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Another Dem Congressman on tapeFollow

#102 Aug 02 2010 at 7:38 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Huh. Varrus's bottom finally surfaces long enough to cough up a wad of hate-juice.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#103 Aug 02 2010 at 7:40 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
ThiefX wrote:
I'm not even going to bother reading something on Breitbert's site. Who listens to a proven liar?

Is this going to be another chop-shop job?

Breitbart lost all credibility. Not gonna bother with anything he says now. It's not worth the energy.

Translation: I am going to use this excuse every time a video shows up that shows a lib actually admitting who and what they are so I don't have to come up with new reasons to justify my idiotic beliefs and so I can sleep at night and not have to think about the damage liberalism has cause this country.

Not necessarily every time. I'll certainly look askance at anything Breitbart posts after the recent shenanigans.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#104 Aug 02 2010 at 8:07 PM Rating: Good
13,240 posts
And every person I bring on takes more of my time, effort, and experience. Why would I want to have more employees so I can make more money that will eventually be taken from me? I can survive making 6 figures until i'm ready to sell the agency for a few million when i'm ready to retire. The only way i'll hire more people is if it's worth my time. Right now it's not. When W was lowering taxes it was. Funny how that works.

How is 40k six figure?
Just as Planned.
#105ThiefX, Posted: Aug 02 2010 at 8:12 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) And do you hold the same hesitant view of CNN (as well as other "reputable" new sources) who during Hurricane Katrina on a nightly basis claimed 20,000 dead bodies in the flood waters as well as roaming gangs raping and murdering people in the superdome?
#106 Aug 02 2010 at 8:30 PM Rating: Good
Timelordwho wrote:
And every person I bring on takes more of my time, effort, and experience. Why would I want to have more employees so I can make more money that will eventually be taken from me? I can survive making 6 figures until i'm ready to sell the agency for a few million when i'm ready to retire. The only way i'll hire more people is if it's worth my time. Right now it's not. When W was lowering taxes it was. Funny how that works.

How is 40k six figure?

Well, you have the four, the zero, the comma, then three zeros. Pretty obvious to me...
#107 Aug 02 2010 at 8:47 PM Rating: Good
That woman was a loon. Taxation is not slavery, and taxation is one of the "few" things that the constitution enables the government to do.

I don't blame him for being a little stunned by the obviously loaded and completely off-base question, really.

But... was he wrong...? The government does make a lot of laws about your private live. You can't kill people. You can't rape people. You can only have one spouse (and that spouse has to be of the opposite sex). The government controls what you get through your television via the FCC. They stop you from beating or starving your kid. You can't take people's stuff. You can't take people's money.

Am I a slave to the world's children because I'm being taxed for the schools? Am I a slave to the driving populace because I'm taxed to help pay for roads? I guess we're all slaves to the military in a big way. We're slaves to the government, since we pay their salaries...

So how was he wrong?
#108 Aug 02 2010 at 9:14 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
ThiefX wrote:
Not necessarily every time. I'll certainly look askance at anything Breitbart posts after the recent shenanigans.

And do you hold the same hesitant view of CNN (as well as other "reputable" new sources) who during Hurricane Katrina on a nightly basis claimed 20,000 dead bodies in the flood waters as well as roaming gangs raping and murdering people in the superdome?

CBS who used forged documents in an attempt to alter the outcome of a Presidential election?

ABC who led off their national news broadcast the day after the healthcare vote with a story that claimed a congressman was spit on and had racial epitaph hurled at him despite the fact there were countless video cameras and cell phones around not one single bit of proof has ever surfaced that proved it happen?

PBS who employs Tavis Smiley who on a weekly basis states the above as fact?

Or how about MSNBC who had several "news" anchors repeat a bogus story that claimed Rush Limbaugh had praised James Earl Ray and wanted his birthday to be a national holiday?

