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#1 Mar 17 2010 at 9:27 AM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
....say it, but hooray Meghan McCain.
I love me some Gabby Sidibe. I want to be her bestie, do our nails together, go shopping, talk smack about the opposite sex, the whole nine. I adore the fact that she is at home with who she is. Women are so constantly socialized to be aware of their physicality that it's refreshing as hell to me that she is so damn determined to love herself, but it's not easy.

FF to Meghan McCain, shown here election night, far right. I read her blog off and on during the campaign. I was always a little disappointed at how closely she adhered to the campaign stances, but I'm glad to see she has become more of a Progressive, even if she is on the wrong side of the aisle to my way of thinking. The girl is gorgeous, but not a size 2. Laura Ingraham noticed, commented, and this is Meghan's response.

Meghan on The Daily Beast wrote:
The question remains: Why, after all this time and all the progress feminists have made, is weight still such an issue? And in Laura’s case, why in the world would a woman raise it? Today, taking shots at a woman’s weight has become one of the last frontiers in socially accepted prejudice.

Goddamnit, I'm turning a corner. No more making fun of weight. Consider yourself lucky that you're gone, Katie.

Edited, Mar 17th 2010 10:31am by Atomicflea
#2 Mar 17 2010 at 9:38 AM Rating: Excellent
I'm not sure you ladies are aware of this, so I'm just gonna say it:


There. It feels better. No one likes a stick insect. I think size zero models are sick. They look like an anorexic 14 year old, which they often are, so that's consistent at least. But seriously, men like curves. And women like eating chocolate. So why the **** are they encouraged to be thin? Who is leading this conspiracy? Who benefits from this? Robots from the future? Allegory? Canadians?
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#3 Mar 17 2010 at 9:41 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
RedPhoenixxx wrote:
I'm not sure you ladies are aware of this, so I'm just gonna say it:


There. It feels better. No one likes a stick insect. I think size zero models are sick. They look like an anorexic 14 year old, which they often are, so that's consistent at least. But seriously, men like curves. And women like eating chocolate. So why the @#%^ are they encouraged to be thin? Who is leading this conspiracy? Who benefits from this? Robots from the future? Allegory? Canadians?

My mother always insisted it was down to lazy fashion designers. It's easy to design clothes that look good hanging straight down - same on the body as on the hanger, essentially.

It was her only conspiracy theory, but she clung to it.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#4 Mar 17 2010 at 9:42 AM Rating: Excellent
RedPhoenixxx wrote:
I'm not sure you ladies are aware of this, so I'm just gonna say it:


That explains Vogue.
#5 Mar 17 2010 at 9:46 AM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
I've been aware of this Weight War between Meghan and Ingrahm for awhile now. When I first heard about it and read Meghans responses back she won my complete respect. We may not see eye to eye on political views, but as far as female role models go? She's a winner in that area, hands down. She has a good head on her shoulders, a great sense of self worth but not an inflated ego like some I could think of. And she stands up for herself and countless others along the way. Ingrahm has no idea how pathetically stupid, whiny, and immature she sounds like when attacking another womans weight because they dont agree politically. Then again shes an ignorant bitch anyways.
#6 Mar 17 2010 at 9:48 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Having read the blog, now I'm kinda pissed. She's not even heavy; she's a size 8, for cryin' out loud. That's perfectly normal.

Holy ****, what kind of sick country is this? (Rhetorical, but you know, feel free.)

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#7 Mar 17 2010 at 9:50 AM Rating: Good
Samira wrote:
Having read the blog, now I'm kinda pissed. She's not even heavy; she's a size 8, for cryin' out loud. That's perfectly normal.


