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#302 Feb 01 2010 at 1:51 PM Rating: Excellent
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publiusvarus wrote:

That's it ignore the facts and attack the source. You know there are quite a few sites out there that point out Obama's obvious lies.

I especially want to see the liberals explain this one away;

After Obama told Congress that he wanted to freeze government spending last week today he will propose a record $3.83 trillion budget on Monday

Unless I'm remembering incorrectly, he did explain this. He specifically said the spending freeze would not happen immediately because the economy is still recovering, and the first priority was to create jobs, followed by controlling the budget. Hence the freeze will occur after the current programs are out of the way. He was very out-in-the open about the time line and explained exactly why he wanted to do it this way...
#303 Feb 01 2010 at 2:32 PM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
Yeah, as locke pointed out, Obama was very explicit on his spending freeze policy.

I'm still waiting for you to outline all the lies he told in his talk with the GOP. That's what we're talking about now.

I don't really care what the source for your list is, it's laughable. Protip, if you want to claim something is a lie, fucking back it up.

ie: "The bipartisan fiscal commission." -- What about this is a lie? It's not a statement or anything, it's just a commission. It hasn't even started yet, so claiming this is a lie really doesn't make sense from any angle.

Edited, Feb 1st 2010 2:36pm by Xsarus
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#304 Feb 01 2010 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
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Sir Xsarus wrote:
Yeah, as locke pointed out, Obama was very explicit on his spending freeze policy.

Then why not wait until it's actually going to happen to announce it? He's attempting to bank politically on "cutting spending" today, while not even intending to cut anything for another year, with massive spending increases between then and now, and no actual guarantee that that future spending freeze will ever materialize.

So basically, it's a worthless thing to say, isn't it? Zero value. Except to the point that some people will hear about it, not know all the details and think that he's actually doing something to keep costs down in Washington. So, maybe not a blatant lie, but pretty clearly designed from the start to be deceptive.

I'm still waiting for you to outline all the lies he told in his talk with the GOP. That's what we're talking about now.

Others may fall into that strawman, but I won't. It's not about "lies". I can't say what things he says today that he intends or does not intend at the moment he says them. It's about the number of things he apparently intended when he said them, but as time goes on and the situation changes, well... he just can't get them done.

He didn't lie when he said he'd close Gitmo. But he didn't get it done. He didn't lie when he said he's lower unemployment to 8%. But he didn't get it done. He didn't lie when he said he'd cut the deficit, but he very very clearly didn't get that done either. There is a point at which you realize that he seems willing to say anything at all, no matter how improbable it is, if he thinks it'll gain him political advantage today.

He's promising in this budget to cut the deficit from 1.3T to 700B, despite the fact that there is nothing in said budget to show how that could be done. Should we accept this at face value? Or is this going to be yet another thing he says because it sounds good when he says it, but that isn't going to happen...?

I think it's not going to happen. What about you?
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#305 Feb 01 2010 at 3:17 PM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
Yes, all very nice talking points Gbaji. What I've heard of the spending freeze came out of the state of the union and he was very clear that it wouldn't be this year. Doesn't seem deceptive at all, seems more like laying out a plan. I know you like the improv version better though.

I could go over your other points but they're so asinine and misrepresenting, that it's just not worth it. It's ironic to complain about strawmen and then throw them around like candy. At any rate, we're not talking about any of this right now.

Varus said that his talk with the GOP was full of lies, so I challenged him on it. What did you think of the talk with the GOP? Lets stay on topic slightly shall we?

Edited, Feb 1st 2010 3:33pm by Xsarus
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#306 Feb 01 2010 at 3:19 PM Rating: Good
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gbaji wrote:
Sir Xsarus wrote:
Yeah, as locke pointed out, Obama was very explicit on his spending freeze policy.

Then why not wait until it's actually going to happen to announce it? He's attempting to bank politically on "cutting spending" today, while not even intending to cut anything for another year, with massive spending increases between then and now, and no actual guarantee that that future spending freeze will ever materialize.

So basically, it's a worthless thing to say, isn't it? Zero value. Except to the point that some people will hear about it, not know all the details and think that he's actually doing something to keep costs down in Washington. So, maybe not a blatant lie, but pretty clearly designed from the start to be deceptive.

