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#1652 Aug 26 2010 at 5:21 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
BrownDuck wrote:
gbaji wrote:

Like Alma, you're full of sh*t. Your verbosity only exaggerates this fact.

You run out of logic, and out come the attacks. Gotta love consistency!

Freedom is the absence of coercion. When the government creates a legal status which requires that you do something in return for some benefits, you are being coerced. How can you not see this?

Being allowed to enter into the state status of marriage has nothing to do with freedom. It has to do with a benefit. Nothing more. We can absolutely discuss whether it's fair or right to place restrictions on that benefit, but let's not pretend that we're talking about freedom here.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#1653 Aug 26 2010 at 5:29 PM Rating: Good
gbaji wrote:
BrownDuck wrote:
gbaji wrote:

Like Alma, you're full of sh*t. Your verbosity only exaggerates this fact.

You run out of logic, and out come the attacks. Gotta love consistency!

I have plenty of logic, you dim witted ********* I'm just not going to waste any significant amount of keystrokes arguing with someone who barely manages the intellect of a brick wall.
#1654 Aug 26 2010 at 5:50 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
BrownDuck wrote:
gbaji wrote:
BrownDuck wrote:
gbaji wrote:

Like Alma, you're full of sh*t. Your verbosity only exaggerates this fact.

You run out of logic, and out come the attacks. Gotta love consistency!

I have plenty of logic, you dim witted @#%^tard. I'm just not going to waste any significant amount of keystrokes arguing with someone who barely manages the intellect of a brick wall.

That's a lot of keystroke used to avoid admitting that statutory marriage has nothing at all to do with freedom. Funny!
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#1655 Aug 26 2010 at 5:51 PM Rating: Excellent
gbaji wrote:
That's a lot of keystroke used to avoid admitting that statutory marriage has nothing at all to do with freedom. Funny!

Add delusional to the list of attributes you exude, and I think I'm done here.
#1656 Aug 26 2010 at 5:52 PM Rating: Good
Since when has marriage had anything to do with freedom in the first place, though?

EDIT: Yes, this is a veiled "ball and chain" joke. Do not take the question seriously.

Edited, Aug 26th 2010 4:53pm by MDenham
#1657 Aug 26 2010 at 6:12 PM Rating: Good
GBATE!! Never saw it coming
9,969 posts
BrownDuck wrote:
gbaji wrote:
BrownDuck wrote:
gbaji wrote:

Like Alma, you're full of sh*t. Your verbosity only exaggerates this fact.

You run out of logic, and out come the attacks. Gotta love consistency!

I have plenty of logic, you dim witted @#%^tard. I'm just not going to waste any significant amount of keystrokes arguing with someone who barely manages the intellect of a brick wall.

There are some people here from the Brick Wall Anti-Defamation League who want to talk to you, Stubbs.
remorajunbao wrote:
One day I'm going to fly to Canada and open the curtains in your office.

#1658 Aug 26 2010 at 6:24 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Wow! It's like a struck a nerve(tm) or something!

You honestly can't just acknowledge that the point I made was valid? That's kinda sad... :(
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#1659 Aug 26 2010 at 7:15 PM Rating: Excellent
3,053 posts
Mr.Smiley: tinfoilhatSmiley: inlove to Smiley: banghead
In the place of a Dark Lord you would have a Queen! Not dark but beautiful and terrible as the Morn! Treacherous as the Seas! Stronger than the foundations of the Earth! All shall love me and despair! -ElneClare

This Post is written in Elnese, If it was an actual Post, it would make sense.
#1660 Aug 26 2010 at 7:41 PM Rating: Excellent
Almalieque wrote:
How is asking you if you have a problem being called a hatred filled word when you don't have that hatred translates to me "having no idea what I'm talking about".

Because the definition of homophobe is broad, and the definition of racist isn't so broad, so your analogy fails, completely.

Alma wrote:
Back when you kept saying SCOTUS SCOTUS SCOTUS!!!! Your whole argument was that the SCOTUS says marriage is a right and so not allowing SSM is somehow denying their right to marry. You defended your illogical argument saying that it seemed to work in court. I countered to say, yes it does, the same place where the truth doesn't matter as long as you can argue your point. You countered to say, sure, but that's where it counts.

