Christ, the gaming community is like Peru. All you ever hear is the bad news. I'm sure there are some gems in there, but it's the 'tards that garner all the attention.
This just in, a man in Wyoming has just earned maximum gold on 50 characters in World of Warcraft. We bring you live to his room where he spent all that time earning the gold. Excuse me sir, how did you manage to make that much gold? Did the steady diet of Doritos and Mountain Dew have any impact on your ability to farm that gold? Now that you have maximum gold, what is your next goal? Seriously though, sometimes you will hear about people earning rewards for gaming competition but never for beating Ninja Gaiden on its hardest setting. Only due to two reasons. One, most of the feelings of accomplishment only apply to those that achieved said accomplishment on the game. Second, the way news is currently set up is that only the things that shock or awe us tend to be broadcast. Would you watch the news if it talked about how some gal knitted her 10,000 sweater or how a man finally stopped drinking alcohol?