out the constant double standard is all. I'll note that you didn't respond to allegations that Fox News "news shows" do the same thing with any negatives at all. Heck, you didn't even respond. So it's wrong to point out that a show that has been revealed to have been classified by the network as a "news show" contains a host with obvious and continual bias and who mostly just comments rather than reports, but it's perfectly ok to just assume without a shred of evidence that Fox News does the same thing.

Massive double standard there. Made all the more amusing in that you seem utterly unable to even see it. It's like there's a huge blind spot in your mind or something.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#37 Nov 08 2010 at 7:54 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
And he's clearly not been doing that, has he? So at some point they just threw up their hands and gave up on the "he's just reporting the news", but maintained a clause in his contract restricting his ability to involve himself in politics? That's strange, isn't it?

No? He returned to MSNBC as an anchor for their Iraq war coverage, then did Countdown, then was tapped to anchor during the 2008 elections, then back to Countdown. As long as Olbermann & NBC are cool with it, why shouldn't they keep their options open and the paper already signed?

Oh, that's right. Because Gbaji might fly into one of his adorable conservative conspiracy frenzies and start saying that everything is suspicious. Man, I bet if they had known that sooner...

I am merely pointing out that the oddities in this contract and the obvious nature of the show itself indicate the possibility of such things

You don't even have a clue as to what "things" you think are happening. You're just so wound up that you're sitting here mumbling about "things". "Things" that might be "happening". Oh, no! Why aren't the rest of us "interested" in "things" that are maybe "happening"? How can we be so blind?!? Must be partisanship that blinds us to the "possibility" of "things"!

Lol! Just pointing out the constant double standard is all. I'll note that you didn't respond to allegations that Fox News "news shows" do the same thing with any negatives at all. Heck, you didn't even respond.

lolwut? I said I would have no issue with Hannity being called a "news & commentary" show as MSNBC refers to Countdown in every single episode. Because I wouldn't. Because it is, in fact, a news and commentary program.

Wow, that's one hell of a double standard there. Way to stick it to me. Lol!

So, just to recap, you don't know shit about broadcasting or what's going on NBC but you do have a hard-on for MSNBC and a penchant for tinfoil hattery so you're all set to go with declaring things suspicious and making vague accusations (which you refuse to back up and blame the other guy for daring to ask you). Business as usual.

Edited, Nov 8th 2010 7:57pm by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#38 Nov 08 2010 at 9:05 PM Rating: Good
15,952 posts
Yeah Jophiel, you really owed at least Gbaji a Thank You in your acceptance interview with Zam for your 50k.
#39 Nov 08 2010 at 9:54 PM Rating: Good
Aripyanfar wrote:
Yeah Jophiel, you really owed at least Gbaji a Thank You in your acceptance interview with Zam for your 50k.

Let's all just hope Locke doesn't give any political campaign donations, lest he lose his Zam reporting job indefinitely.
#40 Nov 08 2010 at 10:44 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Aripyanfar wrote:
Yeah Jophiel, you really owed at least Gbaji a Thank You in your acceptance interview with Zam for your 50k.

Pfft. You mean when he reaches 50k, he owes me a thank you.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#41 Nov 09 2010 at 2:25 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Jophiel wrote:
Aripyanfar wrote:
Yeah Jophiel, you really owed at least Gbaji a Thank You in your acceptance interview with Zam for your 50k.

Pfft. You mean when he reaches 50k, he owes me a thank you.
No if Gbaji reaches 50k posts he'll have to thank the servers because at that point half the words written on this side will be his.

Edited, Nov 9th 2010 9:25am by Aethien
#42 Nov 09 2010 at 7:04 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Belkira the Tulip wrote:
Aripyanfar wrote:
Yeah Jophiel, you really owed at least Gbaji a Thank You in your acceptance interview with Zam for your 50k.

Let's all just hope Locke doesn't give any political campaign donations, lest he lose his Zam reporting job indefinitely.

Alas, I was suspended indefinitely last night for donating to Wombat Awareness (a liberal cause if there ever was one!)

I have been reinstated as of this morning, though.
#43 Nov 09 2010 at 9:09 AM Rating: Default
this is news?

you people must be really bored.

#44 Nov 09 2010 at 9:20 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
varusword75 wrote:
you people must be really bored.

Pretty much. Want to post a ridiculous topic so we can make fun of you instead? It's a slow morning.
#45 Nov 09 2010 at 10:29 AM Rating: Default

I'll put it at the top of my action item list.

#46 Nov 09 2010 at 12:03 PM Rating: Excellent
varusword75 wrote:
this is news?

Technically, it's "opinion".
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#47 Nov 09 2010 at 2:20 PM Rating: Good
Technically, it's "opinion".

And we have come full circle.
#48 Nov 10 2010 at 3:52 PM Rating: Good
13,240 posts
Gbaji wrote:
I freely admitted that I don't know the details of whatever regulations, perks, or insanity caused MSNBC to do this Joph. But I don't need to be that specific to make the point I'm making. In the same way I don't need to be able to quote tax codes in order to make the broad assertion that it's wrong for someone to claim money they gave to their buddies business venture as a "charitable donation".

Unless their buddy is starting certain types of non profits or it is being done as a flowtbrough to a subcontractor for a charitable org, Or if they are classified as a religious org or several other neat tricks.

Specifics are important.
Just as Planned.
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