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#902 Aug 15 2010 at 3:59 PM Rating: Good
This post is cleverly disguised as a +1.
#903 Aug 15 2010 at 4:29 PM Rating: Good
MDenham wrote:
This post is cleverly disguised as a +1.

Interesting... I thought it was merely a PAGE19GOT
#904 Aug 15 2010 at 4:53 PM Rating: Excellent
16,299 posts
Almalieque wrote:
catwho wrote:
The reason is that non-native speakers try hard to sound intelligible, and native speakers don't give a sh*t.

Bingo... Native speakers focus more on communication rather than grammar. That is how dialects and slang are formed. As long as we understand each other, that's all that matters.

But we don't understand you.

Like Bekly, I'm not trying to be an ***, but I've read through some of your posts here. I'll admit I've not read every word because 1., you're too wordy, gbaji junior, and B., I can't make heads or tails of what you're trying to say.

Also, this post is not an invitation for you to try and make me understand what you've been saying, it's just me telling you that I and a lot of other posters really can't understand you.

eta: jus woke up frum uh nap... spellering is hard.

Edited, Aug 15th 2010 6:54pm by Nadenu
#905 Aug 15 2010 at 5:12 PM Rating: Excellent
1,877 posts
In all honesty, and I'm seriously not trying to be an ***, here is the problem as I see it: ...etc...

Pretty much what you said Belkira. It is not the spelling or grammar errors that bug me, everyone here makes those mistakes and some of us are not native English speakers. It is how you handle yourself and treat others on this Alma. You act like you want to learn where you make mistakes but have this holier-than-thou attitude to almost every post you make. I know, this would be the part where you ask me "Point out where I am acting like that" but I am not going to do that due to it just feeding that annoying behavior you have. If someone beats you in an argument, don't drag it out either. That is just my two cents though. I am sure people will stop ripping on you so hard if you didn't behave as so.
#906Almalieque, Posted: Aug 15 2010 at 5:34 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) This is what questions me.. I never insult anyone until someone insults me.. That's why I asked if you wanted to get in the insult game. You seem agitated by "see if you can figure out why", but something like BT referring me to an ape, insulting my friends and made false and ignorant assumptions of my ancestry does nothing?
#907Almalieque, Posted: Aug 15 2010 at 5:39 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) YoU R liek sdoi because things stuff warehouse?! Wulf booo Mario am I did that twice... so yesterday, following tea pot, cake was great hahaha. I mean, stuff sayz YoU cooking like forever, forever ever, forever ever ever, like totally winning this tree house.. Logic sound is that be what you free miami... Everyday sodil ifoo ReALLY? ReAlY? LOL, understand try the dog you!! Fool! C-C-C-C-Combo breaker....
#908Almalieque, Posted: Aug 15 2010 at 5:41 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I never insult anyone first, even if I've insulted them in the past. I always start fresh, so your post has no merit.
#909 Aug 15 2010 at 5:47 PM Rating: Excellent
27,272 posts
Almalieque wrote:
Belkira wrote:
I think the biggest problems are that he's rather condescending at times (i.e. "that's not what's going on here. See if you can figure out why." If you disagree, then say why you disagree.
This is what questions me.. I never insult anyone until someone insults me..

Almalieque wrote:
Belkira wrote:
A thread is created and Alma posts in it with a point, statement, or argument that I disagree with. When I engage him with it, he runs roughshod over the entire thing, pointing out semantics
Correct word usage in defining statements,especially statements that may change national practices, is very important. I made the mistake of saying "repetition" when I meant "reputation". That incorrect word usage makes a difference. The difference with me is, I intended to say "reputation" and not "repetition" and I admitted to that.

Posters in this forum refuse to do the same.
People will intentionally use more "powerful" words in attempt to strengthen their argument. When I point out the incorrect usage, they refuse to acknowledge it or make any changes, only to say "semantics".
Almalique wrote:
I'm keeping it real. I make mistakes, I'm not perfect and I admit to my errors. The REAL problem is that no one else on this forum tends to demonstrate that quality. People like to "pick" on me as if it somehow bothers me, then gets upset because I don't care.

That is why you come across as condescending.
#910 Aug 15 2010 at 5:54 PM Rating: Excellent
Almalieque wrote:
Belkira wrote:
A thread is created and Alma posts in it with a point, statement, or argument that I disagree with. When I engage him with it, he runs roughshod over the entire thing, pointing out semantics

Correct word usage in defining statements,especially statements that may change national practices, is very important. I made the mistake of saying "repetition" when I meant "reputation". That incorrect word usage makes a difference. The difference with me is, I intended to say "reputation" and not "repetition" and I admitted to that.

Posters in this forum refuse to do the same. People will intentionally use more "powerful" words in attempt to strengthen their argument. When I point out the incorrect usage, they refuse to acknowledge it or make any changes, only to say "semantics".

