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#2377 Sep 22 2010 at 11:49 AM Rating: Good
Almalieque wrote:
Ok, I will: It's relevant because of your answer. Now, answer the question. It really doesn't matter one way or the other. You haven't questioned the relativity of almost anything in the past 48 pages without answering. Now all of the sudden, when you finally realize that you're wrong, you don't want to answer anything.


I have absolutely no idea what you think I'm wrong about. At all. You're asking an extremely complex and loaded question, and I have no idea why. I don't know what I've said that has prompted this. Was it me saying that pedophilia is not a sexual orientation? Was it me saying that people shouldn't be forced to hide who they are? I can't simply answer the question. There is a myraid of possible answers.

So, I guess my answer is... maybe?

Almalieque wrote:
Neither did I. I didn't say scrap it. You agreed that attacking laws like Sodomy were more logical but wasn't worth the effort to stop the current process. Well, the repeal was denied, you have to try something different. This would be the time to attack the SAME situation with the more logical approach that you agreed to earlier. Simply asking for another repeal with no change will just yield the same result.

I don't remember agreeing that attacking the sodomy laws before DADT was logical. I might have agreed that it is logical to attack those laws as well.

Almalieque wrote:
See, what you do is, study why you lost, ADDRESS THOSE ISSUES FIRST, then you attempt for the repeal. If you're not going to address the issues that prevented your success the first time, what makes you think they wont prevent the success the second time?

I don't do anything. It seems like you think I'm spearheading something here. I'm not. I'm supporting a repeal. Just like I'd support a repeal of the assinine sodomy and oral sex laws. Hell, I'll even support the repeal of your "do not grow a beard" law, just for you!

But I'm not standing in a courtroom arguing anything.

Almalieque wrote:
In this case, the 4 star mentioned privacy issues. *Hint, hint* I would find a solution, at least on paper, to address any possible privacy issues. Along that, I would address any other potential issues that also might prevent the success of the repeal, i.e. sodomy laws. Unlike the BS Xsarus mentioned, that bill did indeed consist of more things than just the appeal of DADT.

Yeah, we've talked about the privacy issues here. In this very thread, actually. So... done?

Almalieque wrote:
It's not difficult to attack more than one issue at once.

Yes! I've been saying that for over ten pages now. Welcome to the point! So get to it, sparky. Start the repeal of those laws you don't like. I'll support it, just like I'm supporting the repeal of DADT.

Edited, Sep 22nd 2010 12:50pm by Belkira
#2378 Sep 22 2010 at 4:29 PM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
Almalieque wrote:
False. I've repeatedly said that sodomy and homosexuality are not the same thing and that very fact is how DADT works. What I've said was that people get kicked out for things just as irrelevant as homosexuality, not that they were the same thing. That was something you made up to argue.

Almalieque wrote:
False, you said the following

You know, I just figured out who you remind me of.

Alma wrote:
You clearly stated your opinion here that not only did you not care about the other discharges, that they were different because they were not comparable to the state of "being homosexual". This is when you went to define it as personal trait listed in your post above. When you compared it to Sodomy, you stated that this was an EXAMPLE on how my comparison was wrong. Example being the key word. The sentence right before you example was

"The nature of homosexuality and such "offenses" are fundamentally different."

This sentence was the basis of your argument, your next sentence was...

"What's an example: sodomy? "

You chose an EXAMPLE from the "offenses" above, showing how THEY were fundamentally different.

"Offenses", referring to stuff like sodomy and oral sex. Things you had brought up in a few previous posts. It's easy to make it seem like you're onto something when you completely change the context of my words, but that's not going to win you any points here.

I know that you think you can segway to some sort of "gotcha!" by saying that physical weight is also a personal trait. Unfortunately, like I said:

I wrote:
You'll note that I never say that "Anything is justified as long as it is inherent."

So what are you trying to prove?

Alma wrote:
This was never an argument that sodomy = homosexuality and you know that. You just threw that crap together as a counter argument in attempt to save face.

So that wasn't you who was arguing that it would be hypocritical to remove DADT without removing the sodomy laws? You realize that by saying it's hypocritical, you're likening the two, I hope.

Almalieque wrote:
you stated "Homosexuality is a personal quality and one which might be uncovered about a soldier without them committing any other dischargeable offenses".

You also said that a person's weight is a personal trait. Soldiers can get discharged for weight without them committing any other dischargeable offenses.