Weight and looks are two things I try to avoid critisizing. I can't say I'm always successful, but I try. I don't consider myself a land whale or anything, but I'll admit I'm uncomfortable with my size. (It doesn't help with your own mother offers to send you to a "weight program" when you're a size 8.) But these are things that I worry about in myself, so I try hard not to pick on someone else because of them.
#8 Mar 17 2010 at 10:02 AM Rating: Good
His Excellency MoebiusLord wrote:
RedPhoenixxx wrote:
I'm not sure you ladies are aware of this, so I'm just gonna say it:


That explains Vogue.

No, just... no.

And to demonstrate this, let me introduce Laetitia Casta, French model, actress, icon, the face and body of all the Marianne statues and paintings in town-halls across France, in a nutshell, the ideal French woman:


This is purely in the interest of research that I'm doing this, and to spite Moe. To spite him even more, here's a video of laetitia at the Cesars, the French equivalent to the Oscars:

She has curves.
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#9 Mar 17 2010 at 10:11 AM Rating: Excellent
You can tell she's French because she doesn't even shave her nipples.
#10 Mar 17 2010 at 10:15 AM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
There are countless sources that say that, given a choice, men prefer a curvier figure.

Why isn't this reflected in the media, then? Even in  I'm certainly closer to the girl on the right than the ones on the left, but I think all three are beautiful. Laetitia Casta is gorgeous, but she's just a skinny girl with great big boobs. Curvy is this. *NSFW*

Edited, Mar 17th 2010 11:16am by Atomicflea
#11 Mar 17 2010 at 10:18 AM Rating: Good
I had a Polish girlfriend once who didn't shave her armpits, and it didn't bother me. All the French girls I've been with shaved, though. Although I'm ashamed to admit the sample might not be enough to be considered statistically significant.

I'd stick that in the "French People <3 Jerry Lewis" category tbh.
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#12 Mar 17 2010 at 10:28 AM Rating: Good
I haven't watched the video, but outside of her fake boobies, she looks like she has the body of a 17 year old boy. /shrug
#13 Mar 17 2010 at 10:31 AM Rating: Good
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
The Glorious Atomicflea wrote:

Why isn't this reflected in the media, then?
Well to start there is the first lady who has recently declared war on childhood obesity.

She didn't declare war on unhealthy childhood diets, or unhealthy childhood lifestyles although these are her tools to combat 'childhood obesity'. Ultimately though the skinny kid that lives on soda and video games is good to go.

I could probably go off on a rant about larger people using up more resources, farting up more methane, but that could easily be off-set by the argument that large people are more capable of doing more and harder work.

We're just stupid people. Cripes, we SHAVE OUR LEGS because someone, somewhere along the line thought it looked good.
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#14 Mar 17 2010 at 10:47 AM Rating: Good
His Excellency MoebiusLord wrote:
I haven't watched the video, but outside of her fake boobies, she looks like she has the body of a 17 year old boy. /shrug

Nah, not really. Unless they've been pumped with testosterone from birth, there's a big difference between a skinny/athletic woman's body and that of a 17 year old boy, and I'm not just talking about the ******.

Also, that video is scary.
#15 Mar 17 2010 at 10:49 AM Rating: Good
but outside of her fake boobies,

I expected you to be more perspicacious.

she looks like she has the body of a 17 year old boy. /shrug

Outside of her boobs, she has the body of a man? I want some of what you're smoking.
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#16 Mar 17 2010 at 10:50 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Her boobs don't look fake to me.

McCain had some interesting stuff to say about boobs in another blog entry - about how fake boobs are much more socially acceptable, or at least more accepted in the media, than naturally big boobs. I'm sure it all comes down to our being more comfortable with plastic than we are with a normal amount of fat on the female body, which again seems to say... something... about our values as a society.

It's just exhausting.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#17 Mar 17 2010 at 10:53 AM Rating: Good
I hate fake boobs.

For a start, they completely ruined ****. And secondly: stress ball. Same effect, just a lot cheaper.

