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#1927 Sep 15 2010 at 7:18 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Even more to the point, if no one is allowed to show any sexuality or have any sort of relationship beyond the most sterile (as Alma wants us to believe), then there's absolutely no reason to ban homosexuals from serving anyway whether we know they're homosexual or not.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#1928 Sep 15 2010 at 7:21 AM Rating: Good
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
Sometimes I miss George.

Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#1929 Sep 15 2010 at 7:45 AM Rating: Good
Almalieque wrote:
If you were a homosexual, you had to lie to get in, essentially splitting heterosexuals from closeted homosexuals.

Yeah, now they have to lie to stay in the military. Because when people ask about their lives back home, they have to invent relationships with people of the opposite sex. Smiley: rolleyes

Almalieque wrote:
False, this goes back to physical traits vs personality traits. There are more to people then just their sexuality. When a tall white male applies for the military, we see a tall white male. People aren't asking him what sexual desires that he has. If that were a question upon entry, a lot more people would be denied as well. That's where the equality comes in. The military doesn't ask people about their sexual preferences, so why should their sexuality be any different?

So no one asks him about his girlfriend back home? Why don't I believe that...?

Almalieque wrote:
What you are asking is for homosexuals to be allowed to be open about certain activities that may go against the "image" and everyone else has to hide it. Again, I already mentioned the ban on oral sex, **** sex, etc. So everyone else has to keep their sexual preferences that violates the "image" except for homosexuals because they're special.

No, other people can talk about their significant others. Keep pictures of them around. Receive gifts from them. Talk to them on the phone. Things like that.

Almalieque wrote:
You join the military and if your personality somewhat conflicts with "the image", you just keep quiet and move on. This applies in so many areas of the military. You just have no idea how many unwritten rules there are that people have to follow. You just don't know. So you all sound really silly implying that everyone is so free to express themselves and don't have to hide the most fundamental basic parts of who they are.

Considering you are the only military member on this board who is trying to make us believe that, I find it difficult to just accept your word for it.

Almalieque wrote:
You're absolutely correct. That supports the statement that homosexuals can actually marry as long as the partner isn't of the same sex. Your sexuality has nothing to do with the actual relationship criteria of marriage. Thank CBD for pointing that out. We agree..

Except, you know, that sham marriages are illegal. Good try, though!

Almalieque wrote:
First, Belkira was trying to make this a "holding hand thing". I just replied that I can't hold hands with most of the females in the military.

No, I wasn't. I was making a point. I'm not surprised you didn't get it, though.

Almalieque wrote:
I had a 1SG do a room inspection and walked in on a girl carpet munching the other. He just closed the door and kept walking.

You guys know nothing about the military and are just simply making stuff up to argue about.

So, from everything you're saying, it sounds like repealing DADT wont' make a bit of difference. So you must be for it, then, I assume. Because absolutely nothing will change. Well, that's nice to see. I was beginning to think that maybe you just hated homosexuals because they disgust you or something.
#1930 Sep 15 2010 at 8:56 AM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
In a way it doesn't. Actually, DADT does exactly the opposite. Before, your sexuality was questioned upon application. If you were a homosexual, you had to lie to get in, essentially splitting heterosexuals from closeted homosexuals. Now with DADT, the military says "well we don't ask people who their partners are and what they do with their partners, so we aren't going to ask you about your sexuality either". This allows homosexuals to join and keep their personal business to themselves just like everyone else.

What Joph and Belkira said.
#1931 Sep 15 2010 at 12:29 PM Rating: Good
In an effort to move this along to at least 40 pages, I'd like to say I essentially trust Mike Mullen and Colin Powell.
#1932 Sep 15 2010 at 12:48 PM Rating: Good
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
If everyone was named Pat or Chris this wouldn't be an issue.
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#1933 Sep 15 2010 at 12:56 PM Rating: Decent
Why was Bush holding that dude's hand anyway? I mean.. I get shaking hands (or OMG!!! bowing) as a greeting, but seriously, when did hand holding become an acceptable gesture of diplomacy? Hand-in-hand is supposed to be a metaphor.
#1934 Sep 15 2010 at 1:45 PM Rating: Excellent
3,053 posts
Funny back when my ex was in the Navy, one of the things they stress to couples was the importance of staying in touch with your spouse and/or S.O. while the other one was out at sea. Why the Military has their own email accounts and encourage use of voice mail and file sharing of photos for couples to use.

