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#802 Aug 13 2010 at 3:02 PM Rating: Good
Man, Walt Whitman should have totally gay married Peter Doyle, then we could have had this lawsuit a hundred 150 years ago.

Edit: Dates.

Edited, Aug 13th 2010 5:03pm by catwho
#803 Aug 13 2010 at 3:06 PM Rating: Excellent
15,952 posts
What is wonderful is that Humanism is going to win out in the end. It took a lot of philosophising, public arguing, legal wrangling over decades, but eventually peasants were freed, slaves were freed, women were emancipated, blacks and other minorities were emancipated and given legal parity with whites. We're not at a social utopia yet, but things are slowly getting better and better. More equal, more fair, with individuals able to rise and fall a little more on their own merits rather than their race or sex.

Now homosexual emancipation is going though it's first decades of legal testing. History suggests that in the end, acceptance of homosexuals as completely accepted members of society is inevitable. Homosexuals and bisexuals will end up with the same rights and responsibilities as straights.

Dark pockets of prejudice will linger, poisoned by their bitter revulsion, hate, and sense of inherent superiority. They will do nothing but poison their own lives with their moral hypocrisy, and will be able to act out less and less against their despised foes, as ****** are folded more and more into mainstream society, under the protection of the law.

Love and The Golden Law is going to win in the end.
#804 Aug 13 2010 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
Edited by bsphil
21,739 posts
Almalieque wrote:
I gave you a whole list of people that a heterosexual might want to marry
But they don't. In overwhelmingly high numbers, I'd imagine. I've never once heard of anyone that wanted to get married to qualify for government benefits actually. I wouldn't doubt that a couple of them exist, but you make it out to be a significant demographic when it's probably less than 0.01%.

A very large and significant percentage of homosexuals would like to get married, though.
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
If no one debated with me, then I wouldn't post here anymore.
Take the hint guys, please take the hint.
gbaji wrote:
I'm not getting my news from anywhere Joph.
#805 Aug 13 2010 at 3:49 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
xsarus wrote:
They didn't have a problem with it then. How does them not having a problem with the current common law at the time have anything to do with an overall theme?

Whatever was the reason why they decided to keep it, was their rationale on how marriage should be, i.e, a union between a man and a woman. That alone is an "overall theme". There's no way to avoid that fact.

I'm not claiming that is the theme, but just as with the "unity of family" example, it is a possibility.

Xsarus wrote:
They didn't address it because it was just a part of the common law and uninvolved in their revolution. As Joph has pointed out, you seem to be thinking that the US did some massive re-examination of all their common law stuff, and that's simply not true.

You mean like the United States Constitution?

Xsarus wrote:
Unless you can come up with a justification for a restriction it's unjustified. That's the point. We're saying there is no proper reason to exclude gay marriage. It's excluded right now because of our social history, but the moral argument isn't a legitimate one

That's not how it works.. If we were redefining marriage from the beginning, then you'll be absolutely correct, but that's not how it is. Marriage has already been defined and you are already excluded, so YOU have to show why it shouldn't.

You claim that it's excluded because of our social history based on a moral argument. Well, now it's your turn to counter that argument to show why it is incorrect, you can't simply say "it isn't legitimate?", based on what? It doesn't matter if the argument was, "the sky is blue, so therefore SSM should be banned, you have to logically show how the sky being blue is not a valid argument, not just "it isn't legitimate".

Xsarus wrote:
I realize you're trying very hard not to ever actually say anything concrete, what is your opinion on gay marriage. Do you support it? Why or why not?

I stated my stance numerous times over. Look on page 3.

Xsarus wrote:
Also if you're not going to actually engage the debate, just **** off. I have no interest in discussing arguments in a abstract sense with someone who can't even make himself understood 70% of the time.

What a weak cop out. How is this not "engaged". You seem to think that your arguments used in SSM only affects SSM, because no law cases refer to other previous cases....

Once again, what part of me don't you understand? Just because you don't agree or you're too simple minded to grasp the concept doesn't mean "I'm not making sense"

Jophiel wrote:
It might be true. I don't think anyone (Alma included) knows what he's arguing about.

OF course I do, we're talking about how Christopher Columbus invented America.