I'm skeptical of pretty much everything I hear. The fewer original sources, the more skeptical I am.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#109 Aug 02 2010 at 9:21 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Belkira the Tulip wrote:
That woman was a loon. Taxation is not slavery, and taxation is one of the "few" things that the constitution enables the government to do.

She goes a bit far with the whole slavery bit, but she's more or less right. She clearly has an understanding of the difference between negative and positive rights.

I don't blame him for being a little stunned by the obviously loaded and completely off-base question, really.

I don't think he understood the principle of rights she was talking about. While she leaps to the worst example in terms of constitutional amendments, he clearly didn't have a clue that government doesn't actually have endless power to regulate (or shouldn't anyway).

But... was he wrong...? The government does make a lot of laws about your private live.

Yes. But in each (most?) cases the restrictions placed on the people are intended to prevent them from infringing on the rights of other people, not to provide other people with a benefit.

You can't kill people.

Protecting someone's right.

You can't rape people.

Protecting someone's right.

You can only have one spouse (and that spouse has to be of the opposite sex).

Limitation on a set of benefits, not a limit of rights at all. You don't have a right to get benefits from the government. Ergo, placing restrictions on who qualifies for said benefits isn't a violation of rights. Now, taking property from people to pay for those benefits *is* a violation of rights, so you'd have been better going in that direction.

The government controls what you get through your television via the FCC.

Sure. It's a common/public area law though. It's about my willingness to accept the loss of liberty to run around naked with peanut butter smeared on my body in exchange for protection of the sorts of liberties that really matter (like free speech, protection of my property, etc). We all accept social norm rules as part of joining a society, and this is no different.

They stop you from beating or starving your kid. You can't take people's stuff. You can't take people's money.

Yup. Still all preventing you from infringing a right held by someone else (life, and property respectively).

Am I a slave to the world's children because I'm being taxed for the schools? Am I a slave to the driving populace because I'm taxed to help pay for roads? I guess we're all slaves to the military in a big way. We're slaves to the government, since we pay their salaries...

Yup. Taxation is a tricky one IMO. Technically, any tax is an infringement of our rights. The degree to which said taxes pay for things which protect our rights is the measuring stick we should use though. A military protects our rights. Police forces protect our rights. Other things are really just benefits. We can decide to pay for them or not. They're not required though, and we should always be *very* cautious when making spending decisions about them.

Not understanding the difference between rights and benefits tends to make it difficult to correctly assess which spending is "necessary" and which is just fluff, and further which taxes are acceptable and which aren't. The point the woman was making (well except for the slavery bit), is that being required to pay taxes for something which is a benefit by simply labeling that thing a "right" turns the entire process upside down. The same tactic can be used to call anything a "right", and thus result in no limit to what the government can do.

Which is essentially what the congressman said and why the reaction to it was so strong.

So how was he wrong?

Because he clearly failed to grasp the difference I talked about. That's stupid when it's done by a random citizen, but it's dangerous when it's done by an elected official. Assuming you care about such things of course...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#110ThiefX, Posted: Aug 02 2010 at 9:27 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Anyone of you libs see the irony of claiming this women is wrong when on this very board is a post where a judge basically said she was right?
#111 Aug 02 2010 at 9:28 PM Rating: Good
gbaji wrote:
But... was he wrong...? The government does make a lot of laws about your private live.

Yes. But in each (most?) cases the restrictions placed on the people are intended to prevent them from infringing on the rights of other people, not to provide other people with a benefit.

So, in other words, he's not wrong.

That's what I figured.
#112 Aug 02 2010 at 9:31 PM Rating: Good
ThiefX wrote:
Anyone of you libs see the irony of claiming this women is wrong when on this very board is a post where a judge basically said she was right?


That post doesn't say what you think it says.
#113 Aug 02 2010 at 9:32 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
ThiefX wrote:
Anyone of you libs see the irony of claiming this women is wrong when on this very board is a post where a judge basically said she was right?


