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Race study, 1st views on raceFollow

#27 May 19 2010 at 9:42 AM Rating: Good
knoxxsouthy wrote:

I also remember my dad ranting to my mom one night. He had been driving through Plymouth and got pulled over by a white cop. Since my family used to live in Plymouth he struck up a conversation with the cop, who said "We usually patrol around here and try to catch as many n*ggers as we can. They come through here all the time, stirring up trouble. You're fine though; good to see a home-town boy." And he let him go, simply because he wasn't black. My dad didn't say anything at the time, but he was so angry when he got home about how corrupt the police were in Plymouth.

I'm sure the policeman knew what he was talking about. While that may be offensive it's the truth. And just as importantly your father knew that the cop was actually doing a good job which was probably at the root of his anger.

You're losing it, man.
#28 May 19 2010 at 9:47 AM Rating: Good
3,829 posts
Atomicflea wrote:

What were your first experiences with race?

One of my very earliest memories--I was probably between 2-1/2 and 3 years old at the time--was of my absolutely incensed mother hauling me with her down to my 6-7-year-old sister's school (we were living in Arkansas at the time) where she then proceeded to read the riot act to the principal because my sister had come home in tears. Why? Well, it turns out she mentioned to some of her school mates that back in Michigan she had played with black children, and they started calling her a n*****-lover.

My mom? She got it wrong on about 95% of the stuff that matters, but that's the one time she really, REALLY didn't and it pretty much set the stage for my attitudes regarding racial intolerance for the rest of my life.

I won't say I don't suffer from (probably more frequent than I care to admit) moments of white-privilege obliviousness. Last Halloween a friend of mine, whose parents were from the Philippines and whose husband is Korean, made a big post about Halloween and race and why white people think it's okay to co-opt stereotypes from other cultures and flaunt them as costumes. Until that moment, it never occurred to me that that was pretty much exactly what I had done dressing Tristan up as a ninja (and worse, considering the source of the decision to use that costume came from the derogatory use of the word "ninja" as it pertains to MMO gaming, the connection to which was inspired by Tristan's sneak-thief ways.) Then I promptly started questioning whether or not the fact that Tristan is 1/4 Japanese makes his claim on the costume legitimate. Stupid stupid stupid.
#29 May 19 2010 at 9:59 AM Rating: Good
907 posts
Allegory wrote:

I guess it's important to note that I was probably somewhat sheltered by most standards. I went to a very small private school 1st through 8th grade, spending most of those years with a fairly consistent group of about 18-24 kids. The sample size was so small that it made no sense to break people up into types of groups. I never realized the girl named "Ariella" who had tanned skin and spoke Spanish was Hispanic, because she was the only one in the class. These were just individual features she had and I made no correlation between them.

It wasn't until high school that I understood race. I attended a public high school and was consequently exposed to a much larger sample size. In addition to being able to see the correlation myself, we also had a few talks about respecting differences and tolerance, which made me aware of the importance and significance of these correlations. It was the "don't hate black people talks," that made me finally able to see individuals with those collective qualities as "black." Anti-racist lectures made me more racist than I could have ever naturally become.


I had no idea that you could be racist, or that it was even an issue until we had that talk in class in 2nd/3rd grade. We had nice black neighbors taht had a hot tub we got to use :D and my best friend in minnesota when I was little was our black neighbor Rick (who later turned out to be a total ******* years later).

I can't think of any instance of it being an issue until I went to a big high school, and all but one of the black kids segregated themselves from everyone else at lunch time. It was more of a clique thing, but it really seemed like they just didn't want anything to do with anyone else.

#30 May 19 2010 at 10:30 AM Rating: Good
I was invited to my friend Charm's birthday party at Applebees when I was 7 or 8. I was the only white friend she had; we lived in a mixed military neighborhood and most of her other friends were black.

We told the white hostess we were there for a birthday party. We were shown to a table on one side of the restaurant. There was no one else there. On the other side of the barrier in the middle of a restaurant, we could hear the sounds of a birthday party. My mother asked our waitress if perhaps just maybe that was the party we were supposed to be at, but the waitress assured us it was another group.

