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#2402 Sep 23 2010 at 11:00 AM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
Almalieque wrote:
Xsarus wrote:
You're putting words in my mouth. I'm also not clear on what exactly you're talking about, so could you clarify.

What is the unequal treatment you are referring to that homosexuals would get if DADT were repealed?
Well, let's go back to the example with "activity x". You claimed that you couldn't label that situation as hypocritical because "x" could be justified. So, that means that you accept the fact that the "activity x" scenario is unequal treatment, but you can't say it's hypocritical, because you don't know what "x" is, because, "x" could be justified. Is that correct?
I have no idea, because x doesn't mean anything. Just use real examples. You stated that homosexuals and heterosexuals would be unequally treated if DADT were repealed. I asked what what the unequal treatment would be. It's pretty simple, and using x's just obfuscates the discussion.
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#2403 Sep 23 2010 at 11:11 AM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
Alma wrote:
I'm proving to you that your logic used against DADT (personal trait, not an action that can get you discharged without doing anything else) applies to other people in the military besides homosexuals. This means, it is a common thing that happens in the military so you can't use that to repeal DADT, because it is consistent with everything else in the military.

How many times do I have to say that that isn't my argument against DADT before you get it through your thick skull? I was arguing against your belief that "it would be hypocritical to remove DADT without also removing the sodomy law."

Alma wrote:
Yet, there still exist some that have no negative consequences and are purely based on image and perception, just like I said with overweight people who physically perform better than people within the weight standards. You are basically being discharged because "you look fat". Matter of fact, I had a job offer to work with a General and the Major said that if you had any physical fitness problems that I needed to let her know. I told her about my knee injury and she replied (paraphrased)," oh it doesn't matter, you just can't look like a fatty fat fat kid and out of shape, it doesn't matter if you aren't in the best of shape."

Yeah, super. And I also said that "image" isn't a good enough reason to justify DADT already. What image? A manly image? An image of dudes who don't have sex with other dudes? Why is that a legitimate reason to not allow gays to openly serve? What is the benefit? What are the consequences of removing DADT?

I'll say it again: if the physical fitness examples are unjust, then they should be changed as well. If you're against them, and you're arguing that "DADT should stay because even though it's unjust, other things are unjust too." then you're dead in the water.

Alma wrote:
So, you agree that there are other people who are equally discharged for reasons similar to DADT?

Similar in what way? There are degrees of similarity. Homosexuality and physical size have some similar aspects, in that they are both inherent qualities. There are also many differences between the two.

It's because of those differences that you can't use one as precedent for the other. Human sexuality is a very separate issue from weight. Every case needs to be analyzed for it's unique aspects as well.
#2404 Sep 23 2010 at 11:19 AM Rating: Good
Almalieque wrote:
That's interesting that you say that you don't care, because from your responses, it appears that you care a lot more about DADT. It appears that you think DADT is wrong on so many levels but think the sodomy levels are just stupid, not really infringing on anyone's life as much as DADT does.

Maybe that's because we're talking about DADT, and that's the story that's getting more coverage? Smiley: rolleyes
#2405 Sep 23 2010 at 11:27 AM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
Belkira the Tulip wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
That's interesting that you say that you don't care, because from your responses, it appears that you care a lot more about DADT. It appears that you think DADT is wrong on so many levels but think the sodomy levels are just stupid, not really infringing on anyone's life as much as DADT does.

Maybe that's because we're talking about DADT, and that's the story that's getting more coverage? Smiley: rolleyes

He's just desperately grasping at straws. Instead of forming rational arguments, he's degenerated to the point of just making vague accusations of hypocrisy at everybody.
#2406 Sep 23 2010 at 11:32 AM Rating: Good
Eske, Star Breaker wrote:
Belkira the Tulip wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
That's interesting that you say that you don't care, because from your responses, it appears that you care a lot more about DADT. It appears that you think DADT is wrong on so many levels but think the sodomy levels are just stupid, not really infringing on anyone's life as much as DADT does.

Maybe that's because we're talking about DADT, and that's the story that's getting more coverage? Smiley: rolleyes

He's just desperately grasping at straws. Instead of forming rational arguments, he's degenerated to the point of just making vague accusations of hypocrisy at everybody.

