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#102 Feb 08 2010 at 6:10 PM Rating: Good
4,158 posts
publiusvarus wrote:

How about not knowing how to pronounce corpsman...Of course that is a military term so I can understand why a rabid liberal wouldn't know how to properly pronounce it.


Like shooting fish in a barrel...
"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#103 Feb 08 2010 at 6:11 PM Rating: Decent
BrownDuck wrote:
bored of directors
Imagine large numbers of laughing faces here, because the unintentional pun is wonderful.
#104 Feb 08 2010 at 6:28 PM Rating: Decent
16,299 posts
"I'm telling you there's an enemy that would like to attack America, Americans, again. There just is. That's the reality of the world. And I wish him all the very best." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Jan. 12, 2009

"In terms of the economy, look, I inherited a recession, I am ending on a recession." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Jan. 12, 2009

Smiley: thumbsup
#105 Feb 08 2010 at 8:21 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
BrownDuck wrote:
So, Obama attended a junior college for two years, then transferred to Columbia University where he graduated with a B.A., majoring in political science and specializing in international relations. Not content to stop there, he attended Harvard Law School 5 years later, was elected president of the Harvard Law Review in only his second year, and graduated with a doctorate in professional law. He went on to serve as a university law professor for 12 years.

So your measurement is that he spent more time in a classroom. I don't agree that working in the academic world as opposed to the real world really makes you more prepared or qualified to be in a leadership role in politics. But at least you've told me what measurement you're using.

During that time, he served as a state senator for 8 years before becoming a U.S. senator and serving that position for 3 years...

Interesting how you stopped your discussion of Palin at her education and job(s) in journalism. Why not mention that she was elected to city council in 1992, won re-election in 1995, then ran for mayor in 1996, winning that election (and two more) and serving until 2002. Why not mention that she then ran for lt-governor in 2002, came in second but was given an appointment in which she served until she realized that the existing administration was involved in shady deals, called them out and got canned. Why not mention that she worked in a political organization for the next 3 years with a charter to help women get involved in politics? Why not then mention that she ran against the guys she'd cried foul against and won the governorship in 2006. Realize that she had to defeat her own party's incumbent governor (a pretty rare event) and then go on to beat the other party's candidate as well.

But hey! Let's just gloss over the 14 years she spent serving in various political offices, a year serving in an appointed capacity, and the 3 years she spent working in a behind the scenes capacity. Nope! None of that counts. She apparently just walked out of the "weather girl" position and into a VP run. Are you freaking kidding me?!

Look, if we're looking at on-paper experience she beats Obama hands down (at the time of the 2008 election). If you add up all the time he spent in the State Senate and the US senate, he served several fewer years than Palin did in terms of actually being in an elected position. Both of them spent time in political advisory positions. Palin is the only one of the two to serve in an appointed government position I believe (not sure if any of the foundation boards Obama sat on counted, but I don't think so).

Yeah, they're "equally" qualified, Gbaji. Keep telling yourself that.

I'm not the one ignoring information in order to make a point. Obama was less qualified than Palin in terms of numbers of years in elected office. He was less qualified in terms of numbers of years in an executive rather than legislative position. As a law professor, and with his experience in both the state and US senates, Obama was clearly more qualified for a legislative position. But Palin's experience was entirely executive. She was a city council member, then a mayor, then a state government appointee, then governor. All of those positions are executive. None of Obama's were.

It still basically comes down to you assuming he must be more qualified than she simply because he's the guy you like. Switch their resumes around, and you'd be arguing the exact opposite position. Suddenly, the black man who bucked his own party, called them out on ethical issues, and struggled and fought his way to become governor of his state would be the most qualified person in the world, and the white woman who spent most of her time in academia, hooked up with the right people and got propelled into a state legislature and then the US senate is clearly just a hanger-on with no executive experience who's always just been a yes-woman voice working with or for others and is clearly not qualified for president.