Plus if you restrict members from talking about their relationships, there goes VFA 113's favorite gossip topic. Both the sailors at sea and wives back home would talk about who was cheating on who. As long as it wasn't creating a problem with moral, nothing was said to put an end to some of the more scandalous problems. In the 7 years on base I know of only 3 times any of VFA 113's member had been discharged due to their personal lives. One wife had a drug problem, one couldn't cope with being on sea duty and then there was John Steelman who murder his wife during an argument, where she told him he wasn't the father of the baby she was carrying.

As to my ex, he was no longer assign to sea duty when one of the base security guards found him wearing a shirt on duty at a remote radar site miles from the base. It wasn't until the base got a new XO that didn't want that type of person in his navy, was any action taken to discharge him honorably. They couldn't make a case of him being out of uniform and so went on the fact that he started to have panic attacks again, and there was no marks on his record during 14 years of active duty. Cross dressing will not get you discharged as their are far more acceptable in jobs that were thought of as Male professions back in the 80's. Then Gender isn't the same as one's sexuality.
In the place of a Dark Lord you would have a Queen! Not dark but beautiful and terrible as the Morn! Treacherous as the Seas! Stronger than the foundations of the Earth! All shall love me and despair! -ElneClare

This Post is written in Elnese, If it was an actual Post, it would make sense.
#1935 Sep 15 2010 at 1:48 PM Rating: Good
ElneClare wrote:
As to my ex, he was no longer assign to sea duty when one of the base security guards found him wearing a shirt on duty at a remote radar site miles from the base.

I'm assuming you meant skirt?
#1936 Sep 15 2010 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
1,150 posts
Perhaps I just need to brush up on Elnese but:

ElneClare wrote:

Funny back when my ex was in the Navy...

As to my ex, he was no longer assign to sea duty when one of the base security guards found him wearing a shirt on duty at a remote radar site miles from the base. It wasn't until the base got a new XO that didn't want that type of person in his navy, was any action taken to discharge him honorably. They couldn't make a case of him being out of uniform and so went on the fact that he started to have panic attacks again, and there was no marks on his record during 14 years of active duty. Cross dressing will not get you discharged as their are far more acceptable in jobs that were thought of as Male professions back in the 80's. Then Gender isn't the same as one's sexuality.

This kind of makes sense if you change the word "shirt" to "skirt", I guess. The last two sentences still don't quite make sense, though.

Edit: Damnit, Belks beat me to the punch.

Edited, Sep 15th 2010 3:53pm by ShadorVIII
#1937 Sep 15 2010 at 2:16 PM Rating: Good
3,053 posts
Learn to read Elnese. I always mess up the spelling of skirt and shirt since in Elnese they are pronounce the same. Plus he could have just as well been found out of uniform wearing women slacks, or jeans instead of the denim bell bottoms he should have been wearing.

As 2 the last 2 sentances, 1)the pronouns refer to the subject in sentence before it and 2) Gender =/= sexuality preference.

This is a common misunderstanding, as most people think one's gender and sex is the referring to the same thing. Your gender is either male, female or hermaphrodite and determine by both your brain and what sexual organ you are born with, ********** ovaries, one of each (hermaphrodites), ovotestes, or other gonadal dysgenesis. Trans sexual persons brain tells them they are one gender, while the social system in which they are raise in says they are the gender of their physical sexual organs.

Sexuality has to do with the sex of persons you are attracted to, Heterosexual, homosexual or bi-sexual.

If you are still confuse or I just added to your confusion instead of clearing things up, there are a few Allafems who can translate elnese.