So you admitted that it isn't about the truth, but how you argue. This means that what the SCOTUS says doesn't necessarily support reality. This doesn't support your actions of yelling SCOTUS SCOTUS but the SCOTUS said it's a right!!!

I've been keeping along quite well.

Apparently not, if you think that was me ridiculing you. The SCOTUS is the law of the land. If they say marriage is a right in this country, then it is. Period. You can disagree with it if you like, but you can't say, "It's not really a right" when the Law of the ******* Land says it is. The SCOTUS is reality. I'm sorry that you want to live outside of reality. Regardless, the whole point was that you wouldn't admit you were wrong when faced with the evidence that marriage is a right. I'm not asking you to change your opinion whether it should be a right or not, just to acknowledge that it is[ a right, according to our government.

I can see how you translated my sarcastic "sure" with accepting whatever it is you say I accepted, but it was supposed to be sarcastic. That doesn't show through in text, I apologize for the confusion.

Alma wrote:
That's not hypocritical at all.

In my case, I'm talking about my main point which I have stated multiple times over that people seem to over look. It's a way for me to stop repeating myself, by telling you the exact page it was on, not 30 pages.

In your case, it was a side point which had no relevance because the point that I was arguing was still present. Besides, YOU DIDN'T EVEN take the time out to look to see what you said, why should I?

After I wrote that, I did go back. I was right. Not that it matters, because you just wanted to "get" me instead of doing your homework.

Alma wrote:
I go back and find the exact wording before I tell the forum to look for anything. I actually do more work telling you to find it than just saying it.

So, there's no hypocrisy at all.

Sure there is. You expect people to keep up with what you're saying when they argue with you, but you can't be bothered to do so yourself. You might not like that it's hypocritical, but it is.

Alma wrote:
BD wrote:
Basic comprehension, moron. I said it wouldn't change my mind, period. It's nice to have a court validate my opinion, but it is hardly necessary. I believe I am right and you are wrong. No matter which way SCOTUS rules, that will not change. Your assumption (which it clearly must be, given that I have never stated such, nor implied it) that I think you're wrong because the court disagrees with you is wholly inaccurate and quite frankly, retarded.

BD wrote:
Should they fail, I'll accept it for what it is - I'm not the one on crusade anyway - but I won't suddenly agree with their position, either. And yes, even if the Supreme Court rules against marriage for homosexual partners, I'll still think you're an idiot, for reasons already stated.

Moron, I wasn't focusing on what you think of me...

Besides, you not changing your mind supports my whole point of what the SCOTUS says is moot as no one will change their opinion based on what they say.

You really are showing how dense you are.

It won't change his or my opinion, but it is still the law. Just like you don't think marriage is a right in your opinion, but you're wrong, because in fact, in reality, it is a right because the SCOTUS says so.

Get it?
#1661 Aug 26 2010 at 7:45 PM Rating: Good
gbaji wrote:
Wow! It's like a struck a nerve(tm) or something!

You honestly can't just acknowledge that the point I made was valid? That's kinda sad... :(

No point you've made in this thread is valid. I'm not just interested in debating the illogical. Keep on thinking you've struck a nerve though. I'm sure it helps you sleep at night.

Smiley: lol
#1662 Aug 26 2010 at 7:47 PM Rating: Good
3,053 posts
Mr Smiley: tinfoilhat doesn't understand BD so why argue with him.

edit because I can't count.

Edited, Aug 26th 2010 9:48pm by ElneClare
In the place of a Dark Lord you would have a Queen! Not dark but beautiful and terrible as the Morn! Treacherous as the Seas! Stronger than the foundations of the Earth! All shall love me and despair! -ElneClare

This Post is written in Elnese, If it was an actual Post, it would make sense.
#1663 Aug 26 2010 at 9:12 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
BElkira wrote:

Because the definition of homophobe is broad, and the definition of racist isn't so broad, so your analogy fails, completely.

It only fails because you refuse to accept the point. The point was being called a word that is filled with hatred when you do not posses that said hatred. You told me to "get over it", yet you don't seem so welcoming to be called a hate filled word when you don't have any hatred.

In that aspect, the words are the same exact thing. The fact that this behavior is only acceptable under the word "homophobe", should ring a bell that there is probably something wrong with the utility of that word. If you want to pretend that there isn't anything wrong with it, then so be it, but since you said that you like to stay away from that word, that tells me that you at least some what understand my point.