Oh, like when Republicans say they want healthcare reform, and tried to help in the process, or intend to help, or... right, like that, things they say to... how did you phrase it... "to bank politically"?

Obviously he's announcing it for political points. One of the things conservatives complain about most loudly is the spending. He addressed it. And his words will have consequences; if said freeze does not materialize, he's going to be up shit creek unless there's a damn good reason.

I swear, your mind has to do crazy flips. He's put on the table that he'll freeze spending in a year, and you complain: complain that he'll spend more first (which he also said he'd do), that he's doing it for political points (as opposed to one day just, what, saying "SURPRISE! I'm freezing all spending!"?), and that there's no guarantee (when he's put it out as a key promise and will be held accountable).

The only legitimate complaints from conservatives should be that it isn't happening sooner, which would be hard to do and would raise even more complaints, and he's spending more before it happens, which is needed for job creation (apparently). The rest of yours were just bellyaching, and even those two are flimsy.
#307 Feb 01 2010 at 3:37 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Sir Xsarus wrote:
Yes, all very nice talking points Gbaji. What I've heard of the spending freeze came out of the state of the union and he was very clear that it wouldn't be this year. Doesn't seem deceptive at all, seems more like laying out a plan.

He couldn't have been much more explicit. He stated the plan (freeze spending), when it would start (2011), why he thought it shouldn't start immediately (preserve 2010 economy) and a brief remark to harumphing Republicans ("That's how budgeting works").

Mentioning it during the SotU was entirely appropriate. The Address is a time for the President to remark on the challenges the nation faces and how he plans to address them, not only in the next eleven months but throughout his term.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#308 Feb 01 2010 at 3:50 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
LockeColeMA wrote:
Obviously he's announcing it for political points. One of the things conservatives complain about most loudly is the spending. He addressed it.

Jane says: I'm going to kick tomorrow...

And his words will have consequences; if said freeze does not materialize, he's going to be up shit creek unless there's a damn good reason.

Yes. But you and I both know that a "damn good reason" will be there if/when it doesn't happen. That's the point. We've already been down this road, haven't we?

I swear, your mind has to do crazy flips. He's put on the table that he'll freeze spending in a year, and you complain: complain that he'll spend more first (which he also said he'd do), that he's doing it for political points (as opposed to one day just, what, saying "SURPRISE! I'm freezing all spending!"?), and that there's no guarantee (when he's put it out as a key promise and will be held accountable).

Because it's obvious to anyone not wearing Obama-tinted glasses that he'll use this to smooth out the disagreement over the spending increases today, but likely never do the spending freeze he's promised tomorrow. That's the problem. He did it *exactly* so that people would make the argument you are making: That we shouldn't complain about this because he promised a spending freeze. He promised! Lol...

Want to bet that if said spending freeze never materializes that we'll still be hearing the liberals making excuses? Meanwhile, the spending increases are happening today. Here's a thought! Why not *not* do the spending increases? Wouldn't that be smarter?

The only legitimate complaints from conservatives should be that it isn't happening sooner, which would be hard to do and would raise even more complaints, and he's spending more before it happens, which is needed for job creation (apparently).

There is pretty much zero evidence that government spending has actually increased the total number of jobs out there. Why do people still buy this line? All the spending does is move jobs from the private sector to the public sector. You can't take money from one bucket and put it in another and magically make more money. It doesn't work that way.

Edited, Feb 1st 2010 1:51pm by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#309 Feb 01 2010 at 3:53 PM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
Want to bet that if said spending freeze never materializes that we'll still be hearing the liberals making excuses? Meanwhile, the spending increases are happening today. Here's a thought! Why not *not* do the spending increases? Wouldn't that be smarter?
He explained exactly why he's spending this year. Disagree with his reasons if you want, but he's not being disingenuous about it.

He did it *exactly* so that people would make the argument you are making: That we shouldn't complain about this because he promised a spending freeze. He promised! Lol...
No, he did it to explain his overall plan. People aren't complaining because they think oh well, at least he'll freeze spending next year, they're not complaining because they agree with his spending. The people who are complaining are complaining because they disagree with his spending, but at least most of them aren't making some Smiley: tinfoilhat scenario.