So, would agree that discharging homosexuals based on that personal trait is NOT unique, that other people are discharged for similar reasons? If not, how so?

answer the question

I'm amazed that you're still doggedly pursuing this, even though it's already been rendered meaningless. I don't think that discharging for personal traits is unique to homosexuals. I do however, think that the fact that homosexuality is a personal trait makes comparing it to sodomy (an action) a case of comparing apples to oranges, and wholly irrelevant. Therefore, to argue that it would be hypocritical to remove one without the other is completely off-base.

I do not believe that because something is a personal trait, it should be uniformly accepted by the military. I never said anything of the sort, either. Obviously there are plenty of examples of physical traits which, if allowed, would have dire negative consequences. You probably wouldn't, say, allow someone who weighed 500 lbs. to join the Rangers, because they would become a massive liability to themselves and their unit. You wouldn't make a blind man a sniper. Etc. etc. I'm sure many of the discharge rules are in place because they have readily identifiable negative consequences that are more important than being fair to everybody. I'm okay with that.

As I said, you have to analyze each one of these things for its own unique faults and merits. If it's justified, then it stays, and if it's not, then I think it should be modified or done away with. I don't think that DADT is properly justified.

Edited, Sep 22nd 2010 6:32pm by Eske
#2379 Sep 22 2010 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Sir Xsarus wrote:
obviously not, but it's interesting that you are, yet again, trying to use misdirection and purposeful misunderstanding to distract from an issue where you clearly have no real argument.

I was obviously returning your jester of me giving you permission to change my font.

I do find it funny though that you ridiculed me for differentiating discrimination as something possibly good or bad when the normal interpretation is bad. This is because you done the same thing for the word hypocritical when you know I simply meant "unequal treatment". It's all fair game though, lets proceed.

According to you, my example is unequal treatment, but you can't simply label it hypocritical without knowing the situation. Ok, so back to the DADT, you accept the fact that it is unequal treatment. I've stated that the unequal treatment was hypocritical, you claim that it wasn't. Why is this unequal treatment NOT hypocritical? Just like how the handicap are justified for having their own special spots in the community, what is your justification for the unequal treatment for homosexuals in the military?

Belkira wrote:
I have absolutely no idea what you think I'm wrong about. At all. You're asking an extremely complex and loaded question, and I have no idea why. I don't know what I've said that has prompted this. Was it me saying that pedophilia is not a sexual orientation? Was it me saying that people shouldn't be forced to hide who they are? I can't simply answer the question. There is a myraid of possible answers.

So, I guess my answer is... maybe?

I'm not sure why you thought that was an extremely complex and loaded question, because it wasn't. It was essentially a "yes", "no" or a "maybe" and you answered "maybe". You focused too much on the "why" when the "why" wasn't necessary because I asked in reference to the concept, which is why I bold it.

This is all relevant because since you, and every other sane person, believes that the answer depends on the situation, you can not have a blanket response as "it's not right because you are forcing people to not express what is an essential part of them". Just like with my above response to Xsarus, you have to justify why it's different. Simply saying it's wrong to force people to behave that way wont cut it. That's why it's relevant.

Belkira wrote:
I don't remember agreeing that attacking the sodomy laws before DADT was logical. I might have agreed that it is logical to attack those laws as well.

You're right, you didn't, I reread it and realized that I misread what you wrote. You said you get how "I" would think that to "me".

So, let me ask you another question then. If no progress were done in either sodomy or DADT, which one would want to go first? The rules on sodomy or DADT? Or, would you want them gone at the same time?

Belkira wrote:
I don't do anything. It seems like you think I'm spearheading something here. I'm not. I'm supporting a repeal. Just like I'd support a repeal of the assinine sodomy and oral sex laws. Hell, I'll even support the repeal of your "do not grow a beard" law, just for you!

But I'm not standing in a courtroom arguing anything.

Thanks for pointing that out.

Belkira wrote:
Yeah, we've talked about the privacy issues here. In this very thread, actually. So... done?

I know, I wasn't trying to revisit them. I was trying to point out that if you were to attack the situation again, those would be the things to discuss.

Belkira wrote:
Yes! I've been saying that for over ten pages now. Welcome to the point! So get to it, sparky. Start the repeal of those laws you don't like. I'll support it, just like I'm supporting the repeal of DADT.

Uh, that's not what I meant. I meant hypothetically speaking, since you pointed out that we aren't actually doing anything, the approach would have it done on one appeal at once, not two. If they aren't together, the DADT repeal isn't supported by the sodomy repeal which defeats the purpose of having the two done at the same time. The DADT will just fail again.
#2380 Sep 22 2010 at 5:00 PM Rating: Excellent
I think it was really kind of Alma to return the jester.