#806 Aug 13 2010 at 3:59 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Almalieque wrote:
You mean like the United States Constitution?

Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#807Almalieque, Posted: Aug 13 2010 at 4:14 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Trust me, no feelings were hurt.. I just remember having a discussion on sex drive on women vs men and a certain somebody was offended and everyone was like "quit it Alma, you're being offensive!!" But if you agree to keeping it real, then I wont hold my tongue and call out your idiotic, naive and just plain ignorant views on this thread.
#808 Aug 13 2010 at 4:24 PM Rating: Good
Smiley: laugh
#809 Aug 13 2010 at 4:51 PM Rating: Excellent
Almalieque wrote:

Trust me, no feelings were hurt.. I just remember having a discussion on sex drive on women vs men and a certain somebody was offended and everyone was like "quit it Alma, you're being offensive!!" But if you agree to keeping it real, then I wont hold my tongue and call out your idiotic, naive and just plain ignorant views on this thread.

Seriously, a law based on something that you can't measure?!?! You just avoid hard hitting questions and repeat the same nonsense with no supporting material other than "it's just is"
grow up....


I think, Alma, that you should leave thoughtful matters to folks whose grandparents were allowed to attend school. That's not an insult, really, just a gentle way of sayin' you might be more suited as a result of pedigree to field work than thinkin'. I'd even allow that afforded a few additional generations of evolutionary advance, you might have by this point moved out of the larval brain stage and into a more developed mode of cogitation, one whereby you'd be capable of quieting your inner-ape. Sadly that hasn't been the case, yet, but I'll be the civilized one among us and wish you luck on your journey.
#810 Aug 13 2010 at 5:10 PM Rating: Good
Aripyanfar wrote:
What is wonderful is that Humanism is going to win out in the end. It took a lot of philosophising, public arguing, legal wrangling over decades, but eventually peasants were freed, slaves were freed, women were emancipated, blacks and other minorities were emancipated and given legal parity with whites. We're not at a social utopia yet, but things are slowly getting better and better. More equal, more fair, with individuals able to rise and fall a little more on their own merits rather than their race or sex.

Now homosexual emancipation is going though it's first decades of legal testing. History suggests that in the end, acceptance of homosexuals as completely accepted members of society is inevitable. Homosexuals and bisexuals will end up with the same rights and responsibilities as straights.

Dark pockets of prejudice will linger, poisoned by their bitter revulsion, hate, and sense of inherent superiority. They will do nothing but poison their own lives with their moral hypocrisy, and will be able to act out less and less against their despised foes, as ****** are folded more and more into mainstream society, under the protection of the law.
And then, a hundred years from now when the world is starting to become overpopulated, the UN is going to force everyone to become homosexual.
#811 Aug 13 2010 at 5:53 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
BT wrote:


I think, Alma, that you should leave thoughtful matters to folks whose grandparents were allowed to attend school. That's not an insult, really, just a gentle way of sayin' you might be more suited as a result of pedigree to field work than thinkin'. I'd even allow that afforded a few additional generations of evolutionary advance, you might have by this point moved out of the larval brain stage and into a more developed mode of cogitation, one whereby you'd be capable of quieting your inner-ape. Sadly that hasn't been the case, yet, but I'll be the civilized one among us and wish you luck on your journey.

I realized the errors of my ways... I was just watching the news and my city's mayor just passed a law that it is now illegal for a citizen to be less than a 7 on the Local City Pride Meter.

Who knew that the government can make laws on intangible things that they can't measure?
#812 Aug 13 2010 at 5:54 PM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
You mean like the United States Constitution?
It was already obvious that you have zero understanding of your own history, but it's always nice for you to just lay it out like that.

YOU have to show why it shouldn't.
It shouldn't be restricted because there is no reason for it to be restricted. Unreasoned laws should be opposed and dismantled. I think it's amusing that your hinges on 'that's just the way it's always been' Gay marriage matches the fundamental core of marriage and so lacking a compelling reason against, should be included.

Just because you don't agree or you're too simple minded to grasp the concept doesn't mean "I'm not making sense"
Smiley: oyvey Yeah, but you're not making that point. you're not illuminating any potential problems. All you're doing is picking pointless side arguments in order to avoid having a real discussion. You joined in on the discussion with Gbaji about his argument of the overriding theme. That's what we're discussing. If you don't want to actually discuss that, and when challenged to justify your position just say oh I'm not taking a position, then you're doing exactly what I accused you of.