After 45 minutes passed and I was weeping on the table because I'd apparently been invited to a nonexistant birthday party, my mother got the nerve up to actually peek over the barrier to see what was going on. Yup, it was my friend Charm's party all right. I had all but missed it.

At that point, my mother spoke with Charm's mother, and together they asked for the manager. I'm too young to remember what happened next, but I do recall that all the mothers agreed to a boycott of Applebees for a while, the manager of the store was involved, and probably a letter to the editor at the local newspaper as well.

My family was military, and I was taught that racism isn't right - you judge a person on their merits, not the color of their skin. My porcelain skinned mom (who had to order her makeup from Europe; no one in the US made makeup in "white as a ghost white" at the time) tried to live that every day of her life.

(Religious views, on the other hand, were something else. She was firmly Catholic, although not fanatically so, and I know she would have preferred for me to marry a fellow Catholic.)
#31 May 19 2010 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent

Discriminating who you pull over and ticket on the basis of their race is still illegal. Thanks pumpkin.

Deporting illegal aliens is still legal as well.

#32 May 19 2010 at 11:34 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
knoxxsouthy wrote:

Discriminating who you pull over and ticket on the basis of their race is still illegal. Thanks pumpkin.

Deporting illegal aliens is still legal as well.

I think you're confused here. Are you saying that the police are justified in pulling over and ticketing blacks and not whites because they're illegal aliens?

No, of course you're not. You're trying to tie together two completely different topics through the kinship of racism. Your post has no relevance in relation to my post.
#33 May 19 2010 at 11:43 AM Rating: Good
9,395 posts
Leave it to Varus to **** up a thread...

I never noticed any differences between races until I was older(8th or 9th grade?) and the school forced us to acknowledge people as being different in some completely backwards attempt to curb racism against natives. Even now though, I don't see race as an issue of any sort. I just like to see all people as being the same, regardless of race, culture, etc.
10k before the site's inevitable death or bust

The World Is Not A Cold Dead Place.
Alan Watts wrote:
I am omnipotent insofar as I am the Universe, but I am not an omnipotent in the role of Alan Watts, only cunning

Eske wrote:
I've always read Driftwood as the straight man in varus' double act. It helps if you read all of his posts in the voice of Droopy Dog.
#34 May 19 2010 at 12:02 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
I was probably 8 or 9 years old when my mother explained to me that it wasn't a good idea to be too friendly with my little black friend. She didn't mean to be unkind, which makes it worse, somehow.

I was bereft, and left in a lose-lose situation: betray my friend or disobey my mother. At that age, it's an impossible choice. I compromised by being friends at school but never being available for sleepovers and after-school play. It sucked, and yes, neocons, I did and do feel guilty about it.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#35 May 19 2010 at 1:26 PM Rating: Good
Growing up I had the polar ends of the relationship scale pegged by black kids. My best friend in the entire world was a boy call Governor. He was the son of a teacher at my school. Great kid, always a blast to hang out with and play with Star Wars action figures. We were in the same classes the entire 6 years of elementary school. When my family left Alabama, he was the only one I kept in contact with.

The boy who was the bane of my existence was called Marcus. The biggest pain in the *** that I have ever known. I got in 7 fights at school between Kindergarten and graduation, and 6 of them were with him. It was an annual thing. We'd get back from summer break, spend 30 seconds too long in close proximity on the playground and he'd force me to kick his ***. Bob, I hated that kid.

I got that there was a difference between the black kids and the white kids. It wasn't going to stop me from playing with them. I just wanted to have fun, and if it was a couple of black kids that I could have the most fun with that day, or an integrated group, I hung out with them. It wasn't until my strange fruit incident at about 8 that I really started to see the deep divide between blacks & whites in the South.