Belkira wrote:
Apparently not, if you think that was me ridiculing you. The SCOTUS is the law of the land. If they say marriage is a right in this country, then it is. Period. You can disagree with it if you like, but you can't say, "It's not really a right" when the Law of the @#%^ing Land says it is. The SCOTUS is reality. I'm sorry that you want to live outside of reality. Regardless, the whole point was that you wouldn't admit you were wrong when faced with the evidence that marriage is a right. I'm not asking you to change your opinion whether it should be a right or not, just to acknowledge that it is[ a right, according to our government.

I can see how you translated my sarcastic "sure" with accepting whatever it is you say I accepted, but it was supposed to be sarcastic. That doesn't show through in text, I apologize for the confusion.

Well maybe I used the wrong word by saying "ridiculing". I'm not going to look it up and try to prove that you were ridiculing because that isn't the point. I'll just say that you're right for the sake of time and arguing.

If marriage is indeed a "right" in the context that you are referring, then why is it that the ban is still there after years of fighting? Like I said, if California banned women voting, it would be overturned rather quickly. Given the fact that every year for the past years, the same argument is ongoing and there are still bans across the nation proves the fact that there are other interpretations that are being used to argue. Simple as that.

As mentioned, you can't admit that court rulings don't necessarily represent the truth, but who argued better and then expect people to care what the SCOTUS says. You said yourself that you wouldn't change your opinion, so did Brown Duck so why do you think I should GAF what the SCOTUS says?

You're simply fighting the law when it isn't on your side and hiding behind it when you think it is on your side. That's a set up for failure. Your points should be supported by logic, not what the current SCOTUS says.

Besides, I told you a million times that I wasn't arguing if marriage was a right or not, you just keep refusing to accept that while yelling SCOTUS SOCTUS SCOTUS!!! I didn't deny that. I even said a few pages ago that I might have said something earlier in the thread, but I wasn't going to argue that point with you. What did you do? You came back with SCOTUS and said "You're wrong" when I never said anything to the contrary.

If you remember correctly, we were arguing about equality not rights. You're confusing my statement on interracial marriage with SSM.

You never proved to me how separate but equal wasn't equal.

All you did is state what the SCOTUS said, but with nothing to show how the law changes between two men with varying sexuality. Given the fact that your opinion nor anyone's opinion would change after the upcoming ruling, what the SCOTUS says is completely moot. It all comes down to the simple facts.

Belkira wrote:
After I wrote that, I did go back. I was right. Not that it matters, because you just wanted to "get" me instead of doing your homework.

My focus wasn't on you, but on the forum since that was what was being argued. You claimed that everyone responds to multiple people like me, I wont deny it because I'm not on here often, but I've never seen it. The only reason why my responses are low now is because most people gave up on me. I remember when I first started on OOT, I would literally come back to almost an entire page or two of responses.

Belkira wrote:
Sure there is. You expect people to keep up with what you're saying when they argue with you, but you can't be bothered to do so yourself. You might not like that it's hypocritical, but it is.

That's not true. I expect people to know my over all stance before attacking me on it, especially after I state it multiple times through out a thread. Don't come in on page 15 saying that I like oranges over apples when I said multiple times over that I like apples over oranges. When people make a mistake over a post that I just wrote, I tend to quote myself not go say "find it". I'm more concerned with the concept not the details. So, no, it's no hypocritical at all. You can think it is, but it's not.

In your situation, it was in reference to a detail that not only didn't matter, but YOU ALSO DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER TO LOOK IT UP BEFORE POSTING. I ask again, if you didn't care about the accuracy about something that was irrelevant, why should I? If you said, "go look on page 4", I would have. You didn't. Your post showed that it wasn't that important, so I moved on.

I actually paused and said "should I address this, it's not like me to not do so". Since you didn't show any accuracy, I left it as is.

It's a lose-lose situation. Before you said I was on a tangent, now I'm wrong for skipping irrelevant details.

Belkira wrote:

You really are showing how dense you are.

It won't change his or my opinion, but it is still the law. Just like you don't think marriage is a right in your opinion, but you're wrong, because in fact, in reality, it is a right because the SCOTUS says so.