It's almost like he's using emotion instead of logic...
#2407 Sep 23 2010 at 12:00 PM Rating: Good
States within the US cannot have laws against sodomy.

I know the military is not a state. They can have rules against sex of any kind. And they do. But anything which singles out a specific act over others will undoubtedly be judged unconstitutional if Lawrence v. Texas is upheld.

The ultimate problem with Alma's line of reasoning goes way beyond this: he is arguing against all sexuality in the military (since they are all against the rules). Thus all his reasons apply equally to hetero- and ****- sexuals. It is a bit like saying you cannot have skin. Oh also, you cannot have black skin. But wait, whites are allowed because...uh...why? Because there is an extra rule against black skin.

#2408 Sep 23 2010 at 2:51 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Lady Bardalicious wrote:
Almalieque wrote:

You continue to show how little you know about the military... I worked for a grand total of 3 hours this entire week so far.
Oh, so you are one of those freeloaders sucking at the dried up tits of the American taxpayer system?


Also, no wonder we are losing the war.

Ugly wrote:
And this is why military spending needs to be curbed.

Sweetums wrote:
School and 3 hours of work a week. What a hard life, man

Ugly wrote:
Kao should ban Alma. It's because of people like him that Jet programs get cut. Wasteful spending on people who work 3 hours a week and take in full pay for it.

People, people, people... I went to work today, so you can 5 mins to that 3 hours....hahaha

I purposely left out the explanation just to see what ignorant and absurd responses you all would say to support how very little you know about the military. I mean, you all must realize that there could be a million and one reasons why I've only worked a few hours this week, yet you all decided to go with the dumbest conclusions. Not only that, you all some how came to the conclusion that this week somehow represented my entire military career. LOL Well, at least you're consistent with your arguing.

I've already stated that I'm transition waiting for school. That doesn't happen all the time in the military. Once you leave your previous duty station, you usually have 30 days till your next report date if you want to take leave. If you choose not to go on leave, then you can report early and you start working after getting settled in.

By settling in, that includes finding a place to stay, getting utilities, registering your car, dependents, in-processing the entire post, to include the PX, commissary, Health clinic, dental clinic (with any necessary shots or appointments), finance, etc WHILE getting your own personal business straight.

If your assignment just so happens to be a school assignment, you can show up early, but you can't start school due to limited resources, i.e. space and teachers, so you get tasked to do odd jobs or temporarily fill a real duty position. Well the problem is when you have so many people waiting for a class to start, there aren't enough real positions to accommodate everyone, so you spend your day doing random jobs. When you're done, you're done.

Monday, I did grunt work and we got the rest of the day off. Tuesday, I had to stay at home to wait for my house hold goods to be delivered from the moving company, so I spent the remainder of the day unpacking. Wednesday, we had a task, but everyone was at a ceremony, so we had to wait till after the ceremony was over and after that the guy said that he was already working on it..

So, that's how I had 3 hours, this week. Next week, my days will start back from 0500-1700, so only a fool would not take advantage of this free time..

So, yes, you all just fail to understand the military...

Phoenix wrote:

Oh, I don't find disagreeing with someone and not rating them down odd. I do that all the time myself. However, it's usually people who use actual arguments, or at least say they disagree just because they don't like it. Not people who disagree using 5 year old child logic while pretending they're smarter than everyone else, while using eye bleeding color text and mountains of out of context quotes. <.<;

5 year old logic? Explain.

Pretending to be smarter than everyone? When and where? Unless you're referring to my defense mechanism of simply stating the opposite of your ridicule, I have no idea what you're talking about.

