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#127 Feb 09 2010 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
15,512 posts
She's attractive in the same way Ann Coulter is attractive.
#128 Feb 09 2010 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent

She's attractive in the same way Ann Coulter is attractive

Talk to me about attractive politicians when the Democrats get Pelosi, Neopolitano, and Hitlary out of the spot light. Come to think of it are there any semi-attractive liberal women in office? It's obvious that the ****** nasty b*tches that comprise Democrat politicians are threatened by Palins sex appeal. Are you?

#129 Feb 09 2010 at 11:25 AM Rating: Good
15,512 posts
Sure, I'm intimidated by a middle-aged politician's sex appeal.
#130 Feb 09 2010 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent

Business owner, Homeowner, College graduate, european traveler, nice car.

If only there were more below average people like myself to give successful people like you a job.

Edited, Feb 9th 2010 12:26pm by publiusvarus
#131 Feb 09 2010 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent

I can see that.

#132 Feb 09 2010 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
15,512 posts
You're really hardly what I would call a business owner.
#133 Feb 09 2010 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
publiusvarus wrote:

She's attractive in the same way Ann Coulter is attractive

Talk to me about attractive politicians when the Democrats get Pelosi, Neopolitano, and Hitlary out of the spot light. Come to think of it are there any semi-attractive liberal women in office? It's obvious that the ****** nasty b*tches that comprise Democrat politicians are threatened by Palins sex appeal. Are you?

You know what's amazing? Sex sells.... in everything but government.
#134 Feb 09 2010 at 11:36 AM Rating: Decent
15,512 posts
BrownDuck wrote:
publiusvarus wrote:

She's attractive in the same way Ann Coulter is attractive

Talk to me about attractive politicians when the Democrats get Pelosi, Neopolitano, and Hitlary out of the spot light. Come to think of it are there any semi-attractive liberal women in office? It's obvious that the ****** nasty b*tches that comprise Democrat politicians are threatened by Palins sex appeal. Are you?

You know what's amazing? Sex sells.... in everything but government.
Why would I give a rat's *** about how attractive politicians are, anyway? If I were looking for that I'd be leafing through a **** mag.
#135 Feb 09 2010 at 11:39 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Sweetums wrote:
She's attractive in the same way Ann Coulter is attractive.

Palin looks okay. Although, in the past year, it's obvious that she's going through the same wringer all the national stage politicians go through. Part of it is just age but politics really beats the hell out of people.

Personally, I think Pelosi looks fantastic for a nearly 70 year old woman.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#136 Feb 09 2010 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
15,512 posts
Jophiel wrote:
Sweetums wrote:
She's attractive in the same way Ann Coulter is attractive.

Palin looks okay. Although, in the past year, it's obvious that she's going through the same wringer all the national stage politicians go through. Part of it is just age but politics really beats the hell out of people.

Personally, I think Pelosi looks fantastic for a nearly 70 year old woman.
Ok, Coulter is a bit of a low blow. I just don't get how Palin is intimidatingly attractive.
#137 Feb 09 2010 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent

You're really hardly what I would call a business owner.

Well that settles it. The business I created isn't in the red and pays the bills along with those of my employees. What are you doing to create new jobs and get this market going again?

#138 Feb 09 2010 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
15,512 posts
It would be more accurate to say that Allstate is creating jobs.
#139 Feb 09 2010 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent

Not even close. If we weren't selling enough insurance to justify the employees guess what...I wouldn't have them. True the company provides a good product and I have the good fortune to be able to sell for them. But if I was waiting on AS to pay my bills I would have been out of business 5yrs ago.

Incidentally the Obama 5k for small business owners offer is a joke.

#140 Feb 09 2010 at 12:14 PM Rating: Good
Talk to me about attractive politicians when the Democrats get Pelosi, Neopolitano, and Hitlary out of the spot light.

It's because we promote our women based on ability, not appearance.

What's interesting is that I don't think Palin herself is mentally deficient or anything. I suspect she has an IQ of around 100, dead on average. What she lacks - and seems to have always lacked - is intellectual curiosity. She's glided through life on her good looks, so she never really had to think. She never had to study, she never had to learn, she never had to express her thoughts in a cogent way. For those women who aren't born with good looks, who had to work their way on up through the ranks, nothing irks us more than the airheaded beauty queen.

When she got her gig with Fox News, my first thought was, "At least this is what she has her degree in." Palin attended 5 colleges to finally graduate with a BA in Journalism. (HCR? Juris Doctorate - Law degree. Napolitano? Juris Doctorate - Law degree. Pelosi? BA in Political science, from one school. She skipped law school when she was offered an internship to a Senator instead.)
#141 Feb 09 2010 at 12:29 PM Rating: Decent

Would you like to compare the qualifications of W's staff to that of Obama's?