Get it?

I get it, it's you that don't get it. I'm not arguing the legality of the ruling, I'm arguing the logic behind it. What the SCOTUS says is completely irrelevant in that case. If the SCOTUS made it legal for the Irish to steal with no punishment, it maybe law, but it doesn't mean it's just or logical. I'm arguing the latter and you're stuck on the former because you think in your dense little mind that just because the SCOTUS says its ok, then it's ok. No, it just makes it law and I wasn't arguing against the law.

Get it?
#1664 Aug 26 2010 at 10:42 PM Rating: Good
Almalieque wrote:
Well maybe I used the wrong word by saying "ridiculing". I'm not going to look it up and try to prove that you were ridiculing because that isn't the point. I'll just say that you're right for the sake of time and arguing.

If marriage is indeed a "right" in the context that you are referring, then why is it that the ban is still there after years of fighting?

Because, while marriage is a right, there has been no ruling on same-sex marriage, specifically.

Alma wrote:
Like I said, if California banned women voting, it would be overturned rather quickly.

Right. Because the right to vote was extended to women a long time ago. It's already law. There's precedent for that exact situation. Marriage is a right. But they haven't extended it to homosexuals yet. No one in this thread has said that same-sex marriage is a right, just that marriage is.

Alma wrote:
Given the fact that every year for the past years, the same argument is ongoing and there are still bans across the nation proves the fact that there are other interpretations that are being used to argue. Simple as that.

Is anyone arguing otherwise...? Because if so, I've missed it.

Alma wrote:
As mentioned, you can't admit that court rulings don't necessarily represent the truth, but who argued better and then expect people to care what the SCOTUS says.

I never argued that. Some other people in the thread did. You brought up OJ as an example. Surely you can understand why a trial seeking justice for a murder where no one is really sure who did it differs from the Supreme Court where they are interpreting laws, right?

Alma wrote:
You said yourself that you wouldn't change your opinion, so did Brown Duck so why do you think I should GAF what the SCOTUS says?

Because, no matter whether you agree with it or "change your opinion," the reality is that the Supreme Court is the law of the land. I might disagree with their ruling, but that doesn't make same-sex marriage legal. How many times does that need to be explained to you...?

Alma wrote:
You're simply fighting the law when it isn't on your side and hiding behind it when you think it is on your side. That's a set up for failure. Your points should be supported by logic, not what the current SCOTUS says.

No, people are fighting against a ban that they don't think is just. There isn't a law that says same-sex marriage is illegal. If there were, then other states wouldn't be able to marry people of the same sex. Once/if this gets to the Supreme Court and they make their ruling, then that will be the law, and there is no going back (I don't think you can appeal a SCOTUS decision, but I could be wrong on that).

Alma wrote:
Besides, I told you a million times that I wasn't arguing if marriage was a right or not, you just keep refusing to accept that while yelling SCOTUS SOCTUS SCOTUS!!! I didn't deny that. I even said a few pages ago that I might have said something earlier in the thread, but I wasn't going to argue that point with you. What did you do? You came back with SCOTUS and said "You're wrong" when I never said anything to the contrary.

Silly me. When you say, "If marriage is indeed a "right" in the context that you are referring..." and the only time I've said, "The SCOTUS says marriage is a right" is when I'm talking about, um, marriage, then I figure you must disagree with that fact.

Alma wrote:
If you remember correctly, we were arguing about equality not rights. You're confusing my statement on interracial marriage with SSM.

You never proved to me how separate but equal wasn't equal.

No, we weren't arguing about equality. We started arguing about the word homophobe, then you accused me of ridiculing you, and now you're trying to drag me into a "it's equal but not fair" ********* again.

Alma wrote:
All you did is state what the SCOTUS said, but with nothing to show how the law changes between two men with varying sexuality. Given the fact that your opinion nor anyone's opinion would change after the upcoming ruling, what the SCOTUS says is completely moot. It all comes down to the simple facts.

Smiley: banghead Ok. Read this slowly. All I've said is that the Supreme Court has ruled that marriage is a fundamental right. BD and I have both said that we believe that extends to same-sex marriage, but it hasn't been ruled on. It doesn't fucking matter if our opinions are changed or not. It would be nice if the SCOTUS would validate our opinions, but if it doesn't, that sucks *** and same-sex marriage will officially be illegal in all states. That's all that has been said.

