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I guess this ends the gun debate once and for allFollow

#27 Mar 29 2010 at 1:25 PM Rating: Decent
Ironically I don't own a gun...I'm pretty good with my throwing knifes and between the sheppards and dane I think i'm pretty safe around the property. I've actually considered getting a concealed carry permit because sometimes I do have large amounts of cash on me but i'm cheap so I figured why waste the money.

But like other things the 2nd is in the constiution so if some legal citizen decides to load down their house/vehicle with AR 50's so be it. Trust me the thugs and gangsters aren't having any problems getting automatic rifles.

#28 Mar 29 2010 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
4,593 posts
knoxxsouthy wrote:
Trust me the thugs and gangsters aren't having any problems getting automatic rifles.

Nope, no more trouble than picking up a pack of smokes at the corner store. That's kinda the problem.
#29 Mar 29 2010 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent

Nope, no more trouble than picking up a pack of smokes at the corner store. That's kinda the problem.

Your realize these gangsters aren't buying their weapons from the local gun shows and gun shops don't you?

These are illegal weapons being imported illegally. How would making legal weapons illegal affect this?

#30 Mar 29 2010 at 1:41 PM Rating: Excellent
15,512 posts
Gun prohibition would probably work about as well as drug prohibition.
#31 Mar 29 2010 at 1:51 PM Rating: Good
knoxxsouthy wrote:
Ironically I don't own a gun

I recall stories of you waving a gun out the window of your car to fend off someone tailgating you. Was that someone else?

#32 Mar 29 2010 at 1:57 PM Rating: Excellent
yossarian wrote:
knoxxsouthy wrote:
Ironically I don't own a gun

I recall stories of you waving a gun out the window of your car to fend off someone tailgating you. Was that someone else?

that was publiusvarus. This is knoxxsouthy.
#33 Mar 29 2010 at 2:00 PM Rating: Good
15,952 posts
Well, I'm glad you've found something that works with the US culture to improve things for Americans. At the same time, can you see why people keep harping on the anti-gun bandwagon, when it seems to work differently for other countries over-seas? Since overseas, low homicide rates correlate with low gun ownership, progressives in the US will probably keep seeking gun control in the States? For instance, 5.6% of Australian adults legally own a gun, as against 25% of American adults (40% of American Households).

16% of Australian homicides are committed with guns as against 65% of American homicides. Australia has 1.26 homicides per 100k pop per year, as against America's 4.55 homicides per 100k pop per year. If more guns in America is really dropping the crime rate there, then that's great. But I don't think that you'll be lucky enough to have the argument go away in the US when other nations do it differently and get different results.

I guess we could all just shut up and thank the universe that we don't live in Columbia. Smiley: um

Country:   % homicides with firearms; 	Firearm homicide rate per 100,000 pop.  Non-firearm homicide rate per 100,000 pop; 
  Lastly table listed by Overall homicide rate per 100,000 pop.   
Qatar   	25 	0.18 	0.53 	0.71 
Singapore 	3 	0.03 	0.92 	0.95 
Denmark 	24 	0.26 	0.83 	1.09 
Germany 	40 	0.47 	0.70 	1.17 
Ireland 	24 	0.32 	1.01 	1.33 
New Zealand 	13 	0.18 	1.17 	1.36 
England & Wales 8 	0.12 	1.33 	1.45 
Spain 	        16      0.25    1.25 	1.50 
Switzerland 	37 	0.56 	0.96 	1.52 
Chile 	        11 	0.18 	1.37 	1.55 
Australia 	16 	0.31 	1.26 	1.57 
Canada  	34 	0.54 	1.04 	1.58 
Hungary 	21 	0.44 	1.61 	2.05 
Finland 	19 	0.43 	1.94 	2.19 
Slovenia 	25 	0.6 	1.81 	2.41 
Azerbaijan 	8 	0.22 	2.59 	2.81 
India   	25 	0.93 	2.04 	2.97 
Portugal 	25 	0.85 	2.45 	3.31 
Macedonia 	36 	1.28 	2.31 	3.59 
Bulgaria 	19 	0.77 	3.3 	4.07 
United States 	65 	2.97 	1.58 	4.55 
Slovakia 	45 	2.17 	2.65 	4.81 
Poland 	        7 	0.43 	5.61 	6.04 
Costa Rica 	51 	3.38 	3.19 	6.57 
Uruguay 	35 	2.52 	4.61 	7.13 
Moldova, 	5 	0.47 	8.13 	8.59 
Ukraine 	4 	0.35 	8.93 	9.27 
Belarus 	33 	3.31 	6.82 	10.13 
Estonia 	13 	1.53 	8.92 	10.45 
Latvia 	        11 	1.3 	10 	11.30 
Zimbabwe 	40 	4.75 	7.24 	12.00 
Lithuania 	18 	2.24 	10 	12.30 
Mexico 	        21 	3.7 	14.1 	17.80 
Paraguay 	38 	7.4 	12 	19.40 
Guatemala 	75 	6.97 	25.5 	25.47 
Colombia 	85 	51.8 	10.9 	62.70