In the place of a Dark Lord you would have a Queen! Not dark but beautiful and terrible as the Morn! Treacherous as the Seas! Stronger than the foundations of the Earth! All shall love me and despair! -ElneClare

This Post is written in Elnese, If it was an actual Post, it would make sense.
#1938 Sep 15 2010 at 2:29 PM Rating: Good
ElneClare wrote:
Learn to read Elnese. I always mess up the spelling of skirt and shirt since in Elnese they are pronounce the same.

I didn't realize it was common. Smiley: smile I figured you meant skirt. I don't usually have a problem understanding your posts.
#1939 Sep 15 2010 at 3:40 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Jophiel wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
Second, no one can freely talk about their sexuality without getting in trouble.

Really? Honestly? You can't tell anyone that you're married? You can't mention your girlfriend? Your fiancee? You can't say the cashier you guys saw at McDonald's was cute?

Really? Or else you get in trouble? How about if you mention your "life partner" Jim? Or your boyfriend? Or that the male cashier you saw at McDonald's was cute? Those are all exactly the same, huh?

You realize no one believes this, right?

Jophiel wrote:
Even more to the point, if no one is allowed to show any sexuality or have any sort of relationship beyond the most sterile (as Alma wants us to believe), then there's absolutely no reason to ban homosexuals from serving anyway whether we know they're homosexual or not.

I didn't say that you couldn't talk about their relationship, I said freely. There's a huge difference. That difference being it depends on your relationship. If Ana May is a NCO or in my COC, then I can't talk about it because that violates the military's image. On the other hand, if Ana May is a civilian, then I have more room to talk. You realize how many people that are married but separated who have to keep all of their relations undercover?

Belkira wrote:
Yeah, now they have to lie to stay in the military. Because when people ask about their lives back home, they have to invent relationships with people of the opposite sex. Smiley: rolleyes

False, that's the whole point of DADT. You're not lying to stay in, because no one is asking. Everyone knows that the butch female and flaming guy are gay, as long as you're not making videos or showing affection in public. I know you're thinking "hey that's not fair, they should be able to show affection in public". In all of the types of relations that can get you trouble, I assure you, a homosexual one is at the bottom of the list. Besides, as I will state below, showing affection in public gives the perception and the military operates off of perception, hence the focus on image.

Once again, this is all about images, not homosexuality. If the CO attempts to chapter a serviceman because of their sexuality, that will draw negative attention to the CO, unit and the overall service. So chances are very high that nothing will be done unless its something outrageous, such as making films and selling them or something. Those types of charges are usually the ones that they add onto something major, such as rape. If a person rapes another and they can throw in the sodomy charge, they will, just to make it worse for the person.

Matter of fact, during another OPD, the BDE legal stated just that. He said that he wouldn't even do the case because of the BDE CDR's image. Even though the legal was married, it seemed that he had a little sugar in his tank, so we can tell he was a little biased.

Belkira wrote:
So no one asks him about his girlfriend back home? Why don't I believe that...?

Different people ask different questions. People may ask if they are married or single, but they aren't asking them about their sexual desires, i.e. sexual positions, what type of people they are interested in, etc. If they do ask, you have a right not to answer. If you're gay and they ask "You have a girl back home", you can reply with "no".

You're just making stuff up to make a point..

Belkira wrote:
No, other people can talk about their significant others. Keep pictures of them around. Receive gifts from them. Talk to them on the phone. Things like that.

Read two responses up. No, everyone can't do that. It all depends on who their significant other is. I knew a SSG at work who was told to remove the picture of his wife and her friends off of his desktop because it was a picture of them in a club. She was fully dressed, but because they were "Club girls", someone got offended..

Once again, you're making stuff up to make a point.

Belkira wrote:
Considering you are the only military member on this board who is trying to make us believe that, I find it difficult to just accept your word for it.

Really? Who else is military on this forum. Find me a military person who disagrees with that statement. I dare you, because you can't do it, if that person is telling the truth. There are so many "unwritten" rules that some seem legit. Just mention Mandatory fun, Dinning In's, Dinning outs, Hails and farewells, FRG's, etc. Just because you think that stuff doesn't exist, doesn't mean they don't exist. It probably has to do with the fact that you have no idea what you're talking about. Just a hunch.