Eye bleeding color text? It's not my font color, its your background

Out of context quotes? When/where?
#2409 Sep 23 2010 at 3:14 PM Rating: Excellent
Soulless Internet Tiger
35,474 posts
Right, so you fucked the pooch (figuratively, although I' sure the thought literally crossed your mind) on the taxpayers money.
Donate. One day it could be your family.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

#2410 Sep 23 2010 at 4:27 PM Rating: Good
886 posts
I just want to know why people can be so against having sex and loving multiple people. :(

I mean, lets look at it logically. You can have multiple best friends, you can have multiple relatives you care for, parents can love children (mostly) equally, so what makes people think that you can only love one person as a husband/wife? I mean, sure it's morally wrong, but who gave a damn about morals in the first place? As long as you aren't physically harming someone, or mentally harming them (I.E. rape, not doing something disgusting to someone else), then what's the problem? Even if it was harming another person, if they agree to that harm and are of a sound mind, then it should be ok still, within limits. (See, I even accounted for BDSM(where the receiver is hurt, but also receives pleasure and is willing) and things like chemotherapy, where you are harming a patient to heal them.

Moral values are worth squat because they aren't concrete and change at the slightest of whims, and should NEVER be held more valuable than avoidance of physical or mental harms to a person.

And seriously, having lived life in the closet for 17 years, I never, ever, want to go back in. I mean seriously, after seeing the utter wreck my life was hiding who I was so long, I get panic attacks just thinking about it. Try going for 5 years without making a single mention of who you find cute, who your loved one is, avoiding looks at the fairer sex because you could be found out, avoiding talking about that aspect of your life to a single person, in person or in writing, and having the knowledge that a single ****-up could cost you your livelihood, if not your life. (thankfully not as big a risk these days, but it still is a fact. you can die just for being who you are by bigoted idiots.) I can practically guarantee you will be half insane with paranoia within half that time. That is what every gay person has to put up with in society before they can grow strong enough to resist; many never do, a factor which leads to a fourfold increase in suicide attempts with gay men over the general populace.

You cannot argue that DADT is harmless to gays and lesbians. The suicide rates alone show just how much mental damage it does to hide something so personal to you. It also gives an OK to bigotry, saying it's perfectly fine to continue to discriminate. It needs to be abolished immediately, and a new law put in place that prevents discrimination by sexual orientation (or sexual identity, because transsexuals and intersex people also exist and suffer problems as well.)

As for why gays and lesbians enlist despite knowing the pain they'll suffer? Because they actually give a damn about the people in their country and want to protect them, that's why, even though they know just how painful it will be for them. That doesn't make it alright though. Even though what I said earlier about physical/mental pain being OK if the person agrees to it, within limits, this is one of those limits. If you gave them a choice of being able to be open about their sexuality or current law, they would pick the former option every time. That means that the law is harming them against their will.
#2411 Sep 23 2010 at 4:37 PM Rating: Good
15,512 posts
Almalieque wrote:

So, yes, you all just fail to understand the military...
You must be under the false impression that anyone cares
#2412 Sep 24 2010 at 1:39 AM Rating: Good
3,362 posts
Keep him going! It's almost 50 pages!
#2413 Sep 24 2010 at 5:29 AM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Sir Xsarus wrote:
I have no idea, because x doesn't mean anything. Just use real examples. You stated that homosexuals and heterosexuals would be unequally treated if DADT were repealed. I asked what what the unequal treatment would be. It's pretty simple, and using x's just obfuscates the discussion.

I tried using real examples and you didn't understand, so I'm breaking it down to the variable form, the foundation of the concept, and am starting from there. That isn't trying to obfuscate the discussion, but to get an answer on the concept. You changing my "x" to "y" is you trying to "obfuscate the discussion".

Given the statement

"If an organization creates a rule banning activity "x", but allows people to openly admit to doing activity "x" with no repercussions, while chastising others for activity "x", that's not hypocritical? o.o?"

You responded with

Using your x scenario, it can be hypocritical, but it might not be. It depends on what x is. If X is say sitting at the front of the bus when it's empty, but seniors and people with a disability can ignore x, then it is not hypocritical.

You are differentiating an inequality with no justification vs an inequality with a justification, in other words, equality from fairness. You never denied the simple concept of equality, only said it might not be hypocritical if the action is justified. Ok, that is true, so my question is, since you want to go down that route, regardless of the justification, are both parties treated equally, i.e. the exact same?

Eske wrote:
How many times do I have to say that that isn't my argument against DADT before you get it through your thick skull? I was arguing against your belief that "it would be hypocritical to remove DADT without also removing the sodomy law."