I have no idea what the woman in question was saying since I never bothered clicking the lolbreibart link but unless she was arguing that a case should be allowed to proceed to a trial, I think you're misunderstanding what the judge said.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#114ThiefX, Posted: Aug 02 2010 at 9:33 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Why cant liberals ever admit they're wrong?
#115 Aug 02 2010 at 9:35 PM Rating: Good
ThiefX wrote:
So, in other words, he's not wrong.

That's what I figured.

Why cant liberals ever admit they're wrong?

Why can't idiots on a message board (namely you and Varrus, but let's throw gbaji in there, too) actually show where the liberal is wrong?
#116 Aug 02 2010 at 9:36 PM Rating: Good
Jophiel wrote:
ThiefX wrote:
Anyone of you libs see the irony of claiming this women is wrong when on this very board is a post where a judge basically said she was right?


I have no idea what the woman in question was saying since I never bothered clicking the lolbreibart link but unless she was arguing that a case should be allowed to proceed to a trial, I think you're misunderstanding what the judge said.

You probably should. It's sort of like listening to a female gbaji. Smiley: nod
#117ThiefX, Posted: Aug 02 2010 at 9:37 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I believe Gbaji just did...............
#118 Aug 02 2010 at 9:41 PM Rating: Excellent
ThiefX wrote:
actually show where the liberal is wrong?

I believe Gbaji just did...............

He did? He showed where the government wasn't making rules that dictated how you live your private life?

No, he didn't. He just pretended that my argument was something different and argued with that, because it was easier. It's what he does a lot, really.

So why don't you take a crack at it instead of hiding behind gbaji's wall-o-text?

How do laws against rape, murder, stealing, driving without a seat belt, speed limits, profanity on broadcast TV, and beating your child not interfere in how you live your private life? How are taxes for schools, the military, and roads not interfering on your private life?

Edit: Cable =/= broadcast TV. Smiley: grin

Edited, Aug 2nd 2010 10:53pm by Belkira
#119ThiefX, Posted: Aug 02 2010 at 10:28 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) It's pretty ******* simple.
#120 Aug 02 2010 at 10:34 PM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
You didn't answer her question at all Thief. You certainly wrote a lot explaining why we have certain laws, but that really wasn't what the question was. Care to try again?

Also that link doesn't say what you seem to think it says. Carry on though.

Edited, Aug 2nd 2010 11:39pm by Xsarus
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#121 Aug 02 2010 at 10:37 PM Rating: Decent
5,159 posts
Please don't invite him to try again. It's incoherent enough already without him adding to it.
#122 Aug 02 2010 at 10:39 PM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
that's true, and we don't really need another varrus. It doesn't really matter with thief though, he'll post incoherent rage for a few days and then go away for a few months again. Thank goodness.

I think it's like binging for him.

Edited, Aug 2nd 2010 11:40pm by Xsarus
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#123ThiefX, Posted: Aug 02 2010 at 10:41 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Let my simplify it for you.
#124 Aug 02 2010 at 10:46 PM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
That's great but completely unrelated to what belkira asked.
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#125ThiefX, Posted: Aug 02 2010 at 10:58 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Really? She posted a comment about the women in the video comparing the federal government forcing people to have healthcare to slavery (granted an over the top comparison but the basic argument is correct) and what the federal government has a right to impose or how far they can go into your private lives and then she asked what the difference was between various other laws which as been explained to her and you more than once now.
#126 Aug 02 2010 at 11:05 PM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
No, she asked how these laws didn't interfere with your private life. They all do of course. They might be great laws with good justifications, but they certainly interfere with your private life, which is why it's an absurd criticism to make.

You know you should wait to completely misrepresent posts until we're at least on a different page.

That's what three tries now? You're worse then varrus, although he'd have changed the topic after the first one. Smiley: lol

Edited, Aug 3rd 2010 12:08am by Xsarus
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