Alma wrote:
My focus wasn't on you, but on the forum since that was what was being argued.

Nope. Your focus was on me at the time.

Alma wrote:
Before you said I was on a tangent, now I'm wrong for skipping irrelevant details.

I just figured that, since you apparently pride yourself on admitting when you're wrong and scolding us for never doing the same, you might like to know that you were wrong so you can admit it.

Alma wrote:
I get it, it's you that don't get it. I'm not arguing the legality of the ruling, I'm arguing the logic behind it. What the SCOTUS says is completely irrelevant in that case. If the SCOTUS made it legal for the Irish to steal with no punishment, it maybe law, but it doesn't mean it's just or logical. I'm arguing the latter and you're stuck on the former because you think in your dense little mind that just because the SCOTUS says its ok, then it's ok. No, it just makes it law and I wasn't arguing against the law.

Get it?

Well, apparently you were the only one arguing the "logic" behind it. BD and I were pretty up front about what we were saying, and you were just going on and on in LaLa land like we weren't even talking.
#1665 Aug 26 2010 at 10:58 PM Rating: Excellent
Posting on page 34.

I'd be prouder of this thread if the last 33 pages weren't full of circular logic, reasoning failures, and terrible writing. It's like verbal whack a mole. You smack one, and another 3 paragraphs pop up. It's futile, in the end. Even if you do score points, the moles keep coming back, unharmed, to taunt you some more.

I apologize to the Great Data Cloud In The Sky for initiating all this useless content.

In penance, I'm gonna go off and write some RNC chairman slash. Mehlman/Steele will meet in a log cabin, have sloppy buttsex, then run off to San Francisco to cross-dress as Nancy Pelosi in the next Pride Parade.
#1666 Aug 27 2010 at 12:50 AM Rating: Good
catwho wrote:
In penance, I'm gonna go off and write some RNC chairman slash. Mehlman/Steele will meet in a log cabin, have sloppy buttsex, then run off to San Francisco to cross-dress as Nancy Pelosi in the next Pride Parade.
Excuse me while I throw up in my mouth a little.

Republicans don't have sex - they reproduce through fission.
#1667 Aug 27 2010 at 2:22 AM Rating: Good
886 posts
I thought they reproduced by infection, like the zombie virus in biohazard. (OK, OK, they probably aren't zombies but I haven't played the game yet, don't kill me ok? ;;)
#1668 Aug 27 2010 at 7:43 AM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Belkira wrote:
Because, while marriage is a right, there has been no ruling on same-sex marriage, specifically.

So if that is true, then why are you arguing the "fact" that marriage is a "right" as if it supports your claim, if it hasn't been specifically extended to SSM? I mean, it *can* help, but you're saying "SCOTUS" as if what they said applies directly to SSM. If you're saying that it doesn't specifically extend to SSM, then that can not be the core of your argument.

Belkira wrote:
Right. Because the right to vote was extended to women a long time ago. It's already law. There's precedent for that exact situation. Marriage is a right. But they haven't extended it to homosexuals yet. No one in this thread has said that same-sex marriage is a right, just that marriage is.

Read above

The simple fact that you claim it's a "right" and it still hasn't been extended to SSM supports my claim that it is equal but unfair.

Belkira wrote:
Is anyone arguing otherwise...? Because if so, I've missed it.

Read above. Your intent might have been one way, but your argument came off as "SCOTUS says that the marriage is a right and you're denying homosexuals to marry, which is denying their right to marry". You came off as it is already written in the law for SSM to occur. Now after I point out that it clearly hasn't, you're back stepping saying "I was only referring to marriage alone, it hasn't been extended to SSM". You did this earlier in this thread.

Then whats the point of arguing the fact that the SCOTUS says marriage is a right, when homosexuals do have the "right" to marry under the same restrictions as everyone else? There is no contradiction.

Belkira wrote:
I never argued that. Some other people in the thread did. You brought up OJ as an example. Surely you can understand why a trial seeking justice for a murder where no one is really sure who did it differs from the Supreme Court where they are interpreting laws, right?

