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Lesbian Teen Sent to Fake PromFollow

#1 Apr 05 2010 at 1:14 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
So we've all heard about Constance McMillan and the GA school where they denied her and her girlfriend access to the prom and then canceled it when a judge ruled this wasn't constitutional. Well, apparently, a bunch of parents organized a prom for all the kids in school. Except that Constance, her girlfriend and their friends were all sent to a different venue.

It isn't yet clear what actually happened. But what seems to be the order of events is this:

-Judge rules that refusing her access was unconstitutional, but also refused to force the district to hold the prom provided Constance was invited to the one being set up by the district's parents (it seems the party they were hosting fell within the scope of the district, because they used school funds the students had raised and/or received the student info from the school).

-Parents set up the prom, but don't want Constance there. But they can't refuse her access without facing a lawsuit, so they "cancel" the prom.

-Another group of parents rents a hall where the kids can have their "prom"

-7 students plus Constance and her girlfriend show up. The rest of the school parties elsewhere at the prom that had been "canceled." And it has been suggested that school officials were directly involved in the ploy.

As of right now, it does seem that they violated the judge's mandate and will be subject to a lawsuit. He didn't stipulate that Constance also have a prom, but that she be invited to the* prom. I don't think the organizers, though disgusting, could be sued. But there could definitely be a case against the district if they in any way aided the formation of the "secret" prom--anything from student info to funds to providing chaperons.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#2REDACTED, Posted: Apr 05 2010 at 1:25 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) With the lawsuit and Ellen from TV's college grant money she has all of her college covered and more if things go the way they are going.
#3 Apr 05 2010 at 1:30 PM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Tailmon wrote:
With the lawsuit and Ellen from TV's college grant money she has all of her college covered and more if things go the way they are going.

Edited, Apr 5th 2010 3:26pm by Tailmon

What the fuck does that have to do with the issue at hand? I can't tell if you're trying to go "Oh well, it turned out ok for her in end" or going for some other idea.

I wonder if this thread will become another huge one with gbaji arguing it's "for the best because it's what the community wants and she went about it the wrong way in the first place and wearing a tux is not a right..." while the rest of us sigh and shake our heads.

Edited, Apr 5th 2010 3:32pm by LockeColeMA
#4 Apr 05 2010 at 1:34 PM Rating: Excellent
18,463 posts
Good lord, people are ridiculous. I hope she sues them, they deserve to lose their money to her.
#5 Apr 05 2010 at 1:36 PM Rating: Good
Meh, all they have to do is say they didn't hold a prom, but had a party for all the kids who knew what was supposed to go where.
#6 Apr 05 2010 at 1:37 PM Rating: Good
Jesus, that poor kid. Smiley: frown
#7gbaji, Posted: Apr 05 2010 at 1:52 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) She got exactly the prom she demanded. One that had so little value to the other kids that they chose to go do something else instead. I'm not sure why anyone is surprised at this. The second this became a privately organized and funded event, she lost any power to force everyone else to do what she wanted them to.
#8 Apr 05 2010 at 1:56 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
The Glorious Atomicflea wrote:
Good lord, people are ridiculous. I hope she sues them, they deserve to lose their money to her.

Yeah, but on the other hand I hope she just lets it go and moves on. Get the fUCk out of that place ASAP and never look back except to visit her very cool parents.

People will go to amazing lengths to be aSSholes, there's your life lesson.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#9 Apr 05 2010 at 2:00 PM Rating: Default
I'm totally suing Make-a-Wish for not offering to get my kid in to the locker room at a Giants game. They're discriminating against him just because he's healthy and I'm not a degenerate.
#10 Apr 05 2010 at 2:09 PM Rating: Good
gbaji wrote:
She got exactly the prom she demanded. One that had so little value to the other kids that they chose to go do something else instead. I'm not sure why anyone is surprised at this. The second this became a privately organized and funded event, she lost any power to force everyone else to do what she wanted them to.

Call it a life lesson. Acceptance is a two way street...

I don't get how people like you can be such heartless bastards.
#11 Apr 05 2010 at 2:23 PM Rating: Excellent
18,463 posts
gbaji wrote:
She got exactly the prom she demanded. One that had so little value to the other kids that they chose to go do something else instead. I'm not sure why anyone is surprised at this. The second this became a privately organized and funded event, she lost any power to force everyone else to do what she wanted them to.

Call it a life lesson. Acceptance is a two way street...
The judge disagrees with you.
#12 Apr 05 2010 at 2:26 PM Rating: Decent
Belkira the Tulip wrote:
gbaji wrote:
She got exactly the prom she demanded. One that had so little value to the other kids that they chose to go do something else instead. I'm not sure why anyone is surprised at this. The second this became a privately organized and funded event, she lost any power to force everyone else to do what she wanted them to.

Call it a life lesson. Acceptance is a two way street...

