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Hey conservatives.Follow

#52 Feb 24 2010 at 2:10 PM Rating: Default

And yet I can manage to state them in such a way as to not incite mockery and loathing with every keystroke.

What fun is there if everyone "likes" me but disagrees with my position?

It's a problem I see with people in general. The loudest, most ill-spoken draw attention to themselves while leaving their positions to suffer.

If my position is so weak that it needs the approval of my opponents then i've taken the wrong position. If I call a gay person born out of wedlock a ******cking b*stard am I still right?

It's the rhetoric with which they espoused those positions that got them seated squarely in the front of the nutter wagon.

And that's all it is is "rhetoric". I know you realize this is what Obama sold this country on. I'd rather be steadfast in my beliefs and have someone hate me than try and get along by convoluting the message.

Edited, Feb 24th 2010 3:10pm by publiusvarus
#53 Feb 24 2010 at 2:12 PM Rating: Decent
13,240 posts
What fun is there if everyone "likes" me but disagrees with my position?

The ability to have a reasonable discussion?
Just as Planned.
#54 Feb 24 2010 at 2:15 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
publiusvarus wrote:
If my position is so weak that it needs the approval of my opponents then i've taken the wrong position.

I'd worry more about why you take up positions that are so weak, you need to troll to draw attention to them.

I realize you won't worry about this but that's how I view you, anyway. Don't get me wrong, it's fun enough to ***** with you but but don't fool yourself into thinking that your posts & positions are anything more than a joke and time-waster here.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#55 Feb 24 2010 at 2:15 PM Rating: Default

Who's reasoning?

#56 Feb 24 2010 at 2:16 PM Rating: Default

but but don't fool yourself into thinking that your posts & positions are anything more than a joke and time-waster here.

And yours aren't?

#57 Feb 24 2010 at 2:44 PM Rating: Decent
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
Moebius wrote:
I fail to see why the worry is that conservatives will take up arms against him.

It's not really conservatives Samira is talking about, but the people she is speaking of definitely do exist as a demographic in the South, and I know a few of them personally.

They aren't so much conservatives as they are hugely antifederalists. They want the government almost entirely out of their lives. They don't care too much for Republicans, but they really don't care for Democrats.

The only reason these people aren't stirring up shiz now is because the government mostly doesn't bother them. They haven't paid taxes in years, they don't have a mailing address. If the government did start bothering them, they would violently revolt.
#58 Feb 24 2010 at 2:45 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
publiusvarus wrote:
And yours aren't?

Well, we could put it to a vote Smiley: grin
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#59 Feb 24 2010 at 3:11 PM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
Okaaay... Back on topic!

One of the things that happens in any election is that voting groups become polarized to some degree. Positions become "this or that" affairs with little room in the middle. This necessarily tends to force candidates to have to pick a side on each issue, while their actual position is more nuanced. This happens to both Republicans and Democrats. Simple arguments supporting simple positions will tend to garner more votes out of a large pool of voters with a range of actual positions held. It's just the nature of the beast.

We all pine for a candidate who holds reasonable positions and can explain them clearly and succinctly. But candidates who do that in broader elections (especially presidential elections) tend not to win. Heck. They tend to get washed out in the primaries to guys who take the simplistic, but broadly appealing positions and can express them loudly and clearly. Most of the flip flops attributed to Mccain are of that variety. It's usually pretty easy to find a case in a nuanced position where the candidate appears to have taken the opposite "side" to the simplified position he must adopt in the campaign. It also should be treated as relatively meaningless in most cases (there are, of course, true examples of complete flips on position, but they're actually pretty rare).

It's also not necessarily a flip flop when a candidates position locally differs from his position nationally. Only an idiot assumes that the needs of <mytown, USA> will be exactly the same as the entirety of the country. A politician should not be punished for adopting a wider view when running for an office with wider responsibilities...

I think that as voters we need to understand this process and get past it. When looking at Mccain, for example, no amount of simplifying the language in order to reach a broader audience changed his core positions and anyone aware of the reasoning behind those positions understood this. Honestly, it's no different than what Obama did (with the exception that Obama didn't have 20+ years in the Senate to provide historical context). Are there any people here who voted for Obama who didn't understand that a lot of time he spoke in broad and simple terms, or white washed statements on his web site, but you knew what the real, nuanced, and more complex position behind it really was? You didn't vote for him because he was a random guy who said this like "I'm going to give 95% of Americans a tax cut", did you? The sheep did, I'm sure. But most thinking people voted for him because they understood his background, understood the much more complex political position that background and upbringing (politically speaking) meant, and agreed with those ideas and positions. At some level, you agree with the liberal professor and political organizer, and assume this means certain thins politically. You know that the position's he holds are more complex than can easily be presented to a national audience and therefore don't care that he's "dumbed down" his statements.

