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#2202 Sep 19 2010 at 2:14 PM Rating: Excellent
5,684 posts
Almalieque wrote:
I believe that there can exist logical reasons to discriminate against someone's sexuality or sexual orientation
This pretty much sums up why you are an idiot.
#2203 Sep 19 2010 at 2:17 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Lady Bardalicious wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
I believe that there can exist logical reasons to discriminate against someone's sexuality or sexual orientation
This pretty much sums up why you are an idiot.

#2204 Sep 19 2010 at 2:37 PM Rating: Good
15,952 posts
Almalieque wrote:
Lol, you just don't realize the lifestyle of the military.... In your attempt to try to be as "gay" as possible, I'm thinking of a couple of straight people that I know that fit most of that except of the "holding hands part" and extended family part, but no I never get that far into anyone's business to even know that they're gone let alone know who they are actually seeing.

You know, that's kinda the point of DADT, no matter how questionable your behavior is, unless you actually do something like hold hands, say something or make a video, they can't question you nor do you have to answer.

So let's take this one.

You seem to be saying A) No-one in the military knows what each other's personal life it. If you aren't saying that, you seem to be saying few people in the military know anything much about each other's personal life.

B) In conjunction with other posts of yours, you seem to be saying that IF superior officer discovers a homosexual in the military, they won't kick them out anyway.

C) If a superior officer suspects someone is homosexual, they cannot question them about it, and the homosexual doesn't have to incriminate him or her self. That is true under DADT, and I don't challenge that.

A) As a proportional thing, I'll believe many personnel don't know much about each other's personal life. However, you've admitted that things like one person walking in on gays having sex are things that happen occasionally. Secondly, if the housing officers don't know, what about the censors? You're expecting gay personnel never to say anything loving or intimate in their correspondence, to keep their romance alive while away? How about the network administrators. There's a lot of traffic, but I REALLY hope that there is a little security oversight dipping in and out of all the personnel communications, to check for spying activities, or genuine stupidity in the face of national security.

Thirdly, my lieutenant then captain buddy in the Australian army, who I usually saw weekly for 9 years, had a heap of army stories to share with us, I'd say they'd come up on an average of a monthly basis. These stories usually involved the activities of himself, his friends and his wider workmates, out to battalions he wasn't even part of. Said activities included hi-jinks and shenanigans during duty and missions; the personal and sex lives of fellow personnel; and sexual and mild sensual or fore-play activity indulged in while on extended wilderness training or long term consecutive base hours.

The most notorious of those I'd say would be the company finger-sucking-each-other-and-grading-performance competition, during a mixed personnel camp-out, which had no repercussions, and the Daisy-Chain incident, which got every private except for one in a company sacked. But personally my favourite story had no sex in it at all. It involved the shit storm when some soldiers at the start of a convoy removed and temporarily stowed some road signs as a joke that went horribly wrong, and not only got the rest of the convoy lost as intended, but had their heavy vehicles thunder hundreds of kilometres off into the outskirts of Darwin as not intended, onto public roads not designed to bear the weight. And the manoeuvres the miscreants went through to successfully sneak back and re-attach the signs without being missed from their own vehicles and the base, or being detected with any other vehicle.

My army friend knew who was making desperate night-time scrambles over the in-town base perimeter fences and why. He certainly knew the basics about everyone in his company, and who they were going out with, who was getting married, divorced, or having a child. He knew the eye colour of each of the people he went on patrol or training with.

But he was a very gregarious chap, charming and friendly. Very dark skinned, a Sri Lankan-Australian, with big liquid brown eyes. Maybe he picked up all the scuttle-but when he was on one of his several potato peeling duties, during that long period he was a less than perfect officer about punctuality and maintaining physical fitness standards, especially the run-time limit.

Fourthly, don't privates and officers have graduation, medal and military ceremonies during which family, especially partners usually attend? What about those occasional officer formal dinners, or formal balls, with partners?