My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#18 Mar 17 2010 at 10:59 AM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
His Excellency MoebiusLord wrote:
I haven't watched the video, but outside of her fake boobies, she looks like she has the body of a 17 year old boy. /shrug

What's up with the furry bikini? Um helllloo.....
What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#19 Mar 17 2010 at 11:08 AM Rating: Good
Kavekk the Ludicrous wrote:
His Excellency MoebiusLord wrote:
I haven't watched the video, but outside of her fake boobies, she looks like she has the body of a 17 year old boy. /shrug

Nah, not really. Unless they've been pumped with testosterone from birth, there's a big difference between a skinny/athletic woman's body and that of a 17 year old boy, and I'm not just talking about the ******.

RedPhoenixxx wrote:
Outside of her boobs, she has the body of a man? I want some of what you're smoking.

I'll grant you I haven't seen a lot of 17 year old boys without their shirts on since I was in high school, but the way I remember them, she looks like a skinny kid who hasn't muscled up yet. She certainly doesn't look athletic to me. If anything I'd say it's more likely an eating disorder.

As to my perspicaciousness, it's intact. I just don't find skinny chicks attractive. They remind me of teenagers.
#20 Mar 17 2010 at 11:10 AM Rating: Good
I'll grant you I haven't seen a lot of 17 year old boys without their shirts on since I was in high school, but the way I remember them, she looks like a skinny kid who hasn't muscled up yet. She certainly doesn't look athletic to me. If anything I'd say it's more likely an eating disorder.

I was generalising outside the specific case.

Anyway, I'm sure we can find an artist to draw you the caricature of femininity you so desire somewhere.
#21 Mar 17 2010 at 11:10 AM Rating: Good
She's not "skinny". Maybe that picture wasn't the best one, but do some research on the subject and you'll see she's not. Kiera Knightley is "skinny". Laetitia Casta isn't.

And your perspicaciousness sucks, her tits are totally real. So nyah nyah.

My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#22 Mar 17 2010 at 11:19 AM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
RedPhoenixxx wrote:
I hate fake boobs.


Fake boobs are probably the second-biggest turn-off for me, right below bad teeth.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#23 Mar 17 2010 at 11:23 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Demea wrote:
RedPhoenixxx wrote:
I hate fake boobs.


Fake boobs are probably the second-biggest turn-off for me, right below bad teeth.

Okay, that's an interesting point. What do you mean by bad teeth?

Americans have a really different standard for "good" teeth as opposed to the rest of the world, which is why I wondered.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#24 Mar 17 2010 at 11:25 AM Rating: Good
18,463 posts
Elinda wrote:
The Glorious Atomicflea wrote:

Why isn't this reflected in the media, then?
Well to start there is the first lady who has recently declared war on childhood obesity.

She didn't declare war on unhealthy childhood diets, or unhealthy childhood lifestyles although these are her tools to combat 'childhood obesity'. Ultimately though the skinny kid that lives on soda and video games is good to go.

I could probably go off on a rant about larger people using up more resources, farting up more methane, but that could easily be off-set by the argument that large people are more capable of doing more and harder work.

We're just stupid people. Cripes, we SHAVE OUR LEGS because someone, somewhere along the line thought it looked good.
I'm gonna invent a cereal and name it after you. It shall be called Apenuts.
#25 Mar 17 2010 at 11:29 AM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Pretty much this. When I was visiting Taiwan a few years ago on business, one of the girls at the office was absolutely gorgeous, until she smiled at me; rotten spots in the grill make my stomach lurch.

I'm not one to complain about a set of pearly whites that aren't pearly white, being a coffee drinker and on-and-off smoker. But when I see snaggleteeth, missing teeth, rotted teeth, or some serious discoloration, I'm out.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#26 Mar 17 2010 at 11:29 AM Rating: Good
RedPhoenixxx wrote:
She's not "skinny". Maybe that picture wasn't the best one, but do some research on the subject and you'll see she's not. Kiera Knightley is "skinny". Laetitia Casta isn't.

Sorry, Red. That chick is skinny.
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