Did you read my last post to you? You confused two different arguments, combining them together and created an argument that didn't exist. All of your responses to my hypocrisy of allowing both DADT and Sodomy was under the impression that they were the same or couldn't do one without the other. That was false.

My argument to you was that you repeatedly kept saying that there is nothing comparable to being discharged for homosexuality. So, I'm not sure why you're so stuck on a specific example of sodomy when I've been arguing on concept.

You say that isn't your argument against DADT, but for how it is different from all of the other "offenses" that can get you discharged. Ok, you do realize that's the same thing right? It may not be your actual argument that you would pursue against DADT, but it is definitely an argument against it.

Eske wrote:
Yeah, super. And I also said that "image" isn't a good enough reason to justify DADT already. What image? A manly image? An image of dudes who don't have sex with other dudes? Why is that a legitimate reason to not allow gays to openly serve? What is the benefit? What are the consequences of removing DADT?

No, I've already said also that it isn't a physical image, it's the image of hypocrisy. The same hypocrisy that I've been talking about for the last x pages. Just like with the argument you created to debunk, you also created potential false images to debunk.

Eske wrote:
I'll say it again: if the physical fitness examples are unjust, then they should be changed as well. If you're against them, and you're arguing that "DADT should stay because even though it's unjust, other things are unjust too." then you're dead in the water.

No.. Hopefully this will get to you now.

My argument to you is that there are other "offenses" that are comparable to homosexuality, so simply complaining that it happens to homosexuals has no value. My argument for keeping DADT was simply based on hypocrisy. After hearing the 4 star, he does have potentially a better point. Yet again, you confused two ideas.

Eske wrote:
Similar in what way? There are degrees of similarity. Homosexuality and physical size have some similar aspects, in that they are both inherent qualities. There are also many differences between the two.

It's because of those differences that you can't use one as precedent for the other. Human sexuality is a very separate issue from weight. Every case needs to be analyzed for it's unique aspects as well.

I mean "similar" as in the words you mentioned why homosexuality was different: personal trait; and able to be discharged without actually doing anything else. Those were the two differences that you used to argue how it was different. So, I'm asking you, based off what you argued earlier, will you now agree that homosexuality is not different?

Belkira wrote:
Maybe that's because we're talking about DADT, and that's the story that's getting more coverage?

You mean SSM right? Topics don't change within threads... I didn't bring up DADT just to get a few extra pages in the thread, that's impossible. Once people start talking about a topic, they stay on it. Especially over a story that happened weeks before any discussion on the thread. It was the mass coverage that brought the topic to the thread!

Belkira wrote:
Despise you? no, because being a ***** is a choice. Who you fall in love with is not. It certainly won't gain you any respect, though.

What if the person claims that they were born that way with the need to have sex with multiple people? Is it still a choice? Are you suggesting that these people should go against their natural feelings and hide them to fit in? Who defines love? What if they claim that they are in love with these people, who are you to say that they don't?

Eske wrote:
He's just desperately grasping at straws. Instead of forming rational arguments, he's degenerated to the point of just making vague accusations of hypocrisy at everybody.

Your lack of understanding of how the military works does not equate to being vague.

Belkira wrote:
It's almost like he's using emotion instead of logic...

This is probably the most ironic thing I've ever read on this forum.

Sweetums wrote:
You must be under the false impression that anyone cares

Of course not, if they did, they would understand the hypocrisy issue by now.

Quad wrote:
Keep him going! It's almost 50 pages!

Keep me going? lol, I don't find it a coincidence that when I decide not to post anything before I went to sleep that I only woke up with one post, being you.

Since you want to talk, why don't you finally answer the question below.

Almalieque wrote:

Quad wrote:

Being born a certain way is not expressing yourself, any more than you express yourself by being black.

Well, when I show up to work, everyone knows my skin color and yours as well. No one knows your sexuality, religious beliefs, political views, fears, etc. until actions are done. So the comparison of a physical trait to a personality trait is a complete failure.