Belkira wrote:
"and over arcing tangents that either have been already discussed, the meaning of which is already agreed upon or understood, or are largely irrelevant to the point at hand."

From my experience, when people label my posts as "irrelevant", they are questions that people don't want to answer because the answer will contradict their arguments.

The problem is, you call "semantics" over things that you really understand, but you just want to pick apart some small thing. Like using a phrase that is common for something, and you pick it apart. I found myself seriously using the phrase "adult human individual" over and over so that you wouldn't go back and pull other aspects of an argument that were already settled into it. It's tedious and ridiculous.

Alma wrote:
My posts seem "off topic" because I get attacked from all angles. I only respond to posts and people ask me different questions. Other posters only read half of the responses, causing them not to follow correctly. Multiple times people will question why I'm referring to a certain topic, but I can always refer to or pinpoint the posts that led to the current conversation. The problem is people are not following every post. They even admit to not reading them all.

No, that's not the problem. The problem is, when someone talks to you, you run off on tangents and seem to think they are incredibly important.

Alma wrote:
Exactly which part don't you understand?

The point. But it doesn't matter, because I'm not delving back into it again.

Alma wrote:
This is what questions me.. I never insult anyone until someone insults me.. That's why I asked if you wanted to get in the insult game. You seem agitated by "see if you can figure out why", but something like BT referring me to an ape, insulting my friends and made false and ignorant assumptions of my ancestry does nothing?

I'm keeping it real. I make mistakes, I'm not perfect and I admit to my errors. The REAL problem is that no one else on this forum tends to demonstrate that quality. People like to "pick" on me as if it somehow bothers me, then gets upset because I don't care.

The reality is that people see the same type of flaws in other posters but only focus on me because of my points of views.

You are constantly condescending. You may not throw out an actual insult, but you talk down to people like they're stupid. Yes, I'm "agitated" by someone in the middle of a discussion telling me I'm wrong, then suggesting I "try to figure out why, ok?" like you're brilliant and I'm licking a window. As for BT's insults, that's BT. He's not trying to carry on any type of a discussion, he just likes getting a rise out of people. But when you ask someone to "figure out why," you are effectively doing what you accuse others of, simply saying someone is wrong, but not telling them why or where.

People admit to their mistakes on here. They really do. You don't see it, because you point out "mistakes" and "flaws," where there really aren't any.

The actual reality is that you sort of sound like a jerk, and people don't like that much. You also like to control everyone around you.

Edited, Aug 15th 2010 6:55pm by Belkira
#911 Aug 15 2010 at 6:10 PM Rating: Excellent
The wordiness that both Alma and gbaji display is actually a sign of poor communication. Dr. Shrunk (of Shrunk & White's Elements of Style) drilled into his student's heads: "Omit needless words."

If you take five paragraphs to say what really can be said in a few sentences, then you're not communicating. You're merely rambling.
#912 Aug 15 2010 at 6:11 PM Rating: Good
Almalique wrote:
I'm keeping it real. I make mistakes, I'm not perfect and I admit to my errors. The REAL problem is that no one else on this forum tends to demonstrate that quality.
I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.
#913 Aug 15 2010 at 6:12 PM Rating: Good
catwho wrote:
If you take five paragraphs to say what really can be said in a few sentences, then you're not communicating. You're merely rambling.
It depends on how you do it.

If you put those few sentences in the first paragraph, you're writing like it's a newspaper article instead (assuming that the subsequent paragraphs are covering the points in more detail).
#914 Aug 15 2010 at 6:29 PM Rating: Excellent
GBATE!! Never saw it coming
9,969 posts
Y'know, the main reason I avoid posting in threads like these is the semantic ********* It's like trying to watch Maury when everyone on stage is screaming at each other: annoying, incomprehensible and, in the end, a waste of time.

Here's an experiment I'd like to see applied: If someone asks you a direct question about a particular subject, just answer the goddam question. No obfuscation, no crying about how the queston was worded, no "you answer first" 3rd grade crap.

People employing these tactics in such a discussion are hiding what they really think. They want to appear as opened-minded and decent because the reality of their selfish/bigoted/racist/arrogant stance is to embarrassing to reveal to the forum.

PROTIP FOR THE WORST OFFENDERS: Given the above cues, we on the forum can suss out your true feelings about these varied controversial subjects. It's not ******* rocket science.

Almalieque wrote:
I'm keeping it real. I make mistakes, I'm not perfect and I admit to my errors. The REAL problem is that no one else on this forum tends to demonstrate that quality.

Smiley: dubious


For the record, I'm a Christian. I'm also an American who believes that a citizen should not be restricted in any behavior unless it demonstrably harms someone else.

GO, GO gay marriage!!Smiley: thumbsup

Thomas Jefferson wrote:
It makes no difference to me if my neighbor believes in one god, many gods or no god. It neither picks my pockets nor breaks my bones.

remorajunbao wrote:
One day I'm going to fly to Canada and open the curtains in your office.