FUcking moron. Thanks for the laughs, though.
#2381 Sep 22 2010 at 5:13 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
I feel it is my prerogative to stick my head in here every few weeks or so and exclaim:

This thread is *still* going on?!
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#2382 Sep 22 2010 at 6:30 PM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
Almalieque wrote:
I do find it funny though that you ridiculed me for differentiating discrimination as something possibly good or bad when the normal interpretation is bad. This is because you done the same thing for the word hypocritical when you know I simply meant "unequal treatment". It's all fair game though, lets proceed.
I don't think you understood what I was doing at all. I never ridiculed you for your use of the word discrimination, I simply pointed out that you were both using separate words, and apparently neither of you were aware of the fact. I would agree that your use is the more correct version and what I would use most of the time. I'd also be aware that lots of people don't use it that way, and would try to account for that.

Almalieque wrote:
According to you, my example is unequal treatment, but you can't simply label it hypocritical without knowing the situation. Ok, so back to the DADT, you accept the fact that it is unequal treatment. I've stated that the unequal treatment was hypocritical, you claim that it wasn't. Why is this unequal treatment NOT hypocritical? Just like how the handicap are justified for having their own special spots in the community, what is your justification for the unequal treatment for homosexuals in the military?
You're putting words in my mouth. I'm also not clear on what exactly you're talking about, so could you clarify.

What is the unequal treatment you are referring to that homosexuals would get if DADT were repealed?

Edited, Sep 22nd 2010 7:31pm by Xsarus
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You'll always be stupid, you'll just be stupid with more information in your brain
Forum FAQ
#2383 Sep 22 2010 at 6:48 PM Rating: Good
Almalieque wrote:
I'm not sure why you thought that was an extremely complex and loaded question, because it wasn't. It was essentially a "yes", "no" or a "maybe" and you answered "maybe". You focused too much on the "why" when the "why" wasn't necessary because I asked in reference to the concept, which is why I bold it.

No, it is a complex question, and the answer isn't essentially yes or no. There are so many factors to consider in each and every situation, that even saying "maybe" was probably a bad idea.

Almalieque wrote:
This is all relevant because since you, and every other sane person, believes that the answer depends on the situation, you can not have a blanket response as "it's not right because you are forcing people to not express what is an essential part of them". Just like with my above response to Xsarus, you have to justify why it's different. Simply saying it's wrong to force people to behave that way wont cut it. That's why it's relevant.

Ah, but in this situation, it is wrong. Which is why your question was irrelevant. I understand that you don't think it's wrong to ask homosexuals to pretend to be something they are not. I also understand that you know that I do think that's wrong. So, congratulations. We've spent about two pages talking about essentially nothing.

Almalieque wrote:
So, let me ask you another question then. If no progress were done in either sodomy or DADT, which one would want to go first? The rules on sodomy or DADT? Or, would you want them gone at the same time?

I don't really care.
#2384 Sep 22 2010 at 7:23 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Barkingturtle wrote:
I think it was really kind of Alma to return the jester.

FUcking moron. Thanks for the laughs, though.

Dude, you really need to get a life. I felt bad for spending as much time responding to these posts, but you take the cake...

If you spent as much time in your posts of "points without points", you wouldn't sound so stupid.. my bad... gesture/jester wtf ever.. grow up..

I'll respond to the rest later..
#2385 Sep 22 2010 at 7:43 PM Rating: Excellent
5,684 posts
Almalieque wrote:

Dude, you really need to get a life.
Says the guy that sold most of his life to the military and spends what little he has left on a gaming forum discussing politics.
#2386 Sep 22 2010 at 7:47 PM Rating: Good
15,512 posts
Almalieque wrote:
Barkingturtle wrote:
I think it was really kind of Alma to return the jester.

FUcking moron. Thanks for the laughs, though.

Dude, you really need to get a life. I felt bad for spending as much time responding to these posts, but you take the cake...

If you spent as much time in your posts of "points without points", you wouldn't sound so stupid.. my bad... gesture/jester wtf ever.. grow up..

I'll respond to the rest later..
I know! Posting on the internet is so lame
#2387 Sep 22 2010 at 7:48 PM Rating: Good
4,512 posts
Almalieque wrote:
I felt bad for spending as much time responding to these posts
I'll respond to the rest later..

#2388 Sep 22 2010 at 8:22 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Xsarus, Belkira and Eske, I'll respond to your posts in the morning. Going to bed.