Belkira wrote:
Except, you know, that sham marriages are illegal. Good try, though!

We went over this already. Love is not the determining factor of a "Sham marriage". Even your own sources supported that. It is simply meeting the criteria of a relationship. Getting married to a complete stranger that you don't love is not a "sham marriage". Doing so and not meeting the relationship's criteria is. Good try, though!! Actually it really wasn't good at all, since we already went over this.

Belkira wrote:

So, from everything you're saying, it sounds like repealing DADT wont' make a bit of difference. So you must be for it, then, I assume. Because absolutely nothing will change. Well, that's nice to see. I was beginning to think that maybe you just hated homosexuals because they disgust you or something.

Silly you... The actions will not change, but the IMAGE will. That's the whole point I'm trying to tell you. You can't have rules against other activities such as sodomy, but then support people being openly gay. That's hypocritical. Yes, sexuality and sexual activities are two different things, but so is two gay people behaving as platonic friends vs two gay people showing affection to each other. If you're showing affection, then there is perception and that's what the military goes by regardless if it is true or not. This goes back to the rules I mentioned earlier.

Edited, Sep 15th 2010 11:44pm by Almalieque
#1940 Sep 15 2010 at 4:03 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Almalieque wrote:
I didn't say that you couldn't talk about their relationship, I said freely. There's a huge difference.

Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#1941 Sep 15 2010 at 4:08 PM Rating: Good
13,240 posts
Elinda wrote:
Sometimes I miss George.


It's funny, because the sheik looks pregnant.
Just as Planned.
#1942 Sep 15 2010 at 4:14 PM Rating: Excellent
13,240 posts
Silly you... The actions will not change, but the IMAGE will. That's the whole point I'm trying to tell you. You can't have rules against other activities such as sodomy, but then support people being openly gay. That's hypocritical. Yes, sexuality and sexual activities are two different things, but so is two gay people behaving as platonic friends vs two gay people showing affection to each other. If you're showing affection, then there is perception and that's what the military goes by regardless if it is true or not. This goes back to the rules I mentioned earlier.

More hypocritical then letting gays serve in the military as long as they don't say they are gay?

Why is it a non-issue if someone says they are straight in the military, but becomes an issue if they say they are gay?

Also, sodomy is neither solely restricted to homosexuals nor a mandatory component of their lifestyle.
Just as Planned.
#1943 Sep 15 2010 at 4:43 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Timelordwho wrote:
Silly you... The actions will not change, but the IMAGE will. That's the whole point I'm trying to tell you. You can't have rules against other activities such as sodomy, but then support people being openly gay. That's hypocritical. Yes, sexuality and sexual activities are two different things, but so is two gay people behaving as platonic friends vs two gay people showing affection to each other. If you're showing affection, then there is perception and that's what the military goes by regardless if it is true or not. This goes back to the rules I mentioned earlier.

More hypocritical then letting gays serve in the military as long as they don't say they are gay?

Why is it a non-issue if someone says they are straight in the military, but becomes an issue if they say they are gay?

It's because it's not about being gay or not... I keep telling you all, it's about the image that the military perceives to be the best suited for the military, this includes various sexual and non-sexual activities, life styles, etc. So, yes, it's more hypocritical because everyone else is restricted to this same image and allowing homosexuals to be open in a relationship that the military has clearly deemed to be against that image but prevent everyone else to do the same is very hypocritical.

It's very simple, it's all or nothing, at least in reference to sexuality.

TLW wrote:
Also, sodomy is neither solely restricted to homosexuals nor a mandatory component of their lifestyle.

I know, we already stated this. This is why DADT works. You being gay doesn't mean you have to show affection at work to your significant other. This allows you to join and do your job without your sexuality preventing you from accomplishing the mission.