Don't you agree?
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#106 Feb 08 2010 at 8:24 PM Rating: Decent
15,512 posts
gbaji wrote:

#107 Feb 08 2010 at 8:47 PM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
Based on Palin's resume She would be as qualified to be president as any number of past presidents, as time has indicated great presidents don't need to have super qualifications. However that doesn't change the fact that she was not at all ready for it. The experience she had apparently in no way prepared her for the big leagues, and that was obvious. I imagine it has something to do with the fundamental difference of an isolated area such as Alaska. I imagine as well, that given that she wasn't prepared, hadn't thought through big picture stuff it would have been incredibly hard to be shoved into the limelight the way she was.
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#108 Feb 08 2010 at 9:11 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Hrm. Gbaji failed to present the thread where I couldn't say why Obama was qualified.

Not that I'm surprised Smiley: laugh
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#109 Feb 08 2010 at 9:12 PM Rating: Decent
16,299 posts
If I didn't already think she was a putz, my biggest concern is her seemingly inability to stick with anything. How many schools did she go to? And quitting the governor's job really seemed like she was just running away because things were tough.
#110 Feb 08 2010 at 9:26 PM Rating: Good
559 posts
This seems way too much of a setup to not be intended publicity. She can't remember her 5 talking points so she has to write them on her hand? Really? Not things like statistics but words like "taxes." She really needs to write this on her hand to remember to talk about "taxes?"

My thinking is that this was a misguided and delusional attempt to connect with the "average joe" who would probably also have to write something on his hand when making a speech. She is just a regular gal, ya know? The problem with this is that most people would not want an "average joe" running their country.

When she visited Texas to stump for Gov. Rick Perry yesterday she called Texas "Alaska's little sister state." I could not help but laugh. I'm sure a bunch of proud redneck tea-party Texans appreciate Texas being called a "little sister state."

She is a one woman wrecking crew.
#111 Feb 08 2010 at 9:32 PM Rating: Decent
300 posts
Don't worry guys. If she gets elected to be president, she'll just resign in two years!

Sorry I couldn't resist going there. Being I live in her "Home" State, I have varying views on what the hell is going on with her.

When she was Governor of Alaska. She managed to undo a lot of damage the previous Governor did to the state (Buying things the people of Alaska had turned down, dropping taxes on Oil Companies and letting them keep leases to land they kept promising to develop [At least till election year and he knew he was getting the boot, then revoked said leases], cuddling up with people who bribed legislatures, etc.) that caused a lot of problems with our economy. She did give all of us a bit extra (Known as an energy rebate) to our PFD (That's Permenant Fund Dividend for you people down in the States). which gave us a lot more to throw back into our states economy. She went after the Oil companies and helped raise Tax Rates at a much more competitive rate compared to other countries and states (Which the Oil Companies are trying to guilt trip us into lowering), and finally got the Natural Gas Pipeline into more of a reality (As opposed to 30 years of governorship promising to get one built). After a boat load of bogus ethics complaints filed (By a butthurt nobody) that did shed some light on razor thin ethical procedures which did get her slapped with a censure, she figured to get the spotlight back on helping Alaskans and resigned. Some may say it was because there were backhanded things going on with the Governor (Some of which are starting to come to light now, such as her Husband having a hand in some of the State dealing, which is no different then when Hilary was helping her husband as President, and using private e-mail to conduct state business which was not covered by Right to Know) which may be correct. But we here are appalled by the Palin we are seeing on the National stage. This is not the same woman who came out on the State scene two years ago promising to be not another Good Ole' Boy who followed the party line. This is the Typical Partyline Palin.

So I hope she doesn't run for President (I'll vote Mickey Mouse if she does) because god knows we need more people thinking we are just the Deep South up North, and we are actually normal everyday people who do know how to think and don't live in igloos and drive sled dogs all day.
#112 Feb 08 2010 at 9:51 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Sir Xsarus wrote:
Based on Palin's resume She would be as qualified to be president as any number of past presidents, as time has indicated great presidents don't need to have super qualifications.

Absolutely. But when I asked what measurement was being used to decide that Palin was less qualified than Obama, BD listed off Obama's education and political experience.

So... We are in agreement that BD's response was a poor one. Good! :)

However that doesn't change the fact that she was not at all ready for it. The experience she had apparently in no way prepared her for the big leagues, and that was obvious.

Sure. She also wasn't running for President. I said during the campaign that Obama would have been fine as a VP pick, just as I believe Palin was fine as a VP pick. My issue is that Palin gets attacked viciously, but instead of most people having the balls to admit that the attacks really are just about hating the idea of a female Conservative running for office, they have to invent other reasons which make them appear to be less overtly bigoted.

