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It's Friday!Follow

#1 Nov 19 2009 at 6:46 AM Rating: Excellent
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
No, it's not. But I woke up believing it was so I'm gonna roll with it.

This has been a pretty good week. We found out we are having another boy come April. :)

This weekend will involve looking for a new car, birthday party for one of the kids' friends, yard work and hopefully a trip to the gym for me. I have been a lazy bum all week.

What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#2 Nov 19 2009 at 7:14 AM Rating: Good
3,212 posts
Thursday is the new Friday. All part of the Islamic social fascists who now run this country. Or is it the new Saturday since the Muslim holy day of worship is Friday? Oh no its a Zionist conspiracy to confuse all!!!

Huzza for the baby boy. Time for me to go to work.

I have Friday off, will clean up, do laundry work on bathroom.

Saturday and Sunday is work, eq, and tv. As well as the usual cooking and minor chores.

#3 Nov 19 2009 at 7:47 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Well, made plans for the weekend just to have them dashed by a friend who made plans with her boyfriend after, so, yeah, SOL on that front.

UF away game, I believe the second-to-last, so I'll likely be watching that. I need a haircut. Mostly trying to focus on going to MA next week for Thanksgiving and my HS reunion! Maybe working out? I want to hang out with my housemates if they're up to something; I should check. I'm tired of not having any social interaction on the weekends.
#4 Nov 19 2009 at 8:49 AM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
Today is my Tuesday. So bah.

No plans yet. Working all weekend. Possibly buying some more grub to cook next week (we're not going anywhere for Thanksgiving this year, going to stay home and do it ourselves). Maybe drag out some Christmas decorations.

Or maybe I'll just sit on the couch or play EQ2 in any free time I have.
#5 Nov 19 2009 at 9:39 AM Rating: Good
Lunch with the husband, either at the Italian place or the pan-Asian place, depending on whether he qualifies for a discount at the Italian place (one day educator's discount only, but he teaches college.)

I also need to call banks and ask about mortgages. Fun fun.

Congrats on the baby!
#6 Nov 19 2009 at 9:43 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Tare wrote:
We found out we are having another boy come April. :)

Hooray! What names are you kicking around for him?

Okay, I know you're all interested in the ongoing saga of kittendom.

My friend induced me to go with her to the pet store that allows her shelter group to adopt cats out. Glass room, seven big cages. The female cat she'd picked out for me had been adopted the night before, so I got to meet her before she was whisked away.

The other cat she'd picked out was still there, and still freaked out. He's very cool looking, in an odd way. He's completely beige. You can barely see a faint pattern of stripes on the top of his head and the tip of his tail; otherwise his only marking is the gradual shading of color from a light cinnamon on his back to a champagne color on his belly. Yellow eyes. One extra toe per foot. Super soft short fur.

So there was also this kitten.... 6-8 months old, looks like a wild African plains cat of some sort - dappled with spots and stripes, brown on tan. He still has that fuzzy kitten fur, so it's hard to say what texture his fur will be when he's grown. He's slinky-skinny with huge ears.

At this point they're in the approach-avoid stage. They follow me around from a safe distance. They cry for attention but run away when I get too close.

This morning the beige one, who I'm mentally calling Babbitt because of the beige factor, was sitting in the bathtub. I found him sitting in the kitchen sink earlier in the week, so I'm thinking he just likes the feel of porcelain on his butt. Anyway he let me sit on the side of the tub and pet him for a long time, and even approached for more rubs when I stopped.

The kitten, or "Kittenface" as I'm calling him for now, followed me around crying and skittering away.

Neurotic cats. Smiley: oyvey

On the other hand they've been hauled around from shelter to shelter, and Babbitt at least was rescued from death row; so I'm willing to give them a few weeks before I judge them too harshly. They're eating and using the litter box, so that's good enough for now.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#7 Nov 19 2009 at 10:05 AM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Today is my wife's birthday! I have the day off of work. She woke up early; Thom and I slept in late.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#8 Nov 19 2009 at 10:15 AM Rating: Good
Samira wrote:
Hooray! What names are you kicking around for him?

Okay, I know you're all interested in the ongoing saga of kittendom.

My friend induced me to go with her to the pet store that allows her shelter group to adopt cats out. Glass room, seven big cages. The female cat she'd picked out for me had been adopted the night before, so I got to meet her before she was whisked away.