#142 Feb 09 2010 at 12:48 PM Rating: Good
4,158 posts
Sweetums wrote:
You're really hardly what I would call a business owner.

Or a European traveller! Smiley: laugh

"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#143 Feb 09 2010 at 12:51 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
publiusvarus wrote:
Would you like to compare the qualifications of W's staff to that of Obama's?

You mean the luminaries like Ashcroft, Rumsfeld, Gonzales and Brown? Smiley: laugh

Edited, Feb 9th 2010 12:51pm by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#144 Feb 09 2010 at 3:00 PM Rating: Good
Actually, that WOULD be a fun exercise to undertake!

First off, a list of who is who so we're comparing apples to apples.

This list, although it was designed to compare the diversity levels of the cabinets, gives a clear contrasts to who is in what position.

My prediction? Parity. You don't get nominated to cabinet positions without some base qualifications. In order to get accepted into the federal internship program, the minimum degree required is a master's degree. My husband was accepted to that program (the Presidential Fellows) but no position in education was immediately available, so he got a job as a professor locally instead. He still wants to go to Washington to work on education policy in the US eventually.


Bush (1): Condoleezza Rice. I always said she was Bush's best pick. She has a PhD in Political science, and speaks fluent Russian.

Bush (2): Stephen Hadley. It can be assumed he has a law degree, since he was a partner in a law firm, but the specifics on his degree are not on his wiki page.

Obama: Marine General James L. Jones. BS in Foreign services. His military career is to long to list here. Obama went for military experience over education in this instance.

Bush wins on the education front, Obama wins on the experience front. A tie.


Everyone here needs to have a law degree. So this one is a little bit unnecessary.

Bush: Alberto Gonzales, (JD from Harvard), Harriet Miers (JD from Southern Methodist Uni) and Fred Fielding (JD from University of VA.)

Obama: Greg Craig (JD from Yale.)

A tie.


Bush (1): Colin Powell - MBA from George Washington University. Long history of decorated military service. Experience over education here.
Bush (2): Condi Rice. PhD in PoliSci.

Obama: Hillary Clinton - JD from Yale.

A tie.


Bush: Paul O'Neill (MA in Public Administration), John Snow (PhD in Economics) and Henry Paulson (MBA from Harvard.)

Obama: Tim Geithner (MA in International Economics from John Hopkins.)

A tie.


Bush(1): Donald Rumsfeld (BA from Princeton, some law school but no degree)
Bush(2)Robert Gates (PhD in Soviet History.)

Obama: Kept Robert Gates.

Unscorable since Obama kept the Bush appointee.


Everyone in this position MUST have a law degree.

Bush(1): John Ashcroft (JD from University of Chicago)
Bush(2): Michael Mukasey (LLM - similar to but not the same as JD - from Yale)
Bush(3):Alberto Gonzales

Obama: Eric Holder (JD from Columbia Law)

A tie.


Bush: Gale Norton (JD from University of Denver)

Obama: Ken Salazar (JD from University of Michigan.)

Still lawyers, but both of these are from more modest state universities rather than Ivy Leagues. A tie.


Bush: Ann Veneman (JD from University of California, Hastings)

Obama: Thomas J. Vilsack (JD from Albany Law School)

Again, still lawyers, but from more modest schools. A tie.


Bush: Donald Evans (MBA from UT, Austin), Carlos Gutierrez (BA from Monterrey Tech in Mexico.)

Obama: Gary Locke (LLD from Boston University.)

Obama has the more educated cabinet member, but Locke was his third pick after Judd Gregg (JD from Boston University) and Bill Richardson (MBA). However, based on their degrees, Obama wins this round.


Bush: Elaine Chao (MBA from Harvard)

Obama: Hilda Solis (MA in Public Administration.)

A tie.


Bush(1): Tommy G. Thompson (JD from University of Wisconsin)
Bush(2): Mike Leavitt (BA in Economics). He wins Bush's 'worst pick' for essentially ignoring the growing health industry crisis.

Obama: Kathleen Sebelius (Master of Public Administration from University of Kansas)

Averages out to a tie.


Bush(1): Melquiades Rafael Martinez (JD from Florida State),
Bush(2): Alphonso Jackson (JD from Washington State)
Bush(3): Steven Preston (MBA, University of Chicago)

Obama: Shaun Donovan (Double MAs: Master of Public Administration and Master of Architecture.)

Although Bush had two lawyers in this position, Obama picked someone with two very salient degrees to this particular post. Giving this one to Obama.


Bush(1): Norman Mineta (MBA, University of California.) Notably, he was Bush's only Democrat cabinet member.
Bush(2): Mary Peters (BA from the *snerk University of Phoenix. Probably not the online version, but you want to talk about a tainted reputation . . .)

Obama: Ray LaHood (BS in Sociology and Education.)