There is pretty much zero evidence that government spending has actually increased the total number of jobs out there. Why do people still buy this line? All the spending does is move jobs from the private sector to the public sector. You can't take money from one bucket and put it in another and magically make more money. It doesn't work that way.
Economists would beg to differ, but what do they know. I know I know, you're better at understanding fields then the people who are experts in it. How's that SCOTUS case about Obama's birth certificate coming?

Edited, Feb 1st 2010 3:59pm by Xsarus
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#310REDACTED, Posted: Feb 01 2010 at 3:57 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Locked,
#311 Feb 01 2010 at 3:58 PM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
publiusvarus wrote:
Like when he lied about the unemployment rate not going past 8%?
He was asked about that and he addressed that in his speech. Maybe you should watch/read it.
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#312REDACTED, Posted: Feb 01 2010 at 3:59 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Xarus,
#313 Feb 01 2010 at 4:02 PM Rating: Good
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I think the best part of these recent talks was when Obama was challenged on why he didn't accept a proposed GOP bill and then he proceeded to rattle off all the elements they actually incorporated. I was actually surprised at the number of GOP suggestions that have been integrated into the dems bills. Not surprising that people ignore it though, it's hard to act all victimized when you're actually being listened to.
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#314 Feb 01 2010 at 4:17 PM Rating: Decent
Edited by bsphil
21,739 posts
publiusvarus wrote:

Economists would beg to differ

No they wouldn't. Govn doesn't create wealth/jobs despite what the chosen one thinks.
The government doesn't create jobs? That's a stupider than average comment for you to say.
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
If no one debated with me, then I wouldn't post here anymore.
Take the hint guys, please take the hint.
gbaji wrote:
I'm not getting my news from anywhere Joph.
#315REDACTED, Posted: Feb 01 2010 at 4:34 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Joph,
#316REDACTED, Posted: Feb 01 2010 at 4:35 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) bsphil,
#317 Feb 01 2010 at 4:40 PM Rating: Excellent
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"If we allowed the meltdown of the financial system, unemployment might be double what it is today".

This is f*cking lie. That's like saying if I hadn't done this then life for everyone would be much worse. There's no way to prove what he's saying and that's just the way he wants it.

The only phenomenon we have to compare it with is the Crash of '29 which led to the Great Depression.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#318REDACTED, Posted: Feb 01 2010 at 4:50 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Samy,
#319 Feb 01 2010 at 4:53 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
I assume that's the comparison he was making. Certainly the assumption in 1929 was that the economy would right itself, and we know that unemployment did reach 25% for several months in the 30's.

What model would you use?

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#320 Feb 01 2010 at 5:07 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
publiusvarus wrote:
If a spending freeze would stimulate the economy

He didn't say that.

or how about his lie that he cut taxes for 95% of americans;

How about it? Do you have counter evidence?

or how about his lie that people can keep their current insurance plan and doctor? Guess he forgot to mention if you have a "cadilac" plan get ready for a rate increase.

Which is different than losing it.

Obama also said "That's why we've excluded lobbyists from policymaking jobs, or seats on federal boards and commissions"

If you read his Q&A then you already heard him address this.

Was that all you had?
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#321 Feb 01 2010 at 5:09 PM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
publiusvarus wrote:
If a spending freeze would stimulate the economy in 2011 why wait?
A spending freeze doesn't stimulate the economy. That's sort of the point.

publiusvarus wrote:
or how about his lie that he cut taxes for 95% of working americans
not a lie, sorry, he actually did this.

publiusvarus wrote:
Obama also said "That's why we've excluded lobbyists from policymaking jobs, or seats on federal boards and commissions"
Yeah, he addressed that. He didn't kick out existing lobbyists that were on contract, but simply replaced ones whose contract has expired. There are occaisional exceptions for specifically qualified people, but he has the lowest number of lobbyists of any administration, and that number will only go down.