The other cat she'd picked out was still there, and still freaked out. He's very cool looking, in an odd way. He's completely beige. You can barely see a faint pattern of stripes on the top of his head and the tip of his tail; otherwise his only marking is the gradual shading of color from a light cinnamon on his back to a champagne color on his belly. Yellow eyes. One extra toe per foot. Super soft short fur.

So there was also this kitten.... 6-8 months old, looks like a wild African plains cat of some sort - dappled with spots and stripes, brown on tan. He still has that fuzzy kitten fur, so it's hard to say what texture his fur will be when he's grown. He's slinky-skinny with huge ears.

At this point they're in the approach-avoid stage. They follow me around from a safe distance. They cry for attention but run away when I get too close.

This morning the beige one, who I'm mentally calling Babbitt because of the beige factor, was sitting in the bathtub. I found him sitting in the kitchen sink earlier in the week, so I'm thinking he just likes the feel of porcelain on his butt. Anyway he let me sit on the side of the tub and pet him for a long time, and even approached for more rubs when I stopped.

The kitten, or "Kittenface" as I'm calling him for now, followed me around crying and skittering away.

Neurotic cats. Smiley: oyvey

On the other hand they've been hauled around from shelter to shelter, and Babbitt at least was rescued from death row; so I'm willing to give them a few weeks before I judge them too harshly. They're eating and using the litter box, so that's good enough for now.

Sooooooo cuuuuuuuuuuuute.

I want another kitten now. Ernesto is doing great, by the way. He's just finished reading Das Catipal and is now working on Miaow Zedong, Greatest Hits.
My politics blog and stuff - Refractory
#9 Nov 19 2009 at 10:52 AM Rating: Good
14,454 posts
Yay for boys and kittens!!!!
So ugh! My family can not stop being sick. I think someones been sick in our house for about 2 months straight now. Ahse and Sickabilly woke up this morning feeling off and now Ashe has a fever. Im still battling an ear infection with Soren. I've yet to succumb to any illness thus far (and hope to continue), but if I fall now I can at least say I had a damn good run!

This is Xaviers final full week of school so Im milking it for all it's worth. Next week he has 2 1/2 days of school, then off until (gulp) January 4th. So this weekend I have to start a list on things to keep us occupied and out of the house (and busy enough so we dont kill one another).
I've also got a surprise baby shower for a friend who may go into labor beforehand (5 weeks early and the Drs are saying any day now). Shes a fellow gamer so I got her a little onesie that says NOOB on it Smiley: grin
#10 Nov 19 2009 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
The hours not spent working will be spent playing the hell out of Assassin's Creed 2 and trying to convince my cat that toes are not food.
#11 Nov 19 2009 at 11:27 AM Rating: Good
Soulless Internet Tiger
35,474 posts
Friday off so running errands/house work, Saturday working, sunday-carpet cleaning, Monday off and getting fat.
Donate. One day it could be your family.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

#12 Nov 19 2009 at 11:31 AM Rating: Good
13,240 posts
This weekend? Likely work, work and more work.

Just as Planned.
#13 Nov 19 2009 at 11:36 AM Rating: Good
13,007 posts
When it actually is Friday, I'm looking forward to a full 9 days out of school. Smiley: thumbsup
#14 Nov 19 2009 at 11:37 AM Rating: Good
Timelordwho wrote:
This weekend? Likely work, work and more work.


Whaaat? No time for play?


Edited, Nov 19th 2009 5:48pm by Kavekk
#15 Nov 19 2009 at 11:45 AM Rating: Good
10,802 posts
I'm still taking it easy from the swine flu. I still have the cough, but I can tell the congestion is finally breaking up. But my coughing fits were so bad that I strained the muscles on my right side and it is agony to breathe, cough, sneeze.

Friday: Rest
Saturday: Light housework, grocery shopping and then rest
Sunday: Rest

#16 Nov 19 2009 at 12:02 PM Rating: Good
3,053 posts
I'm hoping to pick up my computer tomorrow and then spend all weekend playing with the settings and see how much the on board video will handle. I won't be able to get new video card for a month or two, so may just end up playing a lot of solitaire on it.
In the place of a Dark Lord you would have a Queen! Not dark but beautiful and terrible as the Morn! Treacherous as the Seas! Stronger than the foundations of the Earth! All shall love me and despair! -ElneClare

This Post is written in Elnese, If it was an actual Post, it would make sense.
#17 Nov 19 2009 at 1:23 PM Rating: Good
2,813 posts
We're heading out to central CA on Saturday to have a second wedding reception with my new in-laws and their friends, and we're staying out there through Thanksgiving week. If the weather's nice, we might head up to Yosemite for a day and do some hiking.