I don't get how people like you can be such heartless bastards.

The Freeway interchange where gbaji and I converge runs through this general area. I don't know about him, but for me it's just being tired. I'm pretty f'ucking tired of being told who I have to include in things. Told by the government, told by the courts, told by insipid PC bleeding hearts, etc. Like minded people should have the right to associate with who they want without having some dipsh;t who lacks enough of a clue to know (s)he's not wanted forced upon me and my friends. I wouldn't want to hang out with people who didn't want me around, and I don't get the mentality of people who do.

I get that this started out as a school function, but if the kids in her class didn't care enough to have her there to tell her about it, why should anyone else care?

Now, you can read that and think whatever you like about me and my "tolerance", but it says nothing more than I'm a dinosaur. I have no problem with homos. I don't have any that I'm BFFs with, but I certainly don't shy away from them or avoid them when I hang out with one of my best and oldest female friends who is the biggest *** hag I know (so they're always there). I don't know enough non-white folks to have them hang out for dinner every night, but those that I do know always get to sample Moe's Famous Barbecue on holidays. If that makes me racist, homophobic or just a d;ck, whatever. I just don't want to be told who I must hang out with or include by some dumbass lawmaker or judge or PC do-gooder nanny.
#13 Apr 05 2010 at 2:27 PM Rating: Decent
The Glorious Atomicflea wrote:
gbaji wrote:
She got exactly the prom she demanded. One that had so little value to the other kids that they chose to go do something else instead. I'm not sure why anyone is surprised at this. The second this became a privately organized and funded event, she lost any power to force everyone else to do what she wanted them to.

Call it a life lesson. Acceptance is a two way street...
The judge disagrees with you.

Not yet, unless you have an updated link to the rest of the story.
#14gbaji, Posted: Apr 05 2010 at 2:31 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Yes. But being a lesbian does not preclude one from also being an asshole. That's the real lesson here. She chose to force a whole group of people to change what they were doing to suit her. What you'll find in life is that this usually doesn't work.
#15 Apr 05 2010 at 2:32 PM Rating: Excellent
18,463 posts
Read the last paragraph of the op.

No one is telling them who to hang out with, but to exclude someone from a school function based on a trait you dislike is asinine. If it were acceptable, I would have succeded in my campaign to keep my own Prom ginger-free.
#16 Apr 05 2010 at 2:33 PM Rating: Excellent
gbaji wrote:
She got exactly the prom she demanded. One that had so little value to the other kids that they chose to go do something else instead. I'm not sure why anyone is surprised at this. The second this became a privately organized and funded event, she lost any power to force everyone else to do what she wanted them to.

Call it a life lesson. Acceptance is a two way street...

Firstly, stop doing this stupid fucking thing you do with the ellipsis after everything you say that you view as incisive or profound. It's pathetic.

Secondly, and less importantly, I don't know many people that believe unqualified acceptance is good. Most people would agree, once they get their tiny brains around the phrasing, that some things (injustice, for example) should not be accepted, given a choice. You're probably going to say something like "oh, but your view of what is unjust is determined by your beliefs!" because you've been riding that angle for a while now. Well, yeah, no sh*t. That doesn't in any way invalidate intolerance of injustice; it's not like a belief has to have a positive effect no matter what other beliefs you hold to be a good idea. I don't know, I feel silly even addressing this absurd belief of yours. Our lives are cheapened by living in a world where such a thing was thought up.

It's quite a predictable result in fact...

You son of a bitch.

Edited, Apr 5th 2010 8:35pm by Kavekk
#17 Apr 05 2010 at 2:34 PM Rating: Good
gbaji wrote:
Yes. But being a lesbian does not preclude one from also being an asshole. That's the real lesson here. She chose to force a whole group of people to change what they were doing to suit her. What you'll find in life is that this usually doesn't work.

To use a lame analogy, if you and 5 friends all decide to go to the movies on Saturday, and the other 5 all want to watch one movie, and you insist that everyone must watch something you like instead, don't be surprised if you end out watching the film you like alone while the other 5 go and see what they wanted to. It's quite a predictable result in fact...

Edited, Apr 5th 2010 1:31pm by gbaji

Interesting. Likening going to a movie with friends to a federally funded school event.

Not only are you a heartless *******, you're also a moron. Not that anyone is surprised by this, of course.

Do go on, gbaji, and tell us about how this prom should've only included male/female partners and no one else. It got you so far last time.
#18 Apr 05 2010 at 2:41 PM Rating: Excellent
18,463 posts
Haha, I totally ignored gbaji and responded to Moe. It wasn't intentional, but it feels great.
#19 Apr 05 2010 at 2:41 PM Rating: Excellent
His Excellency MoebiusLord wrote:
The Freeway interchange where gbaji and I converge runs through this general area. I don't know about him, but for me it's just being tired. I'm pretty f'ucking tired of being told who I have to include in things. Told by the government, told by the courts, told by insipid PC bleeding hearts, etc. Like minded people should have the right to associate with who they want without having some dipsh;t who lacks enough of a clue to know (s)he's not wanted forced upon me and my friends. I wouldn't want to hang out with people who didn't want me around, and I don't get the mentality of people who do.