B) both military and civilian societies have laws around which aren't enforced, but are kept around for "just in case THIS time it's important", or "just in case there's no other way to nick him". Jay-walking laws are like that in Australia, and so are many of the road-worthy laws. Police officers pulling over suspected drug carriers will charge them for having rust on their cars, or nicks, scratches or dents in the panels, or a chip in the windscreen, if they can't find any drugs. While they won't pull over any other car for the same defects. And if they pull you over for an alcohol breath test, they won't charge you for the rust, nicks, scratches, or dents.

But being gay isn't like having rust on your car. There's no reason not to be gay, while there is some reason not to have a rusty car. Just because officials usually ignore both, doesn't mean that the first should bear the stigma and risk of an outlaw.
#2205 Sep 19 2010 at 2:54 PM Rating: Good
15,952 posts
The One and Only ShadorVIII wrote:
Aripyanfar wrote:
Belkira the Tulip wrote:
Ari, do you mean BT's posts are showing up like they're sub-default and you have to click the "expand" button to read them? None of his posts are showing up like that for me.

I wonder if your filter is messed up?

Yes, yes they are. Yes I do. It's only BT's posts. I'll go check my filter.

My filter is set as usual. Apparently my account has decided to be a wilting flower, and yours hasn't. I wonder whose account else is defending itself against the Big Bad Turtle.

Do you have him on ignore? I do, and that's how his posts show up to me.

Heck no, not on purpose. He's a funny poster, if you're M18+ and have good personal boundaries

Heh, checked my account and somehow I put him on ignore by accident. I think I even remember when I did that recently. My muscles twitch and spasm on my mouse keys unintentionally sometimes now. Smiley: glare

Thanks for the heads up Shador

Edited, Sep 19th 2010 4:57pm by Aripyanfar
#2206 Sep 19 2010 at 3:01 PM Rating: Good
3,362 posts
Did he really compare homosexuality to pedophilia? Really?
#2207 Sep 19 2010 at 3:12 PM Rating: Good
4,158 posts
Quadkit wrote:
Did he really compare homosexuality to @#%^philia? Really?

Hearing someone talk about the gheys and then mention kiddy-fiddlers in the same breath is pretty common I reckon.

God hates them both equally apparently.
"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#2208 Sep 19 2010 at 3:17 PM Rating: Excellent
15,952 posts
Almalieque wrote:
I believe that there can exist logical reasons to discriminate against someone's sexuality or sexual orientation, but at the same time does not necessarily justify any actions that may do so based on fairness. If any of these changes were to take place, it should be thought out first to minimize any immediate negative repercussions.

If it's mentally competent adults in privacy, then there's no reason to discriminate against that sexuality, and no reason for the law to discriminate. That position IS thought out, and the people agitating for SSM, and for homosexuals to have full legal equality as heterosexuals in all areas of life HAVE thought out the repercussions, and think that they are at the best beneficial, or at the worst better in consequence than the alternative.
#2209 Sep 19 2010 at 3:24 PM Rating: Good
3,053 posts
With all of Alma's complaints against the Sodomy law, it makes you wonder if he is On the Down Low.

Don't you just love how a brother will say he isn't gay, due to his religious belief, but have a butt buddy on the side, that he forgets to tell his wife about. I know too many women, who found out the hard way, when they were told by their doctors that they had a STD.

Most rules about sexual activities in the Military are in place to try to prevent service person from getting STD's and keep them from combat. Years ago you would heard about sailors that pick up a STD overseas, that prevented them from coming back into the USA. Not sure if it was actually true, or just a rumor used to make sailors question if paying for sex while on shore leave, was smart idea.

I do know that after my ex came back from a cruise once, one of the younger enlisted guys, said something about how my ex was the only one in the whole squadron, that didn't go off base in the Philippines and hire a hooker, made the chief wives that overheard him very upset.

Didn't help my social standing among the wives to be married to the only faithful sailor either.Smiley: glare
In the place of a Dark Lord you would have a Queen! Not dark but beautiful and terrible as the Morn! Treacherous as the Seas! Stronger than the foundations of the Earth! All shall love me and despair! -ElneClare

This Post is written in Elnese, If it was an actual Post, it would make sense.
#2210 Sep 19 2010 at 3:31 PM Rating: Good
15,952 posts
Quadkit wrote:
Did he really compare homosexuality to @#%^philia? Really?