Edited, Mar 29th 2010 4:03pm by Aripyanfar
#34 Mar 29 2010 at 2:07 PM Rating: Good
15,512 posts
It's probably also correlated with the level of social services available to the poor. There's also a nation to the south of us with a penchant for smuggling things.
#35 Mar 29 2010 at 2:09 PM Rating: Good
Aripyanfar wrote:
Well, I'm glad you've found something that works with the US culture to improve things for Americans. At the same time, can you see why people keep harping on the anti-gun bandwagon, when it seems to work differently for other countries over-seas? Since overseas, low homicide rates correlate with low gun ownership, progressives in the US will probably keep seeking gun control in the States? For instance, 5.6% of Australian adults legally own a gun, as against 25% of American adults (40% of American Households).

I can't think of a single other country that has the right to keep and bear arms written in to its Constitution or as an amendment there to, either.
#36 Mar 29 2010 at 2:26 PM Rating: Excellent
15,952 posts
His Excellency MoebiusLord wrote:
Aripyanfar wrote:
Well, I'm glad you've found something that works with the US culture to improve things for Americans. At the same time, can you see why people keep harping on the anti-gun bandwagon, when it seems to work differently for other countries over-seas? Since overseas, low homicide rates correlate with low gun ownership, progressives in the US will probably keep seeking gun control in the States? For instance, 5.6% of Australian adults legally own a gun, as against 25% of American adults (40% of American Households).

I can't think of a single other country that has the right to keep and bear arms written in to its Constitution or as an amendment there to, either.

Australian culture changed dramatically over the couple centuries of white occupation, and we amended the constitution substantially in the 1960s. Just saying.
#37 Mar 29 2010 at 2:33 PM Rating: Good
Aripyanfar wrote:
If more guns in America is really dropping the crime rate there, then that's great.

Well, what Totem posted seems to indicate that allowing concealed carry decreases crime. Although this has been thoroughly studied, the findings are inconclusive mostly because so few people who own guns in the US actually have a concealed carry permit.

After reading several of these papers lightly, I found numerous mentions of relations between guns and crime or death indicating that indeed more guns cause more crime and more death - which directly addresses what you are posting.

So what you have found elsewhere, Aripyanfar, does indeed apply to the US.

#38 Mar 29 2010 at 2:36 PM Rating: Good
I'll admit, now that we have a house, I kinda want a nifty antique shot gun (in working order, of course) to have hanging in our bedroom, in easy arm's reach if we hear someone breaking in the front of the house. Not that I'd ever actually fire it, mind you, but nothing scares the sh*t out of a burglar more than the sound of a shotgun being loaded.

Edited, Mar 29th 2010 4:36pm by catwho
#39 Mar 29 2010 at 2:37 PM Rating: Decent
4,593 posts
His Excellency MoebiusLord wrote:
I can't think of a single other country that has the right to keep and bear arms written in to its Constitution or as an amendment there to, either.

The Constitution is an outdated document based on a time when having firearms in the home made sense. That's no longer the case in the US. I don't think we have to worry about the US government oppressing it's population anytime soon so there's no reason to have a stockpile of arms to defend yourself from the ebil guberment.

Gun control probably isn't the solution for the US anymore, firearms are too prevalent in the US to remove them effectively at this point. Doesn't make it right.

Countries where gun control is working have NEVER (at least recently) been allowed to openly carry firearms. In Canada for example you have to have a Fire Arms Control license to own any kind of gun, this requires that you complete a course and pay a fee, you are also severely restricted in which type of weapons you can purchase/own/sell. This means people don't just go out a buy a gun for the sake of owning one, they buy a gun because they want to hunt and they've been trained in safe use and storage. Not perfect, but we don't have the gun crime issues you have in the US because it's just not that easy to get a gun.

Edited, Mar 29th 2010 4:39pm by Yodabunny
#40 Mar 29 2010 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent

I recall stories of you waving a gun out the window of your car to fend off someone tailgating you. Was that someone else?

That was someone else. However, I have had to use a gun to scare someone off before, that was in TX and the area was a bit rougher than where I currently reside.

#41 Mar 29 2010 at 2:41 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
knoxxsouthy wrote:
Ironically I don't own a gun.

Parole violation.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#42 Mar 29 2010 at 2:42 PM Rating: Excellent
Yodabunny wrote:
His Excellency MoebiusLord wrote:
I can't think of a single other country that has the right to keep and bear arms written in to its Constitution or as an amendment there to, either.

The Constitution is an outdated document based on a time when having firearms in the home made sense. That's no longer the case in the US. I don't think we have to worry about the US government oppressing it's population anytime soon so there's no reason to have a stockpile of arms to defend yourself from the ebil guberment.