Edited, Sep 16th 2010 12:44am by Almalieque
#1944 Sep 15 2010 at 4:53 PM Rating: Good
Almalieque wrote:

It's because it's not about being gay or not... I keep telling you all, it's about the image that the military perceives to be the best suited for the military, this includes various sexual and non-sexual activities, life styles, etc. So, yes, it's more hypocritical because everyone else is restricted to this same image and allowing homosexuals to be open in a relationship that the military has clearly deemed to be against that image but prevent everyone else to do the same is very hypocritical.

It's very simple, it's all or nothing, at least in reference to sexuality.

Can you step back and rephrase the part in bold so that it is consistent with itself in the context of your post? If so, there is still hope for you.
#1945 Sep 15 2010 at 6:25 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
yossarian wrote:
Almalieque wrote:

It's because it's not about being gay or not... I keep telling you all, it's about the image that the military perceives to be the best suited for the military, this includes various sexual and non-sexual activities, life styles, etc. So, yes, it's more hypocritical because everyone else is restricted to this same image and allowing homosexuals to be open in a relationship that the military has clearly deemed to be against that image but prevent everyone else to do the same is very hypocritical.

It's very simple, it's all or nothing, at least in reference to sexuality.

Can you step back and rephrase the part in bold so that it is consistent with itself in the context of your post? If so, there is still hope for you.

The military has an image on accepted behavior in regards to relationships and sexuality, many of which are accepted by society, but not accepted by the military, i.e. a married person who is going through a divorce and separated from their spouse but is dating someone else.

Everyone has to abide by these rules.

The military has rules against sodomy.

Heterosexual couples have to keep any practiced activities that are considered sodomy to themselves.

Currently, homosexuals can serve in the military.

The military runs off of image and perception, so even if johnny and susie are platonic friends, if it appears to be more and their relationship isn't accepted, then actions will take place.

If homosexuals are allowed to openly serve in the military, i.e. showing affection, that gives off the perception of a relationship more than platonic, i.e. intimate, which violates the sodomy rules.

These are the same rules that everyone else has to keep to themselves. Johhny and Susie can't be real good friends because of perception, yet, it's ok for Adam and Steve to prance around giving the perception that they are intimate.

That is hypocritical.

Either change all the rules on relationships for everyone or don't change anything. I'm sure there are probably some rules that can be changed that would end up being contradictory, but open homosexuality is definitely not one of them.
#1946 Sep 15 2010 at 6:38 PM Rating: Good
Almalieque wrote:
The military has an image on accepted behavior in regards to relationships and sexuality, many of which are accepted by society, but not accepted by the military, i.e. a married person who is going through a divorce and separated from their spouse but is dating someone else.

Everyone has to abide by these rules.

The military has rules against sodomy.

Heterosexual couples have to keep any practiced activities that are considered sodomy to themselves.

Currently, homosexuals can serve in the military.

The military runs off of image and perception, so even if johnny and susie are platonic friends, if it appears to be more and their relationship isn't accepted, then actions will take place.

If homosexuals are allowed to openly serve in the military, i.e. showing affection, that gives off the perception of a relationship more than platonic, i.e. intimate, which violates the sodomy rules.

These are the same rules that everyone else has to keep to themselves. Johhny and Susie can't be real good friends because of perception, yet, it's ok for Adam and Steve to prance around giving the perception that they are intimate.

That is hypocritical.

Either change all the rules on relationships for everyone or don't change anything. I'm sure there are probably some rules that can be changed that would end up being contradictory, but open homosexuality is definitely not one of them.

This is just a lot of crap that means nothing.

The bottom line is this. If someone says they are heterosexual, they are ok. If someone says they are homosexual, that's not ok. Period.

You can go on to argue that it's not true, that it won't be reported, that they won't get kicked out yadda yadda, but the actual law is, if they say they are a homosexual, they are done.

It's the same thing with the sham marriage thing that you're in denial about. Sham marriage is illegal whether it's known or not. It's illegal. Period. You don't like hearing that because it undermines one of your "logical" ideas of why it's ok to discriminate against homosexuals, but that's the reality.