I get that this started out as a school function, but if the kids in her class didn't care enough to have her there to tell her about it, why should anyone else care?

Now, you can read that and think whatever you like about me and my "tolerance", but it says nothing more than I'm a dinosaur. I have no problem with homos. I don't have any that I'm BFFs with, but I certainly don't shy away from them or avoid them when I hang out with one of my best and oldest female friends who is the biggest *** hag I know (so they're always there). I don't know enough non-white folks to have them hang out for dinner every night, but those that I do know always get to sample Moe's Famous Barbecue on holidays. If that makes me racist, homophobic or just a d;ck, whatever. I just don't want to be told who I must hang out with or include by some dumbass lawmaker or judge or PC do-gooder nanny.

I honestly don't care who you do or do not deign to hang out with. That's not my business, nor is it anyone elses business. No one is telling you to include Bruce and his gay lover to your Memorial day cook out.

But when someone insists that a high school student who only wanted to spend her prom night with the person she is in a relationship with "got what she deserved" when she was sent to a fake prom, that's bastardy at it's finest.
#20 Apr 05 2010 at 2:42 PM Rating: Excellent
20,024 posts
Plus, your analogy is TERRIBLE.

It is more like everyone was going to X movie and she wanted to go too. And she wanted to wear a tux. But she wasn't even allowed to buy her own ticket to the movie because she was gay.



If this was a private party, I'd agree with you. She doesn't have any right to be at some person's private event. But I'm having a hard time considering the secret prom a private function of the type where she is not a default member of the group. It was identified by a judge early on as being a district sponsored function, even if not district hosted, which means they had no right to exclude her, as she was a part of the district.

It isn't like everyone was like "***** the prom, let's go get Drunk at Amy's house!" It seems like it was the original event that they faked cancelling so that they could try and create a loophole in the judge's decision so that they didn't need to include Constance. He clearly ruled that she HAD to be invited and (if she wished) included in the prom festivities. Creating a fake party for her and her friends so that the others could party elsewhere does not fulfill that mandate.

Edited, Apr 5th 2010 4:48pm by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#21 Apr 05 2010 at 2:42 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
What some of us seem to not be grasping here is that not inviting a person to your private exclusionary prom is not the same thing as lying to them.

You're having a private party and you don't want this girl there? Don't invite her. But inviting her to a nonexistent prom is a **** move.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#22 Apr 05 2010 at 2:44 PM Rating: Good
Samira wrote:
What some of us seem to not be grasping here is that not inviting a person to your private exclusionary prom is not the same thing as lying to them.

You're having a private party and you don't want this girl there? Don't invite her. But inviting her to a nonexistent prom is a **** move.

And then going on and saying that she "got what she deserved" is even worse.
#23 Apr 05 2010 at 2:44 PM Rating: Good
The Glorious Atomicflea wrote:
Read the last paragraph of the op.

No one is telling them who to hang out with, but to exclude someone from a school function based on a trait you dislike is asinine. If it were acceptable, I would have succeded in my campaign to keep my own Prom ginger-free.

I read it, and all I see is allusion to an opinion that the judge may be unhappy, nothing from the judge. Also, given the "" of prom at the alternate site the second group of parents rented out, I can't see how it would violate the judges order. Like I said, all they have to do is say, it was just a party alternative for people who didn't want to be forced to associate with someone with whom they didn't want to associate.

As to your assertion that no one is telling them who to hang out with, the judge would appear to disagree.
He didn't stipulate that Constance also have a prom, but that she be invited to the* prom.
#24gbaji, Posted: Apr 05 2010 at 2:45 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) It's a freaking prom. Seriously. Its only value is that placed upon it by those who attend. Thus, it's perfectly reasonable for the prom to reflect what those who attend think a "prom" should be like. If a community of nudists think that means showing up in the buff, by all means they can make their rules require nudity. If a community of amish think that means showing up with the women covered from head to toe, then that's their choice. If a community of Muslims believe that prom requires traditional dress, that's their choice as well.
#25 Apr 05 2010 at 2:46 PM Rating: Good
His Excellency MoebiusLord wrote:
As to your assertion that no one is telling them who to hang out with, the judge would appear to disagree.
He didn't stipulate that Constance also have a prom, but that she be invited to the* prom.

Telling the (federally funded) school that they have to invite the gay girl to her own prom and let her bring her own date is not the same as telling each individual student at the school taht they must hang out and socialize with the gay girl.
#26 Apr 05 2010 at 2:47 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
None of which applies. Again, just don't invite her to your private prom.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

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