Gun control probably isn't the solution for the US anymore, firearms are too prevalent in the US to remove them effectively at this point. Doesn't make it right.

Countries where gun control is working have NEVER (at least recently) been allowed to openly carry firearms. In Canada for example you have to have a Fire Arms Control license to own any kind of gun, this requires that you complete a course and pay a fee, you are also severely restricted in which type of weapons you can purchase/own/sell. This means people don't just go out a buy a gun for the sake of owning one, they buy a gun because they want to hunt and they've been trained in safe use and storage. Not perfect, but we don't have the gun crime issues you have in the US because it's just not that easy to get a gun.

Edited, Mar 29th 2010 4:39pm by Yodabunny

For some reason, while reading this, I was imagining all of the older countries pointing at the US and chanting "You'll shoot your eye out" a la A Christmas Story.
#43 Mar 29 2010 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
yossarian wrote:
I only skimmed a few papers, but the evidence against gun ownership, in general, seems overwhelming. Why is the effect of concealed carry not seen then? Because very, very few gun owners register for concealed carry.

Not really accurate though. The volume of papers written by those in a profession historically opposed to lax gun control laws overwhelmingly supports stiffer gun control. Shocking. I know...

It never ceases to amaze me the vast difference between the world as it actually is and the world as it appears when described in a research paper.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#44 Mar 29 2010 at 2:47 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Rock on, Palin Smiley: laugh
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#45 Mar 29 2010 at 2:47 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Yodabunny wrote:
The Constitution is an outdated document based on a time when having firearms in the home made sense. That's no longer the case in the US. I don't think we have to worry about the US government oppressing it's population anytime soon so there's no reason to have a stockpile of arms to defend yourself from the ebil guberment.

Gun control probably isn't the solution for the US anymore, firearms are too prevalent in the US to remove them effectively at this point. Doesn't make it right.

Countries where gun control is working have NEVER (at least recently) been allowed to openly carry firearms. In Canada for example you have to have a Fire Arms Control license to own any kind of gun, this requires that you complete a course and pay a fee, you are also severely restricted in which type of weapons you can purchase/own/sell. This means people don't just go out a buy a gun for the sake of owning one, they buy a gun because they want to hunt and they've been trained in safe use and storage. Not perfect, but we don't have the gun crime issues you have in the US because it's just not that easy to get a gun.

Wait! Let me get this straight. The need to use a firearm to protect one's home from criminals and potentially protect one from an authoritarian government is gone, but the need to hunt to put food on your table is as strong as ever?

Really? That's the direction you're going with this?
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#46 Mar 29 2010 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent

The Constitution is an outdated document based on a time when having firearms in the home made sense.

So it the first amendment. The nerve of people being able to say what they want. Not to worry Obama is taking care of that one as well. Just look the US govn raided another right wing church because they're preparing for the end of times.

That's no longer the case in the US. I don't think we have to worry about the US government oppressing it's population anytime soon

You mean besides taxing its populace into slavery?

so there's no reason to have a stockpile of arms to defend yourself from the ebil guberment.

That's exactly what you do. Just ask the Houston brothers if they were glad they had plenty of firepower.

#47 Mar 29 2010 at 2:51 PM Rating: Excellent
knoxxsouthy wrote:
You mean besides taxing its populace into slavery?

It might be futile, but I can't help it.

Can you clarify this one?
#48 Mar 29 2010 at 2:52 PM Rating: Excellent
15,953 posts
Belkira the Tulip wrote:
knoxxsouthy wrote:
You mean besides taxing its populace into slavery?

It might be futile, but I can't help it.

Can you clarify this one?

Everyone knows that taxation is just a form of non-discriminate slavery.
"I have lost my way
But I hear a tale
About a heaven in Alberta
Where they've got all hell for a basement"

#49 Mar 29 2010 at 2:56 PM Rating: Good
Iamadam the Prohpet wrote:
Belkira the Tulip wrote:
knoxxsouthy wrote:
You mean besides taxing its populace into slavery?

It might be futile, but I can't help it.

Can you clarify this one?

Everyone knows that taxation is just a form of non-discriminate slavery.

False. It discriminates against those that actually make a taxable income.
#50 Mar 29 2010 at 2:57 PM Rating: Good
4,593 posts
gbaji wrote:
Wait! Let me get this straight. The need to use a firearm to protect one's home from criminals and potentially protect one from an authoritarian government is gone, but the need to hunt to put food on your table is as strong as ever?

Really? That's the direction you're going with this?

No, but the wish to put food on your table is a reasonable reason to own a firearm. Potentially having to kill people is not. I could build a permanent wall of fire around my home to protect myself from criminals, does that make it a good idea? Should I have the right to do that despite the dangers it potentially presents?
#51 Mar 29 2010 at 3:00 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Iamadam the Prohpet wrote:
Everyone knows that taxation is just a form of non-discriminate slavery.

Slavery is a form of non-discriminate taxation!
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
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