So, you're saying that being born with certain feelings towards something,( something that you didn't know existed prior to birth), must be expressed openly as a part of your life. That telling someone not to tell people or give the perception that they are attracted to little girls is the same thing as telling you not to be white?
#2414 Sep 24 2010 at 7:44 AM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
I tried using real examples and you didn't understand
Except that this discussion started when I said flat out that it isn't hypocritical, and asked you to explain it. I also asked you to link where you had if you had indeed as I hadn't read the thread for the last 100+ posts. At that point you sort of tried, and we started to have a discussion for one post but then you brought out the x example, which doesn't help at all because you refuse to explain how you're using it. My new strategy is to ask you simpler questions so that I can make sure I understand your premise.

You are differentiating an inequality with no justification vs an inequality with a justification
What is the inequality that is created by repealing DADT?

Edited, Sep 24th 2010 8:52am by Xsarus
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#2415 Sep 24 2010 at 8:09 AM Rating: Good
Almalieque wrote:
Belkira wrote:
Despise you? no, because being a ***** is a choice. Who you fall in love with is not. It certainly won't gain you any respect, though.

What if the person claims that they were born that way with the need to have sex with multiple people? Is it still a choice? Are you suggesting that these people should go against their natural feelings and hide them to fit in? Who defines love? What if they claim that they are in love with these people, who are you to say that they don't?

They weren't born that way. I'm not suggesting they go against anything. I don't care who defines love, it's different for everyone. I'm sure they do love those people, I'm not judging them, you are.

I've not answered these questions becuase they're idiotic. I'm not the one who has a problem with people who sleep with mulitple people. You are. My "it won't gain you any respect," comment was directed at you for despising "whores," not at the whores themselves.

Edited, Sep 24th 2010 9:09am by Belkira
#2416 Sep 24 2010 at 8:32 AM Rating: Excellent
If you're this bored, Belkira, you should look for a new job or maybe have an affair. Arguing earnestly with something as stupid as Alma on page 49 is fUcking unhealthy. It's okay for folks like Eske and Xsarus and Quadkit, because those guys are autistic and they aren't going to get better, anyway.
#2417 Sep 24 2010 at 8:36 AM Rating: Good
Barkingturtle wrote:
If you're this bored, Belkira, you should look for a new job or maybe have an affair. Arguing earnestly with something as stupid as Alma on page 49 is fUcking unhealthy. It's okay for folks like Eske and Xsarus and Quadkit, because those guys are autistic and they aren't going to get better, anyway.

When BT tells me something I'm doing is unhealthy, I get worried. Smiley: frown
#2418 Sep 24 2010 at 9:43 AM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
Alma wrote:
will you now agree that homosexuality is not different?

Nope. And taking a different point of mine, changing its context, and then trying to put the words back in my mouth isn't working to back up your claim, either. Homosexuality and weight are not the same thing, though both are indeed personal traits. One is not precedent for another. The removal of one rule without the other is not hypocritical.

Shouldn't that be obvious? I'm not going to go through and explain why the two are different, point by point. I should hope that you wouldn't be that obstinate.

Edited, Sep 24th 2010 11:44am by Eske
#2419 Sep 24 2010 at 10:11 AM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Sir X wrote:
Except that this discussion started when I said flat out that it isn't hypocritical, and asked you to explain it. I also asked you to link where you had if you had indeed as I hadn't read the thread for the last 100+ posts. At that point you sort of tried, and we started to have a discussion for one post but then you brought out the x example, which doesn't help at all because you refuse to explain how you're using it. My new strategy is to ask you simpler questions so that I can make sure I understand your premise.

What do you mean "fail to explain how you're using it"? I'm asking a question on concept. You are simply refusing to answer the question. Your previous response was that it wasn't hypocritical if the action of x is justified for the second group of people. I replied to you that was a fair observation, differentiating between equality and fairness. So, I then asked you, regardless of the justification, is the scenario equal? Yes or no? There is no need or reason to know what x is, because knowing what x is will only matter in reference to fairness, justification and/or if it is hypocritical or not. I'm not asking you if it is any of the three, simply if it is equal or not. So is it?