These days I have no contact socially with minorities. There just aren't any in the circle of friends I married in to and I haven't felt the need to bump up my tolerance cred by going out and finding any. To be fair, there are only about 5 people I hang out with on a regular basis anyway. I just don't like people.
#36 May 19 2010 at 1:53 PM Rating: Decent

To be fair, there are only about 5 people I hang out with on a regular basis anyway. I just don't like people.

That's 2 more than me. I don't like people either.

I still play ball at college park, with the brothers, and still get a blast out of being the only white person on the court and embarrassing the sh*t out of whoever tries to guard me. Of course 3 yrs ago that almost got me in trouble. Making a black person look bad in front of his friends, and girlfriends, generally pisses them off and one took a swing at me. He missed and I beat the sh*t out of him leaving him unconscious and bloodied. All his friends stood there mouths wide open in complete surprise. Fortunately I was smart enough to leave that scene quickly. Then again i've been jumped by a gang of blacks more than once, so I know what it's like being on the other end.

#37 May 19 2010 at 1:59 PM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
knoxxsouthy wrote:

To be fair, there are only about 5 people I hang out with on a regular basis anyway. I just don't like people.

That's 2 more than me. I don't like people either.

Nah, people just don't like you.

I still play ball at college park, with the brothers, and still get a blast out of being the only white person on the court and embarrassing the sh*t out of whoever tries to guard me. Of course 3 yrs ago that almost got me in trouble. Making a black person look bad in front of his friends, and girlfriends, generally pisses them off and one took a swing at me. He missed and I beat the sh*t out of him leaving him unconscious and bloodied. All his friends stood there mouths wide open in complete surprise. Fortunately I was smart enough to leave that scene quickly. Then again i've been jumped by a gang of blacks more than once, so I know what it's like being on the other end.

I'm just gonna call ******** on this.
#38 May 19 2010 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent

Who gives a sh*t what you call? It is what it is. At 35 i'm still one of the best ball players in this city.

#39 May 19 2010 at 2:09 PM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
knoxxsouthy wrote:

Who gives a sh*t what you call?

You, apparently, as you feel the need to respond and to back up you baller skills.
#40 May 19 2010 at 3:00 PM Rating: Good
LockeColeMA wrote:
knoxxsouthy wrote:

Who gives a sh*t what you call?

You, apparently, as you feel the need to respond and to back up you baller skills.

I just can't get over the amount of kindergarten level self-promotion ******** that keeps spewing from virus's fingers. I mean.. really, I bet his daddy could beat up my daddy too! I've never known such pathological stupidity in my life.
#41 May 19 2010 at 3:16 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
knoxxsouthy wrote:
I still set sail at sea, with the pirates, and still get a blast out of being the only landlubber on the ship and embarrassing the sh*t out of whoever tries to beat me at loading cannons. Of course 3 yrs ago that almost got me in trouble. Making a pirate look bad in front of his parrot, and wench, generally pisses them off and one took a swing at me with his cutlass. He missed and I beat the sh*t out of him leaving him unconscious and bloodied. All his scalliwag mates stood there mouths wide open in complete surprise. Fortunately I was smart enough to leave that scene quickly by leaping form the crow's nest, using a dagger in the sail to slow my fall. Then again i've been jumped by a gang of pirates more than once, so I know what it's like being on the other end. Yarrr...
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#42 May 19 2010 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent

You people start talking about your associations with blacks and yet when I relate my experiences i'm somehow self-promoting. Smiley: oyvey Ok ok...I am confident in my balling skills.

The fact is most of you have very little, if any, association with blacks yet you act like you know something about race relations. Why don't you go sell your white mans guilt to someone else, i'm not buying it.

Oh and the obligatory "you're stupid". Smiley: laugh

Don't you ever get tired of repeating the same nonsense over and over? Of course you don't. It's not like you can think of anything better to say or anything.