At least, I'm assuming that's the case for many of the libs on this board. Am I wrong? So... For me, a guy like Mccain is similar. Opposite side of the political spectrum, but it's certainly misleading to insist that by him "dumbing down" his positions for a national audience that we should make some great deal of hay out of it...

And to be honest (and as many of you know), I preferred Romney in the primary anyway. Mccain was a good candidate, but I really do think Romney would have had a better shot at the white house. And yes, that's for all the same "dumbed down for the broad audience" reasons. He's more photogenic. He's younger. He's a bit quicker on his feet verbally. He's smarter on economics. and he's just better able to communicate. None of these things (except perhaps the economics bit) makes him a better president. But all of them make him easier to elect. When you understand that 90% of the real work of politics is done based on more complex situations and positions than can ever be expressed in a campaign, you get that it's not so important to vote based on what someone says or what positions he holds while on the campaign, but a broader understanding of what his positions represent in terms of policies after the election. Everyone with a brain gets this. It's one of the reasons I'm still worried about Obama. I know (as most of you in your honest moments do) that his real positions on issues are not the simple things expressed in the campaign, but those represented by his previous actions. Those speak loudly and clearly as to what his positions and actions in office will be. And so far, he hasn't surprised me at all. He's been exactly what I expected.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#60 Feb 24 2010 at 3:25 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
They tend to get washed out in the primaries to guys who take the simplistic, but broadly appealing positions and can express them loudly and clearly. Most of the flip flops attributed to Mccain are of that variety.

No, they weren't. He made radical departures from his previous stances on the topics I listed. In fact, you once tried to call me on it and I linked to video or articles proving every "flip flop". I don't necessarily think it makes him evil or whatever to do the usual political tack towards the party-line during an election cycle but let's not dress it up and try to pretend it never happened.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#61 Feb 24 2010 at 3:32 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
gbaji wrote:
They tend to get washed out in the primaries to guys who take the simplistic, but broadly appealing positions and can express them loudly and clearly. Most of the flip flops attributed to Mccain are of that variety.

No, they weren't. He made radical departures from his previous stances on the topics I listed. In fact, you once tried to call me on it and I linked to video or articles proving every "flip flop".

And I said then that all of them were examples of the two cases I just mentioned again today. You showing a video doesn't prove anything at all Joph. I disagreed with you then, and I still disagree with you.

At least then, you could argue that there was something at stake though...

I don't necessarily think it makes him evil or whatever to do the usual political tack towards the party-line during an election cycle but let's not dress it up and try to pretend it never happened.

Let's also not label it a flip-flop then. A flip flop is when you take the exact opposition position in the exact same issue under the exact same conditions. There are occasional examples of this in politics, but most claims of flip-flop really are changes of condition in a complex issue, not of position itself. But the same forces which make it difficult to express complex positions in a broad election also make it nearly impossible for a candidate to explain this. That's also why it's a pretty cheap shot (also why it's often a very effective one of course).
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#62 Feb 24 2010 at 3:43 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
And I said then that all of them were examples of the two cases I just mentioned again today. You showing a video doesn't prove anything at all Joph. I disagreed with you then, and I still disagree with you.

No you didn't. You just insisted that it never happened and then shut up and stopped posting when I gave cites. It was pretty funny. So how's being wrong working out for you? Smiley: laugh

Let's also not label it a flip-flop then. A flip flop is when you take the exact opposition position in the exact same issue under the exact same conditions. There are occasional examples of this in politics, but most claims of flip-flop really are changes of condition in a complex issue, not of position itself.

Bullshit. I mean, if you have McCain on record somewhere explaining why he did a 180 on these topics then please share. Otherwise, whitewashing it with "Oh, but it was only the conditions that changed" is just pathetic pandering.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#63 Feb 24 2010 at 4:28 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
gbaji wrote:
And I said then that all of them were examples of the two cases I just mentioned again today. You showing a video doesn't prove anything at all Joph. I disagreed with you then, and I still disagree with you.

No you didn't. You just insisted that it never happened and then shut up and stopped posting when I gave cites.

Lol... Or you posted it on a Friday, and the thread dropped off the page by the following Monday maybe? Or your examples were too stupid to be worth responding to? I have no clue Joph. However, I do recall all the claims of flip-flopping against Mccain, and none of them were the cut-and-dry cases you seem to believe they were.

