I gave him a D-, mainly because he didn't actually cause the entire country to collapse into chaos (yet). He's broken nearly every promise he made during the campaign (it's interesting and telling that most Libs think the opposite, which only highlights the "mixed perceptions" argument I've made in the past). He's telegraphed to sponsors of terror that he's not going to go after them, but merely arrest and try the dupes they send to commit attacks, leading to more planned attacks on our nation (predictably, but there you have it). He's followed and compounded upon a potentially disastrous economic policy, using it to put his people into positions of power in industry rather than to actually fix the problems themselves. He promised us the most open and transparent administration ever, yet so far appears to be running the most secretive and evasive one since Nixon (and he might just be edging him out on that score).
I'll acknowledge that as many of the problems going on are caused by nuts in the Congress, but he presented himself to the voters as a moderate who wouldn't do crazy things, but instead of moderating the more radical forces in Congress, he seems to be egging them on. His cabinet is almost a who's who list of US socialists and nutters. He's managed to bungle virtually every single major trip he's taken, and every single issue that has come across his desk. I can't think of a single important event which he handled "well". European trip? Failure. Middle East? Failure. Asia? Absolutely horrific failure. Havard professor going nuts? Failure. Terror attack? Failure.
While technically his promise to close Gitmo by the end of the year is a failure, it's something I think he shouldn't do, so that's kind of a wash. I think that health care, whether it succeeds or fails (and I mean, passes or not, it's a failure by design already) will hang around his neck for the rest of his administration. At this point, there is no "win" for him or his party. The best they can hope for is to get some mangled thing passed and hope to spend the next 20 years fixing it. No one's going to be happy except maybe the far left socialists who will cheer the increased government control.
Um. Yeah. Just shy of an F.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please