Edited, May 19th 2010 5:27pm by knoxxsouthy
#43 May 19 2010 at 3:26 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Jophiel wrote:
knoxxsouthy wrote:
I still set sail at sea, with the pirates, and still get a blast out of being the only landlubber on the ship and embarrassing the sh*t out of whoever tries to beat me at loading cannons. Of course 3 yrs ago that almost got me in trouble. Making a pirate look bad in front of his parrot, and wench, generally pisses them off and one took a swing at me with his cutlass. He missed and I beat the sh*t out of him leaving him unconscious and bloodied. All his scalliwag mates stood there mouths wide open in complete surprise. Fortunately I was smart enough to leave that scene quickly by leaping form the crow's nest, using a dagger in the sail to slow my fall. Then again i've been jumped by a gang of pirates more than once, so I know what it's like being on the other end. Yarrr...

Smiley: laugh


In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#44 May 19 2010 at 3:39 PM Rating: Excellent
5,684 posts
knoxxsouthy wrote:
At 35 i'm still one of the best ball players in this city.

ITT we learn that varus is into ball play.
#45 May 19 2010 at 3:40 PM Rating: Decent

Remind me again what sports you don't use a ball in?

#46 May 19 2010 at 3:41 PM Rating: Excellent
13,007 posts
knoxxsouthy wrote:

Remind me again what sports you don't use a ball in?

Hockey. Was this an actual question?

See also:

Bobsled. Polevaulting. Auto racing. Bike racing. Motorcycle racing. Sprinting. Skeet-shooting. Olympic swimming. Highdive. Rock climbing. And in fact most of the rest of the Olympics lineup.

Edited, May 19th 2010 4:45pm by AshOnMyTomatoes
#47 May 19 2010 at 4:06 PM Rating: Excellent
5,684 posts
knoxxsouthy wrote:

Remind me again what sports you don't use a ball in?

#48 May 19 2010 at 4:18 PM Rating: Excellent
15,512 posts
knoxxsouthy wrote:

Remind me again what sports you don't use a ball in?
#49 May 19 2010 at 4:20 PM Rating: Excellent
Sweetums wrote:
knoxxsouthy wrote:

Remind me again what sports you don't use a ball in?

Maybe virus should read "The Yellow River" by I.P. Freely.
#50 May 19 2010 at 5:28 PM Rating: Good
9,395 posts
Don't you ever get tired of repeating the same nonsense over and over?

Don't You?
10k before the site's inevitable death or bust

The World Is Not A Cold Dead Place.
Alan Watts wrote:
I am omnipotent insofar as I am the Universe, but I am not an omnipotent in the role of Alan Watts, only cunning

Eske wrote:
I've always read Driftwood as the straight man in varus' double act. It helps if you read all of his posts in the voice of Droopy Dog.
#51 May 19 2010 at 11:11 PM Rating: Good
GBATE!! Never saw it coming
9,969 posts
Blacks: I was about 5 (1971) and living on an Air Force base when I was taken in hand by my dad. He pointed out some black kids playing across the street and let me know that if he ever heard of any incident involving me mistreating them in any way due to their skin color, he'd kick my *** clean off the planet. I couldn't noodle out why someone would do something so stupid in the first place, but it was an effective lesson.

Asians: I have a Korean sister and half-brother. 'Nuff said.

Latinos: No real contact until after I entered the job market. Not too many of them in South Dakota, even now. All experiences in this regard = positive.

Native American/First Nation/Indians: Shortly after moving off base. One of the Catholic churches, in a gesture of multi-culturalism (I guess) allowed the construction on their property of a pow-wow site. Around here that consists of a circle of pine logs with other logs placed within the circle in some meaningful pattern. My brothers and some friends were bored at some church function and whiled the time moving the logs about. (We were all 8-13 years old). Some native kids arrived on bikes and a fight commenced. In the aftermath, while we're all mad about this "unwaranted" attack, the adults informed us we had essentialy violated sacred ground. OOPS.

Polish: The only one I think I've encountered in any way at all is Jophiel. I'm just gonna guess that all those Polish jokes are totaly unfounded. Smiley: grin
remorajunbao wrote:
One day I'm going to fly to Canada and open the curtains in your office.

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