I don't see where he did, but I've seen that argument made many times against legalising SSM, or adoption by gay parents, or heaven forbid, homosexual teachers. There's a lot of people out there who don't see the moral difference between homosexuality, polygamy, pedophilia, and bestiality. I think their minds are dark and scary places.

They probably also can't distinguish between the sorts of group relations that happens between that mormon sect, old-style muslim marriages between poor child brides and very older men, newer style muslim marriages involving tertiary educated adult women who marry men and fellow wives their own age for love or companionship and keep their jobs and their own income, and western style polyamouries that are dependent on equality of power and much truthfulness.
#2211 Sep 19 2010 at 3:43 PM Rating: Good
15,952 posts
ElneClare wrote:
Most rules about sexual activities in the Military are in place to try to prevent service person from getting STD's and keep them from combat. Years ago you would heard about sailors that pick up a STD overseas, that prevented them from coming back into the USA. Not sure if it was actually true, or just a rumor used to make sailors question if paying for sex while on shore leave, was smart idea.

I do know that after my ex came back from a cruise once, one of the younger enlisted guys, said something about how my ex was the only one in the whole squadron, that didn't go off base in the Philippines and hire a hooker, made the chief wives that overheard him very upset.

Didn't help my social standing among the wives to be married to the only faithful sailor either.Smiley: glare

Smiley: lol
Oh dear.

Well, with the education, training and culture that exists in Australia, the serious STDs just don't go around much. Then people got complacent about them, and their incidence rose again, and then there was more public training again in the way of advertisements and leaflets and medical messages and so forth. The Australian issue du jour on TV government advertisements is that even if a woman has a genital warts inoculation, she still should have a PAP smear done every two years to catch cervical cancer early. Her risk is lowered, not eliminated.

Don't you have a condom culture over there? A culture of getting hepatitis shots if you are in a high risk blood exposure group, like teachers, sportspeople, military, gay people and their friends who are at higher risk of being bashed on the street at night around pubs and clubs, or by homophobic classmates?
#2212 Sep 19 2010 at 3:48 PM Rating: Excellent
6,471 posts
Alma wrote:
Proving other people wrong is one thing, they'll just ignore me and go away like Eske did.

I opted out of the thread for a bit because I am exasperated by your disingenuous debate tactics. Deep down, I know that you know that; you're just posturing to help bolster that defensive shell.
#2213 Sep 19 2010 at 4:05 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Arip wrote:
You seem to be saying A) No-one in the military knows what each other's personal life it. If you aren't saying that, you seem to be saying few people in the military know anything much about each other's personal life.

Correction: People know your personal life if you tell them or around very gossipy people.

Arip wrote:
B) In conjunction with other posts of yours, you seem to be saying that IF superior officer discovers a homosexual in the military, they won't kick them out anyway.

Correction: Chances are they will not, but they can. That can vary on the person. If anything, they'll probably get "a-talkin-to" about being more discrete while beating around the bush.

Arip wrote:
A) As a proportional thing, I'll believe many personnel don't know much about each other's personal life. However, you've admitted that things like one person walking in on gays having sex are things that happen occasionally. Secondly, if the housing officers don't know, what about the censors? You're expecting gay personnel never to say anything loving or intimate in their correspondence, to keep their romance alive while away? How about the network administrators. There's a lot of traffic, but I REALLY hope that there is a little security oversight dipping in and out of all the personnel communications, to check for spying activities, or genuine stupidity in the face of national security

My job is on networks and I know privacy acts can get tricky IMO. If you're on a DoD network, your stuff is subject to be scanned, but not without reason, if I'm not mistaken. As for security purposes, key words are only searched, people aren't reading through your email, if so, a whole lot more of people would be discharged from the military. Don't quote me on that, I just started learning the whole network and security stuff.