Edited, Aug 13th 2010 7:02pm by Xsarus
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You'll always be stupid, you'll just be stupid with more information in your brain
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#813 Aug 13 2010 at 6:20 PM Rating: Excellent
Almalieque wrote:
BT wrote:


I think, Alma, that you should leave thoughtful matters to folks whose grandparents were allowed to attend school. That's not an insult, really, just a gentle way of sayin' you might be more suited as a result of pedigree to field work than thinkin'. I'd even allow that afforded a few additional generations of evolutionary advance, you might have by this point moved out of the larval brain stage and into a more developed mode of cogitation, one whereby you'd be capable of quieting your inner-ape. Sadly that hasn't been the case, yet, but I'll be the civilized one among us and wish you luck on your journey.

I realized the errors of my ways... I was just watching the news and my city's mayor just passed a law that it is now illegal for a citizen to be less than a 7 on the Local City Pride Meter.

Who knew that the government can make laws on intangible things that they can't measure?

Your primordial tongue fascinates me. Your grunts and clicks. I would have you kept within glass enclosure for the public's safety and spectacle. History being any indicator, I could charge admission for folks to watch you do what you do, which is to revel in the handling and flinging of your own defecate. There's something almost human about you, but really it's just a shaved ape.
#814gbaji, Posted: Aug 13 2010 at 6:55 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) For the zillionth time, there is nothing preventing them from "getting married" in exactly the same common law way that heterosexual couples have been getting married for thousands of years. And there's also nothing preventing them from formalizing that marriage with a legally binding contract. And look! In California, we even created another status specifically designed to provide an easy to use contract that everyone can use, which is identical to that contained in the marriage status.
#815gbaji, Posted: Aug 13 2010 at 6:57 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Humanism has nothing to do with it. That some people think so is the saddest part of this whole thing. It's about creating a victim group, and then using appeals to emotion to get others to support a political movement to help that group. Along the way, you, I, and the victims you are helping all lose our liberties.
#816 Aug 13 2010 at 7:03 PM Rating: Excellent
gbaji wrote:
Along the way, you, I, and the victims you are helping all lose our liberties.

At the point of a gun.

A turgid, veiny, throbbing, ***-filled gun.
#817 Aug 13 2010 at 7:14 PM Rating: Excellent
So let's go with the "reasons to restrict marriages" argument.

You are a human being. You can marry anyone except:

- An inanimate object, because it can't sign a contract. No chobits allowed.

- A dead person, because the late fiancé can't sign a contract. No Thin H Line allowed.

- A non-human living being, because it can't sign a contract. Paw prints only work in movies.

- Your brother or sister or father or mother or son or daughter, because ewwwwwww parent/child relationships are the universal human taboo, and you already have an official existing social contract with them that supercedes the possible role of spouse.

- A person under the age of majority for marriage, because they cannot sign legally binding contracts without parental permission. (Personally, I don't think anyone under the age of 18 ought to get married, even if they've got a baby on the way, because you're still a stupid teenager before 18 and marriage is a big life decision. But hey, in redneck states where you can still marry your first cousin, you can also get married at 14 if you knock your girlfriend up.)

- More than one person, because entering a contract with one automatically negates a contract with another. (Much to my best friend's disappointment, since she wants to have her own harem of husbands someday.)

- Someone who is already married, because again, their contract with their existing spouse must be terminated.

- Someone who is of the same gender as you because ... (fill in the blank with a good reason here)

Alma has yet to fill in a good reason. Neither has gbaji. And no, "because they can't have kids" doesn't count. As long as two 90 year olds can get married, that argument is moot.

So, all you detractors. There it is, spelled out for you. Give me a convincing argument along those lines. And "ewwwww" doesn't count because I already used it for incest.