#915 Aug 15 2010 at 6:30 PM Rating: Good
Almalieque wrote:

The reality is that people see the same type of flaws in other posters but only focus on me because of my points of views.

I don't even read your posts to know what your point of view is. Why would I want to know what my inferior thinks, anyway? I just know that I can gain some gratification by fUcking with you and you being too dumb to realize I'm doing it. Worked in spades this time, if you dig my meaning.
#916 Aug 15 2010 at 6:35 PM Rating: Good
MDenham wrote:
catwho wrote:
If you take five paragraphs to say what really can be said in a few sentences, then you're not communicating. You're merely rambling.
It depends on how you do it.

If you put those few sentences in the first paragraph, you're writing like it's a newspaper article instead (assuming that the subsequent paragraphs are covering the points in more detail).

No, she's right. You don't get what she's saying. Conciseness best indicates language mastery. It's why I'm so fUcking effective, man. My vocabulary allows me to say what I want immediately, rather than after ten paragraphs of mush-brained *************
#917 Aug 15 2010 at 6:37 PM Rating: Good
Barkingturtle wrote:
MDenham wrote:
[quote=catwho]If you take five paragraphs to say what really can be said in a few sentences, then you're not communicating. You're merely rambling.
It depends on how you do it.

If you put those few sentences in the first paragraph, you're writing like it's a newspaper article instead (assuming that the subsequent paragraphs are covering the points in more detail).

No, she's right. You don't get what she's saying. Conciseness best indicates language mastery. It's why I'm so fUcking effective, man. My vocabulary allows me to say what I want immediately, rather than after ten paragraphs of mush-brained *********************** the newspaper is full of rambling idiots, then.
#918 Aug 15 2010 at 6:45 PM Rating: Good
MDenham wrote:
Barkingturtle wrote:
MDenham wrote:
[quote=catwho]If you take five paragraphs to say what really can be said in a few sentences, then you're not communicating. You're merely rambling.
It depends on how you do it.

If you put those few sentences in the first paragraph, you're writing like it's a newspaper article instead (assuming that the subsequent paragraphs are covering the points in more detail).

No, she's right. You don't get what she's saying. Conciseness best indicates language mastery. It's why I'm so fUcking effective, man. My vocabulary allows me to say what I want immediately, rather than after ten paragraphs of mush-brained *********************** the newspaper is full of rambling idiots, then.

Maybe. I don't read the same ****** paper as you.

I'd wager, though, that you're just a fUcking idiot. Read what the cow wrote: "If you take five paragraphs to say what really can be said in a few sentences, then you're not communicating." That's not complicated, and it's familiar to anyone who has ever taken a writing class. Effective writers don't waste their words, they economize them.

#919 Aug 15 2010 at 7:09 PM Rating: Excellent
Some are definitely full of rambling idiots.
#920 Aug 15 2010 at 7:39 PM Rating: Good
1,877 posts

I never insult anyone first, even if I've insulted them in the past. I always start fresh, so your post has no merit.

I never said that you insult people. I said that you act better than people with your posts. Also my post has a lot of merit due to these feelings being shared among the other posters. The question is of course, will anything that the posters here say to convince you that no one is going to take you seriously until you get off your high horse?
#921 Aug 15 2010 at 7:44 PM Rating: Excellent
4,512 posts
Criminy wrote:
The question is of course, will anything that the posters here say to convince you that no one is going to take you seriously until you get off your high horse?

Why should he get off it when we can just step it up to his level?

I'm going to start with colors. One step at a time, yes?

Light goldenrod yellow? Honestly, Alla?
#922Almalieque, Posted: Aug 15 2010 at 7:56 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Well I must have over looked them because I know at least 3 instances where instead of admitting to being incorrect, they just say things like "you know ZERO about your own history". I asked at least 4 times for clarification and none has yet been rendered. Even still, I'm the only one on trial for "not explaining".
#923 Aug 15 2010 at 8:01 PM Rating: Excellent
16,299 posts
Someone with premium, help me out here.

Smiley: banghead
#924 Aug 15 2010 at 8:17 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Nadenu wrote:
Someone with premium, help me out here.

Smiley: banghead
Smiley: bangheadSmiley: bangheadSmiley: bangheadSmiley: bangheadSmiley: bangheadSmiley: banghead
Will that work?
#925 Aug 15 2010 at 8:18 PM Rating: Excellent
GBATE!! Never saw it coming
9,969 posts
Nadenu wrote:
Smiley: banghead

I'm an helper!

Gorram you, Aethien!!

Edited, Aug 15th 2010 8:19pm by Bijou
remorajunbao wrote:
One day I'm going to fly to Canada and open the curtains in your office.

#926Almalieque, Posted: Aug 15 2010 at 8:28 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) According to Belkira, and she's right, pretending to be above someone is equivalent to insulting them. Once again, I only purposely act that way to people who attack me.
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