The weekend after we get back, we have tickets to see the Video Game Orchestra at the Berklee Performance Center, which is going to be all kinds of awesome.

Congrats on the boy, Tare!
#18 Nov 19 2009 at 10:18 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Congo rats Tare! have you picked out a name yet? Xebroniauax, Destroyer of Worlds is still available!

This week has been pretty surreal so far. Started out the beginning of it with a pretty bad migraine. eventually had to go in for migraine shots Tuesday, that didn't take, so they gave me a morphine shot, which killed the migraine, but i haven't got my breath back ever since. That side effect is supposed to go away soon though.

Then today I find out my Dad, who is retired but works as a consultant, has been cut back to 1 day a week until "the economy improves" which really, really sucks. So I dunno whats going to happen there.

We had a bizarre situation at other work. For about a month now, we have been dealing with mysterious reports of e-mails dissappearing without a trace from 2 or 3 inboxes. Exchange server, fully patched, decent security, etc. It looked like someone was deleting the e-mails and various calendar events, and then deleting the deleted files to cover their tracks. So we ramped up security, made password lock enable after 5 minutes of mouse inactivity, etc. Still keeps happening. Finally someone thinks to check the webmail logs, and bam! turns out one of the employees of a consultant at that project office somehow got 4 people;s account information, and was literally logging in to their accounts from his home address to delete their meeting reminders and important e-mails, so he could save the day and make himself look better by being the only one to remember any of the meetings and ths be the only one who would either show up or have the documents ready.

Annnyways, long story short, we finally tracked it to his cable modem, he gets confronted about it, he confesses the whole thing. Turns out he had been doing it for about a year, just never got caught before at all by anyone. And somehow he got the password each mandatory reset period. He was hitting 2 of his supervisors and one subordinate, and apperently wasn't trying to get them fired, just was trying to look good by comparison or some such strangeness.

Needless to say, he doesn't work at the project anymore...

Oh, and all my crown moulding is hung.
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#19 Nov 19 2009 at 11:21 PM Rating: Good
13,240 posts
Whaaat? No time for play?


Lets not get hasty, work only takes like 14/24 hrs. There's still lots of time!
Just as Planned.
#20 Nov 20 2009 at 8:16 AM Rating: Decent
9,395 posts
Workin', and cleanin'. That's my weekend.
10k before the site's inevitable death or bust

The World Is Not A Cold Dead Place.
Alan Watts wrote:
I am omnipotent insofar as I am the Universe, but I am not an omnipotent in the role of Alan Watts, only cunning

Eske wrote:
I've always read Driftwood as the straight man in varus' double act. It helps if you read all of his posts in the voice of Droopy Dog.
#21 Nov 20 2009 at 8:30 AM Rating: Good
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
[It's Friday!]Yay!

It's raining like a son-of-a-gun here right now.

I got a buddy who's family owns some cranberry bogs down in MA. He brought me a big ol bad of bog-fresh berries yesterday. I'm gonna try my hand at cranberry wine creation this weekend.

Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#22 Nov 22 2009 at 1:22 PM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
Gratzies Tare!!!

Sorry I am late to the party, my Friday was actually Wednesday. I went out of town for a few days.

Spent this weekend preparing the house for my new roomy, who will be here for the next six months. I need to start getting some bills paid off and saving some $ for a life changing event in the next year and she and her son needed a place to stay.

Today, resting and more cleaning.

Leaving town again on Tues, prob won't see you guys until the following Sunday, except for a few pop ins now and then.

Good job Kao!!!

#23 Nov 22 2009 at 1:39 PM Rating: Good
3,053 posts
Congrats on the Ding DF Smiley: yippee
In the place of a Dark Lord you would have a Queen! Not dark but beautiful and terrible as the Morn! Treacherous as the Seas! Stronger than the foundations of the Earth! All shall love me and despair! -ElneClare

This Post is written in Elnese, If it was an actual Post, it would make sense.
#24 Nov 22 2009 at 3:48 PM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
Thanks Elne

*whispers: it was actually some time ago, a programmer perma locked my count

#25 Nov 22 2009 at 4:44 PM Rating: Good
My weekend has been focused on studying for my exams that start December 2nd.

Yep, life sucks atm...just waiting for it all to be over...
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#26 Nov 23 2009 at 7:50 AM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
Nightsintdreams wrote:
My weekend has been focused on studying for my exams that start December 2nd.

Yep, life sucks atm...just waiting for it all to be over...

Good luck Nights!!!

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