If you care that much about it, pull out the info again. It's frankly not that important to me. And honestly, I'm unclear why anyone is worrying about Mccain. He's not going to be a contender for President in 2012, so unless you live in his state, what the hell difference does any of this make?

Bullshit. I mean, if you have McCain on record somewhere explaining why he did a 180 on these topics then please share. Otherwise, whitewashing it with "Oh, but it was only the conditions that changed" is just pathetic pandering.

Way to assume I hold your positions Joph. I don't agree that he made 180 degree changes. Or was I not clear enough before? The call to flip-flop is a cheap and easy political attack exactly because it's easy to find statements which appear to be flip-flops, and vastly harder to defend them. That's why those sorts of claims tend to fly around during a campaign. I'm just curious what's motivating you now, a full year and a half after the election is over...?

Is the national political reality so bad that the only way you can make things seem better is to continue attacking the guy who didn't win back in 2008? Really? That seems kinda sad...

Edited, Feb 24th 2010 2:29pm by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#64 Feb 24 2010 at 5:19 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
Lol... Or you posted it on a Friday, and the thread dropped off the page by the following Monday maybe?

Funny how often that excuse comes up when you're proven wrong. So you just pulled stuff out of your own little Gbaji Dream World when you said claimed back then that they were all examples of wotevah-wotevah? Gbaji making up the past? Wow... that'd be... well, par for the course around here.

By the way, it was on a Monday.

If you care that much about it, pull out the info again.

Nah, you've already proven that even when presented with direct quotes form yourself, you'll lie and declare that you never said such a thing. From now on, you can do the work yourself.

And honestly, I'm unclear why anyone is worrying about Mccain

Who's worrying? I just stated as simple fact that McCain flipped on issues when it was politically expedient for him to do so due to an election. You're the one falling over yourself to come up with reasons why it never ever happened.

Way to assume I hold your positions Joph. I don't agree that he made 180 degree changes. Or was I not clear enough before?

Oh, I'd never assume you hold my positions. Experience has taught us all that your "position" is to defend the GOP no matter the circumstances or allegations. Whether you know what you're talking about or not, as shown by you saying that you answered all the cites of McCain flipping and then have to backpedal and say "Well.. well.. I bet it was on a Friday! Or they were dumb! I bet they were all just dumb things on a Friday so forget when I said I shot them all down and instead assume it was a Friday!"

Ah, you. "Hold my positions"... please Smiley: laugh

Edited, Feb 24th 2010 5:21pm by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#65 Feb 24 2010 at 7:35 PM Rating: Decent
18,463 posts
His Excellency MoebiusLord wrote:
I'm not talking about attacking his personality, his character, his looks or whatever. I'm talking about saying, in so many words, that you are attacking the individual.

Do you not see the difference?

I see the difference, but I think that,...I'm sure you can see where the danger lies.

I think ...I fail to see why the worry is that conservatives will take up arms against him.
Honest ongoing dialogue about a difference in opinions? I am fucking ashamed of you both. Poosays.

Edited, Feb 24th 2010 7:35pm by Atomicflea
#66 Feb 24 2010 at 7:58 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
Funny how often that excuse comes up when you're proven wrong.

Funny how often "proven wrong" is really just you saying so. Lol. I can play that too:

You were so totally beat by me back then in that other thread we had about that other topic Joph. Therefore, you're clearly wrong this time, since I already proved you wrong then. Tadaa!

Wow! That is remarkably easy. And pointless...

So you just pulled stuff out of your own little Gbaji Dream World when you said claimed back then that they were all examples of wotevah-wotevah? Gbaji making up the past?

I'm not the one falling back on a past claimed victory to "prove" that I'm right today. Do you always project like this?

Nah, you've already proven that even when presented with direct quotes form yourself, you'll lie and declare that you never said such a thing. From now on, you can do the work yourself.

Lol! No really stop. You're killing me here...

Who's worrying? I just stated as simple fact that McCain flipped on issues when it was politically expedient for him to do so due to an election. You're the one falling over yourself to come up with reasons why it never ever happened.

I said that most of the things claimed as flip-flops aren't really flip-flops Joph. I wasn't specifically speaking about Mccain except to the point that he was the example being given. I could just as easily point out examples of claimed flip-flops against Clinton (both of them), or Kerry, or even Obama, which were not really flip-flops so much as simplifications of their positions which could be made to appear to be so.

Did you only read the bits you wanted to in my post? Just because for you it's always about getting that jibe in against the "other side", doesn't mean that's what I'm doing. I'm making broader observations about political speech in large elections as it pertains to candidates more nuanced positions. That it happens to be relevant to Mccain in this case speaks less to my need to defend him as it does to other's need to attack him.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
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