While the entire Western world may want to see al-Qaeda annihilated, I feel it necessary to point out that al-Qaeda is not, strictly speaking, part of the Western world. Neither is most of the Middle East. In fact, most of the Middle East hates "the Western world", and with pretty good reason considering that they were bent over a table and viciously gang-raped by most of the Western world for nigh on a century.
And it's for that reason I think it's in the USA's best interests to let other people kill Al Quaeda for us. Hell, we're capitalists, I bet we can find someone else who can get it done for less. I hear Dubai needs $.
Assuming that your goal here is to eliminate Al Qaeda, what military force do you suggest to do the job instead of the US?
I'd love to see more Middle Eastern countries lending forces and/or resources. Ideally Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Turkey, & Pakistan.
What other nation has the power and motive? And if you suggest that other countries should pitch in more than token forces, you run into some relatively large tactical and political barriers.
Divide Afghanistan into sections akin to Germany post WW II (but no commies this time!) & assign different countries to secure each section. Push Al Qaeda from Afghanistan towards Pakistan while having the Pakistanis push AL Qaeda towards the border.
Carpet bomb the lot of em' & call it a day.
I'm usually pretty anti-war, but I really feel that as long as Bin Laden can keep running around mouthing off he's got a chance to at the very least inspire another 9/11 attack. Until he's killed or captured & Al Qaeda's balls are cut off, this war which they started in 2001 isn't over.
"The Rich are there to take all of the money & pay none of the taxes, the middle class is there to do all the work and pay all the taxes, and the poor are there to scare the crap out of the middle class." -George Carlin