If it helps, make up something for "x", it doesn't matter, basketball, eating ice cream, singing, watching T.V. reading, etc. That's why I used the variable "x", because it doesn't matter.

Edit: It's like me asking you which weighs more, 25 oz of "x" or 30 oz of "x" and you reply with "Well, what's x"?

It doesn't matter what x is, 30 oz > 25 oz

Sir X wrote:
What is the inequality that is created by repealing DADT?

You asked me to better explain it to you, so I'm trying to, but we have to go in steps. You're jumping ahead. I'm asking you the question above in reference to the concept. I have to walk you to my conclusion.

Belkira wrote:
They weren't born that way. I'm not suggesting they go against anything. I don't care who defines love, it's different for everyone. I'm sure they do love those people, I'm not judging them, you are.

I've not answered these questions becuase they're idiotic. I'm not the one who has a problem with people who sleep with mulitple people. You are. My "it won't gain you any respect," comment was directed at you for despising "whores," not at the whores themselves.

How do you figure that they weren't born that way? I once told the story before how a male in one of my classes brought up a good point "As a male, I want to pounce every attractive woman I see, but I don't do it". We all have natural sexual urges, why do you believe it is inconceivable for someone to be born with a little more urge than normal with the inability to fight it, like a sexaholic.

LOL at the ***** comment. I'm not going to try to prove your intent of your ***** comment,even though I don't believe you for a second, because it doesn't matter one way or the other. Whores are not looked up upon, period. There's a difference between being sexually active and being a *****. If you're open about being a *****, people will not respect you.

You didn't avoid my question because it's "idiotic", but because you can't answer them without taking away from your argument. You know as well as I know that whores aren't respected and they are just acting on their feelings, emotions and thoughts. You're simply saying that they aren't born that way because saying that they are takes away from your argument. How is that a ***** can't be born with feelings and emotions towards things that they didn't know exist but a homosexual can?

I would actually argue that neither are born with those feelings as anyone aren't born with any predetermined feelings or emotions towards anything. I would argue that we DEVELOP them. Now, there might be genes that increase the probability of someone doing or being "x", but I just have a hard time believing people are born with feelings for stuff that never appealed to one of their senses.

Edited, Sep 24th 2010 6:14pm by Almalieque
#2420 Sep 24 2010 at 10:38 AM Rating: Good
3,362 posts
Are you really comparing sex addiction to homosexuality? First pedophilia, now this? You're really stretching here.
#2421 Sep 24 2010 at 10:52 AM Rating: Good
15,512 posts
Well, yeah. Gay people are children.
#2422 Sep 24 2010 at 11:23 AM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Quadkit wrote:
Are you really comparing sex addiction to homosexuality? First @#%^philia, now this? You're really stretching here.

You know if you actually answered the question, you'll realize the point. You just can't assume that everything is being compared to homosexuality as they are the same thing. You're just using that as a cop out because you know that you're wrong.
#2423 Sep 24 2010 at 11:27 AM Rating: Good
Almalieque wrote:
LOL at the ***** comment. I'm not going to try to prove your intent of your ***** comment,even though I don't believe you for a second, because it doesn't matter one way or the other. Whores are not looked up upon, period. There's a difference between being sexually active and being a *****. If you're open about being a *****, people will not respect you.

Smiley: laugh That's funny. That really was what I meant. I honestly thought you knew that. I don't think anyone else was confused by it. You were asking me if I would "despise you" if you were disgusted by someone acting like a *****. My entire comment was about how I would regard you making a judgement on other people. I didn't offer you my opinion on people who sleep with multiple people. If you want it, I'll give it to you. It's no skin off my nose.

The only people who I look down upon for what they do in the privacy of their own home with other consenting adults are adulterers. That makes me angry. I don't care if someone sleeps with 100 people in a month. It's not my business, and it doesn't reflect on them as an individual.
#2424 Sep 24 2010 at 11:58 AM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
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#2425 Sep 24 2010 at 12:09 PM Rating: Excellent
Smiley: laugh Smiley: lol

This is hilarious.
#2426 Sep 24 2010 at 12:11 PM Rating: Good
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
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Alma wrote:
I lost my post
This thread is locked
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