Edited, Aug 13th 2010 9:16pm by catwho
#818 Aug 13 2010 at 7:19 PM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
But the benefits do act as an incentive for them to formalize the relationship with a legally binding contract.
Provide evidence that your marriage code has this as a goal.
01001001 00100000 01001100 01001001 01001011 01000101 00100000 01000011 01000001 01001011 01000101
You'll always be stupid, you'll just be stupid with more information in your brain
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#819 Aug 13 2010 at 7:26 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
It was already obvious that you have zero understanding of your own history, but it's always nice for you to just lay it out like that.

Well, please explain to me, all knowing one. Tell me how I have "zero understanding".

Xsarus wrote:
It shouldn't be restricted because there is no reason for it to be restricted.

"It should be restricted because there is no reason for it not to be restricted... Sounds stupid huh?

Unreasoned laws should be opposed and dismantled. I think it's amusing that your hinges on 'that's just the way it's always been' Gay marriage matches the fundamental core of marriage and so lacking a compelling reason against, should be included.

It's not like that at all. I'm just keeping it real and you're living in a fantasy world.

If marriage was a new concept, then you would be 100% absolutely correct, but it isn't. For one reason or another, SSM was excluded. You have to prove why it shouldn't be WITHOUT simply using some universal argument. That's kind of how life works, you know.

Xsarus wrote:
When most of the board irrespective of political position calls you out on not making sense and lacking coherence, it's usually a sign that you should look internally. Carry on though, you're childish interpretations of history are hilarious. It's one thing when you're just using bad logic but when you start quoting history and getting it completely wrong, well, it just makes my day. And you're not engaging, you pick a part of the argument and criticize something meaningless to avoid actually having to take a position.

Oh, you mean by calling someone wrong with ZERO proof other than saying you have zero understanding..

Or do you mean how everyone says I'm lacking sense or lacking coherence and NOT ONE SINGLE person can give an example for further clarification?!

Or do you mean how people blatantly ignore questions that contradict their view point?

Oh yea, I guess you're right.

#820 Aug 13 2010 at 7:31 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Barkingturtle wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
BT wrote:


I think, Alma, that you should leave thoughtful matters to folks whose grandparents were allowed to attend school. That's not an insult, really, just a gentle way of sayin' you might be more suited as a result of pedigree to field work than thinkin'. I'd even allow that afforded a few additional generations of evolutionary advance, you might have by this point moved out of the larval brain stage and into a more developed mode of cogitation, one whereby you'd be capable of quieting your inner-ape. Sadly that hasn't been the case, yet, but I'll be the civilized one among us and wish you luck on your journey.

I realized the errors of my ways... I was just watching the news and my city's mayor just passed a law that it is now illegal for a citizen to be less than a 7 on the Local City Pride Meter.

Who knew that the government can make laws on intangible things that they can't measure?

Your primordial tongue fascinates me. Your grunts and clicks. I would have you kept within glass enclosure for the public's safety and spectacle. History being any indicator, I could charge admission for folks to watch you do what you do, which is to revel in the handling and flinging of your own defecate. There's something almost human about you, but really it's just a shaved ape.

As long as I get 50% or more of the cut. I mean who doesn't want to see this level of awesomeness. Have your agent call my agent, maybe we can do lunch..

#821 Aug 13 2010 at 7:33 PM Rating: Good
catwho wrote:
- More than one person, because entering a contract with one automatically negates a contract with another. (Much to my best friend's disappointment, since she wants to have her own harem of husbands someday.)

- Someone who is already married, because again, their contract with their existing spouse must be terminated.
Explain why these are good reasons.

Yes, I'm bringing up the whole "but why do we discourage plural marriage" thing again because it's about a hundred times more entertaining than The gbaji'n'Alma Dog And Pony And Donkey Show.
#822 Aug 13 2010 at 7:34 PM Rating: Excellent
27,272 posts
Almalieque wrote:
Or do you mean how everyone says I'm lacking sense or lacking coherence and NOT ONE SINGLE person can give an example for further clarification?!
No really, when half your posts include something along the lines of you don't understand me" and half the posts replying to your posts state that they make no sense at all it could be, just maybe, that the problem lies with you.
#823Almalieque, Posted: Aug 13 2010 at 7:50 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Are you going to give me an example of something you don't understand so I can clarify? Or are you just going to continue doing exactly what I just mentioned above.
#824 Aug 13 2010 at 7:54 PM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
Almalieque wrote:
"It should be restricted because there is no reason for it not to be restricted... Sounds stupid huh?
Yeah, that sounds idiotic. When in doubt go with less restrictions. That should be the default assumption. Which is what my statement was. I'm going with you want to sound stupid on purpose with this statement, but taunting me with the opposite of what I said sort of reinforces my point.