Bard wrote:
Says the guy that sold most of his life to the military and spends what little he has left on a gaming forum discussing politics.

You continue to show how little you know about the military... I worked for a grand total of 3 hours this entire week so far.

Sweetums wrote:
I know! Posting on the internet is so lame

Is this the power of your inference?

There is obviously nothing wrong with posting on the Internet. I do question someone who camps out one person to find wrong terminology being used. "Oh, look, he said 'too' when he meant 'two' dur, he's a moron!!!". When that's all you do, it becomes pretty sad.

For some reason I thought the word jester also had a noun definition to represent a joke as opposed to just the person, that's why I said jester instead of gesture. I wasn't going with the saying, because I was trying to be comical, like a jester....

#2389 Sep 22 2010 at 8:29 PM Rating: Excellent
5,684 posts
Almalieque wrote:

You continue to show how little you know about the military... I worked for a grand total of 3 hours this entire week so far.
Oh, so you are one of those freeloaders sucking at the dried up tits of the American taxpayer system?


Also, no wonder we are losing the war.
#2390 Sep 22 2010 at 9:17 PM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
Almalieque wrote:
Xsarus, Belkira and Eske, I'll respond to your posts in the morning. Going to bed.

I'll be waiting eagerly in anticipation. Smiley: rolleyes
#2391 Sep 22 2010 at 9:18 PM Rating: Good
15,512 posts
Almalieque wrote:

Sweetums wrote:
I know! Posting on the internet is so lame

Is this the power of your inference?

There is obviously nothing wrong with posting on the Internet. I do question someone who camps out one person to find wrong terminology being used. "Oh, look, he said 'too' when he meant 'two' dur, he's a moron!!!". When that's all you do, it becomes pretty sad.

For some reason I thought the word jester also had a noun definition to represent a joke as opposed to just the person, that's why I said jester instead of gesture. I wasn't going with the saying, because I was trying to be comical, like a jester....

This is why we can't have nice things
#2392 Sep 22 2010 at 10:43 PM Rating: Default
886 posts
I just want to know who the hell keeps rating alma back up to decent when I check this thread. Do people just get too tired to rate his stupidity anymore? <.<

Sometimes I wish mods here would take a page from BG forums and ban people for absolute stupidity and trolling. /dream (although I can guess why mods here probably aren't allowed to, despite personal wishes)
#2393 Sep 22 2010 at 10:50 PM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
This is the asylum. That's the whole point of this forum.

As to the rating, he's probably being rated up because someone appreciates the activity he generates even as they may or may not agree with him. It's odd I know, to be able to disagree with someone without rating them down, but there it is.

Edited, Sep 22nd 2010 11:51pm by Xsarus
01001001 00100000 01001100 01001001 01001011 01000101 00100000 01000011 01000001 01001011 01000101
You'll always be stupid, you'll just be stupid with more information in your brain
Forum FAQ
#2394 Sep 23 2010 at 2:48 AM Rating: Good
886 posts
Sir Xsarus wrote:
This is the asylum. That's the whole point of this forum.

As to the rating, he's probably being rated up because someone appreciates the activity he generates even as they may or may not agree with him. It's odd I know, to be able to disagree with someone without rating them down, but there it is.

Edited, Sep 22nd 2010 11:51pm by Xsarus

Oh, I don't find disagreeing with someone and not rating them down odd. I do that all the time myself. However, it's usually people who use actual arguments, or at least say they disagree just because they don't like it. Not people who disagree using 5 year old child logic while pretending they're smarter than everyone else, while using eye bleeding color text and mountains of out of context quotes. <.<;
#2395 Sep 23 2010 at 4:52 AM Rating: Good
15,952 posts
You can't deny Alama has been the most useful Asylum Poster in the last fortnight.
#2396 Sep 23 2010 at 5:22 AM Rating: Good
886 posts
Aripyanfar wrote:
You can't deny Alama has been the most useful Asylum Poster in the last fortnight.

Actually, I can. However, I did not rate you down. See, I do get it! =D

In all seriousness though, useful for what? If by causing people to write a bunch of posts in response to make the thread huge, I guess you have a point, but I've always been more for quality than quantity myself. If you want a huge epic thread, you could always make one that does it naturally with useful posts, like I dunno, maybe a thread about sharing your cooking recipes or something.