Arip wrote:
Thirdly, my lieutenant then captain buddy in the Australian army, who I usually saw weekly for 9 years, had a heap of army stories to share with us, I'd say they'd come up on an average of a monthly basis. These stories usually involved the activities of himself, his friends and his wider workmates, out to battalions he wasn't even part of. Said activities included hi-jinks and shenanigans during duty and missions; the personal and sex lives of fellow personnel; and sexual and mild sensual or fore-play activity indulged in while on extended wilderness training or long term consecutive base hours.

The most notorious of those I'd say would be the company finger-sucking-each-other-and-grading-performance competition, during a mixed personnel camp-out, which had no repercussions, and the Daisy-Chain incident, which got every private except for one in a company sacked.

From my understanding, no sex is authorized while being deployed (i.e. Iraq, Afghanistan) for the US Army. I've heard that they were looking into changing that rule. It doesn't mean it doesn't happen, but you can expect to be in some deep ish if caught having sex while deployed.

Arip wrote:
My army friend knew who was making desperate night-time scrambles over the in-town base perimeter fences and why. He certainly knew the basics about everyone in his company, and who they were going out with, who was getting married, divorced, or having a child. He knew the eye colour of each of the people he went on patrol or training with.

As a leader, they want to know that type of stuff and knowing that stuff generally helps you, but you don't have to know to be successful. I asked personal questions to my Soldiers, but nothing beyond "are you single or married" at first unless they had additional information that they wanted to talk about. Most of my questions were about level of education, goals in life, goals in the military, hobbies and changes that they want to see done. I had no intentions of asking for any information of their significant other. Some told me some stuff, most didn't.

Now, I will make a correction if I misspoke earlier about asking personal questions. During my interview with my BC, he asked me if I were single or married, I said "single". In my mind I was thinking "next question", then he shocked me, "Do you have a significant other", at the time I kinda sorta did, but not really due to complications and I said "no". I felt like he was asking too much as I don't discuss that type of stuff. In any case, I probably would have told him no regardless, as that was my natural response.

I realized that the only reason he asked was because where we were at, international marriages had to be tracked.

Another time, I had my S3 ask me if I ever had anything to talk about that he was there. He mentioned how he had people that he mentored go out and do stupid stuff. In both stories, it involved the person getting married. He said, talk to him before making any major decisions. I think he heard some rumor and thought I was getting married. It was funny. The moral of the story is I didn't disclose anything to him nor did I have to.

Arip wrote:

Fourthly, don't privates and officers have graduation, medal and military ceremonies during which family, especially partners usually attend? What about those occasional officer formal dinners, or formal balls, with partners?

Yes, as I stated, you're talking to the wrong person if you expect sympathy, because I live in secrecy when it comes to that stuff. I've attended to most of those by myself. I realized that not only do I not want anyone to be in my business, that she would just not have any fun. The only problem is if your partner wants to go...

Arip wrote:
But being gay isn't like having rust on your car. There's no reason not to be gay, while there is some reason not to have a rusty car. Just because officials usually ignore both, doesn't mean that the first should bear the stigma and risk of an outlaw.

Up until relatively new science and technology, I can think of a really good reason not to be gay....
#2214 Sep 19 2010 at 4:23 PM Rating: Default
1,150 posts
Keep going, we might hit 50. Is this Zam's longest thread evar now?
#2215 Sep 19 2010 at 4:29 PM Rating: Excellent
15,952 posts
Almalieque wrote:
Up until relatively new science and technology, I can think of a really good reason not to be gay....