I imagine it has something to do with the fundamental difference of an isolated area such as Alaska. I imagine as well, that given that she wasn't prepared, hadn't thought through big picture stuff it would have been incredibly hard to be shoved into the limelight the way she was.

I imagine it had much much more to do with the absolutely massive liberal smear machine telling you over and over that she wasn't smart, didn't speak well, didn't understand politics, and was a small-minded hick from a backwater town before you ever heard her speak than any honest perceptions you had later. Be honest. How many things had you heard about Palin before you ever saw her speak? How negative were those things? C'mon. You can be honest. We all know the answer.

I remember watching the Craig Ferguson show months before Palin was announced. He had an interview with this interesting governor of Alaska. She seemed smart. She spoke well. She talked politics (well, to the degree that happens on his show). She jokingly made him an honorary Alaskan citizen. It was all good fun, no one knew who she was. And the crowd loved her. That was my first impression of Sarah Palin.

Does that mean she was qualified to be president? Not at all. But it does indicate to me that most people's negative perception of her had little to do with her, and a whole lot to do with a calculated PR operation designed to create exactly that negative view. My own suspicion is that the political Left cannot abide a strong woman Conservative in the national spotlight. The first VP of the country being a woman would have been unthinkable. People might have started to re-think whether the whole liberal womens movement was on the right track! I have honestly never in my life seen such vicious and personal attacks directed towards a presidential ticket candidate before. So it's not surprising that most people have such a negative view of her. What's funny is if you remove the name and just put a resume in front of most people, they'll think "yeah. This person seems quite competent". Do the same with transcripts of speeches and the response is similar (obviously depending on political position, but you wont get the same sort of derision).

It's only when you say her name or show her picture that everyone suddenly bristles and dismisses her. That's a clear sign of brand response. You're not looking at what she's doing or saying, you're immediately associating her name or image with all the negative stuff you heard. Which is why I said earlier that she's too controversial. Her political career is effectively destroyed at this point. Not through any fault of her own, but because the smear machine did its work so well. Too many people will just always have that same knee jerk reaction. No matter how unfair it may be, she's unlikely to ever get past that.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#113 Feb 08 2010 at 10:38 PM Rating: Excellent
Under any definition of qualifications, I wouldn't let Palin run so much as a Pez dispenser.

Edited, Feb 8th 2010 10:44pm by Kaelesh
#114 Feb 08 2010 at 10:50 PM Rating: Decent
4,158 posts
soulshaver wrote:

My thinking is that this was a misguided and delusional attempt to connect with the "average joe" who would probably also have to write something on his hand when making a speech.

Smiley: dubious Thats a bit of a stretch! It would have been far more effective if she'd turned up wearing a wrestling t-shirt if thatsreally the audience she's aiming at.
"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#115 Feb 08 2010 at 10:51 PM Rating: Decent
10,601 posts
Smiley: oyvey
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#116 Feb 08 2010 at 10:55 PM Rating: Good
15,512 posts
paulsol wrote:
soulshaver wrote:

My thinking is that this was a misguided and delusional attempt to connect with the "average joe" who would probably also have to write something on his hand when making a speech.

Smiley: dubious Thats a bit of a stretch! It would have been far more effective if she'd turned up wearing a wrestling t-shirt if thatsreally the audience she's aiming at.
Maybe she'll crush Obama during the presidential debates... with a monster truck!

#117 Feb 08 2010 at 11:06 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
My own suspicion is that the political Left cannot abide a strong woman Conservative in the national spotlight.

My own suspicion is that you were fed this "suspicion" by some Righty pundit because it lets you say "Oohhh... they're being sexist!!" rather than needing to acknowledge any legitimate criticisms.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#118 Feb 08 2010 at 11:16 PM Rating: Decent
I'm the elitist left. I don't like Palin because I think she's a walking joke. The only "strong conservative women" I've seen in the spotlight lately are crazy (Michelle Bachman), stupid (Palin), or an abysmal failure (Fiorina.) There are no strong conservative women because strong, intelligent, educated, bright women who can think for themselves tend to, well, be liberals.