But I guess one man's troll is another persons punching bag. <.<;
#2397 Sep 23 2010 at 5:28 AM Rating: Good
I can and do.
#2398 Sep 23 2010 at 9:02 AM Rating: Good
Soulless Internet Tiger
35,474 posts
You continue to show how little you know about the military... I worked for a grand total of 3 hours this entire week so far.
And this is why military spending needs to be curbed.
Donate. One day it could be your family.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

#2399 Sep 23 2010 at 9:05 AM Rating: Good
15,512 posts
School and 3 hours of work a week. What a hard life, man
#2400 Sep 23 2010 at 9:18 AM Rating: Good
Soulless Internet Tiger
35,474 posts
Kao should ban Alma. It's because of people like him that Jet programs get cut. Wasteful spending on people who work 3 hours a week and take in full pay for it.
Donate. One day it could be your family.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

#2401 Sep 23 2010 at 10:37 AM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Eske wrote:
"Offenses", referring to stuff like sodomy and oral sex. Things you had brought up in a few previous posts. It's easy to make it seem like you're onto something when you completely change the context of my words, but that's not going to win you any points here.

I know that you think you can segway to some sort of "gotcha!" by saying that physical weight is also a personal trait. Unfortunately, like I said:


Almalieque The Wisest wrote:
Eske, Star Breaker wrote:

Alma wrote:

Known as the "Catch all", these are purposely left open to use to kick anyone out for doing anything that is deemed "unbecoming of an officer and a gentlemen". Just like that Airforce Sergeant who thought it was cool to pose in playboy... yea..

This is evident that the military focuses on self-images and perception.

That ain't comparable to stating that you are a homosexual. And heck, if the army thinks that the condition of being homosexual is "unbecoming of an officer and a gentlemen" then that's another strike against your point. Nice try though.

You're not going to come up with something that's analogous to "stating that you are a homosexual", so going down this road of comparing DADT to other injustices and discharge-able offenses is going to be pretty fruitless for you.

Edited, Sep 17th 2010 3:24pm by Eske

Dude, WTF are you talking about? I didn't say that those two articles said homosexuality was "unbecoming of an officer", I said that's how everyone ELSE get's kicked out for something that is as irrelevant as being a homosexual.

You're painting a picture that this type of stuff only happens to homosexuals and I'm telling you that you're wrong. I don't know what type of comparison that you want then. People get kicked out for having relationships deemed improper OR JUST SAYING it.

I don't recall ever mentioning that people actually get kicked out for sodomy or oral sex. I stated that those charges are usually tagged on to other charges such as rape just to worsen any sentence.

In the quote above, I gave two examples, a woman posing in playboy and people having a relationship deemed improper. You claimed that I wasting time because I could never find anything analogous as stating that you're a homosexual.

You were the one who came up with the example using sodomy and how that was different from homosexuality.You did this because you confused two arguments by merging them together.

1.The first argument was that by allowing homosexuals to serve openly WHILE maintaining the ban on Sodomy is hypocritical, not because the two coincide, but because that's how perception works in the military.

2. The second argument was the one I argued with you, that there exist other reasons that are as irrelevant as sexuality that causes people to be chaptered out of the military.

YOU combined the two and created an argument that I was never making. Not only that, if you agreed that there existed other reasons that were just as irrelevant as sexuality, then why did you insist that they were not comparable and further more that I wasting time because I would never find anything analogous? Obviously you believed that it was indeed unique, until you realized it wasn't, now you're trying to go back. That's why you said (paraphrased), "even if it were comparable, two wrongs don't make a right". That translates that you don't believe it is, but if for some reason you do find one, that's wrong also.

Eske wrote:
So what are you trying to prove?

I'm proving to you that your logic used against DADT (personal trait, not an action that can get you discharged without doing anything else) applies to other people in the military besides homosexuals. This means, it is a common thing that happens in the military so you can't use that to repeal DADT, because it is consistent with everything else in the military.

Eske wrote:

I'm amazed that you're still doggedly pursuing this, even though it's already been rendered meaningless. I don't think that discharging for personal traits is unique to homosexuals. I do however, think that the fact that homosexuality is a personal trait makes comparing it to sodomy (an action) a case of comparing apples to oranges, and wholly irrelevant. Therefore, to argue that it would be hypocritical to remove one without the other is completely off-base.

Except I've literally said probably at least TEN TIMES, that I'm not comparing sodomy to homosexuality that this is all about image and perception from the military. I've said over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, that homosexuality != sodomy or any other sexual relation and that fact is how DADT is able to work.