This might be that misinterpretation of your sarcastic "sure". So, let me ask you so I don't put words in your mouth. Do you agree that lawyers, especially public defendant lawyers, do argue for their client's innocence even when the client has confided that s/he is guilty?

Of course I know there's a difference, but the lawyers are still there. As long as the lawyers are present, they will behave as lawyers, arguing for the win and not necessarily the cause. If the SCOTUS ignores the lawyers, then why are they there?

Belkira wrote:
No, people are fighting against a ban that they don't think is just. There isn't a law that says same-sex marriage is illegal. If there were, then other states wouldn't be able to marry people of the same sex. Once/if this gets to the Supreme Court and they make their ruling, then that will be the law, and there is no going back (I don't think you can appeal a SCOTUS decision, but I could be wrong on that).

I was referencing to marriage being a right not for SSM.

Belkira wrote:

Silly me. When you say, "If marriage is indeed a "right" in the context that you are referring..." and the only time I've said, "The SCOTUS says marriage is a right" is when I'm talking about, um, marriage, then I figure you must disagree with that fact.

I specifically said "If marriage is indeed a "right", to show doubt but not disagreement. I would have specifically said "Marriage is not a right", which I'm positive I said somewhere in the thread, but dropped it by saying that I'm not arguing if it's a right or not.

Belkira wrote:
No, we weren't arguing about equality. We started arguing about the word homophobe, then you accused me of ridiculing you, and now you're trying to drag me into a "it's equal but not fair" sh*tstorm again.

Yes, we were talking about equality. This is how we got here. I was arguing about the ban being equal but not fair. You brought up that my arguments supports the ban on interracial marriage. I replied that it was the same thing, equal but not fair and that's when you brought up the SCOTUS to say marriage is indeed a right and that ban is the violation of their rights. I've asked you multiple times to actually show me how the law changes for different people, but you refuse to do so. Every since then, you've been replying with what the SCOTUS said, implying that I was arguing against their ruling of it being a right, when reality, it was all about "equal but not fair".

Belkira wrote:
Ok. Read this slowly. All I've said is that the Supreme Court has ruled that marriage is a fundamental right. BD and I have both said that we believe that extends to same-sex marriage, but it hasn't been ruled on. It doesn't ******* matter if our opinions are changed or not. It would be nice if the SCOTUS would validate our opinions, but if it doesn't, that sucks *** and same-sex marriage will officially be illegal in all states. That's all that has been said.

Read this very very carefully..... what the SCOTUS says is moot in a debate about what we believe is right or wrong. Given the fact that no one will change their minds based on their past, present or future rulings, why are you even interjecting with it in the first place? It has no place. Given on how our court system works and it's past rulings, it doesn't give anyone
an edge.

Belkira wrote:

Nope. Your focus was on me at the time.

Remember when you said something to the effect of "when you are arguing against SSM, then you do care about how they live their lives." After that you said, you were speaking in a general sense. It was exactly that for me. You can think otherwise if you want, there is no way of me proving it, but that's what it was. If others weren't arguing that point that I was arguing against, then you would have a point.

Belkira wrote:
I just figured that, since you apparently pride yourself on admitting when you're wrong and scolding us for never doing the same, you might like to know that you were wrong so you can admit it.

And AFTER you pointed it out, I did admit. You attacked me prematurely. You didn't give any proof or try to prove anything and expected me just to take interest and prove it for you. I chose not to go on the tangent and then you claimed that I was avoiding being wrong because I didn't do YOUR research for you.

Belkira wrote:

Well, apparently you were the only one arguing the "logic" behind it. BD and I were pretty up front about what we were saying, and you were just going on and on in LaLa land like we weren't even talking.

You weren't upfront about anything. You implied that SSM is wrong based on the SCOTUS ruling marriage as a right. You even said something like "unless you want to argue against the Supreme Court". When I pointed out that if that applied to SSM, then why are there current bans, you replied that the ruling hasn't extended there, but you believe it covers SSM just as interracial marriage. So, I ask repetitiously, why are you even bringing up SCOTUS in the debate?

That's very misleading to bring up a SCOTUS ruling about marriage rights in a SSM debate and then only say, "I was referencing to it only being a right to marry, not for SSM, but I think it covers it also"

#1669 Aug 27 2010 at 7:52 AM Rating: Decent
418 posts
There are two ways to "appeal" a Supreme Court decision.