Obama's worst pick. No relevant education or experience here. (Also a Republican. I think this was a secret jab at making bipartisanship look really bad.) I've got my bets on his being the first to be replaced, especially after the recent Toyota debacle (which he exacerbated with some very stupid comments.)

Bush wins.


Bush: Former Michigan Sen. Spencer Abraham (JD from Harvard)

Obama: Steven Chu (PhD in Physics from the University of California.) Also won the Nobel Prize in physics in 1997.

Bush picked a politician, Obama picked a scientist. Obama wins this one, and also gets his 'best pick' with this one.


Bush(1): Rod Paige (PhD in Physical Education)
Bush(2): Margaret Spellings (BA in Political Science)

Obama: Arne Duncan (BA in Sociology)

Bush wins this one, although barely, as he lost his PhD person who resigned because he disagreed with Bush's policies.


Bush(1): Anthony Principi (JD Seton Hall)
Bush(2): Jim Nicholson (JD from University of Denver)
Bush(3): James Peake (M.D. Cornell, 42 year army career)

Obama: Eric Shinseki (MA in English Lit - but also a retired 4-star general)

A tie for this. Both Obama and Bush picked military veterans, which is more important than specific education for this post.


Bush(1): Tom Ridge (JD **********
Bush(2): Michael Chertoff (JD Harvard)

Obama: Napolitano (JD University of VA)



Bush(1): Glenn Hubbard (PhD in Economics)
Bush(2): Harvey Rosen (PhD in Economics)
Bush(3): Ben Bernanke (PhD in Economics)

Obama: Christina Romer (PhD in Economics)

Both Bernanke and Romer have their PhDs from MIT.



Bush: Former New Jersey Gov. Christine Todd Whitman (BA in Government)
Bush: Michael Leavitt (BA)
Bush: Stephen Johnson (MS in Pathology)

Obama: Lisa Jackson (MS in Chemical Engineering)

Obama wins, as Jackson is the only one with a relevant degree to the position.

I'm going to stop here, because it is as I predicted - more or less parity between the two. The biggest distinction is that an awful lot of Bush's picks were also personal friends (Rice being a distinctive exception), rather than being people well-known for their own merits.

Edited, Feb 9th 2010 4:03pm by catwho
#145 Feb 09 2010 at 3:47 PM Rating: Good
I'm going to stop here, because it is as I predicted - more or less parity between the two. The biggest distinction is that an awful lot of Bush's picks were also personal friends (Rice being a distinctive exception), rather than being people well-known for their own merits.

Very scientific.
#146 Feb 09 2010 at 4:07 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Sebelius was sort of a baffling choice. I know she wasn't his first (or second) choice but she really brought nothing to the table and removed her from a popular governorship.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#147 Feb 09 2010 at 4:22 PM Rating: Decent
catwho wrote:

Bush: Gale Norton (JD from University of Denver)

Obama: Ken Salazar (JD from University of Michigan.)

Still lawyers, but both of these are from more modest state universities rather than Ivy Leagues. A tie.

The University Of Michigan is a much higher tier law school, as in the number one law school for the last decade. Just FYI. Not to say Gale wasn't a good lawyer, but Ken went to Michigan. The odds of him being just better are pretty good.

I'm giving this to Obama.


Bush(1): Melquiades Rafael Martinez (JD from Florida State),
Bush(2): Alphonso Jackson (JD from Washington State)
Bush(3): Steven Preston (MBA, University of Chicago)

Obama: Shaun Donovan (Double MAs: Master of Public Administration and Master of Architecture.)

Although Bush had two lawyers in this position, Obama picked someone with two very salient degrees to this particular post. Giving this one to Obama.

I can't say I agree with this, considering the Department of Housing can be filled with a lawyer, quite well, considering every lawyer is required to study Property Law, and anything a lawyer wouldn't know about HUD, he could easily research. I'm not saying Bush had better or worse picks here, it's just that HUD is an incredibly complex agency. Don't dismiss the JD holders.

I'm calling this one a tie actually.
#148 Feb 09 2010 at 5:28 PM Rating: Decent
Doesn't change the overall outcome at all, though (from one tie and one Obama to... one tie and one Obama), so, just like this post, your post contributed nothing to the thread.

Which, still, is more than either of us could say about Varus's "contributions" to the thread.
#149 Feb 09 2010 at 6:40 PM Rating: Decent
At least we understand each other.

Really, it was just a chance to nitpick on catwho.
#150 Feb 10 2010 at 6:43 AM Rating: Decent
15,952 posts
Who did a sterling job of unexpectedly carting a page full of facts into the Asylum.
#151 Feb 10 2010 at 7:23 AM Rating: Good
Aripyanfar wrote:
Who did a sterling job of unexpectedly carting a page full of facts into the Asylum.
Seriously, what the fuck is this "fact" shit doing in here? Everyone knows that a political argument is supposed to rely solely on random innuendos and things that are "obvious"!
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