1. I never got to meet Smash in real life
2. I didn't get to hear Samira's legendarily smoochy voice (Meeting Sammy in Real Life would be overload for this humble soul)
3. I never got to forearm-smash vairus in the adam's apple
4. I never got to take Darqflame and. . . oh. wait.
5. I never got to give Sogoro a knuckle-rub to the scalp in an Uncly way
6. I never genuinely tested DSD's fidelity to Mr DSD (OK I know I'd need major reconstructive surgery to compete)
7. I never got to meet Moe and ToUtem to just sit quietly with a cold beer and enjoy the moment without need for words.
8. I have still yet to get banninated
9. I would go to my grave never knowing my rating score
10. I read several of gbaji's posts
So if today were your last day alive, what is your Asylum regret?