Jophiel wrote:
or how about his lie that he cut taxes for 95% of americans;

How about it? Do you have counter evidence?
If he does it would be false

Edited, Feb 1st 2010 5:12pm by Xsarus
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#322 Feb 01 2010 at 5:18 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
That says 94.3% of Americans! ZOMGBBQ OBAMA LIDEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#323 Feb 01 2010 at 6:35 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
Sir Xsarus wrote:
He explained exactly why he's spending this year. Disagree with his reasons if you want, but he's not being disingenuous about it.

Then why mention the spending freeze? Are you seriously trying to argue that the inclusion of this proposed freeze for next year wasn't intended to soften resistance to the spending increases he's proposing this year? It's like all the other appeals to the right he's done. They're largely empty gestures designed to be "on paper" what the Right wants, but isn't actually what they want, but allows the folks on the left to tell the folks on the right to shut up because you got what you wanted...

Um... If the folks on the right are looking at this with skepticism and complaining about it, it's because it's *not* what we want. And no amount of others insisting it should be will make it so. This is just like the so called "Obama tax cuts", which while technically tax cuts, were not the sort of cuts which conservatives view as useful. There too, we were told we should be happy because Obama "cut taxes". Um... No. I don't think so.

No, he did it to explain his overall plan.

Yes. Which allows him to sell the two as one package, thus making it easier for him to get the spending increases he's asking for. What part of that don't you understand?

People aren't complaining because they think oh well, at least he'll freeze spending next year, they're not complaining because they agree with his spending. The people who are complaining are complaining because they disagree with his spending, but at least most of them aren't making some scenario.

Er? We're complaining about that. But we're *also* complaining that he seems to be using the promise of a spending freeze to buy support for a spending increase today. What part of that is confusing to you?

Economists would beg to differ, but what do they know.

Really? You know that for a fact? Or you just assume it is true? I can quote a lot of economists who will support my statement *and* mine makes more sense. Feel free to show me evidence beyond political punditry that government spending actually creates more jobs than it costs.

And I mean "real jobs", not the bogus numbers the Obama administration keeps tossing around. Hiring 10 people for 4 hours a day for 2 weeks doesn't count as ten jobs.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#324 Feb 01 2010 at 7:24 PM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
Um... If the folks on the right are looking at this with skepticism and complaining about it, it's because it's *not* what we want. And no amount of others insisting it should be will make it so. This is just like the so called "Obama tax cuts", which while technically tax cuts, were not the sort of cuts which conservatives view as useful. There too, we were told we should be happy because Obama "cut taxes". Um... No. I don't think so.
I know I know, only tax cuts for the rich count. ***** those everyday Americans.

Yes. Which allows him to sell the two as one package, thus making it easier for him to get the spending increases he's asking for. What part of that don't you understand?
I'm not sure how to respond to this. Yes, of course? That's how politics works? Compromise so you can get votes to pass ****? However there are a lot of people in the democratic side who want more spending, so it's not like it's a one sided thing.

Your post is hilarious because it illustrates your need to disagree with everything. You're pretty much agreeing with me on substance of what obama said, but saying it in a disagreeing sort of way because you're taking a negative manipulative slant and interpreting everything as being evil. That's fine, I know that you hate Obama. Democracy is a state of compromise. Obama is trying to compromise the need to control the deficit and spending in general with a need to stimulate the economy and create jobs. Now you disagree with the methods he's using to do this, fine. However he's not being disingenuous about it. The state of the Union is about laying out your plan for the coming year(s). Obama sees a need to control spending and so announces it. It would be retarded not to, both because it does gain support with people who are worried about increased spending, and because it's part of the plan. I've never said that it doesn't gain political currency, and smart politicians try to appeal to many people. You're insisting it's just some manipulative scheme which he has no intention of going through with, which is just silly. He's on record saying it, and saying it definitively. That's something that will bite him hard if he doesn't follow through.

This is what I find so absurd about so much of the talking points. It's always either or, which doesn't reflect reality at all. If the dems come to the table with a bill, and the GOP doesn't like it, proposing a new bill and insisting it be accepted completely or they'll block whatever comes down the pipe is absurd, and isn't how democracy works. What actually should happen is that there is a negotiation and parts of the Bill are added and taken away to form a compromise. The group that has the majority will likely come away with most of the concessions, but again, that's how it's supposed to be.