Oooooo, so close. I was at peace with all of your post, up until here. I'm not going to comment on this last line because I'm not exactly sure what you are alluding to. Actually, I'll make one comment in the dark. Since gay people can't help being gay, it's a state of being, I really think that people should work WITH any difficulties they have, not against.
#2216 Sep 19 2010 at 4:38 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
The One and Only ShadorVIII wrote:
Keep going, we might hit 50. Is this Zam's longest thread evar now?
Bored Druid Thread is about 3k replies, WoW Beta giveaway contest thread reached 6.5k or so posts in a week.
#2217 Sep 19 2010 at 4:39 PM Rating: Good
The One and Only ShadorVIII wrote:
Kavekk the Ludicrous wrote:
"Black" isn't technically a race either, you know. In fact, the races most people think of when you say the word have no basis in biology whatsoever; they are social constructs. My government defines white british as a race, therefore it is valid. The point is that you're associating the colour of my skin with negative stereotypes, and it's pretty offensive. What are you going to do next, brown-shirt, sing the Horst-Wessel song?

Way to prove just how thin-skinned and stupid you are. Any normal person would have understood the "pasty-faced" in context as referring to the fact that you get no sun because you stay in mummy's basement all day insulting people on the internet, not a reference to your race or nationality, which I didn't even know until you told me, you turd-licking, cunt-brained limey.

This is like trying to play tennis with a black hole; it destroys information rather than process it, and while it can't possibly win it seems to take a long time to lose. You can't possible get a volley going, either, 'cause it keeps swallowing the balls.

Yeah, I understand what you meant. I'll say again, the problem is that you're associating the colour of my skin with negative stereotypes, in this case ones that pertain to unsociable shut-ins. Besides, as you'd qalready spelled out what you thought I was explicitly, I can only assume "pasty" was an insult in its own right. Truly, you are history's greatest racist.

Also, cunt-brained? Really?

#2218 Sep 19 2010 at 4:59 PM Rating: Default
1,150 posts
Nothing was said here.

Edited, Sep 27th 2010 7:53pm by ShadorVIII
#2219 Sep 19 2010 at 4:59 PM Rating: Excellent
Alma just went from willfully dense and ignorant to repulsive in my book.
#2220 Sep 19 2010 at 5:29 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Quadkit wrote:
Did he really compare homosexuality to @#%^philia? Really?

I asked you a simple question, you made your own comparison.. so answer the question. Quoted again for your convenience.

Almalieque wrote:
Quad wrote:

Being born a certain way is not expressing yourself, any more than you express yourself by being black.

Well, when I show up to work, everyone knows my skin color and yours as well. No one knows your sexuality, religious beliefs, political views, fears, etc. until actions are done. So the comparison of a physical trait to a personality trait is a complete failure.

So, you're saying that being born with certain feelings towards something,( something that you didn't know existed prior to birth), must be expressed openly as a part of your life. That telling someone not to tell people or give the perception that they are attracted to little girls is the same thing as telling you not to be white?

Interesting... I would like to know the answer to that question..

Arip wrote:
If it's mentally competent adults in privacy, then there's no reason to discriminate against that sexuality, and no reason for the law to discriminate.

So, you believe that there shouldn't be any laws that prevent people from expressing their sexuality as long as it's mentally competent adults in privacy? Is that right or are there any more personal restrictions that you would like to add to that?

Arip wrote:
That position IS thought out, and the people agitating for SSM, and for homosexuals to have full legal equality as heterosexuals in all areas of life HAVE thought out the repercussions, and think that they are at the best beneficial, or at the worst better in consequence than the alternative.

If that is true, then it hasn't been expressed on this forum. People have came up with various arguments on SSM, non of which were exclusive to homosexuals. That's not a problem, but then they turn right around and get all pissy when someone mentions another group that their argument also supports. Saying things like "Did he really compare homosexuality to @#%^philia? Really?". If it were so thought out, no one wouldn't be able to interject those groups if they were unwanted.

EC wrote:
With all of Alma's complaints against the Sodomy law, it makes you wonder if he is On the Down Low.

I never made any complaints against the sodomy laws, I made complaints of overlooking the sodomy laws to attack DADT. Besides, receiving oral sex from a girl doesn't make me gay.

EC wrote:
Didn't help my social standing among the wives to be married to the only faithful sailor either.Smiley: glare

That's hilarious, I would have made me a trophy or a plaque that said that so when other people come over they could see it.