As for other military personnel on this board, I know lolgaxe is currently serving. Doug is in the military, but he doesn't post in the Asylum. I'm sure there are others that I'm not aware of.
#1947 Sep 15 2010 at 7:11 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Belkira the Tulip wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
The military has an image on accepted behavior in regards to relationships and sexuality, many of which are accepted by society, but not accepted by the military, i.e. a married person who is going through a divorce and separated from their spouse but is dating someone else.

Everyone has to abide by these rules.

The military has rules against sodomy.

Heterosexual couples have to keep any practiced activities that are considered sodomy to themselves.

Currently, homosexuals can serve in the military.

The military runs off of image and perception, so even if johnny and susie are platonic friends, if it appears to be more and their relationship isn't accepted, then actions will take place.

If homosexuals are allowed to openly serve in the military, i.e. showing affection, that gives off the perception of a relationship more than platonic, i.e. intimate, which violates the sodomy rules.

These are the same rules that everyone else has to keep to themselves. Johhny and Susie can't be real good friends because of perception, yet, it's ok for Adam and Steve to prance around giving the perception that they are intimate.

That is hypocritical.

Either change all the rules on relationships for everyone or don't change anything. I'm sure there are probably some rules that can be changed that would end up being contradictory, but open homosexuality is definitely not one of them.

This is just a lot of crap that means nothing.

The bottom line is this. If someone says they are heterosexual, they are ok. If someone says they are homosexual, that's not ok. Period.

You can go on to argue that it's not true, that it won't be reported, that they won't get kicked out yadda yadda, but the actual law is, if they say they are a homosexual, they are done.

It's the same thing with the sham marriage thing that you're in denial about. Sham marriage is illegal whether it's known or not. It's illegal. Period. You don't like hearing that because it undermines one of your "logical" ideas of why it's ok to discriminate against homosexuals, but that's the reality.

As for other military personnel on this board, I know lolgaxe is currently serving. Doug is in the military, but he doesn't post in the Asylum. I'm sure there are others that I'm not aware of.

I'm sorry Belkira, which unit do you serve with? I think I missed it.

Ask GAXE and Doug if they've served with people that everyone knew were gay. Ask them if they were kicked out. Honestly, you are purely making stuff up. YOu have never served in the military and you probably have never even been on on a military base. I've seen countless homosexuals prancing around with their significant others all the time, so I apologize for thinking you're full of it, because you are.

To be honest, I only brought that topic to reach 40 pages, but it astounds me on how someone can be so ignorant. I can understand other topics where we're just having opinions, but you have absolutely ZERO military experience and you have the audacity to make up BS and claim it's true just because it makes you feel better. You are a better person than I am, because I would never go out and purposely make a fool of myself on a subject that I know I have no idea what I'm talking about. I mean, you and I both know that you have know personal experience at all dealing with this or any references or anything. You're just making stuff up that sounds right based on the "rule".

You have to be completely delusional if you think somebody can avoid orders to Iraq or Afghanistan because s/he came out of the closet (i.e getting kicked out).. get real....

If I didn't think you would just find some random people to lie, I would bet you money via Western Union that any servicemen that you find that's been in the military for at least a couple of years would agree with me. The military is about perception period.

That's reality, deal with it
#1948 Sep 15 2010 at 7:17 PM Rating: Good
3,362 posts
Belkira, he's right. Your sources are terrible. Learn from Alma's citations... like "a whole bunch of guys I know in the military!" and "I'm willing to bet!" and "it's really the reality, really!"
#1949Almalieque, Posted: Sep 15 2010 at 8:04 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Except I told her to reference people in this thread that she knows.. Matter of fact, there was some other homosexual debate that went on not too long ago when another vet said the same thing as I did, that he served with homosexuals and no one cared or that no one cares in general, one or the other.
#1950 Sep 15 2010 at 8:10 PM Rating: Good
4,512 posts
Wait, is Alma trying to claim it's ok because gay people aren't usually kicked out?

PS - stop mentioning sodomy rules, Alma. Again, sexual relations are not sexuality.
#1951 Sep 15 2010 at 8:24 PM Rating: Good
5,684 posts
if we all stop now, there will be no 40get.

Edited, Sep 15th 2010 9:25pm by Bardalicious
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