The problem with this is that most people would not want an "average joe" running their country.

John Stewart said that much during the primaries. "I don't know about you, but I WANT someone who is better than me running the country."

I know I'd do a ****** *** job in local, state, or federal governance. So yeah, I want people who are smarter and more able than I am in those sorts of positions.
#119 Feb 08 2010 at 11:23 PM Rating: Decent
Vagina Dentata,
what a wonderful phrase
30,106 posts
Coming from rural Maine where the main community activity was hunting, Palin offends me b/c she claims to be a real hunter but shoots wolves from a helicopter or a plane like a little *****. That's not not a necessity, she's not even doing it as a sport. Any hunter worth his or her salt would frown on that kind of ********* Then she acts like she's one with the people. Palin. Jesus, she sucks.
Turin wrote:
Seriously, what the f*ck nature?
#120 Feb 09 2010 at 12:22 AM Rating: Good
gbaji wrote:
when I asked what measurement was being used to decide that Palin was less qualified than Obama, BD listed off Obama's education and political experience.

So... We are in agreement that BD's response was a poor one. Good! :)

HAHAHAHAA God you're a fucking idiot. What kind of world do you live in? Jesus fucking christ. You're not just a party parrot, you're apparently clinically retarded. Good luck with that.

Edited, Feb 9th 2010 12:27am by BrownDuck
#121 Feb 09 2010 at 12:37 AM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
BrownDuck wrote:
gbaji wrote:
when I asked what measurement was being used to decide that Palin was less qualified than Obama, BD listed off Obama's education and political experience.

So... We are in agreement that BD's response was a poor one. Good! :)

HAHAHAHAA God you're a fucking idiot. What kind of world do you live in? Jesus fucking christ. You're not just a party parrot, you're apparently clinically retarded. Good luck with that.
Yeah, I was at a loss about what he thought you missed.
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#122 Feb 09 2010 at 12:49 AM Rating: Good
Sir Xsarus wrote:
BrownDuck wrote:
gbaji wrote:
when I asked what measurement was being used to decide that Palin was less qualified than Obama, BD listed off Obama's education and political experience.

So... We are in agreement that BD's response was a poor one. Good! :)

HAHAHAHAA God you're a fucking idiot. What kind of world do you live in? Jesus fucking christ. You're not just a party parrot, you're apparently clinically retarded. Good luck with that.
Yeah, I was at a loss about what he thought you missed.

It's the equivalent of saying a doctor is less qualified to diagnose a patient than a high school biology student and then denying the doctor's medical school degree and internship as "poor qualifications". Honestly, I'm apalled at the complete lack of sense in his statement. Just when I think the stupidity threshold has leveled out, Gbaji comes alone and blows a hole in the floor.
#123 Feb 09 2010 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
soulshaver wrote:
This seems way too much of a setup to not be intended publicity. She can't remember her 5 talking points so she has to write them on her hand? Really? Not things like statistics but words like "taxes." She really needs to write this on her hand to remember to talk about "taxes?"

I think my favorite was that she had to remind herself to "lift American spirits."
#124 Feb 09 2010 at 11:11 AM Rating: Default

There are no strong conservative women because strong, intelligent, educated, bright women who can think for themselves tend to, well, be liberals.

This is such bs. You don't like Palin because she speaks for the conservative base; and attractive to boot. Are they talking points, sure. Liberals use similar talking points to push their liberal agenda. The sole reason Palin is so popular with conservatives and so hated by liberals is because she connects with average people. This is something Obama will never be able to do.

#125 Feb 09 2010 at 11:13 AM Rating: Decent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Belkira wrote:
I think my favorite was that she had to remind herself to "lift American spirits."

I admit to being a little disappointed that she didn't hold up a pack of cigarettes at that point.

She didn't, did she?

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#126 Feb 09 2010 at 11:13 AM Rating: Decent
publiusvarus wrote:
This is such bs. You don't like Palin because she speaks for the conservative base; and attractive to boot. Are they talking points, sure. Liberals use similar talking points to push their liberal agenda. The sole reason Palin is so popular with conservatives and so hated by liberals is because she connects with average people

Now now, don't sell yourself short varrus, you're not "average".

You're way lower than that.
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