To be honest, I found out during my tour in korea, most people cheat. Some people tell their spouses that they are still not authorized to come for that very purpose. At the same time, I've heard that people go to the clubs in the states and pick up wives of deployed Soldiers all the times. So it definitely works both ways...

Eske wrote:
I opted out of the thread for a bit because I am exasperated by your disingenuous debate tactics. Deep down, I know that you know that; you're just posturing to help bolster that defensive shell.

I don't see it that way. I asked you a very specific question. Given your definition of "personal trait", wouldn't a person's size be considered a "personal trait"? Why or why not?

#2221 Sep 19 2010 at 5:46 PM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
Alma wrote:
I don't see it that way.

I don't really give a fuck. Smiley: rolleyes

Edited, Sep 19th 2010 7:47pm by Eske
#2222 Sep 19 2010 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Eske, Star Breaker wrote:
Alma wrote:
I don't see it that way.

I don't really give a fuck. Smiley: rolleyes

Edited, Sep 19th 2010 7:47pm by Eske

So, are you going to answer the question or not? Forget the explanation, just a simple yes or no would suffice.. You can't say that you're "done" with me when not only did you take the bait, but you replied a second time as well...

Belkira wrote:
Alma just went from willfully dense and ignorant to repulsive in my book.

Is there really a difference in respect to my image?
#2223 Sep 19 2010 at 6:25 PM Rating: Good
Almalieque wrote:
Belkira wrote:
Alma just went from willfully dense and ignorant to repulsive in my book.

Is there really a difference in respect to my image?

In my opinion, yes. I can still respect you a little if you're just clinging to illusions to nurse some hurt or insecurity. But the attitude you show towards an individual simply based on who they love makes me sick, and I can't respect someone like that.
#2224 Sep 19 2010 at 6:41 PM Rating: Excellent
GBATE!! Never saw it coming
9,969 posts
Almalieque wrote:
I believe that there can exist logical reasons to discriminate against someone's sexuality or sexual orientation

How can an ostensibly American black man possibly make this statement without being the biggest ******* hypocrite on the planet?

Really, Alma....REALLY?

You keep saying that the military needs a solid image, corps cohesion and discipline and that gays in the military are a disruptive force of same. You realize that exact same argument was made to keep colored folks out years ago, right?

Or at least out of combat: "Golly, them Niggra boys sure can haul ammo, but goddam if we'll let 'em carry a rifle!"

The only possible way to justify your attitude is homophobia.
remorajunbao wrote:
One day I'm going to fly to Canada and open the curtains in your office.

#2225 Sep 19 2010 at 6:47 PM Rating: Excellent
16,299 posts
Friar Bijou wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
I believe that there can exist logical reasons to discriminate against someone's sexuality or sexual orientation

How can an ostensibly American black man possibly make this statement without being the biggest @#%^ing hypocrite on the planet?

Really, Alma....REALLY?

You keep saying that the military needs a solid image, corps cohesion and discipline and that gays in the military are a disruptive force of same. You realize that exact same argument was made to keep colored folks out years ago, right?

Or at least out of combat: "Golly, them Niggra boys sure can haul ammo, but goddam if we'll let 'em carry a rifle!"

The only possible way to justify your attitude is homophobia.

#2226 Sep 19 2010 at 6:50 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Belkira the Tulip wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
Belkira wrote:
Alma just went from willfully dense and ignorant to repulsive in my book.

Is there really a difference in respect to my image?

In my opinion, yes. I can still respect you a little if you're just clinging to illusions to nurse some hurt or insecurity. But the attitude you show towards an individual simply based on who they love makes me sick, and I can't respect someone like that.

That is only because you have the belief that there are no logical explanations to discriminate against homosexuality. So, in your mind, you have created this false image of me having a negative attitude towards homosexuals, which simply isn't true.

The reality is, there can exist logical explanations to discriminate based on, sex, race, nationality, height, weight, hair color or any other physical or personality trait. This doesn't mean that you have to agree with them, but they can exist. With that being said, you can't just assume that people have malignant views on others because they support something that just so happens to discriminate others. Well, you can, but you could very well be mistaken, like you are here.
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