Eske wrote:

I do not believe that because something is a personal trait, it should be uniformly accepted by the military. I never said anything of the sort, either. Obviously there are plenty of examples of physical traits which, if allowed, would have dire negative consequences. You probably wouldn't, say, allow someone who weighed 500 lbs. to join the Rangers, because they would become a massive liability to themselves and their unit. You wouldn't make a blind man a sniper. Etc. etc. I'm sure many of the discharge rules are in place because they have readily identifiable negative consequences that are more important than being fair to everybody. I'm okay with that.

Yet, there still exist some that have no negative consequences and are purely based on image and perception, just like I said with overweight people who physically perform better than people within the weight standards. You are basically being discharged because "you look fat". Matter of fact, I had a job offer to work with a General and the Major said that if you had any physical fitness problems that I needed to let her know. I told her about my knee injury and she replied (paraphrased)," oh it doesn't matter, you just can't look like a fatty fat fat kid and out of shape, it doesn't matter if you aren't in the best of shape."

Eske wrote:

As I said, you have to analyze each one of these things for its own unique faults and merits. If it's justified, then it stays, and if it's not, then I think it should be modified or done away with. I don't think that DADT is properly justified.

So, you agree that there are other people who are equally discharged for reasons similar to DADT?

Sir X wrote:
I don't think you understood what I was doing at all. I never ridiculed you for your use of the word discrimination, I simply pointed out that you were both using separate words, and apparently neither of you were aware of the fact. I would agree that your use is the more correct version and what I would use most of the time. I'd also be aware that lots of people don't use it that way, and would try to account for that.

Ridicule was a bad word choice, which I knew before I wrote it. I couldn't think of a better word to use. I knew exactly what you were doing, because we had this very same conversation before. I know exactly what they thought, I was just expanding their vocabulary by using the best fit word.

What I was referencing to you is that you claimed that I was trying to "distract" people from the actual debate or something because I knew what meaning that they were referring to. In reality, I was just using the best fit word.

When I used the word hypocritical, I was referring to unequal treatment. Most people assume that unequal treatment is considered hypocritical unless it has been justified. I gave you a scenario and asked you if that was hypocritical, you responded that you didn't know because x could be justified, when you knew I was referencing to the concept of unequal treatment.

So, you essentially done the same exact thing to me as what you accused me of doing to bard. Either way, I adjusted and continued.

Sir X wrote:
You're putting words in my mouth. I'm also not clear on what exactly you're talking about, so could you clarify.

What is the unequal treatment you are referring to that homosexuals would get if DADT were repealed?

Well, let's go back to the example with "activity x". You claimed that you couldn't label that situation as hypocritical because "x" could be justified. So, that means that you accept the fact that the "activity x" scenario is unequal treatment, but you can't say it's hypocritical, because you don't know what "x" is, because, "x" could be justified. Is that correct?

Belkira wrote:
No, it is a complex question, and the answer isn't essentially yes or no. There are so many factors to consider in each and every situation, that even saying "maybe" was probably a bad idea.

It isn't nor wasn't a "yes" or "no" question. The many factors to consider in each and every situation = "maybe". "Maybe" means it is a situational thing and one just can't blindly say one way or the other without going into further details of each situation. So, once again, this was not a loaded question because I was questioning the concept and not a specific scenario.

Belkira wrote:

Ah, but in this situation, it is wrong. Which is why your question was irrelevant. I understand that you don't think it's wrong to ask homosexuals to pretend to be something they are not. I also understand that you know that I do think that's wrong. So, congratulations. We've spent about two pages talking about essentially nothing.

False; You're doing exactly what I was trying to prove above. You stated that "there are so many factors to consider in each and every situation", yet you haven't discussed any of those factors on why it is wrong other than the concept of asking someone to pretend to be who they are not. That's why the question was relevant, to see if you conceptually believe that asking someone to pretend to be something they are not is wrong. If you do, then that would explain your stance. If you do not, then that means that you're argument is lacking. So, no time was wasted.

Belkira wrote:
Despise you? no, because being a ***** is a choice. Who you fall in love with is not. It certainly won't gain you any respect, though.

What if the person claims that they were born that way with the need to have sex with multiple people? Is it still a choice? Are you suggesting that these people should go against their natural feelings and hide them to fit in? Who defines love? What if they claim that they are in love with these people, who are you to say that they don't?

[quote=Belkira]I don't really care. [/quote]

That's interesting that you say that you don't care, because from your responses, it appears that you care a lot more about DADT. It appears that you think DADT is wrong on so many levels but think the sodomy levels are just stupid, not really infringing on anyone's life as much as DADT does.

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