Unreasoned laws should be opposed and dismantled. I think it's amusing that your hinges on 'that's just the way it's always been' Gay marriage matches the fundamental core of marriage and so lacking a compelling reason against, should be included.

It's not like that at all. I'm just keeping it real and you're living in a fantasy world.

If marriage was a new concept, then you would be 100% absolutely correct, but it isn't. For one reason or another, SSM was excluded. You have to prove why it shouldn't be WITHOUT simply using some universal argument. That's kind of how life works, you know.
SSM was excluded because people believed being gay was morally wrong. The Church controlled society. That isn't the case any more, and so the only reason SSM was ever banned is now gone. Since that reason doesn't exist anymore, there is no reason to ban SSM any more. It's not a mystery.

Edited, Aug 13th 2010 8:55pm by Xsarus
01001001 00100000 01001100 01001001 01001011 01000101 00100000 01000011 01000001 01001011 01000101
You'll always be stupid, you'll just be stupid with more information in your brain
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#825 Aug 13 2010 at 8:07 PM Rating: Excellent
Almalieque wrote:
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
Or do you mean how everyone says I'm lacking sense or lacking coherence and NOT ONE SINGLE person can give an example for further clarification?!
No really, when half your posts include something along the lines of you don't understand me" and half the posts replying to your posts state that they make no sense at all it could be, just maybe, that the problem lies with you.

Are you going to give me an example of something you don't understand so I can clarify? Or are you just going to continue doing exactly what I just mentioned above.

People don't always understand each other. There were at least 2 times that I didn't understand Belkira, you know what I did, I ASKED FOR CLARIFICATION. I didn't just go around saying how nothing she says is coherent.

As I stated before, I only have that issue when I'm on allakhazam. When I argue the same exact issues IRL or on another forum, it never happens. Soooooooooooooo I'm pretty sure you all have some fault in it as well..

It's because you're probably right around the median in your other social interactions, but here you are very clearly toward the bottom of the intellectual spectrum, probably right between Varus and Exodus. Honestly, I can barely tolerate your posts because you write so poorly, owing largely to a limited vocabulary stifling your ability to elucidate. I make sport of picking on retards, and I've never seen someone who so struggles to find words for their meanings. It's gotta be a real *****.
#826 Aug 13 2010 at 8:28 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Sir Xsarus wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
"It should be restricted because there is no reason for it not to be restricted... Sounds stupid huh?
Yeah, that sounds idiotic. When in doubt go with less restrictions. That should be the default assumption. Which is what my statement was. I'm going with you want to sound stupid on purpose with this statement, but taunting me with the opposite of what I said sort of reinforces my point.

It actually doesn't reinforce it at all. You said when it doubt, use less restrictions, then add restrictions. Well guess what? That's what happened when the government decided to support marriage in the first place. They created a reason to exclude SSM. So, it now it's your turn to counter it regardless on how silly it may sound

Xsarus wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
Xsarus wrote:
Unreasoned laws should be opposed and dismantled. I think it's amusing that your hinges on 'that's just the way it's always been' Gay marriage matches the fundamental core of marriage and so lacking a compelling reason against, should be included.

It's not like that at all. I'm just keeping it real and you're living in a fantasy world.

If marriage was a new concept, then you would be 100% absolutely correct, but it isn't. For one reason or another, SSM was excluded. You have to prove why it shouldn't be WITHOUT simply using some universal argument. That's kind of how life works, you know.

SSM was excluded because people believed being gay was morally wrong. The Church controlled society. That isn't the case any more, and so the only reason SSM was ever banned is now gone. Since that reason doesn't exist anymore, there is no reason to ban SSM any more. It's not a mystery.

Edited, Aug 13th 2010 8:55pm by Xsarus

You claim that it was only banned because of the church, but the separation of church and state was in talk during the life time of our founding fathers, over 200 years ago. This means that the ban on SSM was a social one, not based on the law coming from religion.
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