Edited, Feb 1st 2010 7:53pm by Xsarus
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#325 Feb 01 2010 at 8:27 PM Rating: Default
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Sir Xsarus wrote:
I know I know, only tax cuts for the rich count. ***** those everyday Americans.

Way to go with the rhetoric! ;)

How about "tax cuts on the portions of the economy which are primarily responsible for creating the most jobs, innovation, and standard of living increases for society as a whole". Those are the taxes we want to see lowered. That they happen to also fit into your semantic definition of "the rich" doesn't change the very real effect those taxes have on everyone else.

Obama's "tax cuts" consisted of tax cuts for portions of the economy which don't currently pay any taxes. That's not a "tax cut", unless taxes can be counted in negative numbers. See. When taxes are negative, that's a payout or a benefit. Obama just used some math tricks to label increased spending programs as tax cuts. And then folks like you insisted that conservatives shouldn't cry foul...


I'm not sure how to respond to this. Yes, of course? That's how politics works? Compromise so you can get votes to pass sh*t?

Sure. Three points:

1. If you are compromising on an issue, you don't get to pretend that said issue is something you really supported all along.

2. If the thing you are compromising on isn't really what the other guy wants, you aren't really compromising.

2. If the thing you want happens now, and the thing you promise to do in return never happens, it's also not really a compromise either...

You're pretty much agreeing with me on substance of what obama said, but saying it in a disagreeing sort of way because you're taking a negative manipulative slant and interpreting everything as being evil.

I agree that Obama has proposed a spending freeze. What I *don't* agree on is the relevance of said spending freeze, the degree to which said spending freeze justifies or balances out his proposed spending increases this year, and finally whether or not said spending freeze will actually happen when the time comes.

It's not about what he said. It's not about the words themselves. It's about the meaning and importance of the promise he's making. If you and I are arguing about what to have for dinner and I like meat, while you are a vegan, it would be absurd for me to propose a compromise in which tonight we eat veal but tomorrow night we'll have chicken salad. But it's salad, right! That's a compromise you should accept because it's got some leafy greens in it, right? Why are you complaining? Jeez!

See how silly that is? That's what your argument is like. You're insisting that I should be happy with Obama's proposals because they seem quite reasonable to you. Um... It's not a real compromise unless they seem reasonable to both sides.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#326 Feb 01 2010 at 8:38 PM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
Way to go with the rhetoric! ;)
Smiley: grin

Still, you're not being fair, the actual tax numbers show that 95% or working Americans paid less taxes. That's what the statement was about, and it's true. That money will likely go directly into the consumer market. You're also saying that spending is being claimed as taxes, I understand the point you're making, however I haven't seen it. That tax cuts I've heard them trumpeting are actually tax cuts and not some hidden social program.

Gbaji wrote:
Xsarus wrote:
I'm not sure how to respond to this. Yes, of course? That's how politics works? Compromise so you can get votes to pass sh*t?

Sure. Three points:

1. If you are compromising on an issue, you don't get to pretend that said issue is something you really supported all along.

2. If the thing you are compromising on isn't really what the other guy wants, you aren't really compromising.

3. If the thing you want happens now, and the thing you promise to do in return never happens, it's also not really a compromise either...

1) I don't really understand your point here. Are you saying if I really want A to pass, but am willing to compromise with C because I feel B still captures my essential goals, that I never supported A to begin with? That seems like a bizarre way to look at it, and I'd have to emphatically disagree. You can care about an issue and still realize a need for compromise, in fact, you have to.

2) Not entirely sure what you mean by this, but If you're saying that A wants to compromise with C and randomly picks 5, then it's isn't a compromise, sure. It also then has no bearing on the case at hand.

3) This is really the foundation of your position, and while I see your point, I don't think it's justified in this case. Here's how it can play out. Either Obama is not being disingenuous, at which point it is a compromise, (or in fact just part of his balanced plan), or as you insist he's misleading everyone, at which point the backlash hits him really hard and the GOP will gain a lot anyway, and so it is a political compromise. Now I prefer actual compromise rather then the political games, but neither scenario is a loss.

Edited, Feb 1st 2010 8:53pm by Xsarus
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