The first would be to change the law of the land legislatively; for example if we repealed the 14th amendment and then ratified the Federal Marriage Amendment. If such a hypothetical decision granted SSM based on the 14th, then it's repeal followed by enshrining hetro-marriage in the Constitution would effectively overturn the courts ruling.

The other option is to wait fifty years for a new Court and bring a challenge of some type before a different group of judges. That's how we went from Plessy to Brown. In 1896 it was determined that separate but equal was equal but in 1954 it was determined that separate could not be equal by the vary nature of separation.

This is why some supporters of SSM feel that the current case over Prop 8 is premature. There is a concern that the Roberts Court might make a Plessy ruling whereas a future court might be more inclined to make a Brown.

Personally I am hopeful that both the Ninth Circuit and the current court will uphold Judge Walker's decision. The rights, benefits and responsibilities that accrue to married couples and to parents/guardians should not be affected by the gender or sexual orientation of the people involved.
#1670 Aug 27 2010 at 7:52 AM Rating: Excellent
Soulless Internet Tiger
35,474 posts

I'm not sure even this would help at this point.
Donate. One day it could be your family.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

#1671 Aug 27 2010 at 7:54 AM Rating: Good
Go fuck a cactus.
#1672 Aug 27 2010 at 7:58 AM Rating: Good
Almalieque wrote:
Belkira wrote:
Because, while marriage is a right, there has been no ruling on same-sex marriage, specifically.

So if that is true, then why are you arguing the "fact" that marriage is a "right" as if it supports your claim, if it hasn't been specifically extended to SSM? I mean, it *can* help, but you're saying "SCOTUS" as if what they said applies directly to SSM. If you're saying that it doesn't specifically extend to SSM, then that can not be the core of your argument.

Belkira wrote:
Right. Because the right to vote was extended to women a long time ago. It's already law. There's precedent for that exact situation. Marriage is a right. But they haven't extended it to homosexuals yet. No one in this thread has said that same-sex marriage is a right, just that marriage is.

Read above

The simple fact that you claim it's a "right" and it still hasn't been extended to SSM supports my claim that it is equal but unfair.

Belkira wrote:
Is anyone arguing otherwise...? Because if so, I've missed it.

Read above. Your intent might have been one way, but your argument came off as "SCOTUS says that the marriage is a right and you're denying homosexuals to marry, which is denying their right to marry". You came off as it is already written in the law for SSM to occur. Now after I point out that it clearly hasn't, you're back stepping saying "I was only referring to marriage alone, it hasn't been extended to SSM". You did this earlier in this thread.

Then whats the point of arguing the fact that the SCOTUS says marriage is a right, when homosexuals do have the "right" to marry under the same restrictions as everyone else? There is no contradiction.

Belkira wrote:
I never argued that. Some other people in the thread did. You brought up OJ as an example. Surely you can understand why a trial seeking justice for a murder where no one is really sure who did it differs from the Supreme Court where they are interpreting laws, right?

This might be that misinterpretation of your sarcastic "sure". So, let me ask you so I don't put words in your mouth. Do you agree that lawyers, especially public defendant lawyers, do argue for their client's innocence even when the client has confided that s/he is guilty?

Of course I know there's a difference, but the lawyers are still there. As long as the lawyers are present, they will behave as lawyers, arguing for the win and not necessarily the cause. If the SCOTUS ignores the lawyers, then why are they there?

Belkira wrote:
No, people are fighting against a ban that they don't think is just. There isn't a law that says same-sex marriage is illegal. If there were, then other states wouldn't be able to marry people of the same sex. Once/if this gets to the Supreme Court and they make their ruling, then that will be the law, and there is no going back (I don't think you can appeal a SCOTUS decision, but I could be wrong on that).

I was referencing to marriage being a right not for SSM.

Belkira wrote:

Silly me. When you say, "If marriage is indeed a "right" in the context that you are referring..." and the only time I've said, "The SCOTUS says marriage is a right" is when I'm talking about, um, marriage, then I figure you must disagree with that fact.

I specifically said "If marriage is indeed a "right", to show doubt but not disagreement. I would have specifically said "Marriage is not a right", which I'm positive I said somewhere in the thread, but dropped it by saying that I'm not arguing if it's a right or not.

Belkira wrote:
No, we weren't arguing about equality. We started arguing about the word homophobe, then you accused me of ridiculing you, and now you're trying to drag me into a "it's equal but not fair" sh*tstorm again.

Yes, we were talking about equality. This is how we got here. I was arguing about the ban being equal but not fair. You brought up that my arguments supports the ban on interracial marriage. I replied that it was the same thing, equal but not fair and that's when you brought up the SCOTUS to say marriage is indeed a right and that ban is the violation of their rights. I've asked you multiple times to actually show me how the law changes for different people, but you refuse to do so. Every since then, you've been replying with what the SCOTUS said, implying that I was arguing against their ruling of it being a right, when reality, it was all about "equal but not fair".

Belkira wrote:
Ok. Read this slowly. All I've said is that the Supreme Court has ruled that marriage is a fundamental right. BD and I have both said that we believe that extends to same-sex marriage, but it hasn't been ruled on. It doesn't @#%^ing matter if our opinions are changed or not. It would be nice if the SCOTUS would validate our opinions, but if it doesn't, that sucks *** and same-sex marriage will officially be illegal in all states. That's all that has been said.

Read this very very carefully..... what the SCOTUS says is moot in a debate about what we believe is right or wrong. Given the fact that no one will change their minds based on their past, present or future rulings, why are you even interjecting with it in the first place? It has no place. Given on how our court system works and it's past rulings, it doesn't give anyone
an edge.

Belkira wrote:

Nope. Your focus was on me at the time.

Remember when you said something to the effect of "when you are arguing against SSM, then you do care about how they live their lives." After that you said, you were speaking in a general sense. It was exactly that for me. You can think otherwise if you want, there is no way of me proving it, but that's what it was. If others weren't arguing that point that I was arguing against, then you would have a point.

Belkira wrote:
I just figured that, since you apparently pride yourself on admitting when you're wrong and scolding us for never doing the same, you might like to know that you were wrong so you can admit it.

And AFTER you pointed it out, I did admit. You attacked me prematurely. You didn't give any proof or try to prove anything and expected me just to take interest and prove it for you. I chose not to go on the tangent and then you claimed that I was avoiding being wrong because I didn't do YOUR research for you.

Belkira wrote:

Well, apparently you were the only one arguing the "logic" behind it. BD and I were pretty up front about what we were saying, and you were just going on and on in LaLa land like we weren't even talking.

You weren't upfront about anything. You implied that SSM is wrong based on the SCOTUS ruling marriage as a right. You even said something like "unless you want to argue against the Supreme Court". When I pointed out that if that applied to SSM, then why are there current bans, you replied that the ruling hasn't extended there, but you believe it covers SSM just as interracial marriage. So, I ask repetitiously, why are you even bringing up SCOTUS in the debate?

That's very misleading to bring up a SCOTUS ruling about marriage rights in a SSM debate and then only say, "I was referencing to it only being a right to marry, not for SSM, but I think it covers it also"

Smiley: banghead

Posting on page 34 of a 34 page thread.
#1673 Aug 27 2010 at 8:22 AM Rating: Good
A 34 page thread about a wedge issue designed to occupy stupid Americans?

Mission Accomplished, I'd reckon.
#1674 Aug 27 2010 at 8:23 AM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Belkira wrote:
Smiley: banghead

Posting on page 34 of a 34 page thread.

Thanks. I've been getting tired of writing long posts and attempting to proofread them... Wasted entirely too much of my vacation on this forum... :(
#1675 Aug 27 2010 at 8:27 AM Rating: Excellent
Almalieque wrote:
Belkira wrote:
Smiley: banghead

Posting on page 34 of a 34 page thread.

Thanks. I've been getting tired of writing long posts and attempting to proofread them... Wasted entirely too much of my vacation on this forum... :(

What are thanking her for? Being frustrated by your density? God, you're a blight upon all Africans. Like famine but less charismatic.
#1676Almalieque, Posted: Aug 27 2010 at 8:49 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I don't expect someone whose intellect falls in the lower echelon of society to comprehend such matters. Just be happy that you were able to read the letters on the page. I know it's not as exciting as your gay pron, but hang in there kiddo, it